
Displaying items 7,021 to 7,040 of 10,858
  1. Affidavit of Michael Brandmeier and Heinrich Hause

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains two affidavits about the Lebensborn Project. Michael Brandmeier testifies (p.1-5, page 1 is unreadable) about how the prisoners from KZ Dachau, female prisoners from KZ Ravensbrück and Dutch prisoners were employed for Lebensborn and strongly abused. Furthermore he testifies about the goods that the Lebensborn project received (clothes, furniture, toiletries) but were taken by the staff for private purpose. The people mentioned are: SS-Untersturmführer Max Sollmann (Sys. No. 432001), SS-Unterscharführer Sauer, SS-Sturmbannführer Dr. Günther Tesch, lawyer (Sys. No. 432001) ...

  2. [Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains the verdicts of Johann Pavlasek (born on 2 July 1922 in Morawka) and Wenzel Balaš (born on 31 July 1926 in Klein Kunzendorf), two young men from the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. After hearing about groups of partisans in Slovakia the defendenants made the decision to join them. After crossing the border from the Protectorate to Slovakia they were stopped by a military patrol. The patrol were on the side of the partisans and took the men to their camp in the woods. After some time with the group the defendants decided to return home. After arriving at home Balaš han...

  3. [Communist Pamphlets, Germany] 1920-1932

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains nine leaflets published in Hamburg/Germany between 1920 and 1932 by various Communist groups and parties. The four leaflets published by the “Allgemeine Arbeiter-Union/Freie Arbeiter-Union between 1920 and 1930 in Hamburg are mostly on the Social Democratic Party of Germany (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands, SPD) and its support of the German military campaign in the First World War, on the traditional trade unions’ strike policy, on the impossibility to join other groups of the far Left and the economic crisis of 1920. The four leaflets of the Communist Party of Ge...

  4. [War crimes in "Ostland" and charge sheets of Erich von Manstein]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains various documents on war crimes and Jewish Casualties in the Eastern Territories occupied by Nazi Germany. The first document is a typewritten English speaking report of two pages entitled “The Jews in the General Government” and dated of December 1, 1942. The report is on the number of Jews and Jewish ghettos in the zone of occupation called “General Government”. The following document is another typewritten English speaking report on the number of Jewish inhabitants in the districts of Lublin and Warsaw. The third document is a typewritten document of 15 pages entitled “...

  5. [Report from Asscociate Andreas Biss for Mr. Sally Mayer (Joint) and Dr. Kasztner (Vaada) concerning upcoming contract negotiations with the SS]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Andreas Biss, an associate of Dr. Rudolf Kasztner, is giving a report about the negotiations with the German side represented by Adolf Eichmann, Kurt Becher and others in the SS. He urges for swift action, but also stresses the point that at no point Kastner and affiliates could meet the full demands of the SS. He cautions the negotiators and warns them of the immense pressure and psychological stress the German SS officers are under considering Germany's overall military and strategic situation and recommends a forestalling tactic to buy time and thereby save as many Jewish individuals as ...

  6. [Restitution Law Hessen Germany American Zone]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains four documents on the restitution laws in the American controlled Zone in Germany. The first document is a typewritten law sheet regarding the law for restitution ("Entschaedigungsgesetz") in force in Hessen/Germany as of August 1949. The second document is a printed law sheet published by the American military government in Germany ("Militaerregierung – Deutschland Amerikanisches Kontrollgebiet") regarding the legal procedure of claiming restitution. The third document is a printed handout on the law of restitution published by the Bavarian ministry of interior. The hando...

  7. [Information on Nazi Germany (1939)]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains three issues of a typewritten newsletter entitled “Service d’information” and published by Charles Jansen in Strasbourg in 1939 in order to inform the public on the actual situation in Nazi Germany. Written in German, the various issues aim to reveal the contradiction between the economic and social situation in Germany and the official Nazi propaganda. The information is based on anonymous testimonies and observations by German citizens, on official figures and on newspaper articles. Published in July and August 1939, the various issues of “Service d’information” deal wit...

  8. Bericht über die Reise von Vetretern des Deutschen Landwirtschaftsrats in die besetzen Gebiete von Ober-Ost vom 20. bis 31. Juli 1916.

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains a report on the trip of representatives of the German Agriculture Council to the occupied territories of Upper East from July 20 to 31, 1916. On 81 pages it is described in detail how the trip was planned and organized. Daily reports on the journeys in the individual economic sections can be viewed. The individual economic sections are divided into 9 daily reports. Berlin-Warsaw-Gajnowka, Bialosicz, Bielsk, Bialystock, Grodno, Wilna, Krowno, Schaulen and Mitau-Geldingen-Libau. The third part of the report provides information on the state of agricultural production in Uppe...

  9. [German World War I propaganda]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains pamphlets, posters, war bonds and calls for the contribution to war effort. It belongs to the Alfred Wiener collection and a handwritten note of him is attached. Furthermore war propaganda in the form of posters and flyers and against Philipp Scheidemann was distributed. For example posters asking 'Wie gestaltet sich unser Friede?" (How will our piece look like), or posters saying 'bring your money: help to peace and happiness will come again', or 'Bei einem faulen Frieden ein Lohnsklave Englands' (In a lazy peace, an English wage slave) can be seen. Also a pamphlet in whi...

  10. German economic Bulletin

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains a Bulletin and notes for the weekly intelligence report about the German economy, published in 1940 by the Central European Joint Committee in London. Informations about the German economic offensive in South-East Europe, the German financial position, German agricultural census, a campain against foodwaste, the training of metal workes and labour administrations are merged. Further articles about Swedens economic-political situation and Germans supply are attached. The German agriculture has been a main topic in the reports. The conditions in 1940 and the development in p...

  11. N. Reichenheim und Sohn, Geschichte eines Werkes und einer Familie

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file is a short memoir of Nathanael Reichenheim (1785-1858) and his 6 children and grandchildren. The Reichenheims were born in Bernburg and moved to Berlin after they became rich as traders, especially of cotton. They also had a weaving factory in Wüstegiersdorf (Gluszyca) which they sold in 1888 and business in Bradford, England. A small history of the operations and development of the factory is given. The file gives a small summary of the children and grandchildren. Notable is Leonor Reichenheim who was a representative in the Prussian Parlament. His conflict with Bismarck over the ...

  12. [Court and denaturalization preceedings regarding Feodor Fedorenko, Ukrainian SS guard at Treblinka extermination facility]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains extensive material in the form of court proceedings regarding the war criminal trials and subsequent denaturalization and deportation of Feodor Fedorenko, a former Ukrainian SS guard at Treblinka extermination facility in occupied Poland. Fedorenko is accused of having actively participated in the massmurder conducted in Treblinka and testimony alleges his presence and participation in shootings of numerous victims. The Fedorenko trial was the 1st trial that sought to deal with US citizens who participated actively in the Holocaust and later came to the United States under...

  13. [Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Testimony of Israel I., a yeshiva student from Lida, left October 22, 1939 with his yeshiva which relocated communally from Kleck to Vilnius. He describes German bombardment of the city, which resulted in over 60 casualties, Jews and Christians. The Polish military left the city, leaving it to a local militia, which consisted of both Jews and Poles, led by a local Polish dignitary. There were rumors that the Polish population was planning a pogrom, but nothing happened. The Soviets entered the city in mid-September and were generally well-inclined to the Jewish population. Life in the city ...

  14. [The Harlem Riot]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains the copy of a booklet of 29 pages entitled “The Harlem Riot – A study in Mass Frustration” written by Harold Orlansky (Harold Orlans), then a young anthropologist, and published in 1943 by Social Analysis, a group based in New York and aiming at applying techniques of social anthropology to current social phenomena. Harold Orlansky analyzed the riots that had broken out in Harlem/New York in August 1943, following the shooting of an African American soldier by a policeman, and causing the death of five people, and leading to hundreds of wounded people, as well as to lootin...

  15. [Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Testimony of Lucian Teitelboim, 22 year old radio electrician from Warsaw, a soldier in the 13th Wilno Uhlan regiment. He describes the military's uncertainty as information was concealed for fear of spies, and general fear. Though casualties from bombardment were not large among the military, civilians were killed, including women and children. No actions were taken against the German airplanes. He describes the disorganization and lack of discipline in the ranks after bombardments as well as possible desertions by officers. He describes how after the routing of the regiment and its surren...

  16. [Soviet Kultura]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains a report written by Paul Anderson about the life under Soviet occupation. Different typs of reports can be seen, like about Alexandra Orme, an Hungarian authoress whose book 'Between Xmas and Easter' gave an undisterted, humoureus and honest account of life in the Sovite Union, so Anderson Argues. In her book she is speaking for example about a young Red Army recruit who believes that Cultura is a Soviet monopoly, no one else has it. But in the Soviet Union Cultura does not mean what we mean by culture or civilisation. It is largely a synonym of the arts, chiefly the stage...

  17. Contemporary Law Pamphlets

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains a contemporary law pamphlet by the New York University School of Law. This is the 5th edition by Emilio De Hofmannsthal and Richard Berger, edited by Alexander N Sack, Professor of Law, New York University. It belongs to the International Law Series for the international protection of axis victims and revindictaion of their property rights. On 42 pages the authors explain the position in countries which recognize occupation and of those which do not recognize occupation. Subtopics are the change of citizenship, the right of emigration and cancellation of citizenship. Furth...

  18. [Translations of documents for the Bern trial]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains translated documents used in the Bern trial, for espionage and for the exchange of general informations. The translations are dated between 1934 and 1936. All of them are concerning different topics, for example military communications for Odessa, the anti-soviet risings in the Ukraine and correspondence between several people involved in the Bern trial and the Welt-Dienst, for example Toedtli. Furthermore translated circular letters based on the fight against Jews and the strategies in the Bern trial are contained, in addition those letters have been used in order to spre...

  19. Erinnerungen eines Grossvaters II

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file is the second part of the memoirs of Rabbi Dr. Caesar Seligmann of Frankfurt/M. He continues his story with his exams in Breslau, his military service and visits to Berlin to meet Leopold Zunz and Israel Hildesheimer. He is offered the position of Rabbi in Hamburg and moves there in September 1889. In 1892 he witnesses the Cholera epidemic in Hamburg when about 500-600 people died daily. He mentions Dr. Otto Meyer and Jakob Loewenberg and their selfless heroism during the epidemic. After 12 years in Hamburg he is offered the position of Rabbi in Frankfurt/M in 1902, where he would ...

  20. Jüdische Warenlager

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains several documents dealing with regulations and procedures against Jews by the Nazi military commanders in France. Information and telegrams about confiscations of Jewish property and aryanizations are given. A table of contents of owners of Jewish warehouses is attached. For example, the textile warehouse of the factory of Ferdinand Bloch. The document provides information about the sale of the warehouse after deducting the costs. The sale brought in ffrs 39780. The warehouse of Marx Bloch was also sold and the proceeds were transferred to that of the head of the civil adm...