
Displaying items 6,141 to 6,160 of 10,858
  1. Yes referendum against war and Nazi criminals to ensure peace Postwar East German "vote yes" poster on a public referendum

    1. German poster collection
    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn3755
    • English
    • pictorial area: Height: 33.500 inches (85.09 cm) | Width: 23.625 inches (60.008 cm) overall: Height: 34.750 inches (88.265 cm) | Width: 24.625 inches (62.548 cm)

    Poster encouraging the German public of the Soviet-occupied region of Saxony to vote "yes" on a referendum to expropriate factories and companies owned by Nazis. The poster was designed by Wilhelm Schubert, who worked with the Communist Party of Germany (KPD), and distributed in May 1946. The poster implies that voting "yes" to the referendum will help to ensure peace in occupied East Germany. On June 30, the referendum passed, with 82.9 percent voting in favor. After the German surrender on May 8, 1945, Germany was divided into zones of occupation by the Allies. The Soviet zone encompassed...

  2. German Army in Slovakia

    German troops enter region of Slovakia, round up civilian suspects. Reel 1, cont.: 4:50:15 Animap of Slovakia showing towns of Neusohl, and Altsohl, (German names for towns of Zvolen and Banska Bystrica). 4:50:21 MS German troops in truck and artillery piece being pushed on road, LS German troops firing into town at "bandits." MLS German troops advance through field toward town. 4:50:37 MS Peasant woman crying, holding head goes to German officer, watches her barn burn, cows in FG. Reel 2: 4:50:48 LS Burning farm houses, cows, men try to put out fire. 4:50:56 MLS German soldiers striding ac...

  3. Barbie Trial -- Day 10 -- Victims testify

    Lise Lesevre: Resistance member. She was arrested by the Gestapo on March 13, 1943 while she carried a letter addressed to Didier, the false name of a Resistance leader. She was then interrogated and tortured by Barbie: hung by hand cuffs with spikes, forced under freezing water in a bathtub, and beaten with a spiked ball against her back which broke a vertebrae. She was condemned to death by a German military tribunal for "terrorism" but was placed in the wrong cell and deported to Ravensbruck instead. Her husband died at Dachau and her son was killed in a detention center in Neuengamme at...

  4. Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg

    In Adolf Hitler Platz in Nuremberg, Germans salute/heil en masse for the Party Congress, soldiers marching in BG are barely seen, VAR shots of spectators heiling. LS, parade with flags. View of spectators in windows (some flanked with Nazi flags and flower boxes). Closer shots of parade with swastika flags, drummers, crowd saluting. Hitler arrives, salutes crowd from middle of square. More goose-stepping. Close shots of Nazi elites in uniform. In crowd, brown shirt purchases hot dog and bun from a female vendor. More LSs of Nazi elite, including Goering, Goebbels, Hess, and others standing ...

  5. Majdanek: objects of former inmates

    Pan, pile of corpses outside gas chamber/crematoria, bones on the ground. CUs, cremation ovens. Family photographs of a victim. More shots of ovens and bones. CUs, women weeping. Pan down, from one woman to a pile of bones. Tall chimney and burial grounds are shown. Bones. A vegetable garden. Men inside barracks. CUs, shoes salvaged by the Nazis. Victims' belongings including: clothing, gloves, toys, eyeglasses, scissors. The Russian commission continues questioning. CUs, passports, indicating prisoners from Poland, Holland, France, and other countries. CUs, survivors. Commission. Prisoners...

  6. Boris Gurevich papers

    The Boris Gurevich papers are comprised of over fifty letters Boris wrote to his brother and sister while in the Red Army between 1942 and 1944. The majority of the letters are to his sister in Andijan. In them, Boris enquires frequently about her health and food availability and describes his situation as a student in military training and later, as a soldier. Many of his letters describe his health, food rations, his uniforms, and his daily activities in training and in his free time. He often reports that he is happy, especially so while living in Rybinsk, where he lived with a friend, M...

  7. Ernest Steen papers

    1. Ernest Steen collection

    The collection documents the Holocaust-era experiences of Ernest Steen (born Ernst Levistein), originally of Frankfurt am Main, Germany, including his employment in Frankfurt, immigration to the United States in 1940, and service during World War II in the United States Army. Included are a small number of personal and biographical papers, clippings, newsletters, songs and poems, and military papers. Correspondence includes letters Ernest received from his mother Henrietta Steen (née Langenbach) in Frankfurt July 1940-August 1941, prior to her deportation to Łódź ghetto in October 1941. Pho...

  8. SA and Ernst Roehm in Bayreuth, 1934

    SA March of the SA Brigade 77 in Bayreuth on May 13, 1934. Men march in columns. They then stand side by side, Nazi flags billowing in the wind beside them. WS of the soldiers in a field with long rows of motorbikes. Officers on horseback do the Nazi salute. 10:01:30 Ernst Röhm, a Nazi Party founder, leans over to speak to a soldier. They salute, before the officer continues down the line of men. Three men on horseback carry flags bearing the symbols of the Nazi party. The officers ride away down the field. Soldiers stand still in rows, looking right towards the camera. The men bring their ...

  9. Train station and sights in Krakow; Nazi motorcade

    Handwritten film title card reading "Krakau." A train pulls into station. German soldiers carry bags down the stairs. Men unload luggage and cargo from the cars. A child sells newspapers in Krakow's main square. Troops and civilians mull about. Horses and carriages are lined up for passengers. Telegraph offices, St. Mary's Basilica, and the Podgorze Church. Street scenes including a tram and horses and carriages. A Polish civilian in a business suit crossing the street heils for the camera. Peasants exchange goods at the marketplace. Polish women smile at the camera. CUs of money and food e...

  10. Henry J. Kellermann collection

    Consists of documents and correspondence related to the pre-war, wartime, and post-war life and accomplishments of Dr. Henry J. Kellermann, originally of Berlin, Germany. Includes material regarding Dr. Kellermann's pre-war life and schooling, the Gross-Breesen agricultural school for German-Jewish boys, and Dr. Kellermann's involvement in wartime refugee affairs and in the Nuremberg war crimes trials. Also includes material regarding Dr. Kellermann's post-war career in the United States Foreign Service, where he served in Bern and as the permanent representative to UNESCO, and regarding hi...

  11. Life in German DP camp

    Tent city and displaced persons in Germany. Families, children idling near tents (Red Cross and JDC). UNRRA jeeps/trucks. DPs milling about with luggage. Pan, crowd of DPs. Man standing on chair, above crowd view of DPs arriving at camp with luggage. DPs with luggage getting onto truck. CUs, women, children, baby sleeping. Pan feet (mostly barefoot). Standing in line for food with buckets. Eating. Distributing food/soup. Boy getting water from a military jeep. Woman with baby, woman knitting, laundry. DPs idling. CU tents. Man dragging child in cardboard box. Man reading newspaper in Landsb...

  12. Licco Haim and friends on a ski adventure in 1941

    Handwritten title "Hochwinter 1941". Title with 9 February date, named friends, and a figure on a ski slope, "The Black Peak". Group with Anny, Belka, Vania, Shatsi, Konovaliko, and others climbs up a slope. Mountain hostel on Black Peak. Snow-covered hills. Skiing. 01:06:53 Title with 16 February date, "On the Jumping Hill" (?), Shtainke and Licco. Snowy mountainous scenery. Licco and his friends ski, some in slow motion. 01:14:18 [COLOR] Skiing. CUs of the group of friends, including a young girl. 01:20:17 [B/W] More skiing. 01:23:28 Title with 8 March date and two names, "Istene Kal", An...

  13. Hinzert camp in 1946; repatriation of victims' bodies to Luxembourg city

    Includes original French intertitles. Musical accompaniment and end titles added by Centre national de l'audiovisual Luxembourg in 2003. On March 9, 1946, the bodies of Luxembourgers who died at SS-Sonderlager Hinzert in 1942 were repatriated to Luxembourg city. Amateur filmmaker Alphonse Wirion accompanied the convoy to Hinzert and filmed the camp at length (what was left of it), including barracks, barbed wire fences, watchtowers, debris. Then he searched the woods around the camp, exhumed the bones and the bodies that were lined up in an empty shack. The filmmaker then follows the trucks...

  14. Belsen immediately after liberation

    Overturned truck burning (same trucks which carried corpses in earlier shots) - Sgt. Lewis writes it was necessary to burn the wagon in order to "prevent any danger of Typhus spreading". British soldier gives cigarette to female survivor; he sits in jeep. View of mass grave over right shoulder of (Father?) Morrison. Profile of Jewish priest Reverend L.H. Hardman. MS of Father Morrison and Father Kadziolka, a Polish priest in civilian clothing, as they stand by grave and perform ceremony. Barbed wire in background. MCU, survivor seated, looking off in distance. VAR CUs of male survivors, sam...

  15. German siege of Warsaw, Poland, Sept. 1939

    01:04:12:20 CU, shot from low angle of signs on a large contemporary, concrete block apartment building- the address and other information are visible - written in Polish, identifies construction company, etc. located in Warsaw, Poland. Camera then pans the building, which looks deserted, although the bombing has not damaged it. 01:04:23:17 MLS of a destroyed area of Warsaw; it seems to be a bridge over one portion of the river and an entrance into the city from an outlying suburb. Polish soldiers on horseback patrol the bridge, some people are walking along the bridge, one cyclist passes b...

  16. Liberation of Auschwitz

    "Filmdokumente" on the German concentration camps, made under Soviet auspices with narration in Russian. This film was taken by a Soviet military film crew upon liberating Auschwitz in January 1945. People in camp in winter with snow on the ground. CUs, prisoners behind wire (women and children). LSs, AVs, the camp covered with snow. Map of Auschwitz, plans for the crematorium. INT, women in rows of bunks. "Arbeit Macht Frei" gate. Barbed wire. INT, gas chamber. CUs women in the bunks. CUs albums of photographs (showing different nationalities). VS groups of survivors behind wires, worn fac...

  17. US airforce; Ohrdruf on fire; bones at Buchenwald

    Slate reads: "OSS USAF LT. ARMISTEAD ROLL #19" AVs, view from planes of bombs being dropped over Germany. B-26s and B-17s in the air and on ground. American soldiers on airfield unloading airplane with baggage. 05:03:56 Slate reads: "CAPT. BROWNING C-22 A-83 APRIL" Pilot in cockpit. Soldiers unloading a plane and boarding a truck, smoking, gesturing for the camera. On airfield, moving equipment with trucks. 05:06:45 Slate reads: "CAPT. BROWNING C-21 A-83 APRIL" American soldiers getting off a truck with bags, working at the airfield, marking document. CUs of soldiers as they smoke, dole out...

  18. US Foreign Service and diplomats; Good Neighbor Policy; recall of ambassador from Germany

    March of Time, Vol. 5, No. 4 (continuation of "The Foreign Service") Ambassadors at work abroad: Joseph P. Kennedy in London; William C. Bullitt in Paris (the "listening post for all of Europe"); George Wadsworth in Jerusalem; Joseph C. Grew in Japan; Nelson T. Johnson in China. The Jerusalem footage shows British soldiers, Jewish colonists, and an Arab man being frisked by a soldier. The narration says that the British government has had to send more soldiers to quell Arab attacks on Jews, most of whom are refugees already fleeing persecution. Title on screen: "No more vital problem faces ...

  19. Alfred Rosenberg diary

    1. Robert M.W. Kempner collection

    The diary, which begins in April 1936, contains entries in which Rosenberg reflects on contemporary events, including the Soviet-German non-aggression pact, the invasion of Poland, Germany’s relations with other countries prior to the war (Romania, Spain, Afghanistan, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Italy), the personalities and activities of other Nazi leaders, his antipathy to organized religion and to the Roman Catholic church in particular, accounts of his meetings with Hitler, the latter’s affirmations of Rosenberg’s writings and activities, and his perceptions of the popularity and reception of ...

  20. Print

    1. Liliane Yates collection

    Print of a drawing originally created by Henri Gayot, a French resistance member imprisoned in Struthof concentration camp in France.