
Displaying items 5,541 to 5,560 of 10,858
  1. FDR and Churchill confer on Atlantic Charter

    FDR and Churchill confer on Atlantic Charter aboard ship HMS Prince of Wales. Churchill hands letter to FDR as both stand at ship railing of Presidential yacht. Members of British and American staffs present. Back aboard Prince of Wales, several shots of FDR and Prime Minister Churchill seated on deck in presence of many staff officers including General Marshall, General Arnold, Sumner Welles, Harry Hopkins, Admiral King, Sir Dudley Pound and others. They listen to sermon on deck. Nonessential Segments (mute): 01:29:48 to 01:30:42, French troop train moves thru North African countryside; go...

  2. Prof. Leo van der Essen testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 541) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 4, 1946. Pan of courtroom; Chief Justice Sir Geoffrey Lawrence is heard saying, "Do any defense counselors wish to ask any questions?" MSs, MLSs, Professor Leo van der Essen, General Secretary of the Louvain University in Belgium, testifying. A defense attorney questions the professor. LS, Thomas J. Dodd of the US prosecution states that the prosecution does not wish to question the witness. MSs, Professor van der Essen being sworn in. Rear views, French prosecutor Faure questioning Van der Essen.

  3. Danish occupation currency, 1 krone

    1. Niels Bach collection

    Occupation currency, valued at 1 krone, issued in Denmark by the German occupation regime in 1942. Denmark was occupied by Germany from April 9, 1940, to May 5, 1945.

  4. March of Time -- outtakes -- Parisians fitted for gas masks; poison gas drill

    Parisians being fitted for gas masks. Uniformed members of the Garde Mobile assist civilians by helping them put on the masks and checking to be sure that they fit properly. Closer views of women and men submitting paperwork, being fitted, and receiving their masks. Shots of people leaving the building carrying their gas masks in canisters. 01:45:28 People wearing head-to-toe protective clothing and gas masks in an underground shelter practice what appears to be a drill enacting the treatment of victims of a poison gas attack. The dope sheet calls the victims "yperite-gased people", and a s...

  5. Medal and ribbon commemorating the 1938 Anschluss of Austria

    1. Eugene Silver collection

    Medal and ribbon commemorating the Anschluss of Austria by Nazi Germany.

  6. Oral history interview with Frank Wallis

  7. Russian DPs waiting to return home; Montgomery awards medals

    03:18:51 (LIB 7052) Russian DPs go Home, Grimma, Germany, June 21, 1945. Displaced persons get off trains which are decorated with greenery and huge pictures of Stalin. Short scene, two US soldiers speak with a Russian woman who holds infant in her lap. Russian DPs in field await transportation to homeland. Some relax, other wash clothes in river, a few men and women swim. 03:23:15 (LIB 7054) Award, Wiesbaden, Germany, June 26, 1945. LSs, Field Marshall Sir Bernard L Montgomery presents British awards to US Army personnel. LSs, MLS, Montgomery and Gen Omar N Bradley troop the line of soldie...

  8. Bayard L. Cabe papers

    The Bayard L. Cabe papers consists of a letter written by Bayard L. Cabe, a member of the 6th Armored Division, on 23 April 1945, regarding the liberation of Buchenwald. In the letter, he describes the tour he took with English-speaking former prisoners and summarizes their experiences. The letter is missing the final page(s). The papers also include photocopies of military records and photographs from his service.

  9. Milch testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 41) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 11, 1946. MLSs, witness and prosecutor. Erhard Milch, General Field Marshal and Secretary, Permanent Deputy of the Ministry of the Reich Luftwaffe, is cross-examined by Chief US Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson. Milch held positions of Quartermaster General of the Air Force and IG for the same branch, was a member of the Armament Council, and directed air operations against Norway in 1940. Jackson questions the witness in English; Milch answers in German. Jackson attempts to establish that Germany was prepared for war by questions leading...

  10. Prints of Hitler in a shop window in Germany

    Various sizes of framed prints of Adolf Hitler. Somewhere in Germany. German soldier standing in street wearing the spiked helmet. Nazi soldiers marching through the streets. Trolley cars move past soldiers on horseback.

  11. Hank Freedman collection

    The collection includes a color copy of a journal written by Hank Freedman while a POW in Germany, first at Stalag IXB in Bad Orb and then Stalag IXA in Ziegenhain. In the journal Hank keeps lists of foods to eat, things to do after liberation, names and addresses, and notes about his experiences as a Prisoner of War. The collection also includes two copy prints of Hank Freedman taken during his military service with the US Army during WWII, serving with the 106th Infantry Division.

  12. Ukraine supreme court; Kiev; Mining in Rudnik

    Titles: "Soviet newsreel / 17 / Moscow / March 1944"/ "Directed by I. Kravchunovsky"/ "The sixth session of the Supreme Court Ukraine, USSR" High-angle ELS pan across Kiev. ELS courtroom INT, large portrait of Stalin centered in frame. Audience. MS, CU of Nikita Khrushchev addressing courtroom from podium. Courtroom. Title: 04:22:35 "On liberated Soviet ground" Workers rejuvenating factory. ELS of civilian crowd and platform. Message from Stalin read allowed to crowd. CU of crowd members applauding and smiling. ELSs river-damming facility. Shots of workers. Title: "With a camera on the coun...

  13. Kiev during the first days of war, 1941

    Based on the paper documentation from the Central State Archives, translated from Russian: This is Kyiv [Kiev] during the first days of war (more precisely it's June 28, 1941). CU of a crowd gathered on a street to listen to the radio report. VS of people in the crowd: soldiers, civilians. [The footage was shot on Mitskevich Street]. Military vehicles with Soviet soldiers are rolling through the streets. CU of a street calendar that reads "June 28th, Saturday" and shows 11 a.m. CU of two Jewish men sitting and talking. CU of a young man talking to a young woman. AV of a square in Kyiv. VS o...

  14. Explanation of SA at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 456) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 19, 1945. Rear views, US prosecutor Robert G. Storey speaking to the court about the organization and purpose of the Storm Troopers Organization (SA). CU, chart of the SA displayed at front of courtroom. 23:36:15 Rear views, US prosecutor Charles S. Burdel tells the court about the method of conscription in the SA. 23:39:15 Storey reading letter about the SA written by Goering to Hitler; he speaks about other Nazi documents and speeches called into evidence to indict Goering, and quotes Hitler: "After a grave wound, you again reent...

  15. Jews in Warsaw, Poland

    Unidentified German footage, some in Warsaw. People walking in street. CUs of old man. Men working in street. Soft shots of Jewish men. CU of Jewish man (seen in newsreel). Unidentified footage of large group of Jewish men seated on ground (round-up). 01:44:48 Street scenes in Warsaw,Jewish district (ghetto). German soldier directs people. Title: "Judentypen" CUs Jewish men on street. Shot of Warsaw main station. Title: "Mit der Kleinbahn zum HKD Gora-Calvaria" Flash of footage. Title: "Juden-Getto in Warschau" Street scene, pedestrians with armbands. CU sign: "Rogatschew" (seen before). 01...

  16. Sentencing Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg Trial (SOUND ONLY)

    Sentencing of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. NOTE: Here, the actual sentences for the defendants are read, but there was a court ruling that no filming and photographs were allowed during the announcement. So the voice of judge is heard, no pictures, white screen,. SOUND ONLY. Sentences pronounced by tribunal: Arthur Seyss-Inquart: Death (02:08:54) Albert Speer: 20 years (02:08:18) Constantin von Neurath: 15 years (02:09:45) Martin Bormann: Death in absentia (02:10:06) 02:10:27 British Justice Geoffrey Lawrence registers dissent of the Soviet Justice on the ver...

  17. March of Time -- outtakes -- Hitler at christening; Munich Pact; Autobahn

    667 SS: (02:20:12-02:20:59) (with music) Adolf Hitler at Goering's child's christening. Hitler and Mrs. Goering and child. Hitler playing with baby, holding hand. Goering sitting next to Mrs. Goering. Brief shots of religious ceremony with muffled voices. 667 TT: (02:21:00-02:22:09) (silent) Munich Pact. Generals entering Reichstag from automobiles, saluting. INT, Hitler, Goering, Mussolini, Chamberlain, etc. Looking at documents, signing, talking. CUs, document. Shaking hands. 667 VV: (02:22:11-02:23:10) (silent) Opening of Autobahn in Bavarian mountains. Sign: "SA baut Alpenstrasse." View...

  18. Certificate from Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the American Occupied Zone in Germany

    Contains a certificate presented by the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the American Occupied Zone in Germany to Judge Lowental, the Jewish Affairs Advisor of the Commander of the Army, December 25, 1947, reading in part: "To our friend Judge Lowental, the Jewish Affairs Advisor of the Commander of the Army of the American occupied zone of Germany. A gift given as a symbol of friendship and gratitude for his fertile and devoted work for She'erit Ha'Pletah in Germany..." Signed by the members of the committee, including David Trager, President of the Central Committee of Liberated Jew...

  19. JDC aids DPs

    The clip begins, with a JDC spokesperson speaking at a podium: "...of the 80,000 Jews who have survived in Poland today, at least 70,000 require assistance." Then, voice over narration begins with music in the background and montage of shots described below: "...though the number is tragically small the need is greater than ever, for them JDC alone halts the hand of death..." DPs eating (including children). Medical exam - children. DPs receive clothing from JDC. Orphans from Buchenwald enroute to Marseilles, France and then on to Palestine: Children board train - US army personnel look on....