
Displaying items 6,401 to 6,420 of 10,858
  1. Rendulic Lothar

    • Rendulić, Lothar 1887-1971
    • Rendulič, Lotar 1887-1971
    • Rendulić, Lothar



    Wehrmacht general, during WWII in Yugoslavia, Norway and Finland.

  2. Bergen-Belsen Memorial

    • Gedenkstäte Bergen-Belsen

    After the outbreak of World War II, the Wehrmacht set up a camp for Belgian and French prisoners of war in huts at the edge of the Bergen Military Training Area. The camp was significantly expanded in the spring of 1941. Following the German invasion of the Soviet Union, over 21,000 Soviet POWs were deported to the camp until the autumn of 1941. Between July 1941 and April 1942, 14,000 Soviet POWs died there of starvation, disease and exposure. In April 1943, the SS took over the southern section of the camp and turned it into an “exchange camp” for Jewish prisoners. The SS decided in the s...

  3. German soldiers advance; Jewish forced labor

    Map showing Minsk, Libau, Riga. The narrator announces that we are about to see the entry of the German army into Riga. German tanks and other vehicles driving through the streets of Riga. Destruction, destroyed Soviet vehicles, dead horses on the road. Good shot of terribly damaged and destroyed buildings and civilians walking in the streets. The narrator blames the destruction on the Soviets. Huge piles of rubble long shots of Jews at forced labor, removing rubble. Brief shot of someone drawing the scene on a sketchpad. Closer view of Jews at forced labor, including an older man wearing g...

  4. March of Time -- outtakes -- Tito; Yugoslavia

    LS of the village of Kumrovec with sign in FG. CU of sign. General view of the house where Marshall Tito was born (the house is open to the public); one sees the room where he came to life. MS of Tito's house entrance with visitors entering. CU of the plate reading: "To our dear chief Josip Broz Tito, Marshall of Yugoslavia, member of honor of the Motor-car club of St. Peter on the mountains." Shots of Marshall Tito at his home in Dedinje, Belgrade. Marshall in field uniform walking into his study and sitting at desk. Various shots of Marshall Tito going through his morning mail and dictati...

  5. Airplane takes off; destroyed German plane

    Hamilton and other GI in uniforms with service caps. A silver B26 taxis on a dirt runway and takes off. Jeep alongside DC3. Destroyed German plane, MS and CU. CU of German markings on plane. Aerial shots from interior of DC3.

  6. German Panzer totenkopf insignia taken from a guard at Dachau concentration camp

    Nazi insignia taken from guard at Dachau concentration camp by liberator Curtis Whiteway.

  7. Atrocities, Seeshaupt, Germany

    Atrocities, Seeshaupt, Germany. EXT, LS, pile of decomposed bodies. LS, German civilians opening mass grave. CU, partially exhumed body. MS, German civilians removing a body from a mass grave. LS, pile of decomposed bodies. CU, several decomposed bodies. MS, pile of bodies. CU, decomposed bodies. CU, decomposed face of a slave laborer (dead). MS, German civilians carrying a body on a stretcher. LS, pile of decomposed bodies. EXT, crowd of German civilians, building in BG. LS, crowd of German civilians, American soldiers in FG. MS, German civilians unloading bodies from a truck, others looki...

  8. Typhus - Propaganda associating Jews & Poles with the disease and its spread by lice

    Nazi instructional (propaganda) film about measures to contain typhus, indicating the Polish-Jewish population is responsible for spreading typhus. Wehrmachtslehrfilm #347 [Army Instructional Film #347]. Reel 1: Narration/voiceover, maps of Poland, Russia, incl. Bialystok, Lublin, Warsaw, Łódź, Pinsk. 00:34:54 Jews, seen closeup, with and without clothes. Ghetto scenes. Crowd on rail platform, threatening German soldiers, etc. Farm, thatch, geese. 00:35:54 INT, dwelling with filthy conditions, Jewish. Woman in bed, with child. Cartoon portrayal: KRANKE LAUS. An infected louse, goes onto inn...

  9. March of Time -- outtakes -- Arrival of Romanian refugees

    Arrival of 600 Romanian Jewish refugees (liberated by Russians) near Haifa [coming from concentration camp in Trans-Dniestrie]. LS ship docked. MS refugees wave handkerchiefs. Authorities go aboard. LS ship with soldiers carryng arms; ambulances in FG. Unloading baggage with Commandant Morgan, Sea Transport Naval Officer, in FG. Refugees exit ship down gangplank; elderly, mothers with children. Filled baggage wagon passes in front of ship. Young refugees dance the "Hora" on the bridge of the ship. Refugees pass crowded train and board another. Arrival of train in Athlit camp. Members of the...

  10. Atrocity in Riga; Riga synagogue burns

    According to the narrator, an atrocity committed by the retreating Soviets against Latvian nationalists in the Riga area. View of a building, then people carrying corpses on stretchers and laying them out in a row on the grass. Civilians looking at the bodies and weeping; many women. A woman in a flowered dress lays a body in a coffin. Close-up of a woman weeping. Bodies of children. Latvian civilians beating Jews they hold responsible for the atrocity. They drag a man across the street. Many German soldiers in the street watching the Jews being beaten. A burning synagogue in Riga. The narr...

  11. Siege of Warsaw

    This is an incomplete version of the film "Siege" and does not have Julien Bryan's soundtrack. Warsaw 1939. Julien Bryan introduction to camera. Civilians digging ditches, constructing blockades, dead horses. Poles washing outdoors in makeshift homes, food lines. Bundles of belongings on baby carriage. Poles walking with bundles. Interior - damage to Kodak film laboratory where Bryan's films were being developed. Fires, church destruction, priests, relics, etc. INT, hospital damage. Open field, women gathering potatoes, injured by strafing of Luftwaffe planes. Poles gather in front of town ...