
Displaying items 6,601 to 6,620 of 10,858
  1. Steven L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Steven L., who was born near Pinsk, Belarus in the early 1930s. He recounts his mother's death when he was very young; a close relationship with his maternal grandparents; meeting non-Jewish farmers while peddling with his grandfather; Nazi invasion in summer 1941; ghettoization; working for a non-Jewish farmer to supply food for his family; hiding during round-ups (his family was taken); escaping to the forest with another family; finding another Jewish family; assistance from a shepherd he knew; building bunkers; the deaths of one family from illness; the birth of a...

  2. Alex P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Alex P., who was born in Košice, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1923 to an assimilated, affluent family. He recounts moving to Berlin with his parents and brother in 1926; attending public school; a non-Jewish teacher defending him from harassment; expulsion from public school; attending a Jewish school (Goldschmidt Schule); beatings by Hitler Youth; visiting his grandmother in Czechoslovakia; his bar mitzvah; emigration to England; attending schools in Newhaven, then London; emigration to join relatives in the United States in 1940; military draft; serving ...

  3. Jack M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jack M., who was born in Szyd?owiec, Poland in 1913. He recalls attending cheder, then public school; visiting his grandmother in Chlewiska; apprenticeship as a tailor at age fourteen; working in Warsaw; military service in Skierniewice from 1937 to 1939; German invasion; one brother fleeing to the Soviet zone (he perished); slave labor in Jo?sefo?w; ghettoization; hiding during round-ups; his family's deportation; incarceration in Wolano?w, Skarz?ysko-Kamienna, Sulejo?w, Laura, Dachau, Buchenwald, and Allach; slave labor in HASAG factories; liberation from an evacuat...

  4. Lusia G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lusia G., who was born in Brody, Poland in 1922. She recounts attending public school; Soviet occupation in 1939; German invasion in 1941; her father instructing her, her brother, sister, and her sister's fiancé to evacuate with the Soviet troops; transport to Kursk; working on a collective farm; her sister's marriage; her brother's and brother-in-law's military draft; moving to Saratov; food and clothing shortages; her brother-in-law's return; his earning extra food; the birth of her sister's daughter (she died two days later); moving to Poltava; her sister's depart...

  5. Marian N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Marian N., who was born in s?-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands in 1938. She has no memory of her German Jewish parents who placed her with a non-Jewish business associate in Geldrop before they hid in 1941. Mrs. N. recalls being moved to the Martins family in Horst, where she posed as a cousin from the city; playing with her "brothers," the Martins' two children; participating in church services and holiday celebrations; attending a convent school; bombings; German soldiers quartered in their home; and receiving candy from Canadian troops who liberated the area. She recount...

  6. Joseph M. Holocaust tesimony

    Videotape testimony of Joseph M., who was born in Paris, France in 1938. He recalls his father being wounded while in the French military; visiting him in Beaune-la-Rolande with his mother; his father's return to Paris; hiding with his parents with assistance from his father's non-Jewish employers; moving to a hiding place in the suburbs; wandering off by himself; his mother retrieving him from the police station; his parents placing him with a French family, then with a French concierge (they secretly looked at him weekly, but he was not aware of their presence); hiding with his parents in...

  7. Leonid B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leonid B., who was born in Shpikov, Ukraine in 1921. He recounts his father's death when he was six; moving to Pohrebyshche; his mother's remarriage; moving to Kiev; attending a Jewish school, then a military school; completing training as an artillery officer two days before the German invasion in June; posting to Przemyśl; relocating to Korostenʹ; retreating with his unit through Ukraine and Belarus; witnessing the bombing of civilians; battles in Kiev and Poltava; being wounded; locals assisting him medically, providing false papers, and hiding him; moving to Cher...

  8. Itzhak D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Itzhak D., who was born in Vilna, Russia (presently Vilnius, Lithuania) in 1916, one of five children. He recounts participating in Hashomer Hatzair with Abba Kovner; Soviet occupation; working with the writer Szmerke Kaczerginski; German invasion; anti-Jewish violence; ghettoization; hiding during round-ups; forced labor in a military fuel depot outside the ghetto; selling stolen fuel to purchase food; escaping; hiding with a German guard who had befriended him in the fuel depot; sneaking back into the ghetto; hiding with his family during the liquidation; capture; t...

  9. Maurice L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Maurice L., who was born in Thessalonike?, Greece in 1930, one of five children. He recalls their affluence; attending French school; military service in Albania; German occupation when he returned; avoiding mandatory registration and forced labor; his family's decision to escape a few at a time to the Italian-occupied area; obtaining false papers; traveling to Athens with his sister, her husband, and child; his parents reaching Athens with assistance from the resistance; an invitation from the mayor of a town on Skopelos Island for all of them to live there; arriving...

  10. Hyman K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hyman K., who was born in Kishinev, Romania (presently Chișinău, Moldova) in 1925, the oldest of eleven children, five of whom died prior to the war. He recalls extreme poverty; attending public school and cheder; leaving at age twelve to start a business with his grandmother; Soviet occupation; German invasion; fleeing east; separation from his family; imprisonment for a year; draft into the Soviet military; deserting after less than a year; traveling under trains to Turkmenbashy, Tashkent, then Kirgiziya; returning to Kishinev in 1944; learning his grandparents ha...

  11. Edith F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Edith F., who was born in a small town in Czechoslovakia and moved to Mukacheve when she was seven. She recalls her oldest brother's emigration to the United States in 1938; Hungarian occupation; ghettoization in spring 1944; deportation with her family to Auschwitz/Birkenau; separation by gender; assignment to Canada Kommando with her mother, sister, and aunt; smuggling food and clothing to others; protecting her mother; observing Jewish holidays; her sister's transfer, then her's, to a labor camp; slave labor in a communications equipment factory; staying with a chi...

  12. Dina L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Dina L., who was born in Paris in approximately 1927 to Polish immigrants. She recounts her family's poverty; antisemitic harassment by children; participating in a program that sent poor children to country farms during the summer; her father's enlistment in the French military; German occupation in June 1940; her father's brief return, then departure to work in Belgium; anti-Jewish restrictions, including the yellow star; a teacher and bystanders convincing a German soldier not to arrest her for not having her papers; joining her brother, who was living with farmers...

  13. Dina G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Dina G., who was born in Odesa, Ukraine in 1919. She recalls constant poverty and hardships due to "five year plans"; the focus on education; all religions being forbidden; completing four of five years of medical school when Germany invaded in June 1941; fleeing east; strafing by German planes; living in Rastov for two months; traveling with her parents to the Chinese border; receiving a temporary diploma so she could practice medicine; military mobilization; training in Moscow; participating in the battle of Stalingrad; working as a front line surgeon; meeting her f...

  14. Maurice A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Maurice A., who was born in 1912, and lived in Thessalonike?, Greece. He recounts his father's death when he was fifteen; serving briefly in the Greek military in Peloponnesus; returning to Thessalonike? after German occupation; anti-Jewish measures; ghettoization; refusing to escape due to his reluctance to leave his family; their deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; horrendous conditions during the six day trip; separation from his family upon arrival; meeting his brother who arrived with the next transport; transfer to Buna/Monowitz; obtaining a privileged position a...

  15. Harry B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Harry B., who enlisted in the United States military in 1942. He recounts training as a surgical technician; being stationed in Wales and Scotland; moving to Germany; observing corpses in striped uniforms at the Weimar railroad station; encountering the stench of Buchenwald prior to arrival; the medics entering first; corpses everywhere; establishing a hospital in the SS barracks; prisoner deaths due to eating; compelling local residents to visit Buchenwald (they denied knowledge of Buchenwald in spite of the pervasive odor and bodies outside of the camp); witnessing ...

  16. Frank F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Frank F., who was born in Miskolc, Hungary in 1917, one of seven children. He recalls his family's orthodoxy; his mother's death when he was four; attending a state high school; antisemitic harassment; one brother's emigration to Palestine in 1934; attending school in Montreux in 1936, then in Antwerp and Brussels; visiting home in summer 1937; fleeing immediately upon learning he would be drafted; visiting his brother in London; German invasion when he was in Brussels; futile efforts to flee to France; observing the evacuation at Dunkerque; returning to Brussels; obt...

  17. Walter W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Walter W., who was born in Emmendingen, Germany in 1922. He recalls his family's strong German identity; cordial relations with non-Jews; his parents assuaging his and his sister's alarm when a Jewish neighbor was killed by a Nazi in 1933; former non-Jewish friends shunning him; his father's belief in Germany and that his status as a veteran would protect them; his bar mitzvah; expulsion from school; his father's disbarment; attending a Jewish school in Berlin; watching the synagogue burn on Kristallnacht; learning his father and uncles had been sent to Dachau; return...

  18. Alfred S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Alfred S., who was born in Mannheim, Germany in 1921. Mr. S. describes his family's strong sense of German identification and patriotism; the appearance of Nazis and antisemitism in his school; his growing sense of Jewish identity; alienation from his parents due to their refusal to recognize the danger of antisemitism; and participation in Jewish youth groups including Hashomer Hatzair. He recalls his father's death in 1934; non-Jewish friends protecting him from police; voluntary transfer to a Jewish school in 1936; attending the ORT school in Berlin from 1937 onwar...

  19. Max G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Max G., who was born in approximately 1930. He recounts living in Warsaw, Poland; his father and grandfather owning Jewish newspapers; German invasion; ghettoization; attending school; smuggling food and weapons through his father's contacts; hiding during the uprising in 1943; deportation to Majdanek; separation from his mother and younger brother (he never saw them again); transfer with his father to Budzyn?; slave labor in an airplane factory; public hangings; his father's murder in reprisal for an escape; transfer to Mielec; civilian workers leaving them food; tra...

  20. Morris R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Morris R., who was born in Kielce, Poland in 1914. He describes his orthodox family; attending a selective Polish school; antisemitic incidents, particularly by members of Endecja; serving in the Polish military from 1935 to 1937; mobilization five days before the German invasion; retreating to ?o?dz?, Warsaw, then Tomaszow Lubelski; a last stand against German troops; posing as a civilian and fleeing to Lublin; brief imprisonment; traveling to Pu?awy, then Radom; and returning to Kielce. Mr. R. recounts reunion with his family; hiding to avoid forced labor; arranging...