
Displaying items 7,461 to 7,480 of 10,858
  1. Schaaps visit their rescuers after the war

    Title card with graphic of baby in stroller, text "Onze Baby". Maurits Schaap and his family visit the home of the Naeije family who hid him during the war. INT, family home in Axel near Zeeuws-Vlaanderen in the Netherlands. The Naeije infant is fed from a bottle and plays with multiple people. 00:01:50 CU, Salomon Schaap smoking pipe, reading letter, playing with baby. 00:04:05 Geleijn Naeije shows off a piece of art inside his home. The painting is of a woman seated at a table with her hands clasped as if in prayer. 00:04:44 Sister of Mrs. Naeije in a black embroidered top. 00:04:56 EXT, ...

  2. Union des femmes françaises portfolio

    1. Vice President Henry A. Wallace collection

    The collection contains a portfolio of documents, fliers, leaflets, newsletters, photographs, and publications collected by a group of former partisans called the Union des Femmes Françaises and presented to Vice President Henry A. Wallace during a trip he made to France in April 1947. The collected materials were presented to him as mementos of the French Resistance during World War II, and wrapped in ribbon in a small Hermes suitcase. Also includes two poems by Louis Aragon and Paul Eluard; a letter and photograph of Jacqueline Quatremaire, a woman who was imprisoned in the Fort de Romain...

  3. Hans and Ethel get married in Philadelphia, 1929

    Open outdoor area. Car with license plate “D617” pulls up and parks. Hans Wolfgang Lindemann and Ethe McGloclin smile and kiss. CUs, Ethel sitting on a concrete planter with bare trees behind her. She smiles as her beau joins. They kiss again. In Philadelphia city, “RITTENHOUSE,” the couple wed in 1929. The newlyweds consult with their wedding party - men have flowers on their suit jacket lapels, and women hold bouquets and wear cloche hats. They meet with the priest, everyone shakes hands, the women joyously throw rice. The couple is getting married. They kiss once again. More hand-shaking...

  4. Hugo Zulawski papers

    Consists of photographs, a photograph album, documents, and correspondence, owned by Hugo Zulawski, originally of Vienna, Austria. Mr. Zulawski immigrated to the United States in 1939 on a transport organized by Gilbert and Eleanor Kraus (the "50 children" transport). Prewar, wartime, and postwar family photographs include those Hugo took while in the United States military (1944-1947) and images of his parents while they were at the Kitchener Camp in England. Documents include restitution paperwork for property confiscated in Poland.

  5. Nazi propaganda: anti-Soviet

    Images of the Dnieper River and a forest, excavations of corpses in advanced degrees of decay with visible bullet wounds. Swedish narration claims that the victims shown are Polish officers murdered by the Soviet secret police GPU in the forest of Katyn. The corpses are examined by an European commission including the former minister president of Poland Prof. Koslowski and coroners said to be from Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Switzerland, and Bulgaria. Piles of dead bodies are pictured, most of them hardly identifiable. Remnants of the Polish Gen. Smorawinski are shown. Relatives try to identi...

  6. American World War II beat the promise poster prompting workers to beat production quotas

    1. Suzanne Herskovic Ponder poster collection

    Large wartime poster with an anthropomorphized wine bottle, encouraging the reader to not be a bottleneck that was part of RCA Victor’s “Beat the Promise” worker incentive poster series instituted in September 1941, shortly before the United States entered World War II. A bottleneck is a person whose slow work effort reduces the production capacity of the entire chain or process in which they are involved.The poster was part of RCA Victor’s Beat the Promise worker incentive campaign instituted in September 1941, shortly before the United States entered World War II. The promise refers to th...

  7. American World War II poster indicating worker production will help crush the Axis powers

    1. Suzanne Herskovic Ponder poster collection

    Silk screen poster depicting a giant shoe about to step on caricatures of Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Hideki Tojo that was part of RCA Victor’s “Beat the Promise” worker incentive poster series instituted in September 1941, shortly before the United States entered World War II. The poster insinuates that enhanced manufacturing production would be instrumental in stomping out the threat of the Axis Powers. The promise refers to the company’s production quotas, which employees were encouraged to surpass. The poster series was part of a larger campaign by RCA Victor to increase product...

  8. British World War II poster with a pair of gripper pliers crushing a swastika

    1. Suzanne Herskovic Ponder poster collection

    Wartime poster designed by Frank Newbould featuring a pair of gripper pliers crushing a swastika. After the fall of France in June of 1940, Great Britain was left alone to withstand the full force of the German military and needed every citizen to do their part and assist in national defense. The gripper pliers symbolize how a unified industrial workforce could crush the Nazi threat. During the war, Britain’s economy transformed into a war economy focused on production for the war effort. Workers were tied to jobs that were considered essential, and employers were prevented from terminating...

  9. British World War II home front travel time recommendation poster

    1. Suzanne Herskovic Ponder poster collection

    British wartime poster depicting a figure resembling Hermes, the ancient Greek god of travel. The poster encouraged members of the public that were not essential to the war economy to avoid rush hour travel and allow the workers to commute to and from their places of work in a timely manner. This poster was issued by the Thomas Tilling Group of Companies, a private company that owned and operated a fleet of buses used for public transport and tours. After the fall of France in June of 1940, Great Britain was left alone to withstand the full force of the German military. The country needed e...

  10. American World War II beat the promise poster encouraging workers to share ideas

    1. Suzanne Herskovic Ponder poster collection

    Wartime poster depicting a worker examining the mechanical insides of an oversized head that was part of RCA Victor’s “Beat the Promise” worker incentive poster series instituted in September 1941, shortly before the United States entered World War II. The poster encourages employees to share their ideas in an effort to boost production. The poster was part of RCA Victor’s Beat the Promise worker incentive campaign instituted in September 1941, shortly before the United States entered World War II. The promise refers to the company’s production quotas, which employees were encouraged to sur...

  11. Streicher, Rosenberg, Keitel in dock at Nuremberg Trial; "Nazi Concentration Camps" film shown

    (Paris 392) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 27, 1945. MCU, Julius Streicher. CU, Alfred Rosenberg and Wilhelm Keitel speaking in prisoners' dock. Karl Doenitz seated next to Erich Raeder, speaking to his attorney during recess. Fritsche. CU, Wilhelm Frick turning his back to the camera. Streicher. 23:21:40 Jodl. MS, Keitel speaking to Joachim von Ribbentrop. MSs, Hermann Goering with chin in hand. Rudolf Hess reading book; Ribbentrop staring. 23:21:55 CU, Arthur Seyss-Inquart. 23:22:04 Streicher. CU, Constantin von Neurath. 23:22:30 CU, Walther Funk eating nuts. 23:22:46 Vie...

  12. Program on war

    Presented by the National Film Board of Canada. Gwynne Dyer, a journalist, military historian, and officer of three Navies, presents his commentary on the evolution of modern war. Tape includes episodes 1, 4, 5, 6, 7. 1: "The Road to Total War," describes what war has become and traces the road that led the great powers to the concept of total war, 00:00:55 to 00:58:08. Director: Barbara Seals. Producer: Barbara Seals. Cinematographer: Bonnie Andrukaitis; Simon Leblanc; Michael Mahoney; Serge Lafortune. 4: "The Deadly Game of Nations," explains the reasons why people support governments tha...

  13. Stefania Staszewska-Balbin papers

    1. Stefania Staszewska-Balbin collection

    Contains a photograph; rectangular form with scalloped edges; black and white image of group of women posing outdoors, with trees in background.

  14. Rise of Nazi party

    US propaganda film about "The German personality" and its national psyche and history. Reel 5 shows the Weimar parliament in session; German troops parading; Hitler; Nazi riots and mobs; and CUs of Goebbels, von Schirach Goering, and Hess. The NARA shot sheet mistakenly identifies von Schirach as Roehm, and the narration describes him as a "pervert" so perhaps the mistake was made by the filmmakers. Describes Hitler's rise to power, installation as chancellor, and one-party rule. SS troops parade, Nazi propaganda, books are burned, and Hitler speaks while Germans cheer.

  15. Beat the Jew Nazi propaganda handbill encouraging desertion from the Red Army

    Nazi propaganda flier distributed during the German Army's invasion of Soviet controlled Ukraine, beginning in June 1941. Cartoons show Soviet soldiers being shot, beating civilians, and surrendering while the text explains that the Soviet position is hopeless and encourages soldiers to desert the Red Army.

  16. Cemetery and church in postwar Warsaw

    Reel 3A Cemetery, tombstones. Women placing flowers and candles at graves. MS, cemetery with men, women, and children. Wooden crosses flanked with miniature Polish flags and flowers. Official military burial with flag-draped coffins, Polish soldiers, wooden crosses/wreaths, and a priest. Cut to Catholic church in the ruins of Warsaw. Poles exit and enter through an underground entrance marked in Polish with "Wejscie do Kosciola"[the entrance to the church] (Photo Archives W/S 46323). MS, Warsaw street scenes in ruins.

  17. Selected records from the State Archives of the Dodecanese Islands, Greece Carabinieri collection

    Records of the Central Special Bureau of the Italian Carabinieri in Rhodes (today Greece, between 1912 and 1946 a part Italy) and the card index of the surveillance files. Archives of the Italian Carabinieri include information on individuals, businesses, citizenship, ethnic groups, spies, important events and political personalities. A high number of these 100,000 files concern the local Jewish community in Rhodes, following the creation of the central governing body of the Italian Jewish communities in 1931, to the deportation of July 1944. The Carabinieri recorded information on their li...

  18. Bergen-Belsen, nine days after liberation

    Interior of hospital ward, drawing on wall of "Tiger" tank passing over barbed wire. Camera pans down, child lying in hospital bed. Chalking FULL on wall. Stretcher removed from back of ambulance; one of the stretcher bearers is member of Quaker Relief Service team RS100. German orderlies take stretcher into hospital. "Contaminated" drawn on ambulance doors. CU of woman's shoulder badge combining Red X and Order of St. John symbols. Ambulance being unloaded in BG. Female relief worker, Miss Russell Smith, drives "clean" ambulance off screen right. TYPHUS sign at right. German medics in whit...

  19. Orphans of Buchenwald; Ex-Prisoners Coming Home

    (LIB 7016) Orphans of Buchenwald, Buchenwald, Germany, June 19, 1945. LS, large crowd at Buchenwald outdoors on hillside. UNRRA official (woman) handing out papers. 03:23:16 01:46:51 Lilly Engelman (from Hungary and previously at Auschwitz) with the bandage on her face, prepares to board the train to Switzerland. Her sisters, Renee and Piri, appear later in this footage. Children at Buchenwald concentration camp are divided into small groups by UNRRA personnel. MS, American military truck taking the orphans to railroad cars. CUs, climbing off truck with belongings/luggage. US soldiers prese...

  20. Barbie Trial -- Day 6 -- An expert testifies

    17:33 Cerdini presents Streim with four documents previously presented to the court, relating to the UGIF and Izieu raids, and asks his professional opinion as to their authenticity. He replies that he has previously studied copies of these documents, and these originals are indeed authentic; comments on the February 11 Telex 17:43 Cerdini asks Streim to evaluate Barbie's signatures on the documents, and whether the presence of his signature makes him responsible for their contents 17:47 Cerdini asks whether, in Streim's opinion given the documents in hand, the Izieu and UGIF raids were the...