
Displaying items 6,481 to 6,500 of 10,858
  1. Sentencing Sauckel and von Papen at Nuremberg Trial

    Sentencing of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. HMS, Fritz Sauckel, German Labor Leader, listening to Justice Francis Biddle giving a resume of his career. Justice Biddle says that Sauckel is responsible for the deportation of some 5 million people into labor camps, and he was informed about the dire conditions there. He seems not to have taken any initiative to alleviate the situation for these workers. HS, MS as Biddle reads the tribunal's verdict on Sauckel: guilty on counts three and four in the indictment. HMS of Justice Sir Geoffrey Lawrence (British) declar...

  2. Baby Oda playing

    Outdoors at their home in Dahlem, Oda plays with a pinwheel in her crib. Someone holds her hand as she bounces up and down. A woman holds the toys and entertains Oda. Oda dressed in jacket and hat walks around outside. Mother Ethel helps, boy in BG with a bicycle sails a toy boat in the pond. CUs of Oda with a toddler friend.

  3. American journalist interviewed re: propaganda

    Interview with the "well-known radio reporter" Doug Brinkley about "atrocity propaganda" (reaction against the Nazi boycott of Jewish businesses) in the United States. Doug Brinkley traveled extensively in Germany from 1932-1934 and wrote a pro-Nazi book titled "An American Sees the New Germany." The interview takes place outside. The interviewer asks his questions in German and Brinkley responds in English. Brinkley proclaims his admiration for Hitler and the new Germany, and states that although the first reports of atrocities caused demonstrations in the US, Americans now realize that su...

  4. Jackson speaks about Nazi organizations at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 16) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany. HS, Front view, a defense attorney, Dr. Martin Horne, speaking to Tribunal. Horne repeats the request of the defense to admit Winston Churchill as a witness - the court had already decided against that before the defense could bring it up. 01:39:43 LHSs, MSs, US Chief Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson delivers the prosecution's case against certain organizations in the Nazi Government and emphasizes their criminality. 01:43:29 Jackson says, "A thousand little Fuehrers dictated, a thousand imitation Goerings strutted, a thousand Schirachs incited...

  5. Damaged German planes

    Cameraman sets tripod on airfield. Hamilton inspects damaged plane. Shots at damaged bridge on river side. Stevens and Moffat in front of sign that reads: "Captured intact March 7, 1945 by the 9th Armored Division, III Corp." LS, men get into jeep Toluca. Panning shots of planes at abandoned airfield, and various CUs.

  6. Button

    1. Jewish Community in Giessen collection

    Awarded for service in partisian war and for military actions in Tito's army.

  7. Anti-Nazi drawing published in the PM newspaper

    1. William Sharp collection

    No matter how funny you found fat Hermann Goering and his uniforms, you didn't laugh out loud, anyhow. I completed this sketch in Germany in 1933 - a risky thing to do with the Nazis in the saddle and Goering president of the Reichstag. That whip in his hand isn't just for show: Goering is one of the cruelest men in Germany. It was he who decreed that the medieval axe should be used for death sentence. He was a big help to Hitler.

  8. Einsatzgruppen shooting of Jews, Latvia

    An Einsatzgruppe execution between late July and mid-August 1941. Jewish men being shot by Germans, in dugout pit. Two brief shots of German Kriegsmarine standing along the bank near the bushes (screen left) washing himself. Footage includes executions of three groups of men. Soldiers and others, including Kriegsmarine personnel and civilians, stand around. Also visible are many people watching from an embankment above. Jews jump out of open truck and are herded, running, towards open pit. They wear "yellow badges" on their chests and backs. SS men, local Latvian militia, and German police ...

  9. Germany before and after Hitler

    Montage showing in contrast the peaceful life in Germany before and life in Germany during Hitler. Two barefooted, weary men sleeping in park. Woman walking through alley looking in garbage cans. Children in slum street. Boys training in the Nazi Farm Corps. LS, fountain in park. CU, plow breaking ground. 01:12:30 Night scenes: Nazis on the march; burning of books. 1 shot of fires inside synagogue (authentic?). Jews being beaten in streets. HS, German troops, Wehrmacht, on parade. (Good) Montage: Activity in German factory; Montage, German Luftwaffe and Panzer attack. Tanks superimposed ove...

  10. Hitler Youth; dog parade

    “HITLERJUGEND” Hitler Youth march in uniform down the street, the boys at the front play instruments followed by those carrying German and Nazi flags. Women at the end also carry flags. “DOG PARADE” Marching band. Officers with dogs, many are German shepherds. Horse-drawn float with a sign that reads, “Dachshunde.” The float is covered with pine trees, and (what looks like) a toy dachshund. Men and women follow, many walking dachshunds. Car with a Nazi flag draped across the front. Boy with “Foxterriers” sign, followed by folks walking fox-terriers. Procession of “Erdhunde” dogs and their o...

  11. March of Time -- outtakes -- Trial of French spies in Cherbourg; Capture of collaborators, hair shorn

    Two unnamed men on trial for spying. Smiling policemen stand outside the court building. The accused arrive at the court, shackled together at the wrists. Interiors of the courtroom (dark and out of focus). The two men stand before a panel of judges, then sit between two policemen. They cover their faces. The two are led outside. One covers his face but the other does not. Civilians look on as they are led away. 01:44:07 Close-ups of American soldiers settting mines in a road. A street sign reading "Chartres." Americans and French civilians sheltering from German fire. Americans running, sh...