
Displaying items 6,581 to 6,600 of 10,320
  1. Oral history interview with Paulette Fink

    1. Testimony oral history collection
  2. Blanca Borell collection

    The collection consists of photographs depicting Blanca Borell and her husband Norbert Borell in the Linz-Bindermichel displaced persons camp 1945-1947. Photographs depict demonstration rallies by survivors of Gusen and Mauthausen, remembrance ceremonies in Gusen in May 1946, a soccer team in Bindermichel, and displaced persons en route to Canada with aid from HIAS. Includes a depiction of Simon Wiesenthal. Also includes a HIAS business card issued to Norbert Borer.

  3. Persecution of Jews 1933-1945

    Pre-title sequence: Bookburning in Berlin, Joseph Goebbels speaking. 09:02:58 View of bodies stacked with wood for burning, and Heinrich Heine quote. 09:03:11 Film title: DER GELBE STERN: Ein Film ueber die Judenverfolgung 1933 - 1945. Events of January 30, 1933, when Adolf Hitler is named Chancellor of Germany. NSDAP (Nazi Party) organization, new members, SA marching in streets. S.A. Heim [Sturmabteilung headquarters] 09:05:09 Joseph Goebbels speaks at Sportpalast in Berlin, against the lying Jewish press etc. This preceded Hitler's first speech as Chancellor, February 10. 09:05:53 Still ...

  4. Leon K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leon K., who was born in a small town in Bosnia in 1907 to a family of nine children. He recalls his father's death; attending business college; a government job; marriage in Travnik on the day of the German invasion in 1941; working in Tuzla; moving to Travnik; hiding for three months to avoid deportation; reaching Italian-occupied Mostar with help from a Muslim; his wife joining him in January 1942; and fleeing to the mountains. He recounts living with partisans; moving to Kotor; transfer to Vieste, then Bari, Italy; emigration to the United States in 1943; living i...

  5. Zygmunt G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Zygmunt G., who was born in Lwo?w, Poland in 1911. He recounts hardships during World War I; attending Polish school; antisemitic harassment; Soviet occupation; draft into the Soviet military in 1941 (he never saw his family again); German invasion; fleeing toward Russia with other soldiers; incarceration in labor camps in the Urals; learning in 1945 that his entire family had been killed; being allowed to return to Wroc?aw, Poland in 1946; traveling illegally to Vienna to escape antisemitism; living in a displaced persons camp, then Linz; emigrating to the United Sta...

  6. Norbert L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Norbert L., who was born in Danzig, Germany in 1922. He recalls his parents' orthodoxy; the rich Jewish life in Danzig; anti-Jewish restrictions following the ascent of the Nazis to power; expulsion from school; attending an ORT school in Berlin; hiding during Kristallnacht; returning to Danzig; fleeing with his family to Belgium and London in 1939; emigrating to the United States; being drafted into the army in 1943; participating in the liberation of Paris; and his postwar life. Mr. L. notes many family members perished in the Holocaust; visiting Danzig with his wif...

  7. Ursula K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ursula K. who was born in Bremen, Germany in 1927. She recalls her family's move to Budapest shortly after her birth; happy times as part of the German community; a decline in her family's economic circumstances leading to their return to Germany in 1933; Jewish holiday observances; antisemitism in school; her mother's wish to emigrate and her father's refusal; and her sister's emigration to the United States in September 1938. Mrs. K. recounts their arrest on Kristallnacht; release with the other women and children; her father's detainment (she never saw him again); ...

  8. Eugene F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eugene F., who was born in Krako?w, Poland in 1922. He recalls his family's move to Kolomyi?a?; his father's Zionist activities; studying engineering in Lv?iv; futile efforts to return to Kolomyi?a? after the German invasion; round-ups of Jews; and escaping to the Soviet Union. Mr. F. recounts farm and office work; conscription into a workers' battalion; digging trenches near Stalingrad; working in a steel factory in Baku; returning to Lv?iv after liberation; traveling to Krako?w in 1945; learning his entire family had perished; leaving Poland; receiving help from Jew...

  9. Gerald F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Gerald F., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1921, one of three children. He recounts his father being wounded in World War I; attending school; increasing antisemitism; attending a Jewish school; expropriation of his father's business; emigration to England via the Netherlands in 1938; working on a farm and attending evening classes at Cambridge University; his family joining him; imprisonment as an enemy alien; transfer to the Isle of Man five months later; reunion with his brother and father after his release; attending university in London; working as a chemist w...

  10. Hans F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hans F., who was born in Breslau, Germany (presently Wrocław, Poland). He recounts anti-Jewish restrictions; his father's arrest and incarceration in Buchenwald on Kristallnacht; his release in December 1938 based on his departure from Germany followed by his emigration to Cuba in January 1939; his father's friend arranging for Mr. F., his sister, and mother to emigrate to Cuba; the painful separation from his grandparents (he suspected he would never see them again); buying permits in Hamburg at the Cuban consulate; their departure on the St. Louis; the Cuban govern...

  11. Ellen H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ellen H., who was born in Tyszowce, Poland in 1915. She recalls moving with her parents to Zamos?c?; engagement to her future husband; living with her older brother in ?o?dz?; returning home; German invasion; going to her fiance?'s small village for two weeks; returning home; brief Soviet occupation; receiving a letter from her fiance? asking her to join him in Soviet territory; her parents encouraging her to go; meeting her fiance? in Lut?s??k; marriage; being sent to Kazan?, then to Siberia; living in Asino; volunteering for transfer after German invasion of the Sov...

  12. Kurt G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Kurt G., who was born in a small town in Westphalia, Germany in 1917. One of fifteen children in a poor family, he recalls leaving home at age fourteen; an apprenticeship in Upper Silesia until 1937; his close friendship with the owner of a Berlin factory where he worked; Nazi attacks on students; fending off an SS assault; avoiding arrest during Kristallnacht by hiding in various locations in Berlin; escaping with three friends to Ter Apel, Netherlands; capture and return to Germany; five weeks in prison in Emden, then Berlin; emigration to England in March 1939; wor...

  13. Eva G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eva G., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1920, an only child. She recalls a comfortable childhood in an assimilated family; attending private school, then at age ten, public school; observing Hitler marching from their balcony; close relations with their maids, which ended abruptly after the Nuremberg laws; the trauma of being shunned by former friends; hiding during Kristallnacht; her parents sending her to England in March 1939; working as a maid in London, and as a secretary in Epsom and at a paper factory; her parents emigrating to the United States, with assist...

  14. Hella B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hella B., who was born in Neuss, Germany in 1915. She recalls living in Berlin; her father's position for Siemens in Spain; living in Seville; her older brother's death at a boarding school when she was five; moving frequently and attending boarding schools; living in Lu?denscheid, Cologne, and Nuremberg; antisemitic harassment; a book burning; finishing gymnasium; attending art school in Berlin; her parents obtaining emigration documents for her to join an uncle in New York; staying in England for six weeks with an aunt; arrival in the United States; learning her unc...

  15. Walter L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Walter L., who was born in Gerolzhofen, Germany in 1924. He recalls his father's death in 1931; significant local support for Nazism; anti-Jewish restrictions; attacks by other children when returning from school; his grandfather being marched through town to be cursed and spat upon; moving to Buttenhausen in 1936; expulsion from public school in 1937; his bar mitzvah; burning of the synagogue on Kristallnacht; forced labor in a nearby town; moving to Cologne; receiving emigration papers through relatives in Palestine; traveling to Haifa under the auspices of Youth Al...

  16. Joseph S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Joseph S., who was born in Charleroi, Belgium in 1931. He recalls attending public school; studying with his father, a rabbi; his grandfather's arrival from Austria in 1938; German invasion in May 1940; fleeing with his family to France; living at a refugee shelter in Saint-Pourc?ain-sur-Sioule; moving to Vichy; living at a hotel which housed OSE offices; moving to Nice in August 1940; his grandfather's death; hiding after foreign Jews were required to report to authorities; living openly during Italian occupation; German occupation in September 1943; he and his broth...

  17. Mary G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Mary B., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1908. She tells of her orthodox family; moving to Graz in 1935 to prepare for emigration to Palestine; returning to Vienna in 1937; German annexation of Austria; one brother's escape to Switzerland and another's to Belgium; his placing an advertisement in a British paper to find a position for her; receiving an offer of employment and a visa from a British family; the difficult parting from her parents; seeing her brother in Belgium en route; and arrival in London. She describes living in Torquay; her employer's dissatisfact...

  18. Morris B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Morris B., who was born in Galicia in 1913. He recounts his family fleeing to Vienna during World War I; his determination to learn Austrian German and assimilate into the culture, thinking his future was there; working in a textile factory; attending law school; attending a Nazi convention in Munich in 1936 with fellow students; German occupation in 1938; marriage; arrest on Kristallnacht; beatings and shootings; an Austrian officer releasing him; emigration to Geneva via Italy; obtaining emigration papers to Cuba with assistance from a non-Jewish banker in Zurich; e...