
Displaying items 6,741 to 6,760 of 10,320
  1. Jüdische Warenlager

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains several documents dealing with regulations and procedures against Jews by the Nazi military commanders in France. Information and telegrams about confiscations of Jewish property and aryanizations are given. A table of contents of owners of Jewish warehouses is attached. For example, the textile warehouse of the factory of Ferdinand Bloch. The document provides information about the sale of the warehouse after deducting the costs. The sale brought in ffrs 39780. The warehouse of Marx Bloch was also sold and the proceeds were transferred to that of the head of the civil adm...

  2. The Tragedy of Goworowo - Bulletin No. 1

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    This bulletin was intended to publish the work of the Committee for collecting material about the destruction of the Jews in Poland, describing the destruction of the Jewish community of Goworowo in the first months of the war. The bulleting consists of a summary of the testimony of a woman from Rozan, here referred to as X, elsewhere giving her name as Rachel B. the bulletin describes the gathering of Jews into the synagogue and holding them for hours under threat of incendiary bombs and fire. Many of the men were taken out and shot. In the end they were let out under German fire, to see t...

  3. Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova Nezavisne Državne Hrvatske

    • The Ministry of the Interior of the Independent State of Croatia

    The collection comprises papers from the Cabinet Office and Minister's office: categorized as very secret, secret, general files and documents, subsection of personal and computationally-economic affairs, records of the office assistant minister and the president's office, the files of the general section (IA to ID), the Administrative Department (II-A to II-C) and supervisory departments (NO to NO-III-IV), the administrative department of the General Directorate for Internal Administration (RU, RU BI to B-III), a very secret and secret papers of the Secretariat, Director General of the Gen...

  4. Central Location Index of the Relatives Search Department

    In the collection there are documents, lists and index cards. There are two main sections to the collection: Index Cards and Boxes of Documents.1. Index Cards: There are approximately 1,200,000 index cards, not in alphabetical order. Most of the cards are in good physical condition; 2. Boxes of documents: There are approximately 210 boxes of documents clearly divided into two kinds of material:A. The lists are located in 83 boxes including the names of those survivors for whom the organization has searched. The names appear on the index cards as well (in Part 1), because with every applicat...

  5. David Boder Collection: Testimonies of survivors in DP camps in Germany

    This record group is a collection of testimonies recorded by David Boder, a Professor of Psychology at the Illinois Institute of Technology, in DP camps in Europe in 1946. The collection is comprised of testimonies of Jews and non-Jews, recorded in various languages and translated into English. The testimonies focus on the events in the lives of the survivors during the war in the ghettos and camps, while serving in the military, in hiding and in children's homes. The testimonies also contain information regarding the rehabilitation of the survivors from immediately after the war until the ...

  6. Šiaulių apskrities viršininkas

    • Der Kreishauptmann von Schaulen
    • Chief of Šiauliai District

    "The collections of the heads of the counties contain important documents concerning the Holocaust in the Lithuanian provinces" (Galina Žirikova, Lietuvos centrinio valstybės archyvo fondai: holokausto Lietuvoje tyrimo šaltinis /The Collections of the State Archive of Lithuania: a Source of Research on the Holocaust in Lithuania), Vilnius: Valstybinis Vilniaus Gaono žydų muziejus, Vilnius, 2011, p. 12). Circulars and decrees of the Nazis authorities and the chiefs of the local municipalities, decrees, protocols of inquiries of local residents, documents concerning Jewish property, infor...

  7. Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė

    • Stadtverwaltung Wilna
    • Municipality of the City of Vilnius

    This collection holds "documents dealing with the use of the Vilnius Ghetto inmates for work, payrolls, food cards for Jews, lists of the Jews in Vilnius 1 and 2 ghettos (September 1941), requests by gentiles to buy confiscated Jews' property" (Galina Žirikova, Lietuvos centrinio valstybės archyvo fondai : holokausto Lietuvoje tyrimo šaltinis (The Collections of the State Archive of Lithuania: a Source of Research on the Holocaust in Lithuania), Vilnius: Valstybinis Vilniaus Gaono Žydų Muziejus, p. 11. The fonds consists of personal documents of residents (154108 personal cards), docum...

  8. Lietuvos TSR valstybės saugumo komiteto (KGB) operatyvinės įskaitos bylos

    • Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic Security Committee (KGB) Operative Follow-Up Files

    "SSRS OGPU-GUGB-NKVD-MGB-KGB and Lithuanian SSR NKVD-KGB operative files compiled by reconnaissance department (for the poltiticians, cultural and political leaders, activists of the the Uprising on June, 1941, local partisans, leaders of the antisoviet oragnizations, disidents, refugees from the Soviet Union and criminals" (Based on LYA). There are operative files (which deals with prosecution and surveillance proceedings) related to suspicious persons or to group of persons (for example: leaders of Jewish organizations (in Interwar period and early Soviet occupation period in 1940) and re...

  9. Correspondence with Centralverein Deutscher Staatsbürger Jüdischer Glaubens (C.V.)

    1. Wiener Library Archive: Pre-1963 Correspondence

    The correspondence centres on two major subjects. One concerns The Wiener Library’s claim for the recently detected library of the C.V. (1947-1952) and includes background information on the library’s confiscation by the Nazis, its rediscovery on Czechoslovakian soil after the Second World War, and individuals and body’s involved in the process of negotiating its future ownership. Besides, a meeting of former members in London on occasion of the 60th anniversary of the C.V. is arranged. Triggered by a research enquiry on anti-Nazi resistance in Berlin from 1933-45, a second major subject co...

  10. Correspondence with Cohn, Ernst Joseph

    1. Wiener Library Archive: Pre-1963 Correspondence

    The correspondence documents the long-term and professional relation between the correspondents. It centres on the exchange of information material, work and restitution related enquiries on events or individuals related to the Nazi era, the discussion of current affairs, especially on politics and antisemitism in West Germany, and the publication of several articles by E. J. Cohn in the Library’s Bulletin. Beside letters, the correspondence contains the transcript of a newspaper article as well the transcript of a speech given by German politician Franz Böhm on a radio show. Both concern t...

  11. Papers of the Home and Hospital for Jewish Incurables, Tottenham

    Minute books, 1889-1989 (22 vols.); annual reports, 1896-1995 (incomplete series); legal and financial papers, including deeds for High Road, Tottenham, 1897-1914; correspondence, photograph albums and loose photographs, including albums for Berthons House, Walthamstow, c.1899, and one for the Home, Tottenham, 1906 Minute book of the trustees of the British Tay-Sachs Foundation, 1966-74 (1 vol.)

  12. Papers of Rabbi H.F.Reinhart

    Correspondence and papers relating to the West London Synagogue, including correspondence with individuals, papers from religious classes and papers about alterations to and the decorations of the synagogue. Correspondence and newspaper articles relating to Reinhart's resignation, 1957. Correspondence, papers and financial material for the Westminster Synagogue. General correspondence files, including material on the building of the Seymour Hall, 1934, the foundation of new synagogues within the Association of Synagogues in Great Britain, the Central British Fund for World Jewish Relief and...

  13. Jüdische Internierte

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains several documents dealing with regulations and procedures against Jews by the Nazi military commanders in France. Under the command of the Feldkommandantur 550 in Espinal, entry permits and the confiscation of warehouses were discussed. The determination of returners is also shown. For example, the return of the applicant Jean Richard from La Bresse regarding the German interest is being discussed. As well as the application of Gilbert Jeanpierre concerning the return to the south of France. A copy of the application for an ID card can also be seen. Antoine Rene, french ci...

  14. [Court and denaturalization preceedings regarding Feodor Fedorenko, Ukrainian SS guard at Treblinka extermination facility]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains extensive material in the form of court proceedings regarding the war criminal trials and subsequent denaturalization and deportation of Feodor Fedorenko, a former Ukrainian SS guard at Treblinka extermination facility in occupied Poland. Fedorenko is accused of having actively participated in the massmurder conducted in Treblinka and testimony alleges his presence and participation in shootings of numerous victims. The Fedorenko trial was the 1st trial that sought to deal with US citizens who participated actively in the Holocaust and later came to the United States under...

  15. [Documents on the German resistance group "Onkel Emil"]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains various documents on German resistance during World War 2 and more specifically on the resistance group “Onkel Emil”. It consists of a correspondence between the German lawyer Ludwig Ruge and his acquaintances in which he asks for sources on the German underground, as well as of member lists of “Onkel Emil”. However, the largest part of the file is a typewritten chapter of a book by Ruth Andreas-Friedrich, a key member of the group. The book was published in 1947 under the title of “Der Schattenmann” . There, she describes in detail the struggle of living through the last ...

  16. [Measures taken against Jews]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains several documents dealing with regulations and procedures against Jews by the Nazi military commanders in France. Information and telegrams about confiscations of Jewish property and aryanizations are given. Under the topic of measures against Jews correspondences regarding the confiscations of Jewish property in Epinal, France are attached. The Lehmann Sohn company, buying and selling cotton waste, was managed on January 6, 1941 under the provisional rule. The German authority had ordered the determination of the stocks. The contents of Levy Charmes' warehouse were also c...

  17. [Court and denaturalization preceedings regarding Feodor Fedorenko, Ukrainian SS guard at Treblinka extermination facility]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains extensive material in the form of court proceedings regarding the war criminal trials and subsequent denaturalization and deportation of Feodor Fedorenko, a former Ukrainian SS guard at Treblinka extermination facility in occupied Poland. Fedorenko is accused of having actively participated in the massmurder conducted in Treblinka and testimony alleges his presence and participation in shootings of numerous victims. The Fedorenko trial was the 1st trial that sought to deal with US citizens who participated actively in the Holocaust and later came to the United States under...

  18. Internees of the Isle of Man

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains material regarding the internees of the Isle of Man (self-governing crown dependency in the Irish Sea between the islands of Great Britain and Ireland). A stamp book released by the Central British Fund, including stamps and drawn examples of stamps are attached. In the stamp book it is mentioned that with everyone who participated on collecting or using these stamp Jewish kids will receive some help of the sales revenues. Furthermore informations about the situation of Jews and the generel political behaviour in different countries are published on some leaflets. Also the...

  19. [Court and denaturalization preceedings regarding Feodor Fedorenko, Ukrainian SS guard at Treblinka extermination facility]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains extensive material in the form of court proceedings regarding the war criminal trials and subsequent denaturalization and deportation of Feodor Fedorenko, a former Ukrainian SS guard at Treblinka extermination facility in occupied Poland. Fedorenko is accused of having actively participated in the massmurder conducted in Treblinka and testimony alleges his presence and participation in shootings of numerous victims. The Fedorenko trial was the 1st trial that sought to deal with US citizens who participated actively in the Holocaust and later came to the United States under...

  20. [Court and denaturalization preceedings regarding Feodor Fedorenko, Ukrainian SS guard at Treblinka extermination facility]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains extensive material in the form of court proceedings regarding the war criminal trials and subsequent denaturalization and deportation of Feodor Fedorenko, a former Ukrainian SS guard at Treblinka extermination facility in occupied Poland. Fedorenko is accused of having actively participated in the massmurder conducted in Treblinka and testimony alleges his presence and participation in shootings of numerous victims. The Fedorenko trial was the 1st trial that sought to deal with US citizens who participated actively in the Holocaust and later came to the United States under...