
Displaying items 6,101 to 6,120 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Artwork by Alexander Bogen

    1. Alexander Bogen collection

    Artwork created by Alexander Bogen. Bogen was an art student in Vilna in 1941 when Germany invaded and occupied Lithuania and neighboring countries. In the Vilna ghetto, he sketched scenes of the life of his fellow Jews interned there by the Germans. “An artist doomed to death,” he said in later years, “recording and so preserving those doomed to death.” In 1943, he escaped the ghetto and joined the partisans in the Naroch Forest in Belarussia, who carried out sabotage and other actions against the occupying German military. He helped lead the all-Jewish Nekama (Revenge) partisan brigade, a...

  2. Portrait of a partisan, drawn by Alexander Bogen

    1. Alexander Bogen collection

    Sketch created by Alexander Bogen while he was a partisan fighter in the Naroch Forest in Belarussia during World War II. Bogen was an art student in Vilna in 1941 when Germany invaded and occupied Lithuania and neighboring countries. In the Vilna ghetto, he sketched scenes of the life of his fellow Jews interned there by the Germans. “An artist doomed to death,” he said in later years, “recording and so preserving those doomed to death.” In 1943, he escaped the ghetto and joined the partisans, who carried out sabotage and other actions against the occupying German military. He helped lead ...

  3. Lithograph by Alexander Bogen of a partisan

    1. Alexander Bogen collection

    Lithograph created by Alexander Bogen while he was a partisan fighter in the Naroch Forest in Belarussia during World War II. Bogen was an art student in Vilna in 1941 when Germany invaded and occupied Lithuania and neighboring countries. In the Vilna ghetto, he sketched scenes of the life of his fellow Jews interned there by the Germans. “An artist doomed to death,” he said in later years, “recording and so preserving those doomed to death.” In 1943, he escaped the ghetto and joined the partisans, who carried out sabotage and other actions against the occupying German military. He helped l...

  4. Drawing by Alexander Bogen of nine partisans in a group

    1. Alexander Bogen collection

    Sketch created by Alexander Bogen while he was a partisan fighter in the Naroch Forest in Belarussia during World War II. Bogen was an art student in Vilna in 1941 when Germany invaded and occupied Lithuania and neighboring countries. In the Vilna ghetto, he sketched scenes of the life of his fellow Jews interned there by the Germans. “An artist doomed to death,” he said in later years, “recording and so preserving those doomed to death.” In 1943, he escaped the ghetto and joined the partisans, who carried out sabotage and other actions against the occupying German military. He helped lead ...

  5. Nuremberg: War Crimes Trials - Soviet compilation

    Russian film produced by the Central Studio of Documentary Films in Moscow about the War Crimes Trial (IMT) in Nuremberg, 1945-46. War footage: Warsaw destroyed, Operation Barbarossa, transports. Courtroom scenes: prosecutors and defendants enter, seated. Courtroom. Gen. Rudenko, Soviet prosecutor. Reel 1 begins with shots of defeated Berlin, Allied troops marching, hoisting flags and piloting tanks. MS of Nazi officers surrendering. Tracking and still MSs of Goering, Keitel, Doenitz, Goebbels' corpse, Jodl, Ribbentrop. Tracking shot of empty bombarded Nuremberg juxtaposed with archive foot...

  6. Nazi justice and Allied justice contrasted

    Film Report compares Nazi sense of justice, as exemplified by aggressive war and atrocities, with that of the war crimes tribunals at Nuremberg. Thomas Jefferson quoted over close views of statue of Jefferson at the Jefferson Memorial in DC. VCU, Hitler at Nuremberg - excerpt from a speech in which he proclaims his right to rid the world of inferior races. LS, crowds, hall, saluting. CU German atrocity victims dead, faces badly battered, corpses. German women crying, after forced confrontation. Elderly civilians viewing room of bodies at liberated camp. MS, naked corpses, coffin, decaying h...

  7. Pair of US Army 70th Infantry shoulder sleeve patches with a white axe head worn by a soldier

    1. Harold Alden Hornbeck collection
    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn50595
    • English
    • 1943-1945
    • a: Height: 3.125 inches (7.938 cm) | Width: 2.250 inches (5.715 cm) b: Height: 3.125 inches (7.938 cm) | Width: 2.250 inches (5.715 cm)

    Shoulder sleeve insignia of the 70th Infantry Division, known as the Trailblazers, worn by Master Sergeant Harold Alden Hornbeck during his service in the United States Army in the European Theater of Operations during World War II. On March 5, 1941, Harold enlisted in the Army and was assigned to the 883rd Field Artillery Battalion, 70th Infantry Division. In December 1941, the United States entered World War II. In January 1945, Harold’s Division was deployed to France as part of the Seventh Army. The 70th advanced through France and on March 20, took Saarbrucken, Germany. In April, the D...

  8. Dorota Grinberg papers

    The papers consist of pre-war and post-war photographs of Marek Nunberg and his family in Poland as well as documents relating to Marek Nunberg's service in the Polish Army during the war.

  9. Propaganda film about Jewish emigres in the British army

    Title on screen: "Into Battle No. 1: Lift Your Head Comrade" British propaganda film. British soldiers march up to a building and are called to attention. Their sergeant attempts to call the roll but stumbles over the foreign names and orders one of the soldiers to do it for him. As the soldier reads the foreign names, the camera pans over to the commanding officer, who explains that this company is almost entirely composed of anti-fascists from Austria and Germany. The officer says that for these men the war started in 1933 when Hitler came to power. Interior of an office. The CO pulls an ...

  10. WW I Baden Cross for Volunteer War Aid awarded to a German Jewish veteran

    1. Mayer, Bierig, and Ehrmann families collection

    Kreuz für freiwillige Kriegshilfe [Volunteer War Aid Cross] 1914-1916, belonging to Oskar Ehrmann. The Cross was awarded to men and women who provided outstanding service in caring for the sick and wounded, outside the war zone, or for other voluntary service in support of the war. Ehrmann was awarded a Cross of Honor for service on the front line during the First World War (1914-1918), issued in 1934. Oskar's two brothers were also German Army officers in WWI. In 1933, the Nazi regime came to power in Germany and enacted policies to persecute the Jewish population. Oskar decided to leave G...

  11. St. Lo in ruins; German prisoners

    Opens with shot of sign that reads: "St. Lo." LS of city in ruins. Series of shots of remnants of buildings. GI directing traffic at sight of Ortslazarett Red Cross. Sign reads: "St. Lo Bridge repaired by 148th Engineer Battalion 4th August 1944. Equipment furnished by 631st Engineer Light Equipment Company." Remnants of cathedral at St. Lo. Army vehicles including Red Cross trucks driving down road in front of bombed out buildings. Water filled craters in FG. Jeep goes by named "Hocus Pocus Focus." Men around their pup tents in a soccer field surrounded by barbed wire. Shot of machine gun ...

  12. Guderian's forces in and around Smolensk

    Heinz Guderian's 29th Infantry Division in and around the city of Smolensk during the German capture of Smolensk in July 1941. Dark shots with flames in the distance. Good nighttime shots of German soldiers rushing past the camera as Smolensk burns. Flames everywhere and smoke billows into the sky. 01:24:08 Now daytime: soldiers walk about the city. Posters affixed to a pole: an advertisement for Igor Yuzhin's circus "Segodnja i Ezhednevno" [Today and Everyday]. Another poster features a caricature of Napoleon fleeing with caption "Tak Bylo." [This is how it was] followed by a caricature of...

  13. Satirical French Anti-Nazi flier found by an American soldier

    1. Carl Ebert collection

    Satirical, French language flier acquired by Carl Ebert, a Jewish American World War II soldier while he was serving as a teletype maintenance technician in Europe from March 1944 - October 1945. Several pockets of French resistance developed in the face of German occupation. Among the activities that these groups carried out was the circulation of anti-German leaflets. Carl, a jeweler whose family emigrated from Austria-Hungary to New York in 1920, enlisted in the army in 1942. In early 1944, Carl’s unit, Company B, 3111th Signal Corps, shipped out from Monmouth, New Jersey to England. As ...

  14. Yellow Star of David badge with a letter J. found by an American soldier

    1. Carl Ebert collection

    Belgian Star of David badge acquired by Carl Ebert, a Jewish American World War II soldier while he was serving as a teletype maintenance technician in Europe from March 1944 - October 1945. The German authorities required the badge to be worn by all Jews over six in order to humiliate them and make them easier to identify and separate from the general population. The badges were used in Nazi occupied Belgium from spring 1942 until liberation in September 1944. Carl, a jeweler whose family emigrated from Austria-Hungary to New York in 1920, enlisted in the army in 1942. In early 1944, Carl’...

  15. Case files of the Geheime Staatspolizei, Polizeistelle in Zichenau (Ciechanów) (Sygn. 148)

    Contains dossiers of cases of Poles, Jews, Germans, Volksdeutsche (ethnic Germans), and other nationals who were either arrested or under surveillance for 1) membership in resistance movements (Organization of Armed Struggle, Home Army, Polish Fighting Resistance, Secret Insurgents' Army, The Peoples' Army and Guard, Polish Workers' Party, Peasants' Battalions, National Military Organization, National Military Forces, and others); 2) for escape from forced labor; 3) unlawful crossing of General Gouvernement or German borders; 4) illegal animal slaughter; and 5) failure to deliver food consi...

  16. The Committee of Refugees Print and explanatory page depicting the refugee committee from the Hollandia Regenerata series

    1. Katz Ehrenthal collection
    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn543901
    • English
    • 1796
    • a: Height: 12.875 inches (32.703 cm) | Width: 9.875 inches (25.083 cm) b: Height: 12.750 inches (32.385 cm) | Width: 9.875 inches (25.083 cm)

    This etching of the Committee for Refugees is the twelfth in the twenty plate series, Hollandia Regenerata. The series was originally illustrated by Swiss soldier and caricaturist, David Hess, as a satirical commentary on the newly created, French-supported Batavian Republic. The images were refined and etched by James Gillray, and published in 1796, likely by Hannah Humphrey of London, England. In December 1792, the French Republic decreed that it would declare the sovereignty of the people in nations it helped liberate. The Batavian Republic (now the Netherlands) was one such country, for...

  17. Events related to Babi Yar massacre; Einsatzgruppen in Ukraine; Nuremberg Trial; Auschwitz

    The following clips are not directly related to each other. Includes dramatized scenes of Babi Yar in the ravine area where German troops and a large group of people are herded forward at gunpoint. The shots most likely come from the 1945 fiction film by Mark Donskoi called "The Taras Family" in English or "Nepokoryonnye" ["The Unvanquished"] in Russian. 00:45:13 (silent) Burning houses. CUs of people killed at the burning houses. CUs of SS-Galicia unit soldiers. German soldiers executing men by hanging. CU of a high-ranking Nazi officer accepting bread. Soldier receives an award. CUs of Uk...

  18. Records of the Mayor's Office of Sopron

    • Sopron Város Polgármesteri Hivatalának iratai

    The collection holds the records of the Mayor, the head of the administration of the town of Sopron between 1902 and 1945. Records from the years 1938-1944 (Boxes 242-499) include, but not limited to documents concerning the implementation of Jewish Laws and other antisemitic bureaucratic measures, including the withdrawal of trade licences and permits, quitting rental agreements of Jews, exclusion of Jews from the municipal committee and social organisations, discharge of Jewish private and state employees, registration and expropriation of Jewish landholdings; administrative procedures ag...

  19. Union of Berlin Zionists Berliner Zionistische Vereinigung (Fond 713)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    The collection includes the organization's statute; meeting minutes; correspondence with other Zionist organizations such as the Jewish National Fund (Ḳeren ḳayemet le-Yiśraʼel); correspondence with members regarding their financial contributions to assist individuals' efforts to obtain travel documents to Palestine; directives on Hebrew instruction; financial accounts; various reports by other organizations including an activity report of the section for emigration of the Agudat Israel, a Jewish orthodox organization in Vienna, and a 1936 report by the chairman of the Jewish Agency for ...

  20. Oscherowitz family. Collection

    This collection contains : photos of the British inmates of Ilag VIII/Z among whom Philippe Oscherowitz, Maurice Bernard Fishel and Leonard Fishel, including propaganda photos of prisoners at the Ilag swimming pool and theatrical and musical spectacles performed by the inmates ; family photos of Belgian citizen David Oscherowitz, his wife Clara Risnik and their daughter Eva Oscherowitz ; photos of David Oscherowitz taken during his military service in the Belgian army in 1935-1936 ; photos of unidentified family members and friends of the Oscherowitz family.