
Displaying items 721 to 740 of 2,629
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Questioning former SA; Shawcross' summation at Nuremberg Trial

    13:37:59 (Munich 357) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, August 15, 1946. Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe, Deputy Chief British Prosecutor, questioning Max Guettner, former SA official. 13:41:39 (Munich 327) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, July 29-30, 1946. Sir Hartley Shawcross summing up for the British prosecution. MS, members of the Russian prosecution at table. MS, Thomas J. Dodd and Robert H. Jackson at table.13:43:23 Camera in shot. MS, Justice Francis Biddle and Justice John J. Parker at bench.

  2. Postwar Germany; refugees; war crimes trials

    Reel 2, Narration refers throughout to "M.G." -- military government. Damaged hospitals, pharmacies. Transportation and communication services are repaired. View of Cologne Cathedral. Refugees receive food and clothing at an American Military Government camp. A monument to Nazi concentration camp victims is unveiled. Shows brief scenes of an American Military Government trial. 01:31... Children burn Nazi flags, emblems, and pictures. (Footage from 111 ADC 4727) 01:32:20 Jews worship in their temples again 01:32:40 Man with Buchenwald armband on jacket 01:36:30 Kids burning flags, etc. Close...

  3. Ladislav (Laszlo) Csatáry trial

    This collection contains the secret police file and trial records for Ladislav (Laszlo Csatary). Records are closed to researchers.

  4. Judgment and sentencing at Medical trial

    (Munich 619) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 1 (Medical Case), Judgment and Sentencing, Nuremberg, Germany. The voice of Justice Walter Beals is heard reading the judgment. Cut-ins, defendants sitting in box as voice of Judge Beals gives summary as to why the defendants were tried and convicted. MLS, Judge Crawford reading judgment. Note: Siegfried Ruff, Weltz, Rostock, Blome, Romberg, Schaefer, and Pokorny were found not guilty.

  5. Former Field Marshal von Paulus testifies about the invasion of the USSR

    (Paris 550) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 11, 1946. MS, Rudolf Hess, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Wilhelm Keitel, Alfred Rosenberg, and other prisoners in the dock. Defense counselors in FG. LS, ex-Field Marshal Friedrich von Paulus giving evidence regarding the preparation of waging aggressive war on Russia. (testimony in German) LS, prisoners' dock and defense attorneys in court during the trial. Good MSs, von Paulus testifying.

  6. Albert Speer testifies at Nuremberg Trial; Herman Priess testifies

    05:35:24 (Munich 248) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, June 19, 1946. Albert Speer is sworn in. Pan from Speer to Dr. Hans Flaschner, his lawyer, speaking. Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence corrects Dr. Flaschner on a point. MS, Speer testifying. 05:39:21 (Munich 245) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, June 18-19, 1946. Former SS general Herman Priess testifying.

  7. Maxwell-Fyfe's summation at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 386) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, August 30, 1946. HAS, MSs, British prosecutor Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe, in summing up, tells of Germany in its entirety being dominated by National Socialism. "While Germany is not on trial, the proceedings in this court are to give the German people a chance to rehabilitate themselves...." Maxwell-Fyfe tells of the Nazi leaders knowing and condoning murder of Jewish civilians. LS, Maxwell-Fyfe walking away from speaker's stand after his summation.

  8. Judgment and sentencing at Medical trial

    (Munich 619) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 1 (Medical Case), Judgment and Sentencing, Nuremberg, Germany. The voice of Justice Walter Beals is heard reading the judgment. Cut-ins, defendants sitting in box as voice of Judge Beals gives summary as to why the defendants were tried and convicted. MLS, Judge Crawford reading judgment. Note: Siegfried Ruff, Weltz, Rostock, Blome, Romberg, Schaefer, and Pokorny were found not guilty.

  9. Taylor speaks of experiments and rules of war at Medical trial

    (Munich 464) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 1 (Medical Case), Nuremberg, Germany. LS, Taylor tells of concentration camp victims being injected with epidemic jaundice and being used for sterilization experiments. Numerous healthy victims were injected with spotted fever virus. Experiments in cholera, typhus, and other infectious diseases were also conducted. Experimental patients were shot poisoned bullets. General Taylor accuses the defendants of violating the rules of war, the rules of the Geneva convention pertaining to prisoners of war.

  10. Defendants at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 445) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 12, 1945. Pan, courtroom during session. Pan, prisoners' dock; attorneys for defendants in FG. MS, Herman Goering and Joachim von Ribbentrop whispering to Rudolf Hess. MS, Hans Frank and Wilhelm Frick. MCU, Julius Streicher.

  11. Ferencz interview on CNBC on war crimes

    CNBC News interview with Benjamin Ferencz. Host: Boyd ? "A war crimes trial should be in Saddam's future." Ferencz argues that Saddam Hussein should be punished in an international court of law. However, he notes, without a system of international law and order, we cannot condemn an international crime. Ferencz encourages the public to express intolerance of violations of law, so that the "rule of law can apply to everyone." He also urges the international arena to agree upon and define aggression.

  12. Frank E. Morse collection

    Partial copy of official transcript of the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials, specifically the judgement against the defendants; dated circa September 30 - October 1, 1946. The excerpted transcript summarizes the indictments against each defendant and ultimately, the judgement and sentence; in English. Frank Morse (donor's grandfather) was an attorney and former Minnesota judge who served as a lawyer working with the United States Army during the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials in 1945 and 1946

  13. Russian testimony at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 13) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 26, 1946. LSs, witness Jacob Grigorjov, a Russian peasant who remained in German-occupied territory from July 1941 and whose wife and two children were killed by the Germans, is sworn in and questioned by a Russian prosecutor. MSs, Justices A F Volchoff (USSR), Birkett (Britain), and Lawrence (Britain). MSs, girl in audience looking through binoculars. MCU, Russian prosecutor speaking. LSs, Eugene Kivilsha, a Red Army physician, testifying that he was imprisoned in a German prison camp in the Ukraine. Note: All testimony is in Russ...

  14. Barbie Trial -- Day 1 -- Witness statements; Lechene testifies

    14:09:00 Presiding Judge André Cerdini lists the scheduled statements of witnesses. 14:35:00 Cerdini introduces the testimony of Mme. Lechene, concerning her late husband Pierre Louis Lechene. M. Lechene was a member of the resistance. He was captured by the S.S. and interned in Mathausen concentration camp in September 1942. 14:38:00 The plaintiffs Mme. Vogel, Mme. Chartre, Mme. Lara the widow of M. Bianchi and the "Association souvenir du Commissaire Jules Cros" are named.

  15. Robert E. Magnusson collection

    Program guide: “International Military Tribunal / Nurnberg Germany / 1945-1946”; inscribed by Lt. R.E. Magnusson inside front cover; Floor plan of the International Military Tribunal; Two (2) passes to the Visitors’ Gallery at the International Military Tribunal; for sessions 341 and 342; pass for 341 signed on verso by Robert E. Magnusson. Materials acquired by 2nd Lt Robert Eugene Magnusson (donor’s father), who served as a member of the OSS in Europe during WWII. He attended the IMT in Nuremberg on July 19, 1946.

  16. War Crimes Trial: shooting of American POWs

    LT GEN ANTON DOSTLER, GERMAN WAR CRIMINAL TRIAL, Palace of Justice, Rome, Italy. German Lt. Hans George Schultz is cross-examined by Col. Claudius O Wolfe, defense counsel. Schultz testifies that he is not sure who gave the orders to have the American prisoners shot. He further states how, when, and by whom the orders to destroy all records on the shooting were issued. Gen Dostler occasionally whispers to the defense counsel. German Lt. Rudolf Bolze being interrogated by prosecutor.

  17. Priest of Leningrad testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 15) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 27, 1946. MS, Russian prosecutor questions witness (who is not visible). MLSs, MSs, Nicholas Lonarin, Priest of Leningrad and Director of the Ecclesiastical Priest Courses in Leningrad, testifies in Russian. MS, pan of stenographers at work. Pan to witness. LS, showing spectators in a section of courtroom. Pan from courtroom audience to priest testifying.

  18. War Crimes Trial: Dostler testifies

    LT GEN ANTON DOSTLER, GERMAN WAR CRIMINAL TRIAL, Palace of Justice, Rome, Italy. Gen. Dostler testifies through his interpreter about checking higher command to determing if these American soldiers came under the Fuehrerbefehl order. In learning that they did, and that he was ordered to have the men shot, he instructed his chief of staff to carry out the order.

  19. War Crimes Trial: execution of American soldiers

    LT GEN ANTON DOSTLER, GERMAN WAR CRIMINAL TRIAL, Palace of Justice, Rome, Italy. Lt Bolze testifying. Photograph of where the landing took place. He explains how they selected the spot where the men were to be shot. German Cpl. Wilhelm Knell is questioned by the prosecutor and testifies about seeing the execution of American soldiers.

  20. Prosecution at Nuremberg Trial; courtroom

    (Munich 386) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, August 30, 1946. Thomas Dodd and Brig Gen Telford Taylor of the American prosecution seated in the courtroom. Taylor speaking to the court. Dodd seated at prosecution table. Pan to Russian prosecution table showing General Rudenko. Taylor speaks of the ruthlessness of the German army, saying "this was not soldiery, this was savagery." MS, French prosecutor AC de Ribes summing up. MS, Russian prosecutor Gen. Rudenko summing up. HAS, lawyers, prosecutors, and others filing out of the courtroom after session.