
Displaying items 5,781 to 5,800 of 7,748
  1. Samuel M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Samuel M., who was twelve when World War II began . He recalls being confined in a Christian orphanage prior to the war for illegally riding the streetcars; transfer to a Jewish orphanage after ghettoization in 1941; learning of his mother's death from his father; living with Jewish foster parents; smuggling food into the ghetto; escaping to Ma?kinia in August 1942 with his foster mother and her younger son; hiding in the forest; living in the ?omz?a ghetto; returning to Warsaw after his foster mother and her son were arrested; obtaining false papers with assistance f...

  2. Celia M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Celia M., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1927. She recalls her large family; her father's death in 1930; German invasion; ghettoization resulting in overcrowding, starvation, cold, epidemics, and frequent deaths; her older brother's deportation; and deportation to Auschwitz with her family in 1944. Mrs. M. recounts meeting her older brother; separation from her mother, two sisters and a nephew (they were gassed upon arrival); the importance of remaining with her two sisters; the death march to Ravensbru?ck; transfer four weeks later to Neustadt; work in a munitions...

  3. Morris R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Morris R., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1922. He recalls ghettoization; forced labor; hunger; selections and deportations; his mother's death in 1941; transfer to Cze?stochowa; prisoners sharing food and assisting each other to meet production quotas; and transfer to Buchenwald. Mr. R. describes forced labor for HASAG; Allied bombings; carrying corpses; assistance from priests who were prisoners; a death march; his "safe" job pulling the officers' wagon; a local man preventing the guards from killing the prisoners; and liberation by American troops. He recounts r...

  4. Helen M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Helen M., who was born in Przytyk, Poland in 1920. She recalls German invasion; forced relocation to Wierzbica; forced labor; escaping to local partisans; being hidden by a Polish farmer; the farmer asking her to leave fearing exposure; moving to another farm, then Szyd?owiec; hiding during a round-up; arrest; escaping by bribing a policeman; learning her older brother was killed; hiding with a Polish man; traveling to Radom; entering the ghetto; forced labor in Ostrowiec; transfer to Auschwitz; separation from her younger brother (she never saw him again); evacuation...

  5. Ellen H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ellen H., who was born in Tyszowce, Poland in 1915. She recalls moving with her parents to Zamos?c?; engagement to her future husband; living with her older brother in ?o?dz?; returning home; German invasion; going to her fiance?'s small village for two weeks; returning home; brief Soviet occupation; receiving a letter from her fiance? asking her to join him in Soviet territory; her parents encouraging her to go; meeting her fiance? in Lut?s??k; marriage; being sent to Kazan?, then to Siberia; living in Asino; volunteering for transfer after German invasion of the Sov...

  6. Kurt G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Kurt G., who was born in a small town in Westphalia, Germany in 1917. One of fifteen children in a poor family, he recalls leaving home at age fourteen; an apprenticeship in Upper Silesia until 1937; his close friendship with the owner of a Berlin factory where he worked; Nazi attacks on students; fending off an SS assault; avoiding arrest during Kristallnacht by hiding in various locations in Berlin; escaping with three friends to Ter Apel, Netherlands; capture and return to Germany; five weeks in prison in Emden, then Berlin; emigration to England in March 1939; wor...

  7. Henny G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Henny G., who was born in Vilna, Poland. In addition to information in a previously recorded testimony (HVT-1774), Ms. G. recounts forced labor in the ghetto; a public hanging (she later learned they were partisans); deportation with her sister to Kaiserwald; slave labor in Duenawerke; the brutality of the Nazi female guards; participating in the camp concerts and plays; transfer to Landsberg, then Dachau; liberation by United States troops from a death march; performing with Leonard Bernstein at displaced persons camps, including Feldafing, in 1946; support from the ...

  8. Solomon M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Solomon M., who was born in Je?drzejo?w, Poland in 1916. He recalls the family farm; attending Polish school and cheder; serving in the Polish army from 1937 onward; German invasion; three months as a prisoner of war; returning home; finding the town ghettoized; volunteering for forced labor in his father's place; six months of railroad work at Se?dziszo?w; transfer to Skarz?ysko-Kamienna; eighteen months in werke C; clandestinely receiving food from non-Jewish workers; transfer to Cze?stochowa in late 1943, then to Buchenwald in mid-1944; clearing corpses from the ba...

  9. Joseph S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Joseph S., who was born in Charleroi, Belgium in 1931. He recalls attending public school; studying with his father, a rabbi; his grandfather's arrival from Austria in 1938; German invasion in May 1940; fleeing with his family to France; living at a refugee shelter in Saint-Pourc?ain-sur-Sioule; moving to Vichy; living at a hotel which housed OSE offices; moving to Nice in August 1940; his grandfather's death; hiding after foreign Jews were required to report to authorities; living openly during Italian occupation; German occupation in September 1943; he and his broth...

  10. Lola L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lola L., who was born in approximately 1927. She recounts attending a Jewish public school in ?o?dz?; German invasion; her older brother's one-day seizure for forced labor; his escape to the Soviet zone (they never saw him again); ghettoization in 1940; forced factory labor; her father and mother dying of starvation; a round-up of children, including her four-year-old nephew; deportation with her sisters to Birkenau; selection with them for transfer to a slave labor camp; a death march to Bergen-Belsen; having to carry one sister to appell because she was so ill; esca...

  11. Eugene C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eugene C., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1919. He recalls his middle class life; German invasion; ghettoization; harsh conditions; the role of the Judenrat; his job as a fireman, which afforded him some privileges and the opportunity to help others; H?ayim Rumkowski's overseeing of public hangings; and deportation to Birkenau with his mother in August 1944. He describes their separation (he never saw her again); transfer after about ten days to Falkenberg; witnessing cannibalism by other prisoners on a transport; an unsuccessful escape effort; repairing bombing da...

  12. Sarah S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sarah S., who was born in Łódź, Poland in 1924, the oldest of three children. She recalls her father's death prior to the war; German invasion; ghettoization in spring 1940; saying she was older to obtain a job; working in the pharmacy; she and her sister hiding her mother and brother during a round-up; starvation; deportation with her family to Auschwitz; separation with her sister to a women's barrack (she never saw her mother or brother again); her sister's selection for death; transfer to Halbstadt four months later; slave labor in a mill; sabotaging the equipme...

  13. Belle S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Belle S., who was born in Szyd?owiec, Poland in approximately 1924, one of four children. She recounts her family's poverty; attending school; increasing antisemitism in the 1930s; German invasion; her father's death from typhus in 1942; her older brother's deportation; hiding; deportation with her brother and his girlfriend to Skarz?ysko-Kamienna; her brother hiding her and providing food for her when she was sick; slave labor in a munitions factory; transfer with her brother and his girlfriend in 1944 to Cze?stochowa; hospitalization for one month; the doctor giving...

  14. Rella C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rella C., who was born in Cluj, Romania in 1927. She recalls antisemitic harassment at school; her religious, close family; Hungarian occupation; a brother's draft into a Hungarian slave labor battalion; ghettoization with her uncle's family, her sister, and sister's fiancé; deportation to Auschwitz; staying with her sister and aunt's niece; slave labor; living in complete fear; cursing God; separation from her sister; having blood drawn; transfer with her aunt's niece to Bergen-Belsen; finding her sister; hospitalization; visits from her aunt's niece; her disappear...

  15. Nathan G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Nathan G., who was born in Guttenberg, New Jersey in 1913. He recalls growing up in a liberal orthodox home in Brooklyn and Minneapolis; active participation in labor Zionist organizations including editing "Jewish Frontier"; visiting Israel and Europe in 1938; speaking publicly in the United States about the Nazi danger; induction into the Army in 1943; one year's training in Mississippi; landing in Marseille in December 1944; moving through France into Germany; encountering a train of prisoners who had been headed for Dachau; visiting Buchenwald in May 1945; talking...

  16. Judy F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Judy F., who was born in Czechoslovakia in 1929. She describes her childhood in a small, Hungarian-speaking town; the gathering of the town's Jews in a synagogue in April 1944; and her transport, with family members, to Auschwitz in a cattle car. She recalls conditions at Auschwitz; being taken to Birkenau, where she worked in the Canada kommando, sorting belongings; the camp's evacuation and liberation by Russians; and her emaciated condition upon liberation. She remembers returning to Budapest to search for her father; meeting her present husband and his sister; her...

  17. Carolyn G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Carolyn G., who was born in Szyd?owiec, Poland in 1926. She recalls attending public school for six years; anti-Semitic vandalism before the war; deportation with her sister and brother in 1942; her sister's selection for gassing; her brother's death from typhus; her severe depression resulting in her selection from which she was saved through the intervention of a co-worker; temporarily improved conditions for a Red Cross inspection; frequent beatings; transport to Bergen-Belsen in 1944, then to Tu?rkheim; the death march to Dachau; Hitler Jugend members shooting inm...

  18. Louis M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Louis M., who was born in approximately 1925. He recounts living in Bucharest; his family's poverty and orthodoxy; abandonment by his father; living with his grandmother; attending Jewish and public schools; antisemitic harassment; his brother fleeing to Soviet-occupied territory; a tailor's apprenticeship in Budapest; German invasion in March 1944; draft into a Hungarian slave labor battalion; railroad work in various locations; escaping with others in December; liberation by Soviet troops; compulsory labor for the Soviets; escaping; returning to Bucharest via Yugosl...

  19. Iser R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Iser R., who was born in Pia?tek, Poland in 1923, one of nine children. He recalls German bombardment in September 1939; moving to the Warsaw ghetto; being smuggled to the Wegrow ghetto; escaping the liquidation in September 1942; a Polish family hiding him in their attic for two years; his hostess being killed and host injured by German bombing; liberation by Soviet troops; vouching to the Soviets for his rescuers; traveling to ?o?dz?; learning no relatives had survived; living in Fo?hrenwald displaced persons camp, Munich, and Netherlands; emigration to Israel in 19...

  20. Moshe B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Moshe B., who was born in a Polish town (presently Belarus) in 1920. He recalls Soviet occupation; German invasion; an aborted escape attempt; anti-Jewish restrictions; ghettoization; planning resistance or escape with other young people; the ghetto leadership informing them they would jeopardize everyone, so ceasing their efforts; forced labor; some of his family's escape from the ghetto's liquidation (his father remained with his sick sister and they perished); hiding his mother, sister, and brother with a non-Jewish farmer; joining the partisans; his family leaving...