
Displaying items 5,341 to 5,360 of 7,748
  1. United Restitution Organization (URO)

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains four circulars (“Rundschreiben”) by the United Restitution Organization (Frankfurt) from February and March 1969. The circulars include the following issues: no. 1600, no. 1596, no. 1598, and no. 1595. They mainly deal with recent court judgements made by the German Federal Court (Bundesgerichtshof) on questions of restitution after Nazi persecution, especially regarding newly established juridical regulations and proceedings for claims within the Federal law for restitution („Bundesentschädigungsgesetz”). Furthermore, the issues focus on the status of being recognized as ...

  2. [Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Testimony of A. W., 20 year old trader from Goworowo. He describes the occupation by the Germans, then by the Russians, of the Bialystok area, and tells how, under German occupation, the Jews were burned inside the synagogue in the town of Czyzew-Osada. The town of Zambrow had its synagogue and study hall, with their torah scrolls, burned and bombarded. Protocol No. 54 is an extract from a volume of protocols /statements provided by a group of Polish-Jewish refugee writers and journalists who fled to Vilnius, Lithuania. In 1939 they formed a committee to collect evidence on the condition of...

  3. [IRO-ITS- Child Search Branch- Quarterly Report, July/August/ September 1949]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    This file contains a statistical review of the work done by the ITS in cooperation with the UNRRA and IRO in the third quarter of 1949. It included statistics about missing children, unaccompanied located children, a questionnaire called "Personal Data of the Child"(Personalien des Kindes) and an evaluation of the questionnaire.

  4. [Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]

    1. The Nazi Justice collection

    The carpenter Josef Tomanee (born in Ratiboř in 1901) had already been a member of the French Foreign Legion and a refugee in Spain, before he went to trial in Brno due to his try to cross the border between the protectorate and Slovakia. He was also suspected of planning to join a Slovakian partisan movement. The court pleaded for Tomanee's death.

  5. United Restitution Organization (URO)

    1. United Restitution Organization (URO): Rundschreiben 1961-1973

    The file contains five circulars (“Rundschreiben”) by the United Restitution Organization (Frankfurt) from August and September 1963. The circulars include the following issues: no. 1161, no. 1160, no. 1159, no. 1158, no. 1155. They mainly deal with recent court judgements on questions of restitution, especially regarding juridical regulations and procedures, various definitions of the term “Flüchtling” (refugee) and regulations regarding questions of citizenship, and finally professional damages following Nazi persecution. The topics include: „ Berufsschaden, Rentenwahl “, „Staatenlose und...

  6. United Restitution Organization (URO)

    1. United Restitution Organization (URO): Rundschreiben 1961-1973

    The file contains six circulars (“Rundschreiben”) by the United Restitution Organization (Frankfurt) from November 1965 and February 1966. The circulars include the following issues: no. 1384, no. 1383, no. 1382, no. 1371, no. 1369, and no. 1367. They mainly deal with recent court judgements on questions of restitution, especially regarding juridical regulations and procedures, damages to the professional career following Nazi persecution, damage to the property, and the definition of the term “refugee” (“Flüchtling”). The topics include: “ Wiedereinstieg in den vorigen Stand“, „Berufsschad...

  7. United Restitution Organization (URO)

    1. United Restitution Organization (URO): Rundschreiben 1961-1973

    The file contains five circulars (“Rundschreiben”) by the United Restitution Organization (Frankfurt) from January and February 1965. The circulars include the following issues: no. 1302, no. 1300, no. 1299, no. 1298, and no. 1296. They mainly deal with recent court judgements on questions of restitution, especially regarding juridical regulations and procedures, table records, and the definitions of the terms “Vertriebener” (expellee) and “Flüchtling” (refugee) for people who fled the Soviet occupied part of Germany. The topics include: „Tabellensätze“, „Antragsfrist und Wiedereinsetzung f...

  8. United Restitution Organization (URO)

    1. United Restitution Organization (URO): Rundschreiben 1961-1973

    The file contains eight circulars (“Rundschreiben”) by the United Restitution Organization (Frankfurt) from April and May 1964. The circulars include the following issues: no. 1229, no. 1228, no. 1227, no. 1226, no. 1225, no. 1223, no. 1222, and no. 1220. They mainly deal with recent court judgements on questions of restitution, especially regarding juridical regulations and procedures, health damages and professional damages following Nazi persecution, persecution in the city of Danzig, and the medical examination of Displaced Persons after 1945. The topics include: „Berufsschaden“, „Gesun...

  9. An example of a tracing case concerning a "Lebensborn" Child located through the joint efforts of the Polish Red Cross, German Suchdienst und IRO

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains of examples of successful tracing cases of the "Lebensborn" children Feliks and Maria. Through international effort of the Red Cross Child Search Branches in Poland and Czech, the German Suchdienst and the ITS, the children were be able to be returned to their country of origin. The file includes documents in Polish, German and English.

  10. [A letter by Norman Bentwich about Evian Conference]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    A letter by Bentwich to Stephany summarizing the statements of different countries regarding the refugee question developments during the Evian conference. Bentwich is complaining about the uselessness of the conference and the states' statements.

  11. [Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Testimony of Shmuel Grossbard, 19 year old yeshiva student from Suwałki. He describes aerial bombardment and German planes flying over the city, and fire from the Polish military, as well as panic among the civilian population. The Germans entered the city the following day, and several of the neighboring cities that same day, but did no special harm. Here the testimony cuts off. Protocol No. 21 is an extract from a volume of protocols /statements provided by a group of Polish-Jewish refugee writers and journalists who fled to Vilnius, Lithuania. In 1939 they formed a committee to collect e...

  12. [Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland: Statement No. 6]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Statement No.6 is an extract from a volume of protocols / statements provided by a group of Polish-Jewish refugee writers and journalists. In 1939 they formed a committee to collect evidence on the condition of the Jews in Poland under German occupation. This statement is by Lejb Blumberg, born 1915 in Warsaw, and describes briefly his escape from Warsaw to Vilnius in Oktober 1939. The statement is originally in Yiddish. Both, the original and the English translation are attached. Statement No. 6 -- פראטאקאל נומער 6

  13. Treatment of refugees in the United Kingdom

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains several informations from different organizations regarding the topic of the treatment of refugees in the United Kingdom. British organization collaborate closly with each other and represent all of their practical experience in dealing with refugees. A coordinating Committee for refugees in the United Kigdom has also been formed. Besides that there is a close cooperation between British and other organizations. The information given by other organizations are all regarding the refugee question. For example how they can organize themselves better, how they can help and rea...

  14. Die Judenbrücke II

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The Story is the second part of a fictitious tale of life in a refugee camp in Cyprus (Caraolos and Xylotymbus) after World War II, under British military administration. It describes the general atmosphere, struggles and political activities of the refugees as well as the views of the British military and politicians, American Aid organizations and volunteering medial staff. An interesting exchange of ideas is retold between an officer of the British Army and a Jewish doctor about Zionism, and a Jewish homeland, as well as a conversation with an Egyptian Jew highlighting the struggles of J...

  15. IRO-ITS-Child Search Branch – Yearly report 1948 History

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The yearly report begins with an explanation about Himmler's eugenic ideology implemented in the Lebensborn project and the justification of the kidnapping for children for the purpose of Germanization. As an example serves the case of Lidice. After the massacre of all if the adult males and the deportation of the females to a concentration camp, the children considered fit for Germanization were taken to Lebensborn home.The IRO and ITS tried to find those children and established a Child Search Branch for that purpose. Furthermore, the organization of the Child Search Branch is explained i...

  16. United Restitution Organization (URO)

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains seven circulars (“Rundschreiben”) by the United Restitution Organization (Frankfurt) ranging between September and November 1968. The circulars include the following issues: no. 1585, no. 1583, no. 1582, no. 1579, no. 1577a, no. 1577, and no. 1578. They mainly deal with recent court judgements made by the German Federal Court (Bundesgerichtshof) on questions of restitution after Nazi persecution, especially regarding juridical regulations and proceedings for claims within the Federal law for restitution („Bundesentschädigungsgesetz”), the status of being recognized as a re...

  17. Bertil Bergströms samling

    • Bertil Bergström's collection
    • Stadsarkivet Malmö
    • Bertil Bergströms samling
    • English
    • 1915-1947
    • 0,41 linear meters.

    The archive contains, among other things, documents and memos about the 'White Buses'.

  18. Statens utlänningskommission, Andra världskrigets lägerarkiv

    1. Statens Utlänningskommission
    • Andra Världskrigets lägerarkiv
    • World War II camp archives
    • Riksarkivet
    • Statens utlänningskommission, Andra världskrigets lägerarkiv
    • English
    • 1940-1948
    • 74 linear meters of textual records.

    The archives of the foreigner camps operated by the State Foreigners Commission comprise 74 linear meters of textual records. They are organized by camp, according to the names of 111 camps, along with a series of ten volumes containing documents regarding various smaller camps. For instance, among the series of named camps are eight volumes on Doverstorp, 13 volumes on Robertshöjd I and II, 23 volumes on Rosöga, and four volumes on Skatås. These archives include indexes and brief registries detailing the refugees and survivors present in the camps, providing information such as nationality...