
Displaying items 5,441 to 5,460 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Radio Luxembourg - Prisoner of War treatment

    1. Operation Annie broadcasts

    TRACK 1 PW about treatment. No Date. TRACK 2 Cut 1 PW from 5th Parachute Div tells of offensive interview. No Date. Cut 2 PW from a Panzer Div tells experience with Winter offensive. No Date. Cut 3 Civilian tells of Volksturm experience. No Date. TRACK 3 Cut 1 Austrian PW tells how he was captured humorous. No Date. Cut 1 PW from Artillery tells of experience in the present offensive (Interview). No Date. Cut 2 PW makes political speech, calls for end of war. No Date. Cut 3 Greeting by PW. No Date. TRACK 4 Cut 1 1 of Lts Krakow Memories. No Date. Cut 2 PW "W" on PW Removal from War zone. No...

  2. Radio Luxembourg - Dorsay POW

    1. Operation Annie broadcasts

    TRACK 1 D'Orraj PW Cage, Recorder Schweiger, Date Oct 4, 1944 pt 1. POW reports on fair conditions of his captivity (German) at D'Orraj [=Dorsay]. Ends with engineers "Okay" and "Over." (2:50) pt 2. Same POW again describes conditions of captivity, fields questions from interviewer. Over. (6:20) pt 3. Informative if propagandistic Q&A with (different) POW, born Koln. Over. (9:30) pt 4. Recited speech, begins "Mein lieben deutschen Hörer, hier spricht.." Encourages listeners to resist Hitler, welcome Americans, etc. (11:00) Broadcast ends. TRACK 2 Dorsay Production, Recorder Schweiger, M...

  3. Radio Luxembourg - October 23, 1944

    1. Operation Annie broadcasts

    TRACK 1 Actual recording of a meeting of the Camp commitee, Democracy at work in miniature. Date Oct 23, 1944. Flüchtlingslager near Aachen. Q&A, mostly 2 voices. Laying the groundwork for true democracy, etc. (4:00) Improvised Camp chorus with accordion. Date Oct 23, 1944. Accordion intro. Male voice: "We are young people from Aachen evacuated to a camp near Aachen. We will present a short musical program." Selection of sentimental/patriotic folksong followed (at 6:30) by anti-Hitler lyric volunteered by young voice and encouraged by group leader, "You're free now to sing what you will...

  4. Judge Advocate General's Office: War Crimes Case Files, Second World War (WO 235)

    Contains case files relating to individuals tried in British military courts for war crimes committed in Europe during World War II. Included are cases about crimes in Bergen-Belsen, Auschwitz, Neuengamme, Hadamar, and Ravensbrück, Loibl Pass work camp, Gross Rosen concentration camp, and Lefitz Children’s hostel. The files contain daily transcripts of court proceedings, court exhibits, and prosecution and defense summations. Also included is documentary evidence collected by the US Chief Counsel including English translations of German documents. .

  5. Belsen: Kramer; corpses

    CUs, camp commandant Josef Kramer under armed guard. Canadian military soldier with a cap, Jack Marcovitch, on Kramer's left side. SS men unloading naked corpses (women) from truck into a pit. SS women on truck with corpses, dragging naked corpses to pit. CUs of bodies.

  6. Human skin used as evidence; Milch questioned at Nuremberg Trial

    05:09:56 (Munich 26) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 1946. Pieces of human skin processed as leather are displayed on an easel in the courtroom while Russian prosecutor L N Smirnov addresses the Tribunal concerning this evidence. NOTE: Skin was reportedly removed from prisoners of a concentration camp in Koenigsberg, East Prussia. 05:14:07 (Munich 42) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 11, 1946. HAS, Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson interrogating Erhard Milch about officers' knowledge of Germany's preparedness for war. Milch keeps repeating that the officers had no kno...

  7. Radio Luxembourg - October 27, 1944

    1. Operation Annie broadcasts

    TRACK 1 (0:00-8:35) [French] Eupen priest escaped from Smolensk speaks. Date Oct 27, 1944. Sent to Russia for punishment as stretcher bearer, Abbe Jean Rentkens spent 2 1/2 years among the Russian people and praises their heroic attitude toward the Nazi opressor. He describes the crime of the Feldgendarmeria, and German prison executioners. (8:45-11:45) [French] Cut 1 Abbe Rentkens relates some of his experiences in Russia Nazi sadism as opposed to Russian courage. (12:09-14:22) [German] Cut 2 Sister of the above priest explains why the European population turned against the Nazis. TRACK 2 ...

  8. Operation Annie - December 16, 1944

    1. Operation Annie broadcasts

    2:06: 1212 broadcasting, 1212 broadcasting, daily from 2 to 6 every full hour. This is 1212 with news for the Rhineland. News from Front and Homeland for the citizens of the Rhineland and Saar-Pfalz. We will bring you the names of the villages that have been occupied by the enemy in the past 24 hours. Also another report about 5000 Saarland citizens who are currently occupying a gallery tunnel under the Westwall at Ensdorf and are waiting the fights out there. 2:43: Front news: Pfalz-front: The attack on the Pfalz Westwall section has started. Between Weissenburg and Lauterburg, two America...

  9. Arbeitsamt in Litzmannstadt Urząd Pracy w Łodzi (Sygn. 217)

    Contains records of the Arbeitsamt (Labor Office) in Łódź, mainly regulations of general functions of labor offices, mandatory recruitment and deportation of Polish people to work in Germany, materials related to administration and official procedures, correspondence concerning military training of the Arbeitsamt clerks, a card-file of the arms plant in Łódź, police reports of Polish people who tried to avoid labor and their medical check-up, personal files of the Labor Office staff of Wieluń located in Ostrzeszów.

  10. SS-Personalhauptamt selected records (NS 34)

    Contains internal reports from the main SS personnel office, including lists of promotions and transfers; lists of SS officers stationed in Eastern Europe; recommendations and guidelines for personnel actions; and other SS-related administrative matters.

  11. Selected records from the Ministry of Interior of Bulgaria

    Contains selected files from the following collections: Ministry of the Interior and Public Health; Administration of Police; Sofia Police; Regional Ministry of the Interior Offices in Burgas, Pleven, Plovdiv, and Sofia; Police administration in Belo More; and general staff of the Ministry of Defense. Topics include Jews in Bulgaria, Thrace, and Macedonia; reports on Jewish groups and Communist groups; KL Krestopole, St. Nicholas, and Gondavoda; reports on the situation in various regions of Bulgaria; resettlement of Jews; and postwar documents including correspondence with the Allied Milit...

  12. Grigory Kotlyarski photograph collection

    The photographs depict Grigory Kotlyarski and his older brother, Chaim Misha, as children and during their military service in the Soviet Army.

  13. Eliezer Löwi photographs

    The photographs depict Eliezer Löwi's experiences after World War II in Belgium and Israel. The images consist of mostly portrait photographs of Eliezer Löwi as a young boy, at his Bar Mitzvah, and as a member of the Israeli Navy. Also included are a photograph of Mr. Löwi and his mother in Israel and a class portrait of schoolchildren in Antwerp, Belgium.

  14. "Difficult years"

    1. Cygielsztrajch family collection

    "Difficult years" contains information about the occupation of Warsaw and Poland by the Germans and the effect that this occupation had on the family of Mitch (Mieczysław) Cegielski's family. One draft chapter of of "Difficult years" relates to Cegielski's sister, Zosia, and includes authenticated photocopies of medical records relating to Zosia's stay in a military hospital.

  15. Berish and Paula Gurtman photographs

    The collection consists of six photographs depicting Berish and Paula Gurtman and other refugees in Kibbutz Hatikvah in Hofgeismar, Germany, and in a displaced persons camp in Badgastein, Austria, after World War II.

  16. John Krasny photograph collection

    The John Krasny photograph collection consists of eight photographs given to John Krasny by Steve, a fellow member of the counterintelligence unit of the United States Army. Steve [last name unknown] retrieved them from an unidentified German soldier. The photographs are images of Stalag XI D/321 camp for Soviet POWs in Oerbke, Germany, November 1941-Febraury 1942. The POWs were captured during the Operation Barbarossa in June 1941. Between November 1941 and February 1942, approximately 50,000 Soviet POWs died of starvation, hypothermia, and disease in the camp.

  17. March of Time -- outtakes -- Clearing ruins/rubble of Warsaw

    LS ruins of Warsaw. In FG, Polish cart. 06:01:56 German prisoners of war clearing the ruins of the Ghetto. 06:04:10 German prisoners of war working on future tram line which will cross the ex-Ghetto as a prolongation of the main street of Warsaw. 06:05:13 A detachment of the garrison of Warsaw marching among ruined houses with shovels on their shoulders. 06:09:06 In FG, civilians working among rubbish. Soldiers marching and singing. Soldiers loading lorries with rubble. LS at sunset, ruins of highest concrete building in Warsaw. 06:09:27 Men and women clearing the ruins of Warsaw.

  18. British prosecutor and map at Nuremberg Trial

    02:10:04 (Paris 419) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 5, 1945. MLSs, rear views only, Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe, Chief Prosecutor for Britain, speaking before the Tribunal. Cut-in animated map, "Violations of Treaties, Agreements, and Assurances." 02:12:24 (Paris 436) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 11, 1945. Rear views only, counsel for Fritz Sauckel, Dr. Robert Servatius, makes a plea before the Tribunal, requesting that the defending counsels be given copies of the evidence. Pan to Tribunal as Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence requests the counsel to clear up so...

  19. Selected records related to forced labor camps in Slovakia during World War II

    Contains lists of names of internees in Slovak forced labor camps during World War II, approximately 3000 names, mainly of Jewish doctors, medical staff, and other Jewish intelligentsia from the Trnava region in Slovakia.