
Displaying items 6,661 to 6,680 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Lilly T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lilly T., who was born in Zawiercie, Poland in 1928, the youngest of seven children. She recalls her comfortable childhood; German invasion; hiding in bunkers during round-ups; attending a clandestine school; her brothers' deportation to labor camps; ghettoization; pervasive hunger; forced factory labor making military uniforms; her father hiding when the ghetto was liquidated (he perished); deportation to Auschwitz; separation from her mother and a newborn sibling (they were gassed); grueling appels; helping her sisters (they did not survive); working in a munitions ...

  2. Stanley M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Stanley M., who was born in 1926 and enlisted in the United States military at age eighteen. He recalls having no awareness of what a concentration camp was or the systematic killing of Jews prior to entering Mauthausen with the 65th Infantry Division; having two sets of dog tags so he could not be identified as a Jew in case of capture; keeping the former prisoners in Mauthausen so they would not leave and overeat; their disbelief that he was a Jewish solider; obtaining contact information from the prisoners to inform relatives in the United States that they were ali...

  3. Luba S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Luba S., who was born in Pruz?h?any, Poland (presently Belarus) in 1921, one of three children. She recounts her father's death when she was a young child, their poverty; attending a Jewish school until grade seven; participating in Hashomer Hatzair; antisemitic violence; her brother serving in the Polish military when war began in 1939; Soviet occupation; German invasion in 1941; ghettoziation; assistance from a non-Jewish neighbor; deportation with her mother and sister to Auschwitz/Birkenau; remaining with her sister; slave labor; a former teacher sharing extra foo...

  4. Konrad S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Konrad S., who was born in Poland in 1940. He describes orphanage records which document that he was found abandoned in the Warsaw ghetto; being taken to an orphanage by a Polish policeman; and transfer to a convent orphanage outside of Warsaw. Mr. S. recalls staying in thirteen orphanages until he was eighteen; ostracizism and abuse by peers and staff, including some Catholic clergy; frequent hunger; inability to form emotional bonds; unsuccessfully seeking help; attending special education classes; working for a year, then being fired due to not having official docu...

  5. Irving D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Irving D., who was born in Russia in 1912. He recounts the family's move to Vilna in 1913; membership in Hashomer Hatzair; antisemitic incidents in 1929; moving to ?o?dz? to learn the textile industry; German invasion; fleeing to Warsaw; returning to ?o?dz? with his brother; their escape to Soviet occupied areas, Ma?kinia, then Baranavichy; registering to join his parents in Vilna which resulted in arrest as an anti-communist; incarceration in a forced labor camp through 1940; moving to Tashkent; volunteering for the Soviet military in 1941; his discharge after being ...

  6. Fred R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Fred R., who was born in Nuremberg, Germany in 1920. He recalls his father's death in 1931; experiencing antisemitism beginning in 1933; the impact of the Nuremberg laws; transferring to a Jewish school in 1935, then to a school in Milan in 1936; and emigration to the United States in 1938. Mr. R. recounts his mother joining him in 1939; his draft into the United States military in 1943; serving in the Office of Strategic Services in London and Paris; broadcasting from London to Germany; interrogating a German general in Paris; spying in Aachen; participating in Dacha...

  7. Lili I. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lili I., who was born in Pribeni?k, Czechoslovakia in 1925. She recalls a comfortable and happy life as one of five children; Hungarian occupation in 1938; cancellation of her father's business license; her brother's conscription for forced labor; transfer to Sa?toraljau?jhely for six weeks; transport to Auschwitz; separation from her parents, whom she never saw again; selection of one sister for gassing; transport five months later to Lichtwerden-Freudenthal with another sister; work in a military uniform factory; kindness from civilian German workers; a Jewish docto...

  8. Andre M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Andre M., who was born in Paris, France in 1931, the second of four children, to Polish immigrants. He recalls cordial relations with non-Jews; his father's military service; German invasion; his father's return; anti-Jewish regulations; support from friends and teachers; his father's arrest and acquittal (they did not know he was Jewish); his father moving to unoccupied France, thinking it safer; being smuggled with two siblings to Mont-de-Marsan, then Grenade-sur-l'Adour; reunion with their father and sister in Pau; their mother joining them; German occupation of th...

  9. Malcolm W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Malcolm W., who enlisted in the United States military in early 1941. He recalls serving in the 14th armored division; attending officers candidate school; assisting in writing attack orders and strategy; embarkation to Europe in early 1944; crossing from England to Calais after D-Day; joining the Battle of the Bulge as part of the 786th tank battalion; being wounded near Rouen; receiving a Bronze Star for action crossing the Rhine; observing people in striped uniforms and German officers surrendering as they approached Hemer; having no advance knowledge of that parti...

  10. Yehuda A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Yehuda A., who was born in Wu?rzburg, Germany in 1924. He recalls his family's liberal orthodoxy; attending school; antisemitic harassment and violence after Hitler's ascent to power; emigration with his family to Palestine in 1935; enlisting in the British army in 1941; smuggling arms and refugees to Palestine after his discharge; joining the Haganah in 1946, then the Palmah? in 1947; serving in the Israel-Arab War; meeting the poet Haim Gouri in the military; beginning to write poetry; marriage in 1949; and writing a novel resulting from his visit to Wu?rzburg and t...

  11. Iser R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Iser R., who was born in Pia?tek, Poland in 1923, one of nine children. He recalls German bombardment in September 1939; moving to the Warsaw ghetto; being smuggled to the Wegrow ghetto; escaping the liquidation in September 1942; a Polish family hiding him in their attic for two years; his hostess being killed and host injured by German bombing; liberation by Soviet troops; vouching to the Soviets for his rescuers; traveling to ?o?dz?; learning no relatives had survived; living in Fo?hrenwald displaced persons camp, Munich, and Netherlands; emigration to Israel in 19...

  12. Sonia B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sonia B., who was born in Z︠H︡ytomyr, Ukraine in 1928. She recalls German invasion; her brother's military draft; fleeing with her parents to relatives in Kotelʹnya; fleeing east; encountering Germans in Andrushevka; returning to Kotelʹnya; the hanging of her uncle after he was identified as the village head; escaping a mass shooting of Jews on August 18 (her parents were killed); returning to her grandmother's house; escaping a mass killing in December when her grandmother and aunts were murdered; her grandmother's instructions to seek revenge; hiding with assistance...

  13. Moshe B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Moshe B., who was born in a Polish town (presently Belarus) in 1920. He recalls Soviet occupation; German invasion; an aborted escape attempt; anti-Jewish restrictions; ghettoization; planning resistance or escape with other young people; the ghetto leadership informing them they would jeopardize everyone, so ceasing their efforts; forced labor; some of his family's escape from the ghetto's liquidation (his father remained with his sick sister and they perished); hiding his mother, sister, and brother with a non-Jewish farmer; joining the partisans; his family leaving...

  14. Molly B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Molly B., who was born in Heidelberg, Germany in 1920. She recounts her father's service in World War I; her family's German patriotism; attending public school; cordial relations with non-Jews; changes in 1933 when Hitler came to power; a mandatory "racial science" course; the pain of being snubbed by a former friend; her parents' loss of their citizenship because they were naturalized; attempts to emigrate; attending vocational school near Lake Constance, then learning dressmaking in Heidelberg and Berlin to prepare for emigration; loss of the family business due to...

  15. Morris F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Morris F., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland, the oldest of three children. He recalls his father's successful business; his close extended family; their orthodoxy; German invasion; his father's military draft; learning he had been killed; slave labor building a tram line; his mother's arrest; traveling with his siblings to Warsaw to join family; learning his mother had been released; returning to ?o?dz?; ghettoization; supporting his mother and siblings; pervasive deaths; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau in June 1944; separation from his family (he never saw them again...

  16. Martin E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Martin E., who was born in Weinheim, Germany in 1929. He recalls anti-Jewish harassment; anti-Jewish laws, including expulsion from public school; attending a Jewish school in Karlsruhe; his father's arrest on Kristallnacht; his return from Dachau six weeks later; deportation with his parents and sister to Gurs in October 1940; obtaining extra food for his family because children could leave the camp; a French family offering to keep him; refusing to leave his family; removal of the children to an orphanage in Aspet a few months later (he never saw his parents or sist...

  17. Haim A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Haim A., who was born in Thessalonikē, Greece in 1923. He recalls his father's prominence in the community; his father's reluctance to escape after German invasion; being rounded-up with all Jewish men in Liberty Square; forced labor for two months; ghettoization; deportations; escaping to Athens via Larisa, with assistance from non-Jewish friends and strangers; living with his brother in the home of a non-Jewish friend; learning his parents had been deported; traveling to Aleppo via Izmir to join the Greek military; training in Gaza, Rhodesia, and Cape Town; returni...

  18. Harry L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Harry L., who was born in Antwerp, Belgium in 1934. He recalls attending Catholic school; German invasion; an unsuccessful attempt to flee with his family to France; anti-Jewish laws; his father arranging for him and his sister to hide separately with non-Jewish families in Brussels; becoming a "convinced" Catholic; learning from his mother that his father had been deported (he did not return); hiding with his mother for six months; liberation; reunion with his sister; meeting an uncle who was in the United States military; and their emigration to the United States. M...

  19. Fred B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Fred B., who was born in ?abiszyn, Germany (now Poland) in 1909. He recalls most of his large, extended family emigrating; his father's military service in World War I; apprenticing in 1924; working in a department store in Schneidemu?hl (now Pi?a) from 1927 on; the anti-Jewish boycott in 1933; moving to Berlin; his sister's and parents' emigration to Palestine; termination of employment; attempts to emigrate with help from Hilfsverein; synagogue burnings, round-ups of Jews, and his friend's shop windows being broken during Kristallnacht; subsequent social isolation; ...

  20. Jan C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jan C., a non-Jew, who was born in Antwerp, Belgium in 1922. He recalls being raised by his grandparents in Herentals after his father's death; his mother's remarriage; attending school in Turnhout; working in his stepfather's bakery; military conscription in 1940; posting to Gravelines, France; returning to Herentals; involvement with the Resistance; distributing pamphlets, tracking troop movements, and minor sabotage; arrest; imprisonment in Antwerp, then St. Gilles; harsh interrogations; admitting nothing; being condemned to death; deportation to Esterwegen, Börg...