
Displaying items 5,361 to 5,380 of 10,858
  1. DP children at Christmas party

    American Red Cross Gives Christmas Party in Germany. Man dressed as Santa Claus entering American Red Cross hall, carrying little girl and leading other children, accompanied by US officers and Red Cross workers. Santa and US soldiers feed children. Children getting plates with cookies and ice cream, eating. Soldiers attempting to play with children. US Army band performing for kids. Pan up, Christmas banner with two angels on wall; children and soldiers look down to camera from balcony, singing Christmas carols. Pan up, another Christmas banner above the entrance doorway: "Merry Christmas....

  2. Ostarbeiter games

    Excerpts from the fifth story of the newsreel "German Weekly Review" No. 624 for 1943 about sports competitions between workers from different countries who came to work in Germany. Several shots of different groups of people on a field, each with a sign indicating their nationality: Protektorat, Kroaten, Franzosen, Belgier, Hollander, Ostarbeiter, Italiener, Bulgaren, Ostarbeiter. The narration indicates that these are work teams living and working in Germany. They go on to engage in athletic competitions, including tug of war, a track race, and a soccer game (France vs. Protektorat, Franc...

  3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs : Deportation and arrests of Danish citizens. Name index of arrested and deported persons (Index cards) (Group 84.G.5-A- Ø)

    Consist records relating to German arrests of Danish citizens organized alphabetically in the name index cards. On the index card are listed: Name, birthday, date for arrest, date for deportation, reason for arrest, name of the KZ-camps and record number.

  4. German Condor Legion in Spain

    Onscreen titles: "Deutsche Freiwillige in Spanien" [German volunteers in Spain]. And: "Der erste Filmbericht vom Kampf der Legion Condor" [First film report about fighting of the Condor Legion]. Views of a city (or cities) in Spain. Beautiful landmarks and churches, interrupted by a shot of a bomb-damaged building. The narrator states that in 1936 began a wave of senseless terror, whose barbaric hate knew no bounds. Spanish Republicans are shown taking target practice at a statue, riding in the back of a truck through the streets, and otherwise exhibiting their barbaric natures. Spanish civ...

  5. Yugoslavia: plane doctors; repairing engine; supplies and airfield; village; damage

    Reel 2: CUs, traveling plane doctors. Mechanics repairing engine of downed plane, children watching and helping GIs move an engine. Mechanics and Yugoslavian officers working on plane. Planes taxiing on field; sacks of flour; partisan soldiers departing plane, laborers loading flour onto plane. Pan, field with planes; taking off. Street scene in village of Bingula showing damage left by the Germans, man salvaging bricks from his bombed home; other bomb-damaged buildings.

  6. Invasion of France

    Night scenes: sounds of mortar fire and burning buildings along the Maginot Line. Shots of German planes overhead, aerial views of the Maginot Line, German planes dropping bombs. Germans shooting cannons; soldiers crossing the Rhein in a small boat. More fighting, until the narrator states that Strasbourg, the old German city, is again in German hands. Organ music plays over a shot of a cathedral. German troops pass French civilians on a road. The narrator announces the entry into Metz. Civilians lining the road salute the passing German troops. Happy population of Metz out on the streets; ...

  7. Deportation of Bessarabian Jews to Transnistria

    Low aerial shots from an airplane show the destroyed city of Balti. Pan across dead bodies, with the narration that the KPU (communists) and their "Jewish helpers" had perpetrated the murders. The next shot shows the forced march of Bessarabian Jews in the area of Balti, Romania, part of the deportations to Transnistria, late fall, 1941. The narration describes how these "eastern Jewish types" overran Europe after World War I and attempted to destroy the culture of the non-Jews. Long line of impoverished people moving along a country road and over a low wooden bridge. Some are barefoot. Mos...

  8. Case of Julius Streicher presented at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 490) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 10, 1946. Rear views, Col. Griffith-Jones of the British prosecution presenting the case against Julius Streicher. He reads articles and describes pictures in "Der Stuermer" about alleged atrocities committed by Jews. MLS, defense counsel for Streicher, Dr. Hans Marx, asks the Tribunal questions about the book offered as evidence. 06:37:35 Photographer visible behind the judges. The British prosecutor steps in and explains. Defense counsel returns to his place and the British prosecutor continues. MS, prisoners' dock showing Streich...

  9. Czechs refugees leave Sudetenland

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 10, No. 711, Part 2B. Release date, 10/11/1938. Czechs take all goods with them as they flee Sudetenland. Soldiers milling around, a few well-dressed civilians with hats stand. Soldiers check identification papers. Wrecked trucks, soldier points to bullet hole in chassis. MLS, MS truck on street piled high with furniture. CU (quick) woman in car, old man behind her. Seated, LS from above. Crowds, one group marches/walks. Czechs fleeing Sudetenland. Other parts of the newsreel include: 01:39:31 Fort Riley, Kan "Cavalry tests its new 'Iron Horses' in demonstration" 01...

  10. Ackner and Geller families collection

    The collection consists of papers and photographs of the Ackner and Geller families (maternal and paternal families of the donor). Included are family records: among them birth certificates, school reports, wedding certificates, and other materials including books that pre-date the Nazi era. Ackner and Geller items from Vienna, Austria, duirng the Nazi era include identity cards, financial statements, citizenship and right of domicile certifications, and police reports, and Chaskel Geller's WWI medals credentials. Prior to Kristallnacht, Chaskel, Mathilde and their son Sigmund went to Riga....

  11. Joseph Barko photograph collection

    The collection consists of photographs found by United States Army serviceman Joseph Barko during WWII. Includes photographs taken from a Wehrmacht soldier depicting various military troops and activities, and liberation photographs taken at the Ebensee concentration camp. There are additional liberation photographs from Mauthausen, Buchenwald, Ludwigslust Palace, Solingen-Ohligs, and Dachau.

  12. Artillery practice; aircraft demonstration

    “Zingst - Luftübungen 1938.” Bombing exercises in Zingst. Soldiers practice with artillery in a field. They fire and reload an 88mm anti-aircraft gun. Clouds appear in the sky as the shells explode. Materials cascade from the sky. Plumes of smoke rise off the field in the horizon. Planes fly overhead, a demonstration. Large clouds of smoke rising from the earth from bombs dropped by the planes above. Soldiers stand to the side and watch. A house goes up in flames, black smoke rising off of it. 10:06:03 Hitler descends a staircase, followed by Göring and Erich Raeder and more Nazi officials....

  13. Mass burial of murdered Jews; exhumation of slave laborers

    German Killing of Jewish Slave Labor, Neuenberg, Germany, April 29, 1945. Seq: German civilians are assembled and marched to graves of murdered Jews. Seq: German men and women in teams of four carry decomposed bodies in open pine boxes from woods through town streets to cemetery. VS, townspeople as they walk past open coffins. CUs, facial expressions of townspeople. LS, bodies awaiting burial as civilians walk past. LS, pan, 200 bodies of murdered Jews lying in woods. CUs, German civilians digging up bodies. Exhumation of 1500 Russian Slave Laborers, Essen, Germany, April 28, 1945. VS, 17th...

  14. WWII Iron Cross 2nd Class medal taken from the body of a dead German soldier by an American soldier

    1. Ira Nestle collection

    Taken from the body of a dead German soldier, presumably Heinz Werner Paul, by Ira Nestle.

  15. March of Time -- outtakes -- Former Gestapo torture site in Paris

    Scenes of a "Gestapo torture chamber" in Paris. A contingent inspects the torture chamber; a line of relatives of torture victims waits outside. More interior shots, including a room where victims were burned. Handprints are visible on the walls, and a man points them out to the camera and places his hands in some of the impressions by way of illustration. In another room, a group of men inspects wooden posts to which people were presumably tied and executed. The tops of the posts are riddled with what may be bullet holes. A string of rosary beads and a blindfold have been placed on one of ...

  16. LfQ office; SA march; track and field events

    Handwritten slates in the old German Suetterlin Schrift. "Einige Aufnahmen aus dem Wirkungskreis der LfQ" INTs of an office showing civilian workers (men and women) at their desks with papers, pens, telephone, etc. There is a map on the office wall in the BG. More views of the employees. [LfQ may stand for Landesinstitut fuer Qualifizierung, the State Institute for Qualifications] 01:03:30 "Und nun Kaempfe um das S.A. Sportabzeichen" A group of SA men marching in town on cobblestone streets. Closer shots of the men. 01:04:41 "Der Leichtathlet" A man in exercise clothing throws a ball. "Die ...

  17. Ruins in Novgorod; Kinggesep concentration camp

    Reel 2. LS ruins in Novgorod. MS soldiers digging, uncovering large steeple bell. LS bell being dragged out of the ground. LS diver submerging to attach cable to bell. LS bell towed out of water. Pre-war shot of church contrasted with footage of the church in ruins. MSs and CUs of toppled statues partially buried in snow. ELS large gravesite. Map highlighting Pavlovsk. The town with soldiers moving through. Various structures on fire. CUs statues and historical sites in ruins. 04:04:05 Map highlighting Pushkin. Extensive pan across city from elevated vantage. Before and after shots of museu...

  18. Summations of prosecutors at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 323) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany. HS Defendants in dock. HMS, Goering, von Ribbentrop, Doenitz in dock. Pan, von Ribbentrop, Keitel, Kaltenbrunner, Rosenberg; pan back to Goering. Pan, from prisoners' dock to Shawcross speaking. Note: Voice of Sir Hartley Shawcross is heard throughout reel summing up. HMS, Shawcross, Rudenko, and unidentified woman conversing at the end of the trial. Chief US prosecutor Jackson insists that although some of the defendants are more guilty than others, the magnitude of the crime committed is such that any differentiation between them is not ...

  19. Selected records of the Staatsanwaltschaft Lyck Prokuratura w Ełku (Sygn.1206) : Wybrane materialy

    Prosecutors' files of cases of sabotage, assault with arms and murder of a gendarme.

  20. March of Time -- outtakes -- Scenes from occupied Norway, including Quisling with Nazi officers

    Various scenes in occupied Norway, including: German soldiers load a gun in a bunker located on a Norwegian coast. Exterior of the bunker. Vidkun Quisling, accompanied by several high-ranking Nazi officers, reviewing German or Norwegian troops on a snowy day. Among the German officers are Reichskomissar Josef Terboven and Nikolaus von Falkenhorst. The Karl Johans Gate in Oslo with the Norwegian Parliament, Stortinget, at left and Oslo Grand Hotel on the right. INT of the cellar bar at the Grand Hotel where civilians and German officers drink and fraternize. The camera pans down a large port...