
Displaying items 581 to 600 of 2,629
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Summary of Himmler at Nuremberg Trial (SOUND ONLY)

    SOUND ONLY. Sentencing of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. Decisions reached on how the charges will be grouped. Description of Heinrich Himmler and the operations of the Gestapo.

  2. Nuremberg Trial: von Papen

    (Munich 244) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, June 18-19, 1946. LS, Tribunal as Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe questions von Papen. Maxwell-Fyfe interrogates von Papen. MCU, Fritz Sauckel appears to be very nervous sitting in the dock.

  3. Soviet Prosecutor Rudenko addressing Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 545) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 8, 1946. Rear views of Chief Russian Prosecutor Lt. Gen. R A Rudenko addressing the courtroom (in Russian). Note: There are no shots completely showing Rudenko's face.

  4. Execution

    Laszlo Baky and Laszlo Endre executed. Crowds, the gallows are set up for hanging, prisoners brought into yard, faces covered. Narration: "During their reign they killed and sent to their deaths with sadism hundreds of thousands of deported nationals. That caused a flood of public opinion throughout the world. With their punishment, a new, democratic Hungary is putting an end to the shame of the past."

  5. USHMM compilation for AMIA panel presentation 2004

    Compilation of Museum's archival footage screened at the Association of Moving Image Archivists Annual Conference in Minneapolis, MN in 2004. The film was presented by Raye Farr and Regina Longo and shows segments from the Steven Spielberg Film and Video Archive, including the Mogilev gassing footage from "Nuremberg: Its Lesson for Today."

  6. von Manstein questioned by Telford Taylor at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 343) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, August 10, 1946. MS, Brig. Gen. Telford Taylor questioning former Field Marshal von Manstein about the Commissar Order.

  7. Soviet Prosecutor Rudenko at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 545) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 8, 1946. Rear views of Chief Russian Prosecutor Lt. Gen. R A Rudenko addressing the Tribunal (in Russian). Pan from prosecutor to defendants in prisoners' dock. Return pan to prosecutor. Note: There are no shots completely showing Rudenko's face.

  8. The Military Commander in Serbia

    1. German Occupying Forces 1941-1945

    Documents of the Military Commander in Serbia, the Military and the Administrative sections of the Military Commander and the police. Orders, reports, correspondence about the situation in Serbia, including the Jews. Documents from the Nuremberg trials and the Yugoslav State Commission for War Crimes against Wilhelm Fuchs, George Kiessel and others German criminals of war responsible for crimes committed in Serbia, including the Holocaust.

  9. TR.16 - Legal documentation- Romania

    TR.16 - Legal documentation - Romania Legal documentation regarding Romanian and Hungarian war criminals who collaborated with the Germans during the Holocaust period. The trials were conducted in Romania at the end of World War II, during the years 1945-1946, and they include correspondence, indictments, verdicts and appeals concerning these trials. The indictments include testimonies of survivors regarding the crimes of the defendants.

  10. O.5 - אוסף ט. פרידמן, וינה

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 4019590
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1934-1953
    • Legal documentation Names of perpetrators Official documentation Questionnaire Record of persecuted persons Record of survivors Statistical data Survey report Testimony

    The "Juedische Historische Dokumentation", founded by Tuvia Friedman in mid 1946 in Vienna, collected a large quantity of material over a number of years for use in the prosecution of Nazi war criminals. The institution was transferred to Haifa after 1948. The record group includes eye witness testimony, survivors statements and correspondence.

  11. Documentation of the State Police Headquarters in the Grodno District, 1938-1939

    Documentation of the State Police Headquarters in the Grodno District, 1938-1939 The Collection includes reports of the Grodno Mayor regarding the political, social and economic situation in the area; correspondence with the Regional State Police Headquarters regarding the search for suspects and stolen property.

  12. Documentation of the regional Prosecutor's Office in Bialystok, 1947-1979

    Documentation of the regional Prosecutor's Office in Bialystok, 1947-1979 Included in the file are prosecution files against Polish collaborators and German policemen for their actions during the war period in the Bialystok region.

  13. August Eigruber

    1. Biographical press cuttings collection (1945-1970s)

    "August Eigruber (16 April 1907 – 28 May 1947) was an Austrian-born Nazi Gauleiter of Reichsgau Oberdonau (Upper Danube) and Landeshauptmann of Upper Austria, later hanged by the Allies."--Wikipedia Biographical material, type scripts - excerpts from newspapers.

  14. Ludwig Fischer

    1. Biographical press cuttings collection (1945-1970s)

    "Dr. Ludwig Fischer (April 16, 1905 – March 8, 1947) was a German National Socialist lawyer, politician and a convicted war criminal."--wikipedia. Newspaper clippings, official order, book excerpt

  15. Evidentiary Material in preparation for the Eichmann Trial

    The Collection contains evidentiary material in preparation for the Eichmann Trial, including transcripts of testimonies given to the Israel police, and copies of documents from the Holocaust period, 1933-1961

  16. Correspondence with Associated Newspapers Ltd.

    1. Wiener Library Archive: Pre-1963 Correspondence

    Correspondence regarding information on former SS-Obersturmbannführer Otto Skorzeny, especially on his activities as military advisor in Egypt.

  17. Correspondence with British Medical Association

    1. Wiener Library Archive: Pre-1963 Correspondence

    Correspondence regarding an enquiry on former Nazi and concentration camp physicians, and who of them had practiced after 1945.