
Displaying items 6,781 to 6,800 of 10,858
  1. Reading of indictments at Nuremberg Trial

    Reading of indictment at Nuremberg Trial. Courtroom at rest (pre-trial). Court rises as Tribunal enters. Dock showing Goering, Hess, Ribbentrop, etc. 01:01:58 Hess stares stonily (at camera). Hess looks around room, smirks and smiles as MP picks up Hess' earphones for him to hear. MS, MLS, defendants, judges, courtroom audience listening as Justice Lawrence (voiceover) speaks about giving defendants access to documents that will be used as evidence during the trial. (poor image quality-scratches on film, underexposed footage) 01:02:39 Lawrence continues stating, "Indictment shall now be rea...

  2. Solomon S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Solomon S., who was born in Zago?ro?w, Poland in 1917. He recalls antisemitic harassment, particularly at Easter; the deaths of his parents; living with a sibling in Siedlce; one brother's emigration to the United States; rabbinic training in Warsaw; serving in the Polish military starting in April 1938; retreating to Deblin and Kovel?; disbanding of his unit; returning to Siedlce; anti-Jewish regulations; smuggling himself to Vilnius; Soviet occupation; living in S?iauliai; obtaining a visa for Japan; traveling to Vladivostok, then Ko?be-shi; involuntary transfer to ...

  3. Georges D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Georges D., a Catholic, who was born in Brussels, Belgium in 1920, one of three children. He recounts participating in a socialist group and demonstrations; contact with Jewish refugees from Germany; military enlistment in 1938; discharge; recall shortly before the May 10, 1940 German invasion; assignments to anti-aircraft units in several locations, ending at Dunkerque; incarceration in two prisoner of war camps; escaping; return to Brussels; joining the Resistance; sympathy for Jews when they were forced to wear the yellow a star; distributing illegal newspapers; an...

  4. Leo G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leo G., who was born in Berlin in 1921. Mr. G. details his family history and speaks of his prewar life. He describes his experiences of antisemitism during the rise of Nazism, both in school and in his neighborhood. He relates the death of his father in 1933; Kristallnacht and other anti-Jewish actions which followed; his departure from his mother and three sisters, whom he never saw again; and his emigration to the United States. He recounts his enlistment in the U.S. Army in 1942; his training as a denazification expert; and his arrival in Normandy, where he witnes...

  5. Jules W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jules W., who was born in Fürth, Germany in 1927. He recalls attending a Jewish school; his family attending synagogue and observing kashrut; antisemitic harassment; his uncle in the United States arranging their emigration to Cuba on the St. Louis; destruction of the family jewelry store and his parents' arrest on Kristallnacht; their return the next day; staying in Hamburg prior to embarkation on the St. Louis; the contrast between their treatment on a luxury liner and conditions in Germany; learning they could not debark in Cuba; returning to Europe; debarkation i...

  6. Flora S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Flora S., who was born in Belgrade, Yugoslavia in approximately 1932. She recalls her family's affluence; cordial relations with non-Jews; her father's pharmacy; German bombing when she was nine; her father's military mobilization; his escape as a POW with assistance from a Bulgarian doctor; joining her father in a relative's home in Kragujevac; his imprisonment in reprisal for a resistance killing of Germans; seeing his execution from afar; returning to Belgrade a week later with her mother; her mother's refusal to wear the Jewish armband; her grandmother seeking she...

  7. Rosette G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rosette G., who was born in Paris, France in 1938. She remembers living in a non-Jewish neighborhood; her father's military service; being in a basement during an air raid; being sent to live on a farm with non-Jews in Vaulandry; nightly visits from her father who worked in a nearby labor camp; his failure to visit one night (she never saw him again); her mother's visit (she remained in Paris); hiding during German searches; reunion with her mother after the war; their return to Paris; placement in a Jewish children's home in Barbizon; learning Jewish customs and reli...

  8. Irving C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Irving C., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1915. He describes a childhood of extreme poverty; working as a tailor; German occupation; slave labor and beatings; fleeing to Bia?ystok; staying with his sister and brother in a synagogue; meeting his future wife and her father; registering to go to the Soviet Union; traveling with his brother, sister, future wife, and her father in cattle cars to Omsk; his marriage; living in barracks on the outskirts of Omsk; hard labor, then working as a tailor; his daughter's birth; a year's military service in Kalachinsk; returning t...

  9. Fred F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Fred F., who was born in 1915 to an assimilated Jewish-American family. He recalls being drafted into the United States military; serving in the China-India-Burma theatre as a journalist; assignment to the ETO to report on Europe to U.S. troops in Asia; and entering Mauthausen shortly after its liberation. Mr. F. discusses lack of preparation for what they encountered; the stench; keeping a "stiff upper lip" for the sake of the surviving prisoners; the unique sound (because of their extreme emaciation) of the prisoners clapping for the Americans; shaking hands with a ...

  10. Hitler and Nazi demonstrations re: reparations

    Hitler and Nazi demonstrations regarding reparations. Crowds line the streets as Hitler arrives in an automobile with Ernst "Putzi" Hanfstaengl. A close up shot of Hitler; Hanfstaengel in profile. Hitler reviews SA troops and Hitler Youth as they march down a street.

  11. Roger S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Roger S., who was born in Paris, France in 1915. He recalls two years military service beginning in 1936; recall in 1939; discharge in Metz in 1940; imprisonment in Cherche-Midi in 1941; transfer to Clairvaux in 1942; deportation to Drancy in July; distributing coffee, cleaning rooms, and taking care of children deported from Pithiviers; joining a group building an escape tunnel; interrogation and deportation after the Germans discovered it; nineteen of them escaping from the train (only one was eventually recaptured); assistance from many Resistants and other non-Jew...

  12. Operation Annie - undated

    1. Operation Annie broadcasts

    (NARA RG-165-144) Possible test or defective recording not intended for separate broadcast. No date announced during report. Professor [inaudible] reports on American barbarism. Battle sounds, overlapping voices. Sound improves after 2:30. 3:50-end. Repetitions of "Trojan Horse" theme. (NARA 165-145) No date announced during report. Counterpropaganda. Tank battles, railroad fire bombings described; locales named (upper Rhineland). (NARA RG-165-146) No date announced in broadcast. Probably filler and not intended for separate broadcast. 0:00-1:35. "Trojan Horse" signature played in full. 1:4...

  13. Préfecture of Police in Paris records

    Contains administrative accounting files from Drancy (Comptes de Drancy, Préfecture Archives: boxes GB 1–16) recording money, jewelry, and other property confiscated from Jews entering the internment camp. The collection also includes various occupation-related materials (Préfecture Archives: BA Series) on topics such as German spies and agents; the assassination of German military personnel; sabotage; pacifists; the German occupation of Paris; cooperation between French and German police; press censorship; Jewish communities in France; measures against Jews; Drancy, Camp de Saint Denis, an...

  14. Selected records of the Ministry of Justice (Fond 242)

    This collection contains reports, protocols, correspondence, telegrams, statements, requests, circulars, name lists, annual reports, and maps. Collection consists of correspondence with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Forensic Medicine Institute of Sofia, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Welfare, the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the Ministry of Public Education, the Bulgarian National Bank, General Union of Agricultural Economic Cooperative, the Directorate of National Propaganda, Council of Ministries, and Bulgarian cit...

  15. March of Time -- outtakes -- Arrival of Romanian Jewish refugees in Palestine

    Arrival of 600 Romanian Jewish refugees (liberated by Russians) near Haifa [coming from concentration camp in Trans-Dniestrie]. LS ship docked. 05:21:27 MS refugees wave handkerchiefs. Authorities go aboard. LS ship with soldiers carryng arms; ambulances in FG. Unloading baggage with Commandant Morgan, Sea Transport Naval Officer, in FG. 05:22:35 Refugees exit ship down gangplank; elderly, mothers with children. 05:25:08 Filled baggage wagon passes in front of ship. Young refugees dance the "Hora" on the bridge of the ship. Refugees pass crowded train and board another. Arrival of train in ...

  16. Operation Annie - January 10, 1945

    1. Operation Annie broadcasts

    TRACK 1 0:00: music 1:10: Introduction 1:37: headlines: evacuation of German troops behind the St. Hubert street. Slight soil gain of the Americans in the Bastogne area. Bombers above Rhineland, Ardennes and Saar. Bloody fights in the Maginot line at Elsass. German troops are pressuring Strasbourg from North and South. 2:00: Front news: The German evacuation movement on the North-West tip of the Ardennes between La Roche and Saint Hubert gained speed. The fights in the streets of La Roche are ongoing, but Saint Hubert remains under German control. Americans were only able to make small so...

  17. Ruins of Nuremberg with German civilians; Russian DPs celebrate V-E Day; strafing of German countryside

    Visual opens on a slate reading: "Crump Nurberg [sic]." German civilians carry bundles of belongings past bombed-out buildings. A boy holding a large bundle on his back poses for the camera. German civilians stand in line for water distribution -- American soldiers are visible in the shot. 01:00:37 White surrender flags in front of piles of rubble. Shots of Germans looking into the camera. Civilians carry water cans. A young boy with a whistle in his mouth poses for the camera. An American soldier carries a piece of equipment over his shoulder (tripod or surveying equipment?). 01:01:31 A sl...

  18. Selected records from the Departmental Archives of the Pyrénées-Orientales

    Collection includes records from sources including the departmental committee on the liberation of the region; and the cabinet of the prefecture and the sub-prefecture at Prades. Topics include internment camps; the Rivesaltes military and internment camps; the fortress at Perpignan; correspondence, denunciations, and dossiers on individuals; international brigades returning from Spain; Spanish refugees; staff of internment camps; Polish refugees in France; arrests and detentions; Jewish internees at Rivesaltes; and other internees.