
Displaying items 5,341 to 5,360 of 10,858
  1. War Crimes Trials: Malmedy; Jaeger testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 194) Malmedy War Crimes Trials, Dachau, Germany, March 23, 1946. HSs, Camp Dachau. LS, entrance of War Crimes court building. LS, bunker in which defendants are quartered. (Munich 206) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, June 3, 1946. Justices Parker, De Vabre and Falco. Dr. Robert Servatius, counsel for Sauckel, questions Dr. Max Wilhelm Jaeger. MSs, von Ribbentrop and Keitel; MP standing at left; Sauckel in BG. Pan, from prisoners' dock to Dr. Jaeger testifying. MS, two attorneys of the Russian staff at table. MS, Jacques Herzog, member of the French prosecution, listening.

  2. Ukrainian crimes against humanity

    Ukrainian Newsreel and Documentary Film Footage about the crimes committed by Ukrainian fascists--bourgeois nationalists-who murdered Ukrainians, Russians, Poles, and Jews in September 1942 near Lake Pisotska in the Vollin area. Shots of criminals and the commandant of Ukrainian police. It is forty years since their crimes, but since there is no statute of limitations for crimes against humanity, the Soviets bring the Ukrainian fascists to trial. Trial footage, including testimonies, witnesses, and shots of civilian audience. Narration argues that Zionists and the Jewish Defense League trai...

  3. Judge Royce S. Weisenberger collection

    The Judge Royce S. Weisenberger collection consists of photographs of men, women, and children being loaded into a train at Buchenwald concentration camp, June 1945; newspaper clippings regarding liberation and the arrest of Dr. Robert Karl Neuman; and a three-page testimony written by Major Royce S. Weisenberger on the liberation of Buchenwald concentration camp and its conditions.

  4. DP Center in Belgium; supplies; Polish DPs; nursery

    (LIB 3385-3390) Displaced Persons, Verviers, Belgium, February 11, 1945. SOUND: MS, INT, Capt Peter Ball, CO Displaced Persons Center receives a call that displaced persons are on their way to the Center. He instructs personnel off-screen to prepare for their arrival. SILENT: Sgt gives clothing to a young man; old couple stands in BG. CUs, bags of German grain which bear the Nazi emblem. CUs, other packages and cartons of captured German food (vegetable soup, etc.). Polish displaced persons around a table, some are smoking and playing cards. A man fills in a form for work detail; the form i...

  5. Dodd speaks of mistreatment of Poles at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 436) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 11, 1945. LS, court rises as judges enter and take their places. Rear views only, Thomas J. Dodd, US prosecution counsel, talking to the Tribunal states in part, "...some of the punishment consists of starvation, such punishment results in the workers fainting. Spreading of tuberculosis among the Polish workers is the result of insufficient food rations given out in the camp..." Dodd continues his address telling of the mistreatment, starvation, and disease brought on by adverse conditions in the labor camps of Poland. Pan to priso...

  6. The Striker, Number 32, August 1938, 16th year 1938 Der Stürmer (Nuremberg, Germany) [Newspaper]

    Der Stuermer, dated August 1938, Number 32, anti-Semitic newspaper published by Julius Streicher.

  7. Jodl testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 209) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, June 4, 1946. MSs, Prof. Franz Exner, Alfred Jodl's counsel, at stand as off-screen voice is heard interpreting Jodl's testimony into English. MS, Justices Biddle, Parker, and de Vabre. MS, US prosecutor Dodd seated in courtroom. LS, ex-General Alfred Jodl speaking with Dr. Laternser, defense lawyer for German general staff, before opening of morning session. LS, side view, judges enter court and take seats. LS, Prof. Exner questioning Jodl. Jodl talks about former Field Marshal Keitel. Pan from Jodl testifying to Keitel in prisoners' dock.

  8. Leopold Sobel papers

    Correspondence includes postcards and letters sent by Regina Sobol in Tbilisi, Georgia, USSR to her husband Maksim Leopoldovitch Sobel (donor’s parents) in the Red Army in 1942; postcards and letters written by Maria Laks in Dniepropetrovsk to her brother-in-law, Maksim Sobel in Sumy, Ukraine, USSR; Certificates testifying that Maksimilian Sobel was awarded medals for fighting in WWII and for liberating Warsaw by the Red Army and by the Polish Army; in Russian and Polish; dated 1945; Sport Driving License issued to Major Maksimilian Sobel in Warsaw on June 15, 1948; Memoir written by Maksim...

  9. Jewish Legions gramophone record

    Jewish Legions gramophone record with recording of Ze'ev Jabotinsky and John H. Patterson on the subject of Jewish battalions; New York. John Patterson (1867-1947) commander of the "Zion Mule Corps" and later commander of the "38th Battalion of the Royal Fusiliers" was a lifelong supporter of the Zionist Movement. After his military service he maintained friendships with his battalion colleagues, including Ze'ev Jabotinsky, who became his close friend. In 1940, while Jabotinsky was in the United States on a mission of the New Zionist Organization, Patterson was there as well, and they took ...

  10. Paul Koerner testifies re. Goering at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 40) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 13, 1946. Paul Koerner testifies under interrogation of a defense counselor. MSs, rear views, correspondents listening at trial. LSs, rear views, Chief US Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson cross examines the witness. Discussion of events in Goering and Thaelmann, in German. Break at 06:05, questioning beings in English. re. Thaelmann and Reichstag Fire. Koerner replies in German. Refers to Thaelmann in Buchenwald camp and complaints to Goering about conditions or treatment in concentration camps. 06:09:01 Would you tell us...ab...

  11. Awards from Nazi officials; wounded German vets; Volksturm; U-boat inspection

    POSTHUMOUS AWARDS: CU, Iron Cross, CUs, display of medals - men at attention. Civilians receiving awards from Herman Goering, Karl von Runstedt, Admiral Erich Raeder and Herman Goering. Goering pays homage at dead soldier's bier. MS, casket placed into mausoleum. Kriegsmarine. HITLER VISITS WOUNDED VETS IN HOSPITAL: CU, Adolf Hitler arriving; with wounded vets, people cheer as he departs. MS, Hitler with officers in the field. MS, Heinrich Himmler, Joseph Goebbels, Gen Guderian and others standing and talking in field. Review: Sequence - youthful officer inspecting and addressing company of...

  12. Yugoslavia: repairing trucks; airfield; village; plane doctors

    Reel 1: Men unloading truck parts from plane. Bolting front and rear sections of truck together, putting on rear wheels. Mechanics and Yugoslavian assistants lifting body of truck onto frame; bolting and installing racks on truck bed; fueling and checking oil. Men driving off in completely assembled truck. Damaged airport, administration building, ruined hangars and buildings in BG. Village of Serpska Cryna. Horse-drawn carts and villagers along road, seen through window of village flower mill. GI trucks and repairmen passing carts and villagers on way to landing field. Trucks; mechanics si...

  13. Selected records of the Offices and institutions of Galicia District Urzędy i Instytucje Okręgu Galicja (Sygn.119)

    Files of 10 gendarmes from the Galicia District. Includes personal documents of the gendarmes.

  14. Nazi propaganda: ethnic Germans victimized in Poland

    Hitler Youth in the East (Posen, etc). Intertitles. Danzig. Poles victimize ethnic Germans. Ruins, graves. "Erbe" "Polnische Kulturträger" Sarcastic, Polish 'untermensch'. "Juden, Juden, Juden!" Closeups of Jews. Stars of David. Healthy blond German children. HJ, BDM at work. Antisemitic propaganda (Lebensraum, etc). Boys boxing, boy sewing, shining shoes. 9 Sept 1940, sign on tree about a village gathering in the afternoon. Folk dancing. Military officers. Local SS, SA. Clapping. Milk can, laundry in wind.

  15. Raeder, Commander in Chief of Navy, and Albert Toms questioned at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 173) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, May 17 and 20, 1946. Commander in Chief of the Navy questioned as to the impression a speech by Hitler made on him in which he announced that after a long time of not involving France and Britain in the war, he had now decided to attack. HAS, MCU, Dr. Walter Siemers, counselor for Erich Raeder, at lectern. English interpreter is heard translating (sound poor). LS, Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe and Dr. Siemers at lectern. HAS, Tribunal. HAS, US prosecutor Thomas Dodd questions Albert Toms, Frankfurt Reichsbank employee (not seen). Interpreter tran...

  16. Polish Refugees Leave for Palestine

    350 Polish Refugees Leave Teheran for Palestine, (no date, originally reviewed March 27, 1944) INTs, Teheran railroad station. Polish refugees on platform bustle about as some bid farewell to departing friends. Persian/Arabic inscriptions. Pan, wall of newsstand/booth. Dolly shot, relatives and friends bid one another farewell from train windows; along railcars, more crowded, various men in uniform. Belongings on platform. Men, women, and children mill about, looking anxious and excited, some dressed well, some with hats (mix of Middle Eastern and Baltic looks). CU, native porter salutes in...

  17. DPs; curfew; rations; DP camp; laundry; children

    (LIB 5122-5123) Refugee Story, Gross-Umstadt and Munster, Germany, April 1-5, 1945. MSs, CUs, three US MPs. CU, MP looks at wrist watch. SEQ: MPs examine papers of Russian, French, Polish, Italian, Hungarian DPs who were recently liberated and brought to rear areas. MSs, CUs, liberated prisoners reading proclamations on bulletin board. LSs, CUs, empty streets of city due to curfew. LS, MP directs truck traffic through town. CUs, male refugees enjoying cigarettes as they read curfew notice. CUs, children of various nationalities are issued ration cards for food and given sleeping quarters. M...

  18. Honor Cross of the World War 1914/1918 non-combatant veteran service medal

    1. Ursula Levy collection

    Das Ehrenkreuz des Weltkriegs 1914 1918 [The Honor Cross of World War 1914/1918) awarded for non-combatant service in the German Army during the First World War. The award was established by President Paul von Hindenburg, on July 13, 1934. This was the first official WWI service medal of the Third Reich, often referred to by an unofficial name, Hindenburg Cross. Hindenburg, Field Marshal of German forces during WWI, appointed Hitler as Chancellor in January 1933, and soon a Nazi dictatorship ruled the country.

  19. Phyllis Shaw collection

    Collection of photographs taken in a sanatorium in Sweden, depicting liberated Jewish women originally from Rumania and Hungary. Among them is Regina Pollak (donor's mother) born on August 10, 1925. The women were liberated from Bergen-Belsen and gave each other photographs as mementos. Includes two photographs of "Ester" with her family taken in Rumania before the mass deportations, dated February 15, 1944. Other photographs show Josef Ganz (donor's father), born February 21, 1919, who survived Mauthausen and Dachau concentration camps. Regina survived Auschwitz, Dachau and Bergen-Belsen c...

  20. March of Time -- outtakes -- US Embassy in Paris: sorting mail; Passport office

    Using Wall Camera: US Embassy, Post Office. Mail bags arriving from French post office. Mail being sorted. Clerk from Military Attache's office comes to collect mail. Asst. mail clerk J. Dawson Kiernan opens diplomatic pouch. Mail bags to be shipped to Moscow and Madrid. CU, Chief mail clerk E.L. Knack taking mail from diplomatic pouch and sorting. CU, EXT post office doors with sign, "Pouch Room - No Admittance" and "Mail Room - Bureau de Postes" Archive Vaults in basement of Embassy, Asst. Superintendent Anderson comes down corridor testing doors. CU Anderson opening and closing vault doo...