
Displaying items 801 to 820 of 928
  1. Ferencz interviewed by Lynn Samuels

    Radio interview with Benjamin Ferencz. Host: Lynn Samuels. WBAI. Interview focuses on Ferencz's involvement at Nuremberg and in negotiations with the West German government for restitution of property. The Reparations Treaty provided a) a lump sum (3 billion DM) to Israel paid in German goods over 10-12 years; b) $100 million to Jewish charitable organizations over a ten year period for relief work outside of Israel in reestabishing Nazi survivors and Jewish communities; and c) special new laws in Germany for compensation to survivors if they prove injury from Nazi persecution [injury inclu...

  2. War Crimes Trials: Krupp Case; Speech for Army Day

    17:22:43 (Munich 662) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 10 (Krupp Case), Nuremberg, Germany, December 16, 1947. LS, witness box with Georg Hayn, witness. MS, defendants talking with counsel among whom are Alfred Krupp, Loeser, Houdremont, Mueller, Janssen, Pfirsch, Ihn, and Eberhardt. CU, Judge Edward F. Carter. Gen. Telford Taylor, chief prosecutor, addressing the Tribunal. MS, German defense counsel at lectern. 17:26:22 Maj Gen Hubener's Speech for Army Day 1947, March 1947. Speech by Gen. Clarence R. Hubener. (Transcript available with original captions at NARA).

  3. Ohlendorf testifies in Einsatzgruppen Case

    War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 9 (Einsatzgruppen Case), Nuremberg, Germany, October 15, 1947. Ohlendorf, in suit and tie, wearing earphones, testifies about the number of persons his Einsatzgruppe D killed. Curtained windows behind him. Camera remains on Ohlendorf as he is cross examined by US prosecutor James Heath. 17:02:10 - 17:02:28 side view of Heath. Camera continues on Ohlendorf. 17:03:53 View of Heath & pan to Ohlendorf. 17:04:45 Close view of Ohlendorf in witness box. Musmanno (voice from off camera) 17:06:26 Musmanno and judges on bench. Musmanno rules ...

  4. Early Nazi struggles for power; Hitler speech; parade

    Film Title: "The Nazi Plan" 01:00:52 Certificate and Affidavit from E.R. Kellogg, Cmdr, US Naval Reserve 01:02:46 "Part I: The Rise of the NSDAP, 1921-1933." 01:02:54 "Alfred Rosenberg Describes the Early Nazi Struggles for Power" Alfred Rosenberg describes early Nazi struggles for power. 01:06:13 scenes of rallies and riots. "Reichsparteitag Nürnberg 1927" Hitler speaks at Nuremberg in 1927. "Deutschland erwache!" Hitler reviews a parade after another speech in 1929. "Julius Streicher" "Auch Die übrigen Führer begrüssen Die Ankommenden" "Kolonne reicht sich an Kolonne" "Deutschlands Freihe...

  5. Polish invasion

    Title: "Part IV Wars of Aggression 1939-1944" Title: "Invasion of Danzig 1 September 1939" German troops fight in Danzig. Hitler arrives to accept the surrender. Title: "Invasion of Poland 1 September 1939" Tanks, cavalry, and infantry cross the Polish border. Title: "Goering Discusses Invasion of Poland" Goering discusses the invasion as scenes of the Luftwaffe are shown.

  6. Hitler on annihilation of Jewish race; Occupation of Czechoslovakia; Aircraft launch

    Title: "Goering Launches First Aircraft Carrier 8 December 1938" Goering speaks at the launching of the carrier Graf Zeppelin. Title: "1939" Title: "Hitler Predicts Annihilation of the Jewish Race in Europe if War Occurs 30 January 1939" Hitler speech at Reichstag. Title: "President Hacha of Czechoslovakia Arrives in Berlin as Guest of Hitler 14 March 1939." Hacha walking in street lined with SS officers. CU, flag. Hacha gets into automobile. Title: "Occupation of Remainder of Czechoslovakia 15 March 1939." Various newspaper headlines. Nazi soldiers on village road, on motorcycles and bicyc...

  7. Ferencz lecture: Wiesenthal Holocaust Center

    Ferencz lecture. Wiesenthal Holocaust Center, Los Angeles, CA. Second in five part series on Nazi war crimes trials. Ferencz discusses how the Nuremberg proceedings informed his life, his involvement in major restitution programs, and his understanding of "Never Again" through developing international law, an international criminal court, and defining aggression. He explains the legal precedents established at Nuremberg, including a) crime of aggression; b) crimes against humanity; c) trying heads of state; and d) guaranteeing rights to every prisoner (innocent until proven guilty in a cour...

  8. Historians and War Crimes Tribunals panel

    1. 1981 International Liberators Conference collection

    End of Historians panel. Hilberg describes capturing Germans and interviewing an officer, who wanted to have a philosophical conversation: "don't you agree that Hitler is a great man?" 01:02:09 Announcements about getting the liberated to meet their liberators. 01:07:20 to 01:08:59 Gap. War Crimes Tribunal panel begins with chairman Bernard Fischman. 01:10:24 Dr. Pilichowski (Poland), director of the Main Commission of the Investigation of Nazi Crimes in Poland. Talks about the legality of prosecuting Nazi criminals; the desire for revenge. Speaks in Polish, with English translation over. (...

  9. Historians and War Crimes Tribunals panels

    1. 1981 International Liberators Conference collection

    End of Historians panel with Yehuda Bauer's speech. 16:19:38 Hilberg tells of his position in the 45th division during the war. He was not at the liberation of Dachau. Describes capturing Germans and interviewing an officer, who wanted to have a philosophical conversation: "don't you agree that Hitler is a great man?" 16:23:00 Announcements about getting the liberated to meet their liberators. War Crimes tribunal begins with chairman Bernard Fischman. 16:31:17 Dr. Pilichowski, (Poland), director of the Main Commission of the Investigation of Nazi Crimes in Poland. Talks about the legality o...

  10. Carter E. Ruby papers

    1. Carter E. Ruby collection

    The collection consists of documents, publications, photographs, and correspondence that document the service of Lieutenant Carter E. Ruby, U.S. Army, at the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, April-May 1946. Included are letters that Ruby sent to his parents from Nuremberg, during the period when he served as a guard at the International Military Tribunal, describing his experiences there and what he had witnessed. Personal identification documents include a card issued by the Department of War in 1945, the identification card issued to him during his service at Nuremberg, and h...

  11. Kaltenbrunner Ernst

    • Kaltenbrunner, Ernst
    • Kaltenbrunner, Ernst, 1903-1946
    • Kaltenbrunner, Ernst, 1902-1946



    Head of the SS and police in Austria. Since 01.01.1943, head of RSHA and of Sipo and SD. Sentenced to death and executed in Nuremberg in 1946.

  12. Hitler with Nazi officials; Hitler's 55th birthday; Aftermath of July 20, 1944 bomb plot; People's Court & Judge Freisler

    Title: "1944" Hitler confers with leaders. 04:17:16 Title: "55th Birthday of Hitler 20 April 1944." Berlin scenes; Hitler and high Nazi officials, military officers, including Keitel, Doenitz, Zeitzler, Goering, others. 04:19:04 close view of (L to R) Himmler, Warlimont, Hitler, Fegelein. 04:19:09 Title: "Conferences after Hitler's Escape from Bombing Plot 20 July 1944." Mussolini arrives by train at FHQ, Hitler's greets him with left-handed shake, Goering present. At Hitler's HQ in the Eas, Nazi leaders greet the Fuehrer to congratulate him on surviving the attack: Ribbentrop, Bormann, Him...

  13. German invasion, territorial expansion

    Reel 4: Text superimposed on screen re: Norway and Germany. "9 April 1940" Aerial shots of parachutes. Civilians watch silently as troops march by, some frightened, women running (quick), very soft, street chaos, streets in flames, crowds piling into trucks, fearful faces, some weeping. Troops. Text superimposed on screen re: invasion of Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg. 05:30:18 "10 May 1940" Troops, night shots. LS, silhouettes of buildings on fire. Text superimposed on screen re: invasion of Yugoslavia. 05:31:15 "6 April 1941" Planes dropping bombs, explosions. Soldiers running down country ...

  14. Promoting need for war crimes trials; bookburning

    Film promoting the need for war crimes trials in Nuremberg. Narration explains the various trials established to prosecute war criminals. Opening shot, statue of Thomas Jefferson in Jefferson Memorial, Washington DC. Ext CUs, Adolf Hitler addressing German people at Nuremberg rally (translated into English). CU, concentration camp victims; weeping relatives/civilians. Piles of corpses, atrocities. CU, documents. US soldiers shot in back, victims of Nazi persecution. Wagons loaded with corpses moving through streets. Marching with swastikas. 12:10:50 Book burning (all familiar images, good d...

  15. Wofford Lewis collection

    Consists of Wofford Lewis's copy of "Nurnberg" by Charles Alexander (Nurnberg, Germany: Printed by Karl Ulrich & Co., 1946) along with his documents (some pasted inside the book) related to his time at the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg, Germany, in August 1946. Includes his signed gallery ticket (upgraded to "press"), dining room permission, military authorization for the trip, IMT brochure, copies of 1945 regulations regarding treatment of prisoners on trial, and a description of the IMT heraldic design.

  16. Harold Burson collection

    Collection consists of 44 typescript and mimeograph texts of the radio scripts authored by Burson, summarizing each day's proceedings of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, which were broadcast each evening over the American Forces Network (AFN). According to Burson, most scripts were written in the evening following the day’s trial proceedings and in preparation for a 9:00 p.m. broadcast over AFN. The scripts cover the period between 19 November 1945 and 29 March 1946, and while typically consisting of brief summaries of the day's events in the courtroom, they sometimes also ...

  17. 1933 events: Nazi Party Rally, Autobahn opening, oath

    Title: "Swastika becomes National Symbol 9 July 1933" Hitler speaks at a large rally. Title: "Fifth Party Congress September 1933" Hitler speaks. Title: "Inauguration at Frankfurt am Main of New Section of the Super-Highway Network 23 September 1933" Ground breaking ceremonies of a super highway. Title: "1934" Title: "Over Radio Network Hess Administers Oath of Allegiance to more than One Million Leaders of the NSDAP and all Affiliated Organizations 25 February 1934" Rudolf Hess administers an oath to Party leaders, SA. 01:36:48 Title: "Hess Reaffirms Hitler's Faith in S.A. After Roehm Purg...

  18. Triumph of the Will: Nazi Party Rally 1934, Hitler, Labor Corps, SA

    {No Titles} Excerpt from "Triumph of the Will" Hitler speaks at several day and night rallies. RAD - Labor Corps day at Nuremberg. Hitler: "Heil, Reichs Arbeitsmaenner!" RAD man: "Kamerad, woher stammst du?" Replies: Aus Friesenland. Aus Schlesien.... 01:49:50 Hitler begins speech to RAD assembled on vast field. SA section, nighttime rally and speech. 01:53:00 Hitler Youth Day: Drums, music, von Schirach speaks to field of HJ. Followed by Hitler speech to HJ. To 01:58:15, followed by long cheers, heils, and Hitler in open car around stadium saluting ranks of Hitler Youth.

  19. Col. Curtis L. Williams collection

    The collection consists of letters, reports, affidavits, memoranda and other documents compiled by Colonel Curtis L. Williams as a member of the Interrogation Division of Office US Chief of Counsel for the International Military Tribunal in Paris, France and Nuremberg, Germany, August-December 1945. The bulk of the documents regard German anti-partisan activities in Italy, including a massacre of 335 Italian men in Rome on 24 March 1944. Other reports include organizational charts, “The Kesselring file,” and “The development of the German Navy since 1933.” Interrogations, affidavits, report...

  20. Lena Fishman Fagen collection

    The Lena Fishman Fagen collection consists of original documents Fagen collected while working as a chief document screener for the prosecution at the Nuremberg war crime trials. Most of the records are original signed correspondence addressed to Alfred Rosenberg or his adjutants, Adolf von Trotha or Werner Koeppen. Correspondents include high-ranking Nazi party officials such as Adolf Hitler, Hermann Göring, Hans Frank, and Joseph Goebbels. The collection also includes four Nuremberg trial briefs and a 1951 report on the sentences of Nuremberg-convicted war criminals.