
Displaying items 6,141 to 6,160 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Siege of Warsaw

    This is an incomplete version of the film "Siege" and does not have Julien Bryan's soundtrack. Warsaw 1939. Julien Bryan introduction to camera. Civilians digging ditches, constructing blockades, dead horses. Poles washing outdoors in makeshift homes, food lines. Bundles of belongings on baby carriage. Poles walking with bundles. Interior - damage to Kodak film laboratory where Bryan's films were being developed. Fires, church destruction, priests, relics, etc. INT, hospital damage. Open field, women gathering potatoes, injured by strafing of Luftwaffe planes. Poles gather in front of town ...

  2. Displaced persons at Zeilsheim camp around 1947

    Quick pan of men with a flag at the Zeilsheim Displaced Persons camp in Germany. A young child eats an apple and stares at the camera. Posters tacked to tree trunks showing photographs of men and writing in Hebrew. 00:00:38 Outdoors, an archway decorated with a menorah, a star of David, and Hebrew/English inscriptions, including "Jewish Scout Camp". A large number of scouts -- teenaged boys and girls in uniform -- stand in rows while a white flag bearing a star of David is raised. Children and adults march behind the flag bearers. In Wiesbaden (?). A woman, possibly Lorna Adelman, with a wo...

  3. Schacht questioned by Jackson at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 138) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, May 2, 1946. LS, Chief US Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson at prosecution table before opening of court. Prisoners seated in dock in BG. Prisoners talk together and to their counselors. Pan, Jackson walks to lectern and begins his interrogations of Hjalmar Schacht (at 21:12:37). Defendant testifies that he told a woman that Germany had been taken over by a gang of criminals. When asked by Jackson to name the men that he referred to, Schacht only mentions men who are dead. Asked for the names of the "criminals," he testifies that he cannot answ...

  4. Youth of the Netherlands! Waffen-SS recruitment text only poster that urges Dutch youth to help the Germans fight the Russians

    Waffen-SS recruitment poster issued in August 1941 in German controlled Netherlands asking young Dutch men to join the German Army in order to defend against the Jewish Bolshevik threat. Germany launched Operation Barbarossa, the invasion of the Soviet Union, on June 22, 1941. This was their biggest military operation of the war and there was an increased need for soldiers throughout the Germany Army.

  5. War Crimes Trials: Einsatzgruppen Case

    (Munich 638) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 9 (Einsatzgruppen Case), Nuremberg, Germany. Judge Michael A. Musmanno explains that defendants Otto Rasch and Eduard Strauch were arraigned separately due to illness that prevented them from being in court on September 15. Benjamin Ferencz, the Chief Prosecutor for the US, reads to the court the crimes for which the defendants are charged. HAS of defendants. Ferencz: "Genocide - the extermination of whole categories of human beings - was the foremost instrument of the Nazi doctrine." 01:03:33 Chief Prosecutor Benjamin Fere...

  6. Jewish businesses in Vienna

    Close pan of shops, in Vienna, on a sunny day. Filmed at Seitenstettengasse and Judengasse. 01:07:40 "Judengasse" street sign above shop in Vienna. Soldier with rifle on street corner at 01:07:45. Doors of a synagogue (?). Views of Judengasse from an upstairs window guarded by a soldier. 01:08:21 Local men pose for the camera, pigs roam the streets (location unknown, possibly outside Berlin).

  7. American nurses in Belgium

    Complex of brick buildings with the 51st Field Hospital, probably shot in December 1944 or January 1945 (perhaps in Huy, Belgium or Lierneaux, Belgium). 01:18:44 Beatrice poses with her camera by a guard station decorated with the Belgian flag motif. Medical trucks are parked outside and covered with snow. Men carry the sick and wounded on stretchers. 01:19:09 Beatrice poses with a friend. The men and women of the 51st Field Hospital play in the snow and walk around camp. 01:20:19 Beatrice and another nurse make a snowman and have a snowball fight.

  8. Goering parades during Anschluss; Goering with Rainer and Grohe; examining artwork

    Boys stand in rows on top of a hill, white shirts, Nazi armbands, shorts, and high socks. Soldiers and members of the SS and SA in formation at base of the hill, waiting on Goering. Filmed from within a car moving in the parade, Goering in lead car. People greet from the side of the road, many in white shirts, swastika flags. CU German policeman on the motorcycle riding behind the escort car. They drive through the German countryside. Sign: Schmittenhöhebahn, Zell am See, (region: south of Berchtesgaden), pictures taken from driving vehicle, snowy mountains, rural surroundings, cows. Nazi o...

  9. British Pathé Newsreel -- Atrocities at Buchenwald and Belsen

    Title: "Germany Atrocities - Germany's crimes are no longer hidden from sight. At last the eyes of the world are opened. We believe it our duty to screen these pictures as a warning to future generations..." Title: "Here is a woman who went to Buchenwald Mrs. Mavis Tate M.P." Members of Parliament visiting Buchenwald, Mrs. Tate speaking, "We saw and we know..." Liberation of Buchenwald, survivors, showing tattooed arms. Piles of bodies on wooded truck, MPs in BG. CUs corpses. CUs, British representatives. Piles of corpses. British delegation looking at papers. Ovens, burned bodies inside, d...

  10. Gdynia; loading coal onto barges

    Train moving (towards the camera). "Gdynia" sign at rail station. Woman stacks sod. City scenes, buildings, bus, Polish soldiers, nun. Barges in the water. Loading coal on ships, one with "HEL GDYNIA" painted on the side. A man unloads huge sacks off a truck.

  11. Patton & Russians; Volary burial of Nazi victims

    (LIB 6688) Patton and Russians, Regensburg, Germany and Linz, Austria, May 14, 1945 MSs, Gen. George S. Patton and staff entering plane at Regensburg. MS, Gen. Patton greeted by Lt. Gen. Walton H. Walker at Linz airport. MSs, CUs, Patton and Walker talking to news correspondent Doris Duke Cromwell. VAR, Patton and Russian Marshal Tolbuhkin at his heaquarters. Patton and Tolbuhkin reviewing Russian troops. MSs, Patton and Walker receiving medals from Tolbuhkin. (LIB 6689) Atrocities, Volary, Czechoslovakia, May 13, 1945 MS, CU, bodies of Jewish women in mass grave. SEQ: German civilians remo...

  12. Ukraine; concentration camps and aftermath

    The following notes are from NCJF documentation: MCU, overhead shot, woman rubbing shoulder of a man who is lying face down on the ground. Pan of hills, pan to bodies in a pit. MCU corpse. Pan across many bodies, side by side, people walking past sign at barracks: "HALT! SEIS MUIDULASEN!" (also in Cyrillic characters). VS, barracks filled with bodies, EXT, bodies stacked like lumber, intermingled with lumber, bodies in various states of decomposition, Russian soldiers walking through areas. EXT, MS, crowd, low angle, men on platform, one is speaking, many flags (not identified) in the crowd...