
Displaying items 8,221 to 8,240 of 10,857
  1. Selected records from the State Archives of the Republic of Cyprus related to the Jewish emigration

    Selected records of the British colonial administration of Cyprus related to the Jewish legal and illegal emigration to Cyprus, internment camps for Jews who had immigrated or attempted to immigrate to Mandatory Palestine in violation of British policy as well as other matters related to Jews, Polish and other refugees in Cyprus before, during and immediately after WWII. Includes passenger’s lists divided by particular SS ships (1934); a list of illegal Jewish emigrants on board of the Bulgarian SS Rudnichar (1940); registers and correspondence relating to acquisition of properties in Cypru...

  2. Hecht family collection

    The collection documents the prewar, wartime, and postwar experiences of Arthur Hecht and his family, who primarily lived in Hörstein, Germany prior to WWII. Documents include birth and death certificates, a naturalization certificate, military discharge papers, a track award, and a 1946 clipping documenting Arthur’s reunification with his parents after their immigration to the United States. Original and copy print photographs include depictions of pre-war family life in Germany and life in the United States after immigrating, including Arthur’s time in the military.

  3. "Nazzi War Criminals on Trial, November 1945 - October 1946, Court of History, the last Fashist defense line"

    Consists of a scrapbook compiled by Avraham Tory, which contains caricature sketches (with captions) of the defendants at the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg, Germany. According to Tory, the sketches were drawn by "a famous Russian cartoonist."

  4. Records of the Kommandeur der Gendarmerie Lublin (Syg. 156)

    Consists of orders, reports, name lists, and various other documents relating to the activities of the Gendarmerie (rural military police) in and around Lublin, Poland, from 1939 to 1944. Includes information about the structure of the police force; daily orders given to gendarmerie personnel; weapons and ammunition for gendarmerie personnel; cooperation with the SS and Gestapo; living quarters and provisions for gendarmerie personnel; handling of prisoners of war; combatting partisans; and transportation (motor cycles and cars) for gendarmerie personnel.

  5. Anti-Dreyfus journal cover about Jews conspiring with the German Army

    1. Katz Ehrenthal collection
    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn539571
    • English
    • a: Height: 15.875 inches (40.323 cm) | Width: 11.000 inches (27.94 cm) b.: Height: 15.875 inches (40.323 cm) | Width: 11.000 inches (27.94 cm)

    Cover of Psst...!, an antisemitic, anti-Dreyfus satirical journal founded in 1898 by Caran d'Ache, at the height of the Dreyfus Affair. This cover from August 19, 1899, directs the satires and incites outrage at the treasonous links between Zola, Jews, and the German military supposedly exposed by the scandal. Caran D'Ache was the pen name of Emanuel Poire, a Russian born cartoonist who achieved renown in France with his antisemitic, anti-Dreyfus Lundi [Monday] cartoons in the newspaper Le Figaro. This political scandal revolving around antisemitism inflamed late 19th century France. Dreyfu...

  6. Advertisment for Der Sturmer, the vicious anti-Jewish newspaper

    1. Katz Ehrenthal collection

    Advertising sheet for Der Stürmer, a viciously anti-Jewish newspaper published by Julius Streicher, an early Nazi Party member, from 1923-1945 in Germany. The hadnbill features a cartoon of a stereotypical "livestock Jew" with a big nose, hooded eyes, and fleshy lips by Fips. It uses one of the newspaper's slogans: "Without a solution to the Jewish question, there is no salvation for mankind!" to attract customers. In closing, it promotes the paper as a way to learn about Jewish racial laws, and that, per the paper's main slogan: the Jews are our misfortune. Der Stürmer thrived on scandal, ...

  7. Nazi atrocities; Nuremberg Trial proceedings

    Reel 6: 1933 boycott of Jewish shops in Berlin, storefronts defaced, chanting crowd and SA men (scenes may be longer than usual with an additional chant). Nazi speaking. "Jude" painted on window. 05:48:03 Goering reading document to crowd, Nazi elite in FG (speech translated to English). 05:48:25 Round-ups, confusion, women and men pushed through Nazi crowd. Soft focus amateur footage of Lvov attack on Jews: unclothed women driven past, old man lying on ground, more naked women, hands up, terrified, women clutch own necks, women dragged by hair on ground. 05:48:51 Courtroom scene, prosecuti...

  8. UNRRA selected records AG-018-016 : Czechoslovakia Mission

    Consists of correspondence, reports, transport lists, and forms of individual case of repatriated persons. Records relate to repatriation of Chinese nationals, Czechoslovakian, German and Polish Jews, Poles, Greek nationals, and unaccompanied children. Contains correspondence, reports, transport lists, and individual cases of repatriated German Jews.

  9. Association of former Participants of the Fight for Freedom of Spain (Dąbrowszczaków Association) Związek byłych Uczestników Walk o Wolność Hiszpanii (Związek Dąbrowszczaków) (Sygn. 1485)

    Records of the Związek Dąbrowszczaków (Association "Dąbrowszczaków" related to participation of Polish people in the civil war in Spain, 1936-1939. Includes reports, statutes, correspondence, minutes, financial books, and poems, list of members and their families, personal files of participants of the civil war in Spain, photographs, ID cards and other documents. Many of the fighters were Polish citizens of Jewish origin.

  10. Wedding of Red Orchestra resistance members

    January 25, 1941 wedding of Günther Weisenborn and Margarethe (Joy) Schnable in Berlin. Günther and Joy belonged to the important German resistance group labeled "Rote Kapelle" [Red Orchestra] by the Gestapo. Both were later arrested and survived only with great fortune. Resistance members pictured in the film include Harro Schulze-Boysen and his wife Libertas, the actress Marta Husemann, and famous publisher Ernst Rowohlt. The film opens with a hand-drawn title: “Hochzeit in Schoeneberg”. Horse-drawn carriage with driver. Günther and Joy seated. Berlin street scenes - street cars, tall bui...

  11. Discovering the "Final Solution" panel and Press Conference

    1. 1981 International Liberators Conference collection

    Final session of conference, 'Discovering the Final Solution,' concludes with panel discussion moderated by Marvin Kalb. Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Vassily Petrenko, speaking during discussion. Brief overlap with Film ID 2656, then continuation of discussion of Soviet Army and liberation of Auschwitz. Wolfe confirms the rapid Soviet advance in southern Poland, and capture of documentation Kalb asks why the railroad lines weren't bombed. Wolfe replies, but defers to Raul Hilberg, "sitting in the room." Pehle speaks of writing a strong letter to John McCloy. Kalb asks Jan Karski to tell of his meeting w...

  12. Discovering the "Final Solution" panel

    1. 1981 International Liberators Conference collection

    Final session of conference, 'Discovering the Final Solution,' concludes with panel discussion moderated by Marvin Kalb. Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Vassily Petrenko, speaking during discussion. Brief overlap with Film ID 2656, then continuation of discussion of Soviet Army and liberation of Auschwitz. Wolfe confirms the rapid Soviet advance in southern Poland, and capture of documentation Kalb asks why the railroad lines weren't bombed. Wolfe replies, but defers to Raul Hilberg, "sitting in the room." Pehle speaks of writing a strong letter to John McCloy. Kalb asks Jan Karski to tell of his meeting w...

  13. Eyewitnesses and War Correspondents at Plenary

    1. 1981 International Liberators Conference collection

    Continuation of Plenary Session from Film ID 2640 with Alan Rose, then cuts off. 10:46:14 Eyewitness testimony. Rabbi Herschel Schacter, Jewish Army Chaplain in 8th Corps of 3rd Army. Can't fathom enormity of tragedy. 10:47:54 April 11, 1945 learned tanks entered Buchenwald and went there. Dungeon on face of earth. 10:49:14 Photos (crematorium) passed around, delegates listening. Describes what he saw. Never forget scene, no words to describe it. Still smoke from ovens, furnaces were hot, hundreds of dead bodies scattered. He felt inner rage. 10:51:04 Asks lieutenant are there any Jews left...

  14. Plenary Session and Eyewitness panel

    1. 1981 International Liberators Conference collection

    10:44:21 Continuation of Plenary Session from Film ID 2641 with Alan Rose. The mark left on the liberators and survivors, as well as mankind, as a result of the Holocaust. 10:46:14 Eyewitness testimony. Rabbi Herschel Schacter, Jewish Army Chaplain in 8th Corps of 3rd Army. Can't fathom enormity of tragedy. 10:47:54 April 11, 1945 learned tanks entered Buchenwald and went there. Dungeon on face of earth. 10:49:14 Photos (crematorium) passed around, delegates listening. Describes what he saw. Never forget scene, no words to describe it. Still smoke from ovens, furnaces were hot, hundreds of ...

  15. Reich Ministry for Economics, Berlin Reichwirtschaftministerium, Berlin (Fond 1458)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Contains various records of the Reich Ministry for Economics: Circulars, orders, decrees and correspondence relating to restrict the rights of Jews in Germany and German occupied territories (including the Soviet Union, the Baltic republics, and Belorussia) with regard to personal and property insurance, issuing credit and bank loans, payment for work and sick pay. Includes stenographic reports of speeches, and minutes of secret meetings of senior Reich officials Hermann Goring, Walther Funk, and Labor Minister Franz Seldte on excluding Jews from the German economy and commerce, on conflict...

  16. Chancellery of Adolf Hitler, Berlin Kanzlei des Führers der NSDAP, Adolf Hitler, Berlin (Fond 1355)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    The entire collection at the source archive contains correspondence, letters, circulars, instructions, reports, photographs, catalogs of books and art, essays, plays, manuscripts of novels and stories, newspaper clippings of the Chancellery of Adolf Hitler. Includes Hitler's correspondence with private individuals on personal matters, requests for help, letters from members of Jehovah's Witnesses to Hitler with protests against his policy towards Jews (1934), letters to Hitler from abroad with protests against the death penalty to the German Communist Edgar André (1936), Happy Birthday, New...

  17. I.G. Farben Corporation IG Farbenindustrie AG, Frankfurt/Main (Fond 1457)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    The complete collection at the source archive holds records of various departments and offices of IG. Includes economic surveys of foreign countries China, Japan, Australia, India, Indochina, England, Bulgaria, Austria, Turkey, USA, and other countries; miscellaneous reports of company committees and boards; invitations, press reports, clippings, minutes; and records relating to forced labor; to foreign trade with European and non-European countries, a balance sheet analyses of the Dresdner bank, economic overviews; notes, clippings and photographs regarding IG plant in USA; lists of factor...

  18. German Police Units Dokumentarmaterial der Polizeiorgane über polnische und sowjetische Bürger, die vor dem Zeiten Weltkrieg in Deutschland lebten oder im Krieg in deutsche Kriegsgefangenschaft gerieten (sowjetische Zusammenstellung)(Fond 1164)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Investigation cases against Soviet, Polish and Ukrainian citizens, registration and employment records of Ukrainian refugees from Poland, questionnaires for residents of Nilvingen (Germany), passports, certificates, questionnaires of Soviet and Polish citizens sent for forced labor camps in Germany, clippings, leaflets with reports of escaped Soviet prisoners of war and civilian workers from concentration camps, prisons, and labor work places; statistics of the death of Soviet prisoners of war in the concentration camp in Gross-Rosen and Stalag 318/VIII F (344) (Łambinowice, Poland), variou...

  19. Chief of the Security Police and SD in the Occupied Soviet Baltic Territories (Riga) Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD in Riga (Fond 504)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    The collection contains reports, German translations of documents, minutes, circulars, orders, reviews, secret publications, financial documents, correspondence, special bulletins, transcripts of testimonies, and various materials such as copies of documents and maps. Includes information on police activities against partisans and other resistance efforts in the Occupied Eastern Territories; the activities of Einsatzgruppe A; directives and instructions of Himmler and other senior police officials about the treatment of foreign workers; measures for their punishment; the treatment of Commun...

  20. Walter Rudy Horenstein papers

    1. Walt Rudy Horenstein collection

    The Walter Rudy Horenstein collection includes false identification documents, postwar identification documentation, immigration documents, restitution applications and correspondence, and photographs documenting the wartime experiences of Walter Rudy Horenstein, who survived on false identification papers under the name Rudolf Budkis, and was sent to prison and forced labor camps before liberation in 1945. The collection also documents Walt’s postwar attempts to reestablish his identity and immigrate to the United States. False identification documents under the name Rudolf Budkis include ...