
Displaying items 5,841 to 5,860 of 10,858
  1. Ukrainian crimes against humanity

    Ukrainian Newsreel and Documentary Film Footage about the crimes committed by Ukrainian fascists--bourgeois nationalists-who murdered Ukrainians, Russians, Poles, and Jews in September 1942 near Lake Pisotska in the Vollin area. Shots of criminals and the commandant of Ukrainian police. It is forty years since their crimes, but since there is no statute of limitations for crimes against humanity, the Soviets bring the Ukrainian fascists to trial. Trial footage, including testimonies, witnesses, and shots of civilian audience. Narration argues that Zionists and the Jewish Defense League trai...

  2. Parade in Pancevo town square

    German soldiers, ethnic German civilians, Bund deutscher Maedel and Hitler Youth members in the town square in Pancevo. The BDM girls carry Nazi flags and the civilians give the Hitler salute. A band plays "Deutschland ueber Alles." The BDM girls parade by, followed by women in ethnic costume and children. Members of the Infanterieregiment Grossdeutschland march through town. Footage becomes color at 01:18:23.

  3. Odessa Oblast Archive records from the collections of Yad Vashem

    Contains documentation of the Romanian occupation of Transnistria and the fate of the Jews on that territory. Subjects include the evacuation of Jews from Odessa; Aryanization; the activities of the gendarmerie; the forced labor of Jews, including physicians, pharmacists, and dentists; transports to ghettos, with name lists; support for Jews in Transnistria from the Jewish community in Bucharest; and public health matters.

  4. Honor Cross of the World War 1914/1918 combatant veteran service medal awarded to a German Jewish soldier

    1. Erna and Otto Stein family collection

    Das Ehrenkreuz des Weltkriegs 1914 1918 [The Honor Cross of World War 1914/1918) awarded for serving in combat in the German Army during the First World War. The award was established by President Paul von Hindenburg, on July 13, 1934. This was the first official WWI service medal of the Third Reich, often referred to by an unofficial name, Hindenburg Cross. Hindenburg, Field Marshal of German forces during WWI, appointed Hitler as Chancellor in January 1933, and soon a Nazi dictatorship ruled the country.

  5. Selected records relating to concentration camps from the National Archives and Records Administration

    Contains camp registration name lists, transport name lists, camp arrival registers, death lists, lists of Jews who emigrated, personal property lists, medical records, death certificates, prisoner biographical data cards, postwar questionnaires, and other camp records. Included is information about the Buchenwald, Dachau, Sandbostel, Flossenbürg, Mauthausen, Hinzert, Natzweiler, Gross-Rosen, and Bergen-Belsen concentration camps. The collection also contains documents relating to various Gestapo branches and to the Jewish Agency.

  6. Selected records from the Czech State Archives

    This collection contains a wide variety of documents relating to the fate of Jews, communists, and other anti-fascist groups in the Czech lands (e.g., underground armed resistance, church groups, etc.). Also included is documentation on pro-Nazi activities by Sudeten Germans prior to the German occupation of Czech lands; implementation of the Munich agreement; preparations for the military occupation of Bohemia and Moravia; internment in Terezín (Theresienstadt) concentration camp; the destruction of synagogues; increasing restrictions on Jews in business and public life; the arrest of Roma...

  7. Von Ribbentrop interrogated at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 79) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 2, 1946. LSs, Dr. Alfred Seidl, Hess's lawyer, questions Joachim von Ribbentrop on details of the Russian-German treaty. CUs, von Ribbentrop responds. MSs, Justices Lawrence, Birkett, and Biddle. MSs, Chief Justice Lawrence questions von Ribbentrop. LSs, MSs, CUs, Chief British Prosecutor Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe questions von Ribbentrop about Hitler's policy toward the Sudetenland and Czechoslovakia and about a meeting he attended that described Hitler's desire to wipe Czechoslovakia from the map of the world. CUs, von Ribbentrop. LSs,...

  8. Sentencing Fritzsche; Accusing Goering, Ribbentrop, Frank at Nuremberg Trial (SOUND ONLY)

    Sentencing of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. NOTE: Here, the actual sentences for the defendants are read, but there was a court ruling that no filming and photographs were allowed during the announcement. So the voice of judge is heard, no pictures, white screen, SOUND ONLY. Soviet voice at start, re. Funk. Adjournment for 10 minutes. "Hello, recording. Hello, recording." 02:25:40 Continuation of sentences pronounced by tribunal: 02:25:45 Hans Fritzsche: Not guilty Martin Bormann (fragment) 02:26:30 Resume of Goering's career in the Nazi Party. US Justice Fran...

  9. 1981 International Liberators Conference collection Ohrdruf

    1. 1981 International Liberators Conference collection

    Contains testimonies, letters, and other materials relating to the liberation of Ohrdruf concentration camp and North Stalag III near Ohrdruf. Included is information about activities of the 4th U.S. Armored Division and other Allied military units involved in the liberation, gas chambers and crematoria found in the camp, and last-minute killings of prisoners by German guards before liberation. Also included are copies of photographs of Ohrdruf death scenes and clean-up efforts of liberators.

  10. Memorial and Nazis marching in Munich

    “NAZI MEMORIAL.” People outside Felderrnhalle, a landmark in the Odeonsplatz. Nazi soldiers stand guard in front of the Mahnmal der Bewegung monument at Felderrnhalle. Pedestrians walk by and heil. “RECENT CONVERTS.” Soldiers march in neat rows on the side of the street. “MARIENPLATZ” German civilians in the street by Old Town Hall. MS, New Town Hall in Marienplatz. “VON DER TANN STRASSE” Large banner across Von der Tann Strasse: “Unsere Ziele find Arbeit, Freiheit, Brot und ein Frieden der cher” [Our goals are work, freedom, bread and peace] Nazi flags. Men ride bicycles. A traffic officer...

  11. Zvi Klinger papers

    Consists of 74 letters (some fragmented) exchanged by Zvi Klinger and other members of his family between Austria and Palestine from 1938 to 1940. The letters contain information relating to Zvi Klinger's illegal immigration to Israel and the fate of Klinger family members who remained in Austria during the Holocaust.

  12. German Fighter Airplanes

    German "Kampf und Jagd Flugzeuge" [combat and fighter airplanes] on a snow-covered airfield. German troops repair planes and shovel snow from the airfield, even as snow continues to fall. A German in a flight suit tries to warm himself by waving his arms and blowing on his hands. Men load bombs onto the planes. A large bomb is pulled on a sled across the field and then loaded onto a plane. The engines are warmed before takeoff, using a large tube shaped vent. Shots of different types of planes taking off and in the air. The pilot and copilot in the cockpit. Down below are dark tracks in the...

  13. Invasion of USSR

    Title: Universal Newsreel Nazis War on Russia. Compilation of German and Soviet footage. Sound intermittent. Germans marching on parade, tanks, airplanes in formation, paratroopers parachuting out of planes. Brief shot of von Ribbentrop speaking. Happy peasants harvest crops, probably in the Ukraine. Tanks in Red Square, Soviet planes in the air, Soviet paratroopers, Molotov and Matsuoka sign the Japanese-Soviet non-aggression pact in April, 1941. Stalin stands in the background. In Washington, DC, at the embassy of the USSR, the Soviet Ambassador (?) makes a speech to the camera. He says t...

  14. Records fo the Waffen SS - SS Standortverwaltung Kraków (Poland) (Sygn.114)

    Records about uniform and dress regulations for SS and Wehrmacht personnel, the distribution of clothing in the Kraków area, and transports of clothing from Auschwitz and other camps to Kraków.

  15. Deportees; scenes suggesting Warsaw Ghetto in flames; rubble

    Wartime. VLS from ceiling rafters of enormous barn-like room filled with refugees/ deportees (?) and their bundles. Soldiers in action, various locations (probably including USSR, Berlin, many countries), edited to represent the attack on the Warsaw Ghetto during the Uprising, and intercut with contemporary shots of smoke blowing across closeup portions of Rappaport sculpture commemorating the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Night time shot of buildings on fire (various locations; unclear if any is actually the Warsaw Ghetto). Expanse of rubble after the ghetto was destroyed and razed, likewise int...

  16. Miniature Commemorative Medal of War owned by a Belgian soldier and former POW

    1. Leopold Guttman collection

    Medal from the collection of Leopold Guttman, a Belgian soldier who was arrested by the Germans and imprisoned as prisoner of war in Stalag X C.

  17. Commemorative Medal of War by a Belgian soldier and former POW

    1. Leopold Guttman collection
    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn106415
    • English
    • 1940-1945
    • a: Height: 3.500 inches (8.89 cm) | Width: 1.500 inches (3.81 cm) b: Height: 4.250 inches (10.795 cm) | Width: 2.125 inches (5.398 cm) | Depth: 0.625 inches (1.588 cm)

    Medal from the collection of Leopold Guttman, who was arrested and imprisoned as a member of the Belgian army.