
Displaying items 5,461 to 5,480 of 10,858
  1. March of Time -- outtakes -- Nuremberg Trial: Walter Funk on stand

    Cross examination of Walter Funk. MS in courtroom at Nuremberg Trial as Walter Funk, president of the Reichsbank, is cross examined by US Prosecutor Thomas Dodd. Closer shot of Funk in witness chair guarded by MP, answering questions. Another LS of courtroom as Funk is on stand, questions by Dodd are about the loot taken from concentration camp prisoners and conquered countries and put into the Reichsbank of which Funk had complete charge, and about which Funk denies any knowledge (regular sound). "Wouldn't you have had to know about the 1,000 wagons of textiles that...had been shipped....c...

  2. Ferencz lecture: Unitarian Forum

    Final lecture in the 1986 series, Unitarian Forum, San Francisco. Practical Programs for Peace. Benjamin Ferencz speaks about the evolution of the concept of world law, the role of the US constitution at Nuremberg, using law as the instrument for protection of peace, and what people can do today to effect peace. Ferencz emphasizes the need for social justice. He indicates law, courts, and enforcement as critical to the peace process. Responding to a question near the end of the session, Ferencz says, "It's my conviction that if humankind has the intelligence to develop the means of destroyi...

  3. Goering concludes testimony at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 47) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 14, 1946. Hermann Goering continues talking about how he saw himself, and his role in the system. This is a very elaborate and long statement about his convictions, which began in Story 2947. 01:40:42 On concluding this part of the testimony, Goering rises and the rest of the court does the same. Goering under guard walks to the prisoners' dock and talks to Keitel and several others. Prisoners conversing and leaving the courtroom. (silent:) Goering leaving prisoners' dock and taking the stand. Defense counselor talking to Goering.

  4. Bernard Block photograph collection

    The Bernard Block photograph collection documents the Buchenwald and Ohrdruf concentration camps immediately following liberation. Images depict burial of victims, mass graves, and general scenes of the camps. The collection contains twenty photographs mounted with tape onto loose photo album pages, some with captions handwritten across the top in blue ink. The collection also includes an image of Major Bernard Block, DDS in his military uniform.

  5. "Der Stuermer", Gestapo prisoner testifies, & forced labor discussed at Nuremberg Trial

    07:00:40 (Paris 489) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 11, 1946. Inserts, hands turning pages of "Der Stuermer." LS of courtroom as Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence adjourns court. LS, MSs, defendants talking to their lawyers during recess. MLS, Dr. Franz Blaha appearing as a witness. Dr. Blaha was arrested when Germany invaded Czechoslovakia in March 1939, held in a Gestapo prison without trial for two years, and sent to Dachau in April 1941. He tells how the Germans forced Russian children to work as slave laborers, and that nearly 60 percent of them died of tuberculosis withi...

  6. J Malan Heslop papers

    The papers consist of two binders holding photographs, newspaper clippings, a copyprint of a cartoon, a pamphlet, "Betrifft Widerstand," and an unpublished memoir by J Malan Heslop, who was a photographer with the 167th Signal Corps Unit that documented the experiences of the United States Army in Europe during World War II culminating with the liberation of Ebensee and Mauthausen concentration camps.

  7. March of Time -- outtakes -- Germany invades Austria; Vienna

    NAZI CONQUEST- AUSTRIA, Vol 4.9, 1938. Hitler entering Austria, March 13, 1938. German army trucks on the Ring, Vienna's most important street; crowds, Kurt Schuschnigg's house. LS, Mariahilferstrasse, street where most Jewish stores are located. Hitlerjugend parading; poster with Kurt Schuschnigg's picture; swastika flags and banners. Policemen and newsboys. Nazi war veterans marching. Reisebüro MITROPA - HAPAG (Travel agency MITROPA - HAPAG.) Crowd on the Ring. Officers marching. Hitler's picture. Chancellor's Palace. Opera House. Parade of German troops in the Ring at night. General Keit...

  8. Funk cross-examined by Thomas Dodd at Nuremberg Trial re: confiscated money and loot

    (Munich 357) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, August 15, 1946. Thomas J. Dodd of the US prosecution cross examining Walther Funk about loot taken from concentration camp prisoners and money from conquered countries. Funk calls some of these figures absurd and others he denies knowledge of. Dodd asks Funk about his relationship with Oswald Pohl. He asks Dodd how he could know nothing about the "strange deposit" of gold teeth in the Reichbank.

  9. David Frohman papers

    1. David Frohman collection

    Correspondence written by David S. Frohman (donor's father), a member of the 89th Infantry Division, Third United States Army ["Patton's Own"]. Included in the correspondence are two sets of letters from David in Camp Roberts, California and Fort Benning, Georgia, and from Germany and post-war Austria. Letters describe David's experiences in the military and overseas as an American Jewish soldier. First set of letters written to David's parents in Chicago area. Includes a second set of letters written to family friend Leandro Pastorelli in Chicago area.

  10. Japanese in South Pacific

    Japanese ships battling Americans and English in the South Pacific. Shots of Japanese sailors preparing for battle, shoes running across the deck and up stairs of the ship, exciting music. Japanese planes taking off from the deck of an aircraft carrier; shots of planes in the air. Battle scenes from the Japanese ship's perspective, including guns firing and low-flying planes, with dramatic music and occasional comments by the narrator. A graphic illustrates the number of American vessels destroyed by the Japanese. "In the first eleven months of the war, the Japanese navy has destroyed seven...

  11. Yugoslavia: damage; village; soldiers marching; liberation ceremony in village square; food truck

    Reel 5: Destroyed bridge in Vinkovci. Street scene, troops marching through village; soldiers' feet as they are marching revealing ragged shoes; partisan soldier band playing in honor of late FDR. Tanks lined up, men standing at attention, bugler plays salute. Infantry troops firing volley of shots. Troops crossing destroyed bridge carrying Yugoslavian flag, supplies, ammunition. Speakers and dignitaries standing on flag-draped balcony; citizens of Vinkovci gathered in streets to celebrate the liberation of their village. Mayor Nikola Jaksic speaking to crowds, cheering. Col. Mijaklo Todoro...

  12. Gate; Judenrat building; Czerniakow in his office

    German soldier checking papers at wooden gate. Judenrat/Jewish Council sequence: rabbis approach and enter building, up stairs. CU signs. Interiors. Men enter office of Czerniakow, head of the Jewish Council. Czerniakow greets men, sits at desk, talking to them and to a man standing beside him. Pictures are on the walls, including a portrait of Pilsudski. Staged scene of meeting. See: "The Warsaw Diary of Adam Czerniakow": May 3, 1942 -- "At ten the film crew from the Propaganda Office arrived and proceeded to take pictures in my office. A scene was enacted of petitioners and rabbis enterin...

  13. Soviet POWs; Soviet village

    Hundreds of Soviet POWs march down the road; women seen working in orchards in BG. Shot of POW line extending into the distance. Shots of damaged/wrecked Soviet equipment (vehicles, cannons, ammunition) abandoned at both sides of road. VAR shots of poor Soviet village. Very poor hovels, elderly kerchiefed women, and pans of children (narration: "here is the paradise of farmers and workers... these children have no mothers, no fathers") who pose for the camera. Brief view of grim "hospital" room with emaciated boys in beds. Corpses are dragged and laid out for peasants to identify (some CUs....

  14. War Crimes Trials: Malmedy; Jaeger testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    02:01:20 (Munich 194) Malmedy War Crimes Trials, Dachau, Germany, March 23, 1946. HSs, Camp Dachau. LS, entrance of War Crimes court building. LS, bunker in which defendants are quartered. 02:02:03 (Munich 206) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, June 3, 1946. Justices Parker, De Vabre and Falco. Dr. Robert Servatius, counsel for Sauckel, questions Dr. Max Wilhelm Jaeger. MSs, von Ribbentrop and Keitel; MP standing at left; Sauckel in BG. Pan, from prisoners' dock to Dr. Jaeger testifying. MS, two attorneys of the Russian staff at table. MS, Jacques Herzog, member of the French prosecuti...

  15. Boating; German wedding

    Sailboats, steamboats, kayaks on river. Man with an injury walks with a cane, observes activities on the river from porch and beach. MS, group of young friends, sitting on bench, with tea and cookies, dog. Building with sign in German (illegible). Crew teams practice. Sailing (filmed from boat). Group gathers on land, some in Nazi uniform. Young woman plays with a sheep. 10:06:02 Woman in patterned dress and pearls on a balcony. Young man in uniform. Nurse. Young injured German in uniform and cap walks with cane (possibly in late fall). 10:07:45 Man with cane walks with girlfriend (he appea...

  16. Displaced Russians; Release of Prisoners of War

    (LIB 6780) Displaced Russians, Ohrdruf, Germany, May 22, 1945. MSs, CUs, Russian soldiers, using US 2 1/2 ton trucks, transport Russian DPs from camp. CUs, individuals with bundles board trucks. LS, huge crowd waiting for transportation. (LIB 6781) Release of Prisoners of War, Plauen, Germany, May 21, 1945. MSs, German prisoners in front of administration building. Seq: Camera follows the complete processing of an individual soldier as he has his papers stamped, undergoes physical examination, receives money allowance and discharge papers. Cut to uniformed soldier meeting his wife and child...

  17. Der Sturmer's Kampf Booklet

    Anti-Jewish propaganda booklet published by Der Sturmer. There is an insert with the publication of a letter on Der Sturmer letterhead dated March 1937. Der Sturmer was a viciously anti-Jewish newspaper published by Julius Streicher, an early Nazi Party member, from 1923-1945 in Germany. The newspaper's frequent subtitle was "Die Juden sind unser Unglück!" [The Jews are our misfortune]. The paper thrived on scandal, and preferred sensational stories of Jews committing disgusting, evil acts. It was also infamous for its antisemitic cartoons. Streicher was arrested by the US Army in May 1945....

  18. War Crimes Trials: Malmedy

    (Munich 250) Malmedy War Crimes Trials, Dachau, Germany, June 20, 1946. Former German Col. Joachim Peiper (#42) reading notes on witness stand about his treatment while being held as a prisoner by the Poles. CU, Peiper reading notes. MS, two German attorneys for the defense whispering to each other during trial. (Part of film showing Peiper testifying is out of focus.) MS, Lt. Col. Dwinell, counselor for the defense, as he conducts a cross-examination of Peiper (latter not in scene). MS, Peiper, back to camera, pointing to area on map which he covered during his encounter with US troops in ...

  19. Poster

  20. Hindenburg speaks at rally

    Goebbels in profile in trenchcoat. At Lustgarten, Berlin. In BG soldier and journalist in bowtie and hat. Big camera visible too. Great MLS of camera on tripod. Pan out across swarming crowd. Hindenburg walking through crowd, up to podium. Looks very professorial. "Heils"; holding top hat. Hindenburg speaks, greets crowd. Reads from paper with big print in gloved hand (age). Then, hurrahs, big cheers with raised fist, National Anthem. Remainder of reel contains: Hysterical crowds at another event. Nazi banners. Fireworks. Spotlights. Train station?