
Displaying items 7,561 to 7,580 of 7,703
  1. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 2 kronen note, issued to German Jewish inmate

    1. Emma Jonas family collection

    Scrip receipt for 2 kronen issued to Emma Jonas when she was imprisoned in Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp from November 1944 to May 1945. Currency was confiscated upon entry and scrip was distributed per a 5-tier rating or received for conscript labor while in camp. Emma was deported from Berlin and imprisoned in Theresienstadt in German occupied Czechoslovakia from November 1944 to May 1945. After Kristallnacht, November 9-10, 1938, Emma, her husband Martin, and daughter Helga, 13, tried but failed to get visas for the family to leave Berlin. They then got Helga passage on a Kindertransp...

  2. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 1 krone note issued to German Jewish inmate

    1. Emma Jonas family collection

    Scrip receipt for 1 krone issued to Emma Jonas when she was imprisoned in Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp from November 1944 to May 1945. Currency was confiscated upon entry and scrip was distributed per a 5-tier rating or received for conscript labor while in camp. Emma was deported from Berlin and imprisoned in Theresienstadt in German occupied Czechoslovakia from November 1944 to May 1945. After Kristallnacht, November 9-10, 1938, Emma, her husband Martin, and daughter Helga, 13, tried but failed to get visas for the family to leave Berlin. They then got Helga passage on a Kindertranspo...

  3. Silver pin with floral engraving found by a German Jewish survivor while imprisoned by the Soviet Army

    1. Evelyn Goldstein Woods family collection

    Engraved silver brooch found by Herta Goldstein in a drawer at a displaced persons prison camp in February 1945 in Nemmersdorf, East Prussia. She and her 7 year old daughter Evy were held in the camp by the Soviet Army after the defeat of Germany at the Battle of Koenigsberg. Herta and Evy were German Jews living in hiding under assumed identities. Because they spoke German the Soviets assumed they were spies; they did not believe the women were Jews because they thought all the Jews had been killed. Herta later had her Evy's initials, EG, engraved on the brooch. Herta, her husband Ernst, a...

  4. Geometric patterned leather wallet made by a Dutch Jewish couple in hiding

    1. Felix and Flory Van Beek collection

    Geometric patterned brown leather wallet made by Flora and Felix Levi while they were in hiding in Amersfoort, Netherlands, from June 1942 to May 1945. Flory Cohen met Felix Levi, a refugee from Hitler's Germany, in the mid-1930s. After Germany invaded Poland, Felix convinced Flora to flee. In November 1939, they sailed for South America aboard the SS Simon Bolivar, which was sunk by German mines. They were rescued by the British military and taken to a hospital in England. After recuperating for six months, they had to leave because Felix, a German, was considered an enemy alien. In May 19...

  5. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 20 kronen note

    1. Felix and Flory Van Beek collection

    Theresienstadt scrip, valued at 20 (zwanzig) kronen, acquired by Flory Cohen Levi, who survived in hiding in her native Netherlands during the war. This type of scrip was distributed in Theresienstadt (Terezin) ghetto-labor camp from May 1943-April 1945 in German occupied Czechoslovakia. Flory met Felix Levi, a refugee from Hitler's Germany, in the mid-1930s. After Germany invaded Poland, Felix convinced Flora to flee. In November 1939, they sailed for South America aboard the SS Simon Bolivar, which was sunk by German mines. They were rescued by the British military and taken to a hospital...

  6. Brown burlap pouch used to carry money by a hidden Dutch Jewish woman

    1. Felix and Flory Van Beek collection

    Small burlap pouch used by Flora Cohen to store Dutch currency while she was in hiding in Amersfoort, Netherlands, from June 1942 to May 1945. Flora intended to send it to her mother Alijda, but Flora could not find her, so she always kept the pouch with her. Flora's mother Alidja had been deported to Auschwitz in September where she was killed. Flory met Felix Levi, a refugee from Hitler's Germany, in the mid-1930s. After Germany invaded Poland, Felix convinced Flora to flee. In November 1939, they sailed for South America aboard the SS Simon Bolivar, which was sunk by German mines. They w...

  7. Burlap covered steamer trunk used by a German Jewish family

    1. Berg and Hermanns families collection

    Steamer trunk labelled Mombasa used by Max and Clara Davids Berg and their extended family when they fled Cologne, Germany, in May/June 1939. The family was warned by neighbors to leave their home in Lechenich prior to the Kristallnacht pogrom of November 9-10, 1938. Their homes were vandalized and the family decided to leave Germany. Max's sons, Josef and George, and cousin Ernest fled to the Netherlands. They were arrested, but their uncle, Herman Meyer, hired a lawyer and the men were detained but not deported. This gave the family time to find a country where they could emigrate legally...

  8. Netherlands, 1 gulden silver voucher, kept by a Dutch Jewish woman in hiding

    1. Felix and Flory Van Beek collection

    Dutch 1 (een) gulden silver voucher kept by Flory Cohen Levi in her pouch, see 1990.23.191, while she was in hiding in Amersfoort, Netherlands, from June 1942 to May 1945. Flora intended to send it to her mother Alijda, but Flora could not find her, so she always kept the pouch with her. Flora's mother Alidja had been deported to Auschwitz in September where she was killed. Flory met Felix Levi, a refugee from Hitler's Germany, in the mid-1930s. After Germany invaded Poland, Felix convinced Flora to flee. In November 1939, they sailed for South America aboard the SS Simon Bolivar, which was...

  9. Comité voor Joodsche Vluchtelingen

    aard van de archiefbestanddelen Dit archief bevat de neerslag van de activiteiten van het Comité voor Joodse Vluchtelingen in Amsterdam van maart 1933 t/m april 1939. Een groot deel van het archief bestaat uit correspondentie met vluchtelingen, overheidsinstanties en andere hulporganisaties in Nederland en buitenland. Verder bevinden zich in het archief rapporten, ooggetuigenverslagen, invulformulieren en statistieken. De archieven zijn niet compleet. Een deel van het archief was nog in gebruik in april 1939 en bleef daarom achter in Amsterdam toen de rest van het archief naar Engeland wer...

  10. Ministère des Affaires économiques. Direction de l'organisation professionnelle

    Les archives inventoriées ici constituent une mine d'informations pour qui s'intéresse à l'organisation et au fonctionnement de l'économie belge sous l'occupation allemande, à la collaboration économique, ou à la persécution des juifs.

  11. Question juive liasse 1 1 et 2. note sur la question juive en France

    1. Haute Cour de justice. Volume 9 Haute Cour de justice. Rép. num. détaillé dact., par M.-Th. Chabord, 11 vol., 2420 p. Volume 7 : 3w/217-3w/250
    3. Dossier A Alignement de la France sur l'Allemagne au point de vue intérieur

    Question juive liasse 1 1 et 2. note sur la question juive en France, s.d. (novembre 1940), note manuscrite et copie dactylographiée (conseiller Helbronner ?) 3. projet de loi sur l'exercice des fonctions publiques et de certaines professions privées 4. note sur les réfugiés d'Allemagne menacés par les persécutions nazies, novembre 1940 5. note d'intervention du Maréchal Pétain auprès du Chef du Gouvernement en faveur des Israélites français internés au camp de Drancy 19 juillet 1943 6. note pour M. de Brinon : le Maréchal estime ne pouvoir signer le pro jet de loi sur les Juifs, 24 août 19...

  12. Haute Cour de justice. Volume 9 Haute Cour de justice. Rép. num. détaillé dact., par M.-Th. Chabord, 11 vol., 2420 p. Volume 7 : 3w/217-3w/250

    DOSSIER PETAIN. Le dossier Pétain comprend un noyau initial de neuf cartons (3W 277 à 285) qui constitue le "dossier" d'information proprement dit tel qu'il a été constitué sous l'impulsion du procureur général Mornet lui-même, plus un fichier de ces cartons constitué par les archivistes de la Haute Cour (3W 286) Les dossiers suivants comprennent : 3W 287 documents divers (ce qui a été retenu par la Haute Cour de la malle Pétain et des archives de l'hôtel du Parc, scellés constitués par le président Beteille, scellé Darlan, documents parvenus après la clôture de l'instruction) 3W 288 scellé...

  13. Germanisation de l'Alsace-Lorraine liasse 1 Protestations du Gouvernement français 1-2. liste des notes adressées par la Délégation Française à la Commission allemande au sujet de l'Alsace et de la Lorraine du 6 juillet 1940 au 23 avril 1943 et lettre d'envoi au Cabinet civil du Chef de l'Etat 3. protestation contre les mesures prises dans les départements du Haut-Rhin

    1. Haute Cour de justice. Volume 9 Haute Cour de justice. Rép. num. détaillé dact., par M.-Th. Chabord, 11 vol., 2420 p. Volume 7 : 3w/217-3w/250
    3. Dossier A Alignement de la France sur l'Allemagne au point de vue intérieur

    Germanisation de l'Alsace-Lorraine liasse 1 Protestations du Gouvernement français 1-2. liste des notes adressées par la Délégation Française à la Commission allemande au sujet de l'Alsace et de la Lorraine du 6 juillet 1940 au 23 avril 1943 et lettre d'envoi au Cabinet civil du Chef de l'Etat 3. protestation contre les mesures prises dans les départements du Haut-Rhin, du Bas-Rhin et de la Moselle (remplacement des préfets par des fonctionnaires allemands), 10 juillet 1940 4. protestation contre les expulsions de citoyens français d'Afrique du Nord des départements de la Moselle, du Haut-R...

  14. Kramer Josef

    • Kramer, Josef, 1906-1945
    • Kramer, Joseph, 1906-1945
    • Kramer, Joseph 1906-1945
    • Kramer, Josef



    KZ-Kommandant and SS-Hauptsturmführer. Since 1934 in Dachau, 1937/1938 in Sachsenhausen, 1939 in Mauthausen, May 1940 in Auschwitz, April 1941 Schutzhaftlagerführer , Oct 1942 Kommandant in Natzweiler, since May 1944 Kommandant in Auschwitz-Birkenau, since 1 Dec 1944 in Bergen-Belsen. Sentenced to death in Belsen Trial, executed.

  15. Felix and Flory Van Beek correspondence

    Collection of documents, correspondence, receipts and papers relating to Holocaust survivors Felix Levi and his wife Flory (later known as Felix and Flory Van Beek) in Rotterdam, Netherlands to friends and family including Felix's brother Hugo and Theo in Buenos Aires, Montevideo, and New York; bound in binder; dated 1946-1948; in German, Dutch and English.

  16. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 50 kronen note, belonging to a German Jewish woman

    1. Ansbacher family collection

    Scrip, valued at 50 kronen, distributed to Selma Ansbacher and her family in Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp in German-occupied Czechoslovakia between May 1943 and May 1945. At Theresienstadt, currency was confiscated from inmates and replaced with scrip, which could only be used in the camp. Before the war, Selma’s husband, Ludwig Ansbacher, owned a fabric store in the small town of Dinkelsbühl, Germany. In 1937 they moved to Frankfurt. They sent their oldest son Manfred to an agricultural school near Hanover and he immigrated to Australia by 1939. In May 1942, their son Heinz was deporte...

  17. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 100 kronen note, belonging to a German Jewish woman

    1. Ansbacher family collection

    Scrip, valued at 100 kronen, distributed to Selma Ansbacher and her family in Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp in German-occupied Czechoslovakia between May 1943 and May 1945. At Theresienstadt, currency was confiscated from inmates and replaced with scrip, which could only be used in the camp. Before the war, Selma’s husband, Ludwig Ansbacher, owned a fabric store in the small town of Dinkelsbühl, Germany. In 1937 they moved to Frankfurt. They sent their oldest son Manfred to an agricultural school near Hanover and he immigrated to Australia by 1939. In May 1942, their son Heinz was deport...

  18. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 100 kronen note, belonging to a German Jewish woman

    1. Ansbacher family collection

    Scrip, valued at 100 kronen, distributed to Selma Ansbacher and her family in Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp in German-occupied Czechoslovakia between May 1943 and May 1945. At Theresienstadt, currency was confiscated from inmates and replaced with scrip, which could only be used in the camp. Before the war, Selma’s husband, Ludwig Ansbacher, owned a fabric store in the small town of Dinkelsbühl, Germany. In 1937 they moved to Frankfurt. They sent their oldest son Manfred to an agricultural school near Hanover and he immigrated to Australia by 1939. In May 1942, their son Heinz was deport...

  19. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 100 kronen note, belonging to a German Jewish woman

    1. Ansbacher family collection

    Scrip, valued at 100 kronen, distributed to Selma Ansbacher and her family in Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp in German-occupied Czechoslovakia between May 1943 and May 1945. At Theresienstadt, currency was confiscated from inmates and replaced with scrip, which could only be used in the camp. Before the war, Selma’s husband, Ludwig Ansbacher, owned a fabric store in the small town of Dinkelsbühl, Germany. In 1937 they moved to Frankfurt. They sent their oldest son Manfred to an agricultural school near Hanover and he immigrated to Australia by 1939. In May 1942, their son Heinz was deport...

  20. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 20 kronen note, belonging to a German Jewish woman

    1. Ansbacher family collection

    Scrip, valued at 20 kronen, distributed to Selma Ansbacher and her family in Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp in German-occupied Czechoslovakia between May 1943 and May 1945. At Theresienstadt, currency was confiscated from inmates and replaced with scrip, which could only be used in the camp. Before the war, Selma’s husband, Ludwig Ansbacher, owned a fabric store in the small town of Dinkelsbühl, Germany. In 1937 they moved to Frankfurt. They sent their oldest son Manfred to an agricultural school near Hanover and he immigrated to Australia by 1939. In May 1942, their son Heinz was deporte...