
Displaying items 6,741 to 6,760 of 7,748
  1. Hashomer Hatzair white and blue banner for Kibbutz Safiac acquired by a British officer

    1. Cyprus detention camp collection

    White and blue cloth banner with a blue and white Star of David and Hashomer Hatzair emblem acquired by Lt. D.P. Grehan, a Royal Irish Fusilier in the British Army who served as a commanding officer in Karaolos detention camp on Cyprus from March 1947 to June 1948. It is emblazoned with the slogan: Be strong and of good cheer. The Ha-shomer Ha-tsa'ir Workers Party of Palestine, a Marxist-Zionist political party allied to the Kibbutz and socialist youth movements, was founded in 1946. Banners like these were used by internees at their tents and in parades and ceremonies. The internees were M...

  2. Kibbutz Safiach red banner with a Star of David and fleur-de-lis acquired by a British officer

    1. Cyprus detention camp collection

    Kibbutz Safiach banner with a Hashomer Hatzair logo acquired by Lt. D.P. Grehan, Royal Irish Fusilier, British Army, an officer in Karaolus detention camp on Cyprus from March 1947 to June 1948. The Ha-shomer Ha-tsa'ir Workers Party of Palestine, a Marxist-Zionist political party allied to Kibbutz and socialist youth movements, was founded in 1946. Banners like these were used by internees at their tents and in parades and ceremonies. The internees were Ma'apilim, illegal immigrants, most Jewish survivors of the Holocaust, captured while trying to reach Eretz Israel without permission from ...

  3. Borochov Group white flag with 2 blue stripes, yellow Star of David and fleur-de-lis acquired by a British officer

    1. Cyprus detention camp collection

    Eretz Israel style flag, white with two blue stripes and a yellow Hashomer Hatzair logo acquired by Lt. D.P. Grehan, a Royal Irish Fusilier in the British Army who served as a commanding officer in Karaolos detention camp on Cyprus from March 1947 to June 1948. It also has the name of the Borochov Group, a Zionist Youth movement, whose members were interned in Camp No. 55 in Karaolos. The Ha-shomer Ha-tsa'ir Workers Party of Palestine, a Marxist-Zionist political party allied to the Kibbutz and socialist youth movements, was founded in 1946. Banners like these were used by internees at thei...

  4. Square clip-on Daimon battery operated flashlight acquired by a British officer

    1. Cyprus detention camp collection

    German battery operated flashlight given to or found by Lt. D.P. Grehan, Royal Irish Fusiliers, British Army, who served as a commanding officer in Karaolos detention camp in Cyprus from March 1947 to June 1948. This type of hanging flashlight was manufactured from the 1930s-40s by the German company Daimon, and was often used by the German military. The internees were Ma'apilim, illegal immigrants, most Jewish survivors of the Holocaust, captured while trying to reach Eretz Israel without permission from the British. Great Britain controlled Palestine under a United Nations mandate and enf...

  5. Clip-on Daimon battery operated German flashlight acquired by a British officer

    1. Cyprus detention camp collection

    German battery operated flashlight given to or found by Lt. D.P. Grehan, Royal Irish Fusiliers, British Army, who served as a commanding officer in the Karaolos detention camp in Cyprus from March 1947 to June 1948. This type of hanging flashlight was manufactured during the 1930s-40s by the German company Daimon, and was often used by the German military. The internees were Ma'apilim, illegal immigrants, most Jewish survivors of the Holocaust, captured while trying to reach Eretz Israel without permission from the British. Great Britain controlled Palestine under a United Nations mandate a...

  6. Text only program the Jewish Ex-Concentration Camp Orchestra acquired by an American soldier

    1. Arnold Gladstein collection

    Bifold program received by 18 year old Arnold Gladstein, a Jewish American soldier, for a concert by the Jewish Ex-Concentration Camp Orchestra in Furstenfeldbruck, Germany, on July 21, 1946. This orchestra had been formed at the St. Ottilien displaced persons camp near Schwabenhausen, Germany, in 1945 and relocated to Fuerstenfeldbruck in 1946. Also known as the Shearith HaPleitah Orchestra, or the survivor’s orchestra, it was founded by former members of the Kovno ghetto orchestra, and expanded as other musician/refugees, such as Fania and Henia Durmashkin. arrived in the camp. From 1945-...

  7. Hans Pfeiffer papers Nachlass Hans Pfeiffer (1910-1998)

    Contains records relating to Hans Pfeiffer’s activities on behalf of the Eidgenössische Zentralleitung der Heime und Lager (Swiss Central Administration of Asylums and Camps), 1942-1949. The collection includes a complete set of Pfeiffer’s weekly reports from July 1944 to August 1947 as a regional inspector of asylums and camps in Tessin and other Swiss regions. Also contains records pertaining to the Tatgemeinschaft der Schweizer Jugend (Action Community of Swiss Youth), 1938-1997; Zentralleitung der Arbeitslager (Central Administration of Work Camps), 1940-1949; the camp administration in...

  8. Selected records of the Embassies, Consulates and Diplomatic Legations of the Polish Republic : Consulate General in New York Konsulat Generalny Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Nowym Jorku (Sygn.493)

    Selected records of Polish Consulate General in New York, reports, correspondence, press clippings, notes, consular letters, and minutes related to minorities in Poland and in foreign countries, mainly Polish Jews in the US, activities of Jewish organizations and their contacts with the Polish authorities, protests in USA against the persecution of Jews in Germany and Poland, reports on persecution of Poles in Germany, a report of the Polish Consulate General in Chicago, 1940 related to cooperation between Polish and Jewish immigrants in the USA, protest of Jewish organizations against anti...

  9. Fritzi Klein Natko papers

    1. Fritzi Klein Natko collection

    The Fritzi Klein Natko papers consist of biographical materials, correspondence, photographs, and an autograph book owned by Fritzi Klein, who immigrated to the United States as a child in June 1939 as part of the "50 children" group organized by Gilbert and Eleanor Kraus. Biographical materials include birth, marriage, residency, and naturalization certificates and identification papers. Correspondence includes letters and postcards exchanged among Fritzi in the United States, her brother in England, and their parents in Austria. Photographs depict Fritzi and Herbert Klein, their parents, ...

  10. Klopstock family papers

    The Klopstock family papers include biographical material, emigration and immigration material, correspondence, publications, and photographs documenting Johanna Klaus and Norbert, Hilda, Ruth, and Liselotte Klopstock’s immigration to the United States from Berlin in 1940. The collection also includes documents and correspondence from Norbert Klopstock while imprisoned at Sachsenhausen concentration camp in Germany and the Kitchener internment camp in Richborough, Kent. Biographical materials include a copy of Hilda Klopstock’s birth certificate and a German passport and identity card for J...

  11. John and Margot Loewenberg papers

    1. Margot Stern Loewenberg collection

    The John and Margot Loewenberg papers contain documents from the separate journeys of Margot Stern and John Loewenberg, prior to their marriage. The documents pertaining to Margot include a name and luggage tag from her travel aboard the Kindertransport, visa requests, and an identity card issued to her while she was living in England. The documents pertaining to John include personal correspondence and letters sent through the Red Cross, inquiries made towards his family and property after the war, two photographs, and a postcard of the ship he sailed on when he immigrated to the United St...

  12. Pető family papers

    The Pető family papers consist of biographical materials, correspondence, a personal narrative, photographs, property records, a newspaper, and a ticket documenting Judith Pető Leiber and her family, her early career in handbag design, her uncle’s experiences as a refugee in Nice, her family’s survival in Budapest, the confiscation or loss of her relatives’ property, and efforts to recuperate it. Biographical materials include birth and marriage certificates; education and employments records; and identification papers documenting Judith Pető Leiber and her parents, sister, grandparents, an...

  13. Theodore and Martha Burian papers

    The Theodore and Martha Burian papers contain primarily identification documents, which the family used for verification purposes as they immigrated to the United States. Contained in the collections are birth and marriage certificates, citizenship papers, passports, and police registration documents. Also included are boarding passes for the Nyassa passenger ship, and residency certificates for the town of Pohořelice in the Czech Republic.

  14. The anti-Nazi forum

    1. Anti-Nazi resistance and opposition

    The publication is a compilation of articles on the propaganda and threats emanating from Nazi Germany. Frank J. Hogan, President of the American Bar Association provides an overview of the stance of the Catholic church towards Nazi ideology and dismisses the prejudice that Jews financed the Russian revolution and are overrepresented in the communist party. The creation of boycotts by individual companies and movements is discussed in the following chapters. The contribution of Judaism to progress and the contrast of Democracy vs. Nazism are discussed next. W. Burckhandt recounts a meeting ...

  15. Gaston Schmir memoir

    Consists of one memoir, 207 pages, entitled "Memory: The Story of an Obsession" by Gaston Schmir, written in 1992. The memoir, which includes extensive footnotes, family stories, and family tree information, contains information about Mr. Schmir's experiences as a child in wartime France. He and his sister Louise hid in various situations in Angoulême, Montbron, Breve, Grenoble, and Thônes, France. In 1944, Gaston and Louise escaped into Switzerland and lived in a refugee camp. The siblings, with their father, Samuel Szmir, moved to the United States in 1946.

  16. Majerowicz family papers

    The Majerowicz family papers contain documents primarily relating to Arthur and Marie Majerowicz, and their son Kurt. The documents pertaining to Arthur and Marie are mainly identification documents, such as birth, death, and marriage certificates, Arthur’s employment and education history, immigration documents and membership cards. The items relating to Kurt come from his time while interned at Westerbork, and include birthday and postcards he sent to family members, a letter giving power of attorney to his father, and information requests concerning Kurt’s death at Buchenwald. Other docu...

  17. Gina Gotfryd collection

    The Gina Gotfryd collection contains photographs and a memoir of Gina Gotfryd, a Jewish child during the time of the Holocaust, who survived the Radom ghetto, labor camps, and Auschwitz. Also included is an identification card of her father. The Gina Gotfryd collection contains a memoir, written by Gina Gotfryd about her experiences surrounding the Holocaust. Also included are photographs of her family prior to the war and some photographs while she was in Stuttgart displaced persons camp. Additionally, there is an identification card given to Gina’s father, Shamai, after his liberation fro...

  18. Sommer and Bloch family papers

    The Sommer and Bloch family papers primarily document Ralph Sommer, a Jewish refugee who was imprisoned in the Camp des Milles internment camp and later was a member of the French resistance and the French military. Another major portion of the papers contain correspondence from Fred Hanauer, who was a cousin of Ralph's living in the United States and who coordinated efforts with other family members in assisting relatives imprisoned in concentration camps in Europe. Included in the collection is correspondence, identification papers, military papers, and travel visas. The Sommer and Bloch ...

  19. Beruh family correspondence

    The Beruh family correspondence comprises letters written between members of the Beruh family beginning after Gerda and Sonja’s transport to England in 1939 until Gerda and her mother, Nechama were reunited in 1945. The bulk of the letters are written by Gerda to her mother, though many letters include notes from Sonja as well. Three letters to the sisters from their father, Yaakov are also included. A small series of photographs are also included in this collection. Images include Gerda as a teenage girl and two images of groups of children.

  20. Alec Ward memoir

    The Alec Ward memoir is a 13 page memoir entitled "My Story" by Alec Ward. In the memoir, Mr. Ward describes life in the Magnuszew ghetto, the ghetto Kozenice in the district of Radom, slave labor camps Skarzysko Kamienna and Rakow, as well as life in the Buchenwald concentration camp, the Buchenwald subcamp of Flößberg, and the Mauthausen concentration camp.