
Displaying items 6,261 to 6,280 of 10,320
  1. Walter W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Walter W., who was born in Emmendingen, Germany in 1922. He recalls his family's strong German identity; cordial relations with non-Jews; his parents assuaging his and his sister's alarm when a Jewish neighbor was killed by a Nazi in 1933; former non-Jewish friends shunning him; his father's belief in Germany and that his status as a veteran would protect them; his bar mitzvah; expulsion from school; his father's disbarment; attending a Jewish school in Berlin; watching the synagogue burn on Kristallnacht; learning his father and uncles had been sent to Dachau; return...

  2. Ursula K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ursula K., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1919. She recounts her family's orthodoxy; a close relationship with her maternal grandparents; two brothers; frequent street fights between communists and Nazis; attending public school and lyceum; cordial relations with non-Jews; disappearance of Jewish teachers when Hitler came to power in 1933; leaving to attend a Jewish school (she did not have to since her father was a World War I veteran); under her older brother's influence, joining the anti-Nazi group led by Herbert Baum; her brother's arrest; his release in an am...

  3. Rachelle C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rachelle C., who was born in Hamburg, Germany, in 1919. Mrs. C. recalls attending Jewish schools; Hitler's rise to power; the Nazi boycott of her family's business; and imposition of the Nuremberg laws. She details events of Kristallnacht, including a teacher who hid her brother; seeing her father being taken away wearing his old army uniform and Iron Cross; and destruction of the family business. She tells of her mother proceeding with family emigration plans while her father was incarcerated; departure via Antwerp with her family in December 1938; arrival in San Sal...

  4. Helene J. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Helene J., who was born in Poland in 1918, one of six children. She recounts being orphaned (she does not remember her parents); her grandmother from Paris retrieving them; childhood poverty; marriage at eighteen; her daughter's birth in 1937; briefly evacuating when invasion seemed imminent; staying with a friend outside of Paris; German invasion; her husband bringing them back to Paris; evacuating to Saint-Laurent-de-Neste; locals welcoming them and providing food and other support; her son's birth; registering as a Jew with the mayor and later regretting it; her hu...

  5. Alfred S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Alfred S., who was born in Mannheim, Germany in 1921. Mr. S. describes his family's strong sense of German identification and patriotism; the appearance of Nazis and antisemitism in his school; his growing sense of Jewish identity; alienation from his parents due to their refusal to recognize the danger of antisemitism; and participation in Jewish youth groups including Hashomer Hatzair. He recalls his father's death in 1934; non-Jewish friends protecting him from police; voluntary transfer to a Jewish school in 1936; attending the ORT school in Berlin from 1937 onwar...

  6. Paulette W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Paulette W., who was born in Antwerp, Belgium in 1934. She recalls a happy childhood; German invasion in May 1940; fleeing with her parents to Toulouse; living in a refugee camp; joining relatives near Pau; her father's incarceration in a labor camp; his visit in 1942; being hidden in several places by a Jewish organization; her brother's birth in 1943; being hidden in a convent; her mother working for farmers nearby; assistance from teachers who were partisans; not knowing she was Jewish; her father retrieving her after the war in May 1945; returning with her parents...

  7. Rudolf G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rudolf G., who was born in Wu?rzburg, Germany in 1912. He recalls attending Jewish and German schools; participating in anti-Nazi organizations; his brother's emigration to Czechoslovakia; being arrested in 1937 due to a letter from his brother critical of the Nazis; release after seven months in prison; escaping to Czechoslovakia with the help of socialist organizations; traveling through parts of Europe; secretly returning to Germany to obtain funds for emigration; departure for the United States on November 10, 1938; and learning about Kristallnacht while docked in...

  8. Rose R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rose R. who was born in Luxembourg in 1927. She recalls her family's candy factory; attending Catholic school until Jews were expelled; her father's belief that the Germans were just passing through; her older brother's emigration to Chile; the family's move to Brussels; attending school there for a year; her sister being hidden by priests; the family's flight to Roubaix, France; and her arrest (she was about twelve). Mrs. R. recounts deportation to Majdanek; being brutally beaten; a guard who saved her from being gassed; forced labor in coal mines for a year; having ...

  9. Hans F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hans F., who was born in Breslau, Germany (currently Wroc?aw, Poland) in 1928. He recalls antisemitic street violence; the destruction during Kristallnacht; his father's six week incarceration in Buchenwald; his emigration to Cuba upon release; embarking in Hamburg with his mother and sister on the St. Louis to join his father; Cuba denying landing permission; returning to Antwerp; traveling to France; living by himself in an OSE children's home in Montmorency; joining his mother and sister in Laval after German invasion; embarking for Cuba; a week on Ellis Island en ...

  10. Klara S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Klara S., who was born in Gyo?r, Hungary in 1924. She describes growing up in an assimilated family; cordial relations with non-Jews; moving to Budapest in 1932; her father's death in 1936; her mother housing illegal Czech refugees; anti-Jewish laws resulting in having to change schools; learning the fur trade; German occupation in 1944; assignment working for the SS; forced relocation; living in German military quarters with her mother; liberation by Soviet troops; reunion with her brother; her cousin's death from typhoid; moving to Vienna in 1946; living in a German...

  11. Maria W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Maria W., who was born in Belz, Russia in approximately 1908. She recalls the burning of Belz during World War I; she and her family walking for two months to Vienna; extreme poverty; one brother's emigration to the United States; attending gymnasium; her father's death in 1928; working in a knitting factory; marriage in 1933; working in her husband's knitting factory; their relative affluence; her son's birth; her husband's arrest; a non-Jewish maid who found money her husband had hidden and gave it to her; his release upon promising to leave Austria the next month; ...

  12. Bertha B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Bertha B., who was born in 1904 in Wiesbaden, Germany. She describes early family life; emigration to Antwerp in 1933; and prewar life in Antwerp with her family. She recalls the German occupation of Belgium in 1940; her family's failed attempt to flee to southern France; the deportation of her husband in 1942 (she never saw him again); and the Nazi capture of her mother and niece. Mrs. B. tells of placing her younger son in the care of the Belgian underground; her underground life in Brussels with her older son; the eventual removal of both sons to private homes; and...

  13. Fiszel K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Fiszel K., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1911, the oldest of six children. He recalls his family's orthodoxy; attending Polish school and yeshiva to age fourteen; pervasive antisemitism; working in his father's business and other jobs; becoming less religious; military service as a medic; marriage; his daughter's birth in 1937; military recall in 1939; discharge in Brest; traveling to Bia?ystok; meeting his brother; their deportation to Kyrgyzstan by the Soviet government; forced labor in Komi; release from labor camp; wandering the area; enlisting in the Polish a...

  14. Moses L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Moses L., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1912, a Polish citizen and one of three children. He recounts attending public school; increasing antisemitism in the 1930s; visiting his wife's family in Os?wie?cim in 1938; Poland revoking his Polish citizenship; being declared stateless; hiding during Kristallnacht; obtaining visas for the United States; being ordered to leave Germany; arrest with his father; his release because he had a U.S. visa; his father's deportation to Sachsenhausen; one sister's emigration to England; deportation to Sachsenhausen; staying in the ...

  15. Jean F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jean F. who was born in Sosnowiec, Poland in 1924. She recalls a happy childhood despite prevalent antisemitism; warnings from German refugees; German invasion in 1939; immediate arrests and shootings of Jews; ghettoization; her selection for transport to Gleiwitz in March 1942; slave labor in an ammunition factory; a death march to a train in January 1945; and escape from the train in Czechoslovakia. Mrs. F. describes a village woman's efforts to hide them; arrest and imprisonment in Prague; transfer to Theresienstadt; and liberation by the Red Cross. She recounts he...

  16. Max K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Max K., who was born in Frankfurt am Main, Germany in 1923. He recounts his parents' emigration from Poland; attending school; being snubbed by non-Jewish friends after Hitler's ascent to power; his father realizing the danger and moving them to Strasbourg in 1933, then to Milan a year later; his and his twin brother's b'nai mitzvah; anti-Jewish restrictions; his father arranging for his older sister, her husband, and child to join them; his parents' benign "incarceration" in Italian camps; visiting them; living in Casalpusterlengo to avoid Allied bombings; German inv...

  17. Grace N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Grace N., who was born in Posen, Germany (presently Poznan?, Poland) in 1920. She describes her family; moving to Berlin when Posen became part of Poland; the family's successful piano store; their comfortable life; changes with the rise of Nazism; the impact of the Nuremberg laws on their personal lives; her siblings emigrating; the destruction of their store on Kristallnacht; being offered a job by a concert pianist to accompany her on a tour of the United States; and difficulties obtaining papers to leave. She recalls the emotional departure from her parents; missi...

  18. Henry F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Henry F., who was born in Meerholz, Germany in 1919. He recalls his father, a kosher butcher, his mother, a dressmaker and an older brother; attending a Jewish school for the deaf in Berlin from the age of five for ten years; Nazi harassment; graduation in 1935; and apprenticeship to a tailor in Frankfurt, despite his desire to become an engineer, because of anti-Jewish restrictions. He describes his brother's emigration to the United States in 1937; knowing many deaf people who were sterilized by Nazi law; moving to Mannheim; difficulties obtaining documents (he show...

  19. Ann J. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ann J., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1926 to an affluent family. She recounts having two half siblings from her father's first marriage and a younger brother; moving to Stuttgart in 1932; her father losing his job due to anti-Jewish laws; moving to Vienna, her father's native city; rejection from public school due to anti-Jewish laws; the Anschluss in March 1938; several expulsions from their apartments; her older brother's arrest on Kristallnacht; assistance from a former non-Jewish employee; her older brother's release after two weeks; learning he had been whi...

  20. Ilse M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ilse M. who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1928. She recalls the Anschluss; expulsion from school; her father's incarceration in Dachau for a year starting in 1938; his departure for Italy immediately upon release; leaving a few weeks later on a 1939 children's transport to England; her unhappy life with a childless couple in Prescot; avoiding the husband's sexual advances; cessation of correspondence from her mother in 1941; several live-in jobs; and continuing school while working in Manchester, then London. She describes a visit from her mother's brother after the ...