
Displaying items 5,561 to 5,580 of 10,858
  1. Brauchitsch testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 40) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 13, 1946. LSs, MSs, Bernd von Brauchitsch, speaks of April 23 (1945) arrest, separation from Reichsmarshall Goering. Bernd von Brauchitsch, son of Field Marshall Walter von Brauchistch, under cross examination by Chief US Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson, is asked the relationship between the Wehrmacht and the SS. 06:14 Medium close of Bernd von Brauchitsch in witness stand. MLSs, some defense counselors seated in front of the prisoners' dock. Q&A regarding Field Marshall von Brauchitsch's differences with Hitler. MSs, member of the B...

  2. German munitions

    Panning shot of German heavy and light weapons for use on the front. Emphasis on the numbers and might of the tanks and weaponry. Close-up of tanks wheels rolling past as the narrator reports that the Soviets are being decisively defeated on all parts of the front, and that neither "General mud nor General winter" can stop the German advance. Vehicles of all types rolling along the road. Low aerial shot of the convoy along the road with triumphant music.

  3. Honor Cross of the World War 1914/1918 non-combatant veteran service medal and box

    1. Ernst Meyer family collection

    Das Ehrenkreuz des Weltkriegs 1914 1918 [The Honor Cross of World War 1914/1918) awarded for serving in non-combat in the German Army during the First World War. The award was established by President Paul von Hindenburg, on July 13, 1934. This was the first official WWI service medal of the Third Reich, often referred to by an unofficial name, Hindenburg Cross. Hindenburg, Field Marshal of German forces during WWI, appointed Hitler as Chancellor in January 1933, and soon a Nazi dictatorship ruled the country.

  4. Honoring nurses

    Part 2, "America Salutes Women Workers in War Effort" Mrs. Roosevelt attends a ceremony honoring nurses who served in the Pacific. Shows women operating a lumber mill, testing tanks, and making guns. Newsreel footage also includes the following parts: Part 1, US bombers take off and land at an Australian air base. Shows Gen. Ralph Royce. Part 3, iron ore is dug, loaded on trains and freighters, and delivered to various steel mills. Part 4, Don Budge beats Bobby Riggs at Forest Hills, Long Island for the National Professional tennis championship. Part 5, shows a test flight of the Navy flyin...

  5. Antonescu visits Hitler

    Hitler greeting Ion Antonescu as he arrives by train at Hitler's Hauptquartier (headquarters). There is snow falling and already on the ground as Hitler greets Antonescu. They are shown driving away in a car and walking into the Hauptquartier, where there are other officials waiting, including General Alfred Jodl. Maps are visible on the walls. The narrator states that there were discussions about political and military issues during this visit. The group gathers around a table and consults a map; Jodl appears to be bringing certain points to the attention of Hitler and Antonescu. Antonescu...

  6. Dachau aftermath; typhus, burning uniforms; survivors

    (LIB 6573) Atrocities at Dachau, Germany, May 3, 1945. MCUs, US soldier removes German sign over doorway: "Strasse der SS" MSs, statue of Nazi soldier in the camp. MCUs, pan, pile of prison uniforms burning in open field. Sign nearby: "Typhus, Beware." MSs, former inmates push prison clothing in wagon and unload it at dump. MSs, through barbed wire fence, victims of camp lying on litters. CUs, ragged dirty prisoners cooking around small fires. CUs, ragged dirty prisoners picking lice from their bodies and clothing. MSs, German civilians viewing pile of bodies through open doorway. MSs, Maj....