
Displaying items 7,561 to 7,580 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. German Youth Fest 1936 badge with an embossed Reichsadler and swastika acquired by a US soldier

    1. Harold B. Goldberg collection
    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn84986
    • English
    • 1945
    • overall: Height: 1.500 inches (3.81 cm) | Width: 1.375 inches (3.493 cm) | Depth: 0.125 inches (0.318 cm) | Diameter: 1.378 inches (3.5 cm)

    Deutsches Jugendfest [German Youth Fest] 1936 tinnie with a Reichsadler and swastika brought back from the war by Harold Goldberg, an American soldier who served in Europe, circa 1945-1946.

  2. Unused letterhead stationery for the Reichswerke Hermann Göring

    1. La Grange Park Library collection

    Unused piece of stationery with the letterhead of Reichswerke Aktiengesellschaft für Erzbergbau und Eisenhütten "Hermann Göring", in Linz, Austria. The collection also includes an unused envelope, with a heading for Paul Pleiger, Secretariat. The Linz works were a government conglomerate established by Nazi Germany to process low grade iron ores which was too expensive for private concerns to undertake. Göring was the Reich Minister responsible for mobilizing the German economy for the war effort. He assumed control of industries and resources in occupied areas and the state holding company...

  3. Unused envelope with the return address of Paul Pleiger of Reichswerke Hermann Göring

    1. La Grange Park Library collection

    Unused envelope with the letterhead of Reichswerke Aktiengesellschaft für Erzbergbau und Eisenhütten "Hermann Göring", Paul Pleiger, Secretariat, in Linz, Austria. The Linz works were a government conglomerate established by Nazi Germany to process low grade iron ores which was too expensive for private concerns to undertake. Göring was the Reich Minister responsible for mobilizing the German economy for the war effort. He assumed control of industries and resources in occupied areas and the state holding company, Reickswerke Hermann Göring Berlin, was a chief tool in the process. Pleiger w...

  4. German Youth Hostel donor's badge with an embossed Nazi eagle and swastika acquired by a US soldier

    1. Harold B. Goldberg collection

    Deutsches Jugenherbergswerk [German Youth Hostel] lapel pin for the 1937 fundraising campaign brought back from the war by Harold Goldberg, an American soldier who served in Europe, circa 1945-1946. Tinnies, inexpensive pressed metal alloy pins, or other inexpensive tokens, were often given to people who contributed to charity and fundraising campaigns.

  5. Affidavit of interrogation of Rudolf Hoess

    Affidavit by Rudolf Hoess, the Commandant of Auschwitz from 1940-1943, taken at Nuremberg in April 1946. Includes mimeograph version and photocopies of versions in German and Russian.

  6. 1934 Reichsparteitag, Nuremberg

    Reel 9: VS, Hitler, Himmler and Lutze walk down long aisle between columns of troops gathered in Nuremberg stadium. Ceremonies at Nuremberg showing Hitler and thousands of soldiers; a great number of flags are carried and flown. SS troops goose-stepping. CU, Himmler. CU, Victor Lutze introduces Hitler to audience at Nuremberg stadium. CU, MS, Hitler delivers forceful speech to huge crowd of stormtroopers, Gestapo and other political organization members in stadium. Flag bearers present arms. Hitler pledges each flag bearer to the Nazi flag. CU, large gun is fired in salute to ceremony. VS, ...

  7. Selected records from the Zhytomyr State Oblast Archive

    Collection contains selected records of the Generalkommissar Zhitomir on the formation, structure, and activities of the commissariat, as well as files from subordinate district leaders (Gebietskommissare) in Kasatin, Ruz︠h︡yn, Zwiahel, Korosten, Owruch, Radom, Emilchino, Tschudnow, and Berdichev. Materials include information on the confiscation of Jewish property, local searches for Jews, and reports about the executions of Jewish families found in hiding. A substantial part of the collection covers the history of the Ukrainian Schutzmannschaft in the Kasatin commissariat (recruitment, pe...

  8. Selected records of the Nikolaev Oblast Archives II from Yad Vashem

    Contains primarily documents from the Romanian occupation government’s Prefecture of the Golta region in Transnistria. Roll 1 contains historical and geographical information on the Golta region, correspondence regarding the use of Jews for work, and a 1943 list of Jews in the Golta ghetto. Roll 2 contains military orders and reports about the fight against Soviet activists and Communists, correspondence of the prefect of Golta, correspondence regarding the use of police for disposal of victims’ possessions and the use of prisoners of war for work (1941–1942), and 1943 orders of the 2nd Dep...

  9. UJA/JDC appeal for relief for Jewish DPs

    Notes taken from NCJF documentation: Against a background of authentic newsreel footage showing the condition of the remaining survivors, the audience is urged to give to the campaign. The funds will allow these people to immigrate, either to Palestine, or the United States, where they can resettle. The Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC) endorses United Jewish Appeal (UJA) and American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) executives' appeal to bring DPs from Europe to Palestine or to the USA. Remnants of Warsaw Ghetto ruins, DP survivors, people in rags, walking aimlessly. Concentration ca...

  10. Young family; holiday with friends; beach

    Baby Karin in her carriage, chewing on a teething ring. Mother Ethel tickles her and she smiles. Sister Oda leans on the side of the carriage. Men sing and march on a wooded road. A sixth man joins, smiling with a closed umbrella resting on his shoulder. They drink coffee and rehearse singing in a courtyard. A man conducts. They walk joyfully down a path, one twirls an open umbrella above his head. The men drink beer at a table by a waterway. People on a boat. They continue drinking. Children play in the sand and water at a manmade beach. "ENDE"

  11. Mauthausen liberation; German POW camp; freed Allied POWs

    (LIB 6086) Former prisoners of war from various Allied countries sit outdoors, cook, and rest. Some of the prisoners (a few look very thin) regard the camera as they walk down the street. Former POWs pile into the backs of several military trucks. 02:55:58 Long line of horse-drawn carts carrying German civilians and their belongings. CUs of some of the people, including a young boy lying on the ground and smiling at the camera. Former POWs walk down the road. Several Roma caravans drive down the road with children running behind, but it is not clear whether they are Roma children. 02:56:45 ...

  12. Herbert Luft papers

    Includes various documents written by Herbert Luft. Among the documents are stories of life in concentration camps and shortwave radio transcripts of broadcasts conducted by Herbert Luft in 1942. The broadcast messages target the German people and give praise to the American government and military for their aid to the people of Europe. The broadcasts were recorded by the US Department of Agriculture, Division of Information, for Shortwave Broadcast of the O.W.I. to Europe. A later accretion to the papers includes a photograph of Herbert Luft and a letter written inside Birkenau concentrati...

  13. Chaya V. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Chaya V., who was born in Kotelʹnya, Ukraine in 1909. She recounts her parents' premature deaths; living in orphanages in Z︠H︡ytomyr and Berdychiv; marriage to a non-Jew in 1927; her daughter's birth in 1928; her husband's draft in 1930; his discharge in 1935; living briefly in the far east; her husband's military recall in 1941; German invasion; a failed evacuation attempt with her four children; hiding her three older children with non-Jewish friends; moving into the ghetto with her infant; their escape during the ghetto's liquidation in September 1941; hiding with ...

  14. Nazi National War naval ensign acquired by a US soldier

    National War naval ensign with a swastika and a cross on a red field, obtained by an American soldier during his service in Germany in 1945. This type of flag was used aboard German warships from November 7, 1935 - May 8, 1945. The US soldier who brought the flag home landed at Utah Beach during the D-Day invasion in June 1944, and helped liberate and secure the city of Paris, France in late August. He fought with General Patton's Third Army in the Siege of Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge in December. While searching for German soldiers on a farm in Germany, he was struck by a barn ...

  15. Records of der Landrat des Kreises Schrimm (Sygn.65)

    Contains circular letters, reports, and various other documents relating to the activities of the offices of the Landrat (district magistrate) des Kreises Schrimm (Śrem, Poland); employees of the Landrat office; the Gestapo office in Poznan; apprehension of prisoners of war; activities of the rural police in western Poland; extradition of Polish prisoners of war interned in Hungary and recruited into the Polish army in France; the transport of Franz Sobkowiak to Mauthausen; transports of prisoners to concentration camps; and a propaganda campaign by the "Army Information Garrison" to attrac...

  16. Reichsministerium des Innern records

    Consists of records relating to various activities of the Reichsministerium des Innern during the Holocaust. Includes information about sterilization, abortion, racial purity, mental illness, experiments on criminals, sexual deviance, and care for wounded German civilians and wounded military personnel.

  17. Records of the Sicherheitsdienst des Reichführers SS: SD Abschnitt Litzmannstadt; SD Hauptaussenstelle Kalisch (Kalisz) (Sygn. 70)

    Contains orders, correspondence, reports, and various other records relating to the activities of the SS in Litzmannstadt (Łódź); activities of the SD (Security Services) in Łódź; orders of the RSHA for employing Jews in SIPO and SD offices; collaboration by Polish SD personnel; regulations for air raids; persons acting as informers for the SS and SD; and confiscation of Jewish property for use by SS personnel. Also included are monthly situation reports for January 1940 to Jul. 1940 containing information about attitudes and opinions of the Polish population on the overall political si...

  18. Playfully fighting over cigarettes

    "Where are the Cigarettes?" Home movie of Albert Günther Hess (AGH) and his wife Ilse clowning around and fighting over the "last" cigarette. Titles throughout reading: WHERE ARE THE CIGARETTES?; AFTER TWENTY MINUTES; A BIG ROW; K.O. (KNOCKOUT); THE GENEROUS WINNER.

  19. Yugoslavia during liberation: sports; wounded soldiers; parade; Tito

    Reel 1: Partisan sport event in Belgrade stadium. Soccer game at Belgrade Stadium. Crowds in stands. Army guards in FG. Girls' 100 meter race. Injured girl assisted off track. Man congratulates winners. Crowd cheering.Young Yugoslavian soldiers with machine guns in crowd. Young boys selling soft drinks. Girls finishing race. Winner and runner up. Crowds in stands watch boys' 100 meter race. Attendant at grill selling food. Spectators eating. Beginning and finish of race. Crowd singing at half-time. Soccer game in progress. Refugee children marching to river boat for transport to test camp. ...

  20. Color drawing of a bust of a general created by a Jewish refugee boy in a children's home

    1. Alfred Ament collection

    Drawing created by Hans Ament, a young Jewish refugee, in an OSE-affiliated children's home in Izieu, France, from which he was later deported.