
Displaying items 6,281 to 6,300 of 10,858
  1. Cremona civilian internment scrip, 50 lire note, stamped with a Star of David

    1. Katz Ehrenthal collection

    Scrip, valued at 50 Lire, distributed in Cremona concentration camp in Cremona, Italy. Under German pressure, Italian fascists passed antisemitic legislation in 1938, and later established domestic concentration camps for military and civilian internees. However, the Italian authorities resisted participating in the mass murder and did not permit deportations of Jews from Italy. Although the camps were called Campi Di Concetramento (Concentration Camps) the conditions and treatment of their internees were equivalent to prisoner of war (POW) camps for military and civilians. Prisoners, inclu...

  2. Color illustration of Dreyfus waiting for the 2nd court martial verdict

    1. Katz Ehrenthal collection

    Courtroom portrait of Alfred Dreyfus awaiting the verdict in his August-September 1899 court martial trial in Rennes, France. The Dreyfus Affair was a political scandal revolving around antisemitism that inflamed late 19th century France. Dreyfus was an army captain found guilty of treason in 1894 for selling military secrets. Antisemitic publications used Dreyfus as a symbol of the disloyalty and treachery of all French Jews. In 1896, another man was tried and acquitted of the crime. Emile Zola wrote a letter, J'Accuse, to protest the verdict, accusing the French Army of a cover up. Zola w...

  3. Emigration of Jewish displaced persons to Palestine

    Consists of copies of reports and memoranda relating to the emigration of Jewish displaced persons from the British Zone in Germany to Palestine. Included is information about the emigration of orphans during operation "Grand National Junior," the emigration of Jewish displaced persons during operation "Journey's End," emigration restrictions on Jewish men of military age, and the acquisition of exit permits for the British Zone and entry visas for Palestine.

  4. German women involved in war effort; woman wearing Mother's Cross greets her son; German army in France; Warsaw Uprising; action on the Eastern Front

    Cameramen listed on screen: Ammer, Berna, Garms, Grigoleit, Groeninger, Jaeckisch, Kilian, Lempert, Mahla, Pahl, Ritter, Selbach, Stollsteimer, Zeiss. Close up on an announcement requiring both women and men to register with the employment office. Women in an office page through piles of registrations while the narrator says that women must now enroll in the total war effort. Women must fill positions so that men can be free to go to the front. Shots of women operating drill presses, working in an armaments factory, and being trained as streetcar conductors. Women serving in the police and ...

  5. Georges N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Georges N., a Catholic, who was born in Strombeek-Bever, Belgium in 1920, the youngest of three children. He recounts his father's military career; his family's antipathy toward Germany; attending Catholic school; enlisting in the military in 1938; passing exams in Brussels to become an officer; German invasion in May 1940; retreat, then surrender; being marched to Aachen; train transfer to Oberlangen (Stalag VI C), then days later to another stalag; receiving food from the Red Cross; forced agricultural labor in Altenburg; transfer to Stalag XVII A; corresponding wit...

  6. Binjamin M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Binjamin M., who was born in Włocławek, Poland in 1917, the oldest of three children. He recounts a happy childhood in an affluent, assimilated home; participating in Hashomer Hatzair; increasing antisemitism in the 1930s; studying engineering in Warsaw; German invasion; fleeing to Brest in the Soviet Union; corresponding with his family; assistance from a family friend; working as an electrician; his brother's arrival; moving to Lʹviv to work as an electrical engineer; arrest with his brother as non-Soviet citizens; using his influence to have his brother sent home, ...

  7. Alexander B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Alexander B., who was born in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1925, the youngest of three children. He recounts attending a Jewish school through eighth grade; his father losing his business and their landlord forcing them to move due to antisemitism; round-up to Trnava in 1940; working as a non-Jew to support his family; deportation to Sered in fall 1941; beatings by the Hlinka guard; transfer to Majdanek; encountering a cousin and his brother-in-law; volunteering as a German translator; transfer to digging anti-tank trenches, then to Auschwitz/Bir...

  8. Central Committee of the Communist Party of Moldova

    • Comitetul central al Partidului Comunist al Moldovei
    • Центральный комитет Коммунистической партии Молдавии
    • Tsentral'nyy komitet Kommunisticheskoy partii Moldavii

    General information about the Soviet Moldavian Republic; materials on persons evacuated in 1941; the list of persons evacuated from the Moldavian SSR in 1941; information provided by the authorized Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Moldova and the Council of People's Commissars of the MSSR for the Turkmen SSR on the registration of personnel evacuated to Turkmenistan; lists of evacuated enterprises of the Moldavian SSR; lists of communists evacuated from the Moldavian USSR to the Rostov, Saratov, Stalingrad, Turkmen, Uzbek and Chkalov regions; lists of communists evac...

  9. Tekovsko-hontianska župa (1938 - 1944), Dočasne spojená župa Tekov-Hont

    • Bars és Hont közigazgatásilag egyelőre egyesített vármegye

    Documents of the fonds contain a lot of information on the persecution of Jewish population of the county. However, part of the fonds was destroyed during the battles. Files of the County Chairman (including personal files), files of the Deputy Chairman of the County are preserved. Deputy Chairman´s files are however still processed by the archive.There are also documents of the legal attorney in the fonds, but these include only the registers and the index, as well as the financial documents. The last two groups are not inventorized yet. A big group of documents from the files of the Count...

  10. Records of the Mayor of Salgótarján

    • Salgótarján város polgármesterének iratai

    The collection holds the records of the Mayor, the head of the administration of the town of Salgótarján between 1922 and 1950. Records related to the Holocaust include, but not limited to the following topics: cases of trade licences and permits, citizenship and naturalization cases, disenfranchisement of Jewish citizens, petitions for granting the right to vote, records concerning the implementation of the anti-Jewish laws as well as instances of bureaucratic and illegal antisemitic measures, building permits, internal matters of Jewish communities, ban on Zionist organizations, Jewish mi...

  11. Records of the Mayor of Gyöngyös

    • Gyöngyös város polgármesterének iratai

    The collection holds the records of the Mayor, the head of the administration of the town of Eger between 1884 and 1957. Records related to the Holocaust include, but not limited to the following topics: cases of trade licences and permits, citizenship and naturalization cases, disenfranchisement of Jewish citizens, petitions for granting the right to vote, records concerning the implementation of the anti-Jewish laws as well as instances of bureaucratic and illegal antisemitic measures, building permits, cases of military care for the family members of Jewish labour servicemen, registratio...

  12. Horthy enters Košice

    On November 11, 1938, Hungarian Regent Miklós Horthy enters Košice (Kassa), Slovakia, which Hungary regained, along with other Slovak territories, as a result of the Munich Agreement. Hungarian titles throughout. “Egy kis világtörténelem.” “1938 November 11” “A Kassai Bevonulás.” “Fotografálta: Pető György.” “A kassai kórhaz bejárata előtt…” Building “Nemocnica” with people milling about. “...két órai alvás után álmosan gyülekezik a társaság.” MS, Pető and friends from Szeged (four men and one officer) stand beside a car. “Ezer és ezer autó érkezik a történelmi napra.” Street scenes with ca...

  13. Historians and War Crimes Tribunals panel

    1. 1981 International Liberators Conference collection

    End of Historians panel. Hilberg describes capturing Germans and interviewing an officer, who wanted to have a philosophical conversation: "don't you agree that Hitler is a great man?" 01:02:09 Announcements about getting the liberated to meet their liberators. 01:07:20 to 01:08:59 Gap. War Crimes Tribunal panel begins with chairman Bernard Fischman. 01:10:24 Dr. Pilichowski (Poland), director of the Main Commission of the Investigation of Nazi Crimes in Poland. Talks about the legality of prosecuting Nazi criminals; the desire for revenge. Speaks in Polish, with English translation over. (...

  14. Historians and War Crimes Tribunals panels

    1. 1981 International Liberators Conference collection

    End of Historians panel with Yehuda Bauer's speech. 16:19:38 Hilberg tells of his position in the 45th division during the war. He was not at the liberation of Dachau. Describes capturing Germans and interviewing an officer, who wanted to have a philosophical conversation: "don't you agree that Hitler is a great man?" 16:23:00 Announcements about getting the liberated to meet their liberators. War Crimes tribunal begins with chairman Bernard Fischman. 16:31:17 Dr. Pilichowski, (Poland), director of the Main Commission of the Investigation of Nazi Crimes in Poland. Talks about the legality o...

  15. Chief building inspector for the Reich capital, Berlin Generalbauinspektor für die Reichshauptstadt Berlin (Fond 1409)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Original collection at source archive consists of various records relating to construction projects in the entire territory of German Reich: Opis 1: Instructions for the treatment of prisoners of war; protocols of the Reich Ministry of Labor (RAM) for the provision of prisoners of war; a list of the request of prisoners of war, correspondence and protocols on planning construction of subway, airports, ports; minutes of the first session of the "Wissenschaftseinsatzschaft Armausausbau"; proposals by the four-year plan authority (Göring) for rationalization and austerity measures in armaments...

  16. Reich Chancellery Reichskanzlei (Fond 1235)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Reports of the German occupation authorities, clippings from newspapers, etc. about the political situation in Latvia and Estonia; notes, orders and correspondence of political and military figures, personal files of the employees (Curriculum Vitae, salary), a letter from Dr. Femi [?], a staff member of the German Embassy in Bangkok to the Chancellor Georg von Hertling about the case of Willi Fritz, accused of treason; international agreements and correspondence; plans to rebuild the building of the Reich Chancellery; daily plans; list of officials sending Birthday wishes to Hitler, and fin...

  17. Reichs Protector for Bohemia and Moravia Büro des Reichsprotektors in Böhmen und Mähren, Prag (Fond 1488)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Contains a March 1941 monthly situation report of the head of the SD in Prague that mentions the emigration and "resettlement" of Jews. Also included are letters to other German authorities that include a listing of all leadership offices, statistics on German nationals, and the reestablishment of Deutschtum ("Germanness") in the Protectorate. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.

  18. Ruth Loewenstein papers

    1. Ruth Loewenstein collection

    The Ruth Loewenstein papers consist of biographical materials, correspondence, and photographs documenting the Loewenstein family from Munich, the family haberdashery business called JKA, Willy Loewenstein’s military service during World War I, his imprisonment in Dachau following Kristallnacht, the family’s flight to England, their immigration to the United States, and their embroidered handkerchief business Wil-Low Handkerchiefs in America. Biographical materials include identification papers, military papers, and immigration records documenting the Loewenstein family, Willy Loewenstein’s...

  19. Cremona concentration camp scrip, 1 Lire note with a Star of David stamp

    1. Joel Forman collection

    Scrip, valued at 1 Lire, distributed in Cremona concentration camp in Cremona, Italy. Under German pressure, Italian fascists passed antisemitic legislation in 1938, and later established domestic concentration camps for military and civilian internees. However, the Italian authorities resisted participating in the mass murder and did not permit deportations of Jews from Italy. Although the camps were called Campi Di Concetramento (Concentration Camps) the conditions and treatment of their internees were equivalent to prisoner of war (POW) camps for military and civilians. Prisoners, includ...

  20. Cremona concentration camp scrip, 0.50 Lire note with a Star of David Stamp

    1. Joel Forman collection

    Scrip, valued at 0.50 Lire, distributed in Cremona concentration camp in Cremona, Italy. Under German pressure, Italian fascists passed antisemitic legislation in 1938, and later established domestic concentration camps for military and civilian internees. However, the Italian authorities resisted participating in the mass murder and did not permit deportations of Jews from Italy. Although the camps were called Campi Di Concetramento (Concentration Camps) the conditions and treatment of their internees were equivalent to prisoner of war (POW) camps for military and civilians. Prisoners, inc...