
Displaying items 6,361 to 6,380 of 10,320
  1. Victor B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Victor B., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1934 and has vague memories of being smuggled to Antwerp. He recounts bombings when Germany invaded in spring 1940; an unsuccessful attempt to escape to France; brief hospitalization for measles; returning to Antwerp; his father being taken to a labor camp (he shows postcards from him); moving with his mother to Brussels; his father's return; his parents placing him in hiding with non-Jews in a village (his parents remained in Brussels); transfer to an orphanage; living with a widow; being protected by all the non-Jews in ...

  2. Gertrude K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Gertrude K., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1923, one of five children. She describes her close, observant family; the March 1938 German annexation of Austria; forced transfer to a Jewish section; round-ups; her family's employment in a soup kitchen; her emigration to Palestine through Hashomer Hatzair with her father's encouragement; writing to and receiving letters from her family; and learning of their emigration to Yugoslavia. Mrs. K. recalls being joined by one of her brothers; life with other children on a kibbutz; joining her aunt's household in Haifa in 19...

  3. Rudolph J. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rudolph J., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1913. He describes moving to his maternal grandparents' in Wiesbaden during World War I when his father was drafted as a physician; his return to Berlin in 1918; his secular, liberal upbringing; attending university in Berlin; and the beginning of Nazi activity, including the burning of the Reichstag and Hitler's election. He recounts his activity as an anti-Nazi; questioning by storm troopers on an "anti-Jewish day"; leaving Germany for medical school in Genoa, Italy; his family's forced departure from Berlin to Prague; ...

  4. Berthold and Gertrude H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Berthold and Gertrude H. Mr. H. was born in Vienna, Austria in 1904. He recalls his apprenticeship at age fourteen; earning a good living as a salesman; antisemitic attacks; many Jews committing suicide; confiscation of their apartment; arrest on Kristallnacht; abusive treatment until his release; emigration to the United States in February 1939; and psychiatric treatment to deal with his traumatic memories. Mrs. H. was born in Vienna in 1909. She recalls her father's death as a soldier in World War I; marriage in 1937; changes after Hitler took over Austria; being sh...

  5. Barbara Z. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Barbara Z., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1921, an only child. She recalls her father was not Jewish; her parents were both dentists; their divorce when she was twelve; her maternal grandfather living with them; her mother's Danish friend urging her mother to send her to Denmark due to Hitler's ascent to power; arrival in Copenhagen in 1936; attending a Catholic school; her mother's arrival a year later (her grandfather had died); their sham marriages so they could remain; German invasion; non-Jews arranging their transport in a small fishing boat to Sweden (the ...

  6. Jack A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jack A., who was born in Cologne, Germany in 1927. He recalls a secure family life; changes after the Nuremberg laws, including violent harassment; deportation of Polish Jews in October 1938, including many relatives; one brother's emigration to Palestine in November 1938; burning of synagogues and destruction of his father's store on Kristallnacht; his parents putting him and a brother on a train to the Netherlands; being stopped at the border in Emmerich; assistance from local nuns; traveling to the Netherlands; living in a children's home in Arnhem; arrival of his ...

  7. Hanna P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hanna P., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1928. She recalls her family's affluent life; her brother and father reporting for military service before German invasion; German occupation; anti-Jewish restrictions and food scarcity; learning her father and brother were alive and fleeing to the Soviet zone; using false papers to join them in Soviet-occupied Bia?ystok; moving to Orsha; attending Russian school; fleeing east after the German invasion; her father working as a bookkeeper on a collective farm near the Urals; her brother's draft; moving to Ukraine near the war...

  8. Eva G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eva G., who was born in Oradea, Romania in 1923. She recalls her happy childhood in Bratislava; observing Jewish holidays; attending a German school; religious instruction by a Jewish teacher; German occupation in March 1939; harassment by Hitler Youth; transferring to business school; making corsets to support herself; antisemitic restrictions; avoiding round-ups when her home was quarantined because she had rubella; a warning of an imminent round-up; illegally traveling to Budapest in 1942; living with her uncle's family; denunciation as an illegal immigrant; deport...

  9. Charles T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Charles T., who was born in Brno, Czechoslovakia in 1927. He tells of his mother's United States citizenship (she was born in Chicago); his family's affluence; attending a Jewish gymnasium; vacationing in Italy in summer 1938; traveling to Switzerland prior to returning home in October; his mother traveling to the U.S. on citizenship matters; German occupation; his father's and uncle's arrest in April; he and his younger brother living with relatives; spending seven months on a Zionist training farm; learning his father and uncle were in Dachau; an uncle in the U.S. a...

  10. Egon K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Egon K., who was born in Rathenow, Germany in 1918, the youngest of three sons. He recounts attending school; his father's prominent position in the Jewish community; anti-Jewish boycotts starting in 1933; training as an optician; anti-Jewish curriculum; the Nuremberg laws prohibiting him from taking his certification exam; his father's beating and arrest on Kristallnacht; fleeing to an aunt's home in Berlin; his middle brother's emigration to Palestine; his older brother's death from illness in 1939; emigration to Shanghai; organizing a Zionist youth group; deteriora...

  11. Evelyn E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Evelyn E., who was born in Poland in 1934. She recounts staying with her grandparents in Ostro?w Mazowiecka in 1939; German invasion; their escape to Zare?by Kos?cielne; deportation to a village by Soviet authorities; her grandfather's brief imprisonment; moving to Tashkent several years later; her grandfather's death from starvation; moving to a kolkhoz; placement in an orphanage; running away to return to her grandmother; their return to Tashkent; placement in another orphanage; attending school; their repatriation to Poland in 1946; living in orphanages in Otwock a...

  12. Genia K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Genia K., who was born in Kolyshki, Belarus in 1924. She recalls living with her grandmother while her parents worked on a collective farm; Soviet bans on religious observances; famine in 1933; studying medicine in Vitsebsk; German invasion in June 1941; returning home; her father's mobilization; ghettoization; mass killings which included relatives; forced labor; two non-Jewish families bringing them food; traveling east to Soviet territory with her aunt and her children; her aunt's hospitalization; bringing her food and assisting the children; her mother's and broth...

  13. Julianna L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Julianna L., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1927. In this exceptionally detailed testimony, she recalls a comfortable lifestyle; special privileges due to her father's distinguished service as an officer in World War I; Austrian Jews' disdain for Polish Jews; her family's inability to emigrate to Czechoslovakia after the Anschluss (her mother's family was Czech) due to German occupation of the Sudetenland; watching torchlight Nazi parades; and compulsory "Heil Hitler"'s in school. Mrs. L. remembers her father obtaining United States telephone books and writing let...

  14. Hugh J. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hugh J., who was born in Leicester, England in 1916. He relates being a pacifist; assignment to agricultural work as a conscientious objector; volunteering for relief work with the Friends Service Committee; assignment to a team of twelve in continental Europe; driving a truck; being sent to Bergen-Belsen shortly after its liberation; shock at seeing corpses everywhere and the debilitated state of some prisoners; first bringing the children to a nearby hospital camp, then the other prisoners, the healthiest first since they had the best chance of surviving; driving hi...

  15. Nelly M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Nelly M., who was born deaf in Vienna, Austria in 1929. Mrs. F. describes her household comprised of her deaf uncle, mother, and younger sister, and her hearing grandmother; attending a school for the deaf at about age three; learning to read lips; and her mother's divorce (her father was deaf). She recalls the Nazi arrival in Vienna; being forced to leave school; teachers advising her mother to leave Austria; seeing signs in parks and movies reading "Jews forbidden"; an assault by a Nazi youth; witnessing the public humiliation of older Jewish men; learning to read E...

  16. Fela F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Fela F., who was born in Poland in 1923 and moved with her family to Brussels in 1926. She recounts her father's orthodoxy; a brief flight to France before German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; marriage in 1941; her parents and two siblings reporting for deportation in 1942 (she never saw them again); she and her husband hiding with non-Jews in Uccle, using false papers; receiving information from the people hiding them about smuggling herself to Switzerland; interment in a refugee camp in Switzerland; her husband being turned back when he followed her (she never...

  17. Ilse S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ilse S., who was born in Tempelhof, Germany in 1924. She recounts her assimilated family background; expulsion from public schools; joining the Hashomer Hatzair Zionist Youth Movement; anti-Jewish laws; seeing broken glass the morning after Kristallnacht; her father's decision to leave after a legal prohibition against Jews practicing medicine was passed; emigration with her family from Hamburg to Havana via Amsterdam in 1939; adjusting to life in Cuba; emigration to New York in 1940; joining Hashomer Hatzair; attending school; working at Hadassah; and her marriage to...

  18. John P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of John P., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1904. Mr. P. describes the atmosphere and political conditions in Vienna; prewar antisemitism; his family's desire to assimilate; his marriage in 1933; early observations of changing conditions; watching a boycott against Jews from a rooftop in 1938; his mother's refusal to leave because she was the widow of a World War I veteran, was married to another at that time, and was reluctant to leave her art collection; and his escape with his wife to Paris. He relates their incarceration in a French jail for one month; release and...

  19. Esther H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Esther H., who was born in Düsseldorf, Germany in 1927. She recounts her parents were Polish immigrants; seeing Hitler twice; anti-Jewish restrictions; visiting her grandparents in Poland in 1934; visiting an aunt in Berlin; her father being beaten and their home and store plundered on Kristallnacht; traveling to Antwerp via Aachen to live with a maternal aunt; her parents joining her; German invasion in May 1940; fleeing to Paris via Lille; assistance from the Joint; moving to Toulouse, then Saint-Loup; French soldiers being billeted in the house where they were st...

  20. Alice M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Alice M., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1928. She recollects a strong Jewish influence in her childhood; the enthusiastic welcome for German troops in March 1938; anti-Jewish restrictions; an uncle in Venezuela who arranged for their family to go to Trinidad; SS men coming to their home in the middle of the night on Kristallnacht, kicking her father down the stairs and arresting him; her mother arranging for his release; their departure on November 20th; and her confusion and fright. Mrs. M. tells of travel to Amsterdam, then to Trinidad; help received from the s...