
Displaying items 6,221 to 6,240 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Hitler Youth; dog parade

    “HITLERJUGEND” Hitler Youth march in uniform down the street, the boys at the front play instruments followed by those carrying German and Nazi flags. Women at the end also carry flags. “DOG PARADE” Marching band. Officers with dogs, many are German shepherds. Horse-drawn float with a sign that reads, “Dachshunde.” The float is covered with pine trees, and (what looks like) a toy dachshund. Men and women follow, many walking dachshunds. Car with a Nazi flag draped across the front. Boy with “Foxterriers” sign, followed by folks walking fox-terriers. Procession of “Erdhunde” dogs and their o...

  2. March of Time -- outtakes -- Trial of French spies in Cherbourg; Capture of collaborators, hair shorn

    Two unnamed men on trial for spying. Smiling policemen stand outside the court building. The accused arrive at the court, shackled together at the wrists. Interiors of the courtroom (dark and out of focus). The two men stand before a panel of judges, then sit between two policemen. They cover their faces. The two are led outside. One covers his face but the other does not. Civilians look on as they are led away. 01:44:07 Close-ups of American soldiers settting mines in a road. A street sign reading "Chartres." Americans and French civilians sheltering from German fire. Americans running, sh...

  3. Selected records of the County Starosty in Pińczów Starostwo Powiatowe w Pińczowie (Sygn. 732)

    Pre-war records related to Jews in the county of Pińczów, including are layouts of estates, certificates of citizenship, court verdicts, and recruitment to the army.

  4. Map

    Foldout map of Berlin acquired by Max Kolpas, a soldier in the 298th Combat Engineers, United States Army. The map also shows the surrounding areas and identifies important Nazi buildings and other locations. It is missing adjoining sheets. The map was created by the Geographic Section, General Staff, British War Office. Kolpas landed at Omaha Beach during D-Day, June 6, 1944, and was a member of one of the first units to enter Berlin in July 1945.

  5. Anschluss: Annexation of Austria

    Newsreel footage of events surrounding the German invasion of Austria. Intertitles read as follows: Austrian Chancellor Kurt Von Schuschnigg who failed to satisy Hitler's demands. Hitler's answer to Austria: INVASION! The modern Caesar triumphantly re-enters the land of his birth. Nazi troops give "Heil salute" casually, individually, to crowds as they pass in jeeps, armored vehicles. Some shop signs seen in background: Kastner, Wagons-Lits/ Cook, Mercedes. Hitler exits car to walk in street. From the balcony of the Imperial Palace he screamed, "75,000,000 people in one nation- - No force o...

  6. Doenitz questioned at Nuremberg Trial; Emigrants on Marine Flasher ship

    20:32:04 (Munich 155) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, May 8-10, 1946. MSs, defendants in prisoners' dock. MSs, attorneys speaking to Adm. Karl Doenitz as MP stands to the right. LS, defendants talking with their lawyers before the session starts. Adm. Doenitz leaves the prisoners' dock and walks to the witness box where he is sworn in and cross examined by British prosecutor Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe. MSs, Maxwell-Fyfe questioning the witness. Pan to Doenitz answering. CU, Capt. Otto Kranzbuehler, Doenitz's attorney, sitting next to another lawyer. LS, defendants in prisoners' dock. Pan...

  7. Invasion of the USSR

    German soldiers on horseback and in vehicles on a dusty road, moving east, on the march toward Schaulen (Siauliai). The camera focuses on one soldier who has his foot soaking in a bucket, riding on a horse-drawn cart. The music is upbeat and slightly comical. Three soldiers carry radio or telephone equipment between them as they walk. The music changes as the soldiers engage the enemy with automatic weapons and rifles. A few Soviet soldiers, with their hands in the air, surrender to the Germans. More fighting, surrender, burning vehicles. Close-ups of POWs, including one woman, described by...

  8. Aftermath of Reichstag Fire

    Day after Reichstag fire. Title: "Das Fanal der Schande. Kommunistische Brandstifter legten im deutschen Reichstagsgebaeude etwa fuenfzig Brandherde an. Die gesamte Berliner Feuerwehr war eingesetzt, sie rettete das Gebaeude in merhstuendiger aufopfernder Arbeit: Der Plenarsitzungssaal ist vernichtet, das Reichstagsgebaeude ist auf Monate unbenutzbar." Night photographs of the Reichstag dome with fire. Title: "Das Bild der Verwuestung am naechsten Morgen" Fire-brigade. Remainders of small fire. Panes of glass in rooftop are shattered. CU of rooms. Detailed photographs of the burned-out plen...

  9. Robert Hesse papers

    Documents related to the career and emigration from Germany of Robert Hesse, including identification documents (German passport and identification card), certificate of discharge from Buchenwald (1938), immigration card from Cuba, typed resume (1940), and photo copies of two family photographs.

  10. Djordje (Djura) Rajs papers

    The Djordje (Djura) Rajs papers include a diary written by Djordje (Djura) Rajs in a former military barracks in Petrovgrad, Yugoslavia (currently Zrenjanin, Serbia). In the diary, Djura details the Nazi occupation of Petrovgrad and forced conscription of Jewish men as well as being forced to move to a dilapidated former Army barracks in May 1941. He further describes that he writes "not something imaginary but rather a complete truth which I lived through..."

  11. German airforce bomber attacks

    VS, German bomber airplane on an airstrip, with Nazi insignia and other markings of the German airforce. VS, mechanics and crew loading bombs onto plane. MS, a military official demonstrates plan of attack to crew using a map. Low angle shot of the belly of the plane closing once ammunition and supplies are on board. CU, night time, propellers of the airplanes, moves out to MLS, plane visible on the runway, preparing for flight. MS, crew members board plane, they shake hands with man who remains on the ground. LS, airplane takes flight. VS, from POV of crew members inside the plane, clouds,...

  12. Records of Rawa Mazowiecka Akta miasta Rawy Mazowieckiej (Sygn.1022)

    Various records related to the town of Rawa Mazowiecka, Poland, mostly from the period prior to World War II, including minutes of the sessions of the Municipal Council of 1926-1939, examination of estates, lists of men who were recruited into the army, certification of craftsmen, and lists of businesses and their owners of 1941-1945.

  13. Frank Halpern papers

    The papers consist of one security clearance certifying that the bearer could attend classified briefing for operation "Market Garden," the Allied invasion of Holland; one photograph of Henry Plitt, an American airman who captured war criminal Julius Streicher; and one document issued to Julius Streicher under an assumed name permitting him to live in Waidring, Austria.