
Displaying items 5,621 to 5,640 of 7,748
  1. Gunia P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Gunia P., who was born in Hrubieszów, Poland in 1915. She recalls German invasion; ghettoization; receiving food from a Polish friend; her four year old child's murder by the Germans; incarceration with her mother in Budzyń; receiving bread from her husband; their transfer to Majdanek; slave labor sorting clothing; assistance from her husband during a forced march to Auschwitz/Birkenau; separation from her husband upon arrival; receiving medicine from a Polish woman and extra bread from her mother when she was ill; having blood drawn involuntarily; transport to Berg...

  2. Irene F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Irene F., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1927, the only child of a wealthy family. She recounts her family's strong German identity; her father's service in World War I; Kristallnacht; confiscation of her father's business in 1941; her mother's suicide after a day of forced factory labor; her grandmother's deportation to Theresienstadt in 1942, followed by Mrs. F. and her father; living in the Czech children's barrack; her grandmother's weakened condition; sharing food with her father; public hangings; her father's deportation (she never saw him again); her deport...

  3. Stanley W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Stanley W., who was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada in 1923. He recalls being called into military service in December 1941; posting to England; training as an intelligence officer; arriving in Celle, Germany via Belgium and Holland; hearing about Bergen-Belsen nearby; a Jewish friend who encouraged him to visit; disbelief at the mass graves and condition of the survivors; his friend organizing aid for the survivors; Josef Rosensaft organizing the displaced persons camp; his friend organizing other soldiers to write home for packages and delivering them to the DP cam...

  4. Sidney M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sidney M., who was born in Chynadiyovo, Czechoslovakia (presently Ukraine) in 1921. He recalls his father's cattle business; working in Mukacheve; returning home after Hungarian occupation in 1938; anti-Jewish restrictions; draft into a Hungarian slave labor battalion in 1942; forced labor in Bukovina; being moved several times between Poland and the Carpathian Mountains; once seeing his brother in another battalion; escaping in fall 1944; liberation by Soviet troops; returning home; learning his parents had been deported around Passover (they did not return); finding...

  5. Frances L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Frances L., who was born in Poland in 1926, the oldest of three children in an orthodox family. She recalls fleeing toward Krako?w when Germany invaded in 1939; living there briefly with relatives; returning home; moving in with relatives (their house and business had been pillaged); her parents' deportation in 1942; hiding when the ghetto was liquidated; discovering her sister and brother had been deported; her deportation to Sosnowiec, then Neusalz; slave labor in a thread factory; a death march; obtaining food for herself and a friend; briefly staying in Gross-Rose...

  6. Franka N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Franka N., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1924, one of seven children. She recalls her large extended family; antisemitic harassment; one brother's emigration to Paris; German invasion; ghettoization; forced labor; her father's death from starvation; deportation of siblings and her mother; public hangings of escapees; the agony of mothers when their children were taken from them; deportation to Auschwitz in 1944 with a sister, cousin, and her cousin's baby; deportation with her sister two weeks later; slave labor in an airplane factory; a death march to Bergen-Bels...

  7. David B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of David B., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1919. He recalls pervasive antisemitism; belonging to the Zionist organization Gordonyah; German invasion; deportation for forced labor three weeks later; escaping from a train in 1940; returning home; transfer with his family to Kielce; ghettoization; deportation of most of his family to Treblinka; forced labor with his brother in Ludwikow; a German foreman who saved many Jews; deportation to Auschwitz; separation from his brother and a later reunion; transfer with his brother two weeks later; bombings at Klinkerwerk; a dea...

  8. Harry W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Harry W., who was born in Orekhovno, Poland. He recalls growing up in a family of five sisters and three brothers; participating in the Zionist organization, he-Haluts; draft into the Polish army in 1937; discharge in March and recall in July 1939; capture by Germans on September 19; transfer to jail in Ka?uszyn; release to a prisoner of war camp on October 25; transfer to Krems and other prisons in Germany; participating in a strike for equal treatment of Jewish prisoners; transfer to Gorlice; deportation to Lublin (Lipowa 7)in January 1941; burying corpses; interrog...

  9. Meier S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Meier S., who was born in Na?sa?ud, Romania in 1925. In addition to information included in two previously recorded testimonies, Mr. S. recounts moving to Beclean as a child; attending yeshivas in Satu Mare and Va?c; Hungarian occupation; living in Budapest; participation in Mizrachi; German occupation in 1944; returning to Beclean; anti-Jewish measures; deportation with his family to Dej; forced labor; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau, Longwy-Thil, Kochendorf (Heilbronn), Dachau, and Allach; liberation; traveling to Italy, intending to emigrate to Palestine; living ...

  10. Charles L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Charles L., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1925. He recalls the outbreak of war; ghettoization; deaths from starvation; deportations; H?ayim Rumkowski pleading for people to give up their children; his father's death from starvation in 1942; his mother's deportation four weeks later; liquidation of the ghetto in 1944; deportation to Auschwitz; pulling his brother from the "wrong" line during selection; disbelief when he learned of the gas chambers and crematoria; transfer, with his brother, to Dachau two weeks later; work in a munitions factory; the singular focus ...

  11. Sonja M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sonja M., who was born in Krevo, Poland in 1922. She recalls her four brothers; attending public and Jewish schools; Soviet occupation in 1939; German invasion in 1941; transfer to the Oshmyany ghetto; slave labor with two cousins in Kena in 1943; transfer with her younger brother to Kais?iadorys; a partisan attack; transfer to Kovno, then Stutthof; a beating for trying to smuggle food to her friends; a death march in January 1944; liberation by Soviet troops; recuperation in a Soviet military hospital in Ciechocinek; meeting her future husband; traveling to Byshkov, ...

  12. Matthew T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Matthew T., who was born in 1920, and grew up in ?omz?a, Poland. He details Jewish life; his education; antisemitism; his mother's death when he was twelve; his father's remarriage; German invasion; a twenty day confinement in an open field; return to ?omz?a; and Soviet occupation. Mr. T. recounts painting posters and translating for the Soviets; joining the Komsomol; working in Baranavichy and Jedwabne; fleeing the German invasion; working in Ukraine, Tashkent, Leninpol, Dzhambul and Kuibyshev (now Samara); and using his artistic talent in several places to promote t...

  13. Jack B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jack B., who was born in 1919 in Warsaw, Poland. He recalls religious family life; singing in the Norzyk Synagogue choir under several famous cantors; playing soccer for Jewish sports groups; working as a furrier from the age of thirteen on; conscription into the Polish army when Germany invaded; returning to Warsaw after defeat; ghettoization; the last synagogue service at which Cantor Gershon Sirota sang; selling fur clothing to feed his family; sleeping in a bunker to avoid deportation; and the disappearance of his parents and others until only he and his brother r...

  14. Morris S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Morris S., who was born in Cze?stochowa, Poland, in 1921. He recalls growing up in a middle-class family of seven children; his father's bakery business; German invasion; killings of Jews; creation of the Judenrat; ghettoization; leaving the ghetto for forced labor; a friend's death in a mass killing; liquidation of the ghetto; forced labor with two sisters and one brother in Racho?w; transfer to Buchenwald, then a camp near Dresden; a death march; escaping with his brother; separating from him to avoid being caught (he never saw him again); posing as a non-Jew to joi...

  15. Hanna P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hanna P., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1928. She recalls her family's affluent life; her brother and father reporting for military service before German invasion; German occupation; anti-Jewish restrictions and food scarcity; learning her father and brother were alive and fleeing to the Soviet zone; using false papers to join them in Soviet-occupied Bia?ystok; moving to Orsha; attending Russian school; fleeing east after the German invasion; her father working as a bookkeeper on a collective farm near the Urals; her brother's draft; moving to Ukraine near the war...

  16. Shirley D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Shirley D., who was born in Radzivilov, Poland (now Chervonoarmeisk, Ukraine) in 1914. She recalls her family's comfortable life; Soviet occupation; transports of many Jews into the Soviet Union; German occupation; ghettoization; forced labor; a round-up of the children and elderly, during which Mrs. D. witnessed a child's murder that still haunts her; and hiding with her husband, son, family members, and other Jews in several places until liberation by Soviet troops in March 1944. Mrs. D. tells of their return to Radzivilov; moving to Dubno; fleeing to Germany; livin...

  17. Israel G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Israel G., who was born in Kaunas, Lithuania in 1928. He recalls childhood in an observant home; Soviet occupation; German invasion in 1941; fleeing with his family to Latvia; witnessing many killings in Daugavpils; returning to Kovno; observing blood-stained streets resulting from pogroms; ghettoization; frequent brutal killings and beatings; and deportation with his family in 1943 to Stutthof. He recounts parting from his mother; transport with his father and brother to Dachau; arduous work constructing cement bunkers; reassignment tending the soldiers' quarters; sh...

  18. Sarah W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sarah W., who was born in Drui?sk, Belarus in 1928. She recalls her family's affluence; her father's good business relations with non-Jews; German invasion in July 1941; transfer of the Jews out of town; her father arranging their transfer to the Braslau? ghetto rather than another rumored to be worse; hiding with many others during a round-up; a cousin having to suffocate her child to prevent their discovery; escaping; hiding with a non-Jewish farmer her father knew; leaving when the neighbors found out; hiding in the woods, then with another non-Jewish family; part ...

  19. Sigmund J. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sigmund J., who was born in Chrzano?w, Poland in 1922. He recalls working in the family bakery; attacks on Hasidic children in school; German invasion; anti-Jewish measures; fleeing to Przemys?l, then L?viv in the Soviet zone; working in Donbass; returning to L?viv; an aborted attempt to return home; working in bakeries in Boryslav and Truskavet?s??; German invasion in June 1941; anti-Jewish restrictions; returning to Chrzano?w; forced labor in Sosnowiec, Bautrupp-Seybusch, K?obuck, Annaberg, and Klettendorf; smuggling food with a friend; receiving food from a Czech c...

  20. Emina N. and Miriam W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of sisters Emina N. and Miriam W., who were born in ?o?dz?, Poland. They describe their family of six siblings; anti-Semitic incidents in the 1930s; German invasion in 1939; forced labor; having to move to the ghetto; a variety of jobs there; and difficulties of life in the ghetto. They recall deportation to Auschwitz in 1944; Emina saving Miriam from selection; transfer to Birkenau; railroad transport to Harburg, a camp near Hamburg; removing brick rubble; transfer to Bergen-Belsen; the birth of a baby in their barrack the night before liberation; liberation by the Brit...