
Displaying items 5,141 to 5,160 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Germany Awake!

    Summary of film: Recounts Germany's wartime experience and encourages German citizens to help effect a successful peace. Reel 3: German civilians are shown bodies in Nordhausen and Belsen concentration camps. People, body parts and objects from the Hadamar Institute are shown briefly. Brief shots of gold earings, teeth, etc. being sorted at Majdanek. American POWs shown. Female survivors being treated by Red Cross workers. Belsen- fields of decaying bodies, German civilians and soldiers placing bodies in trucks to be transported for proper burial. VS of high ranking Nazi officials. 08:14:00...

  2. Guy Reed Branch collection

    1. Guy Reed Branch collection

    Consists of a photograph album containing images of life at the prisoner of war camp in Laon, France, which the American military used to house German POWs after the war. Includes photographs of performances, housing, and groups of prisoners. The album was compiled, described, and given by an unknown POW to Guy Branch, a member of the American occupying forces who staffed the camp. The POW may have been Hans Scheffler; the collection also contains a letter with his prisoner number which matches the prisoner number and photograph on the interior of the album. Also includes loose duplicate ph...

  3. Richard Schifter collection

    Correspondence, postcards, photographs, pins, patches, medallions, notebooks, and related documents and ephemera, related to the history of the Schifter family of Vienna, Austria, and the immigration of Richard Schifter to the United States in 1938 and his subsequent service in the U.S. Army during World War II. Includes family photographs, postcards and correspondence from Paul Schifter during his service in the Austrian Army during World War I, documents related to Paul Schifter's business ventures in the United States during the 1920s, school documents for Richard Schifter in Austria and...

  4. The Striker, Number 51, December 1938, 17th year 1938 Der Stürmer (Nuremberg, Germany) [Newspaper]

    1. Virginius Dabney collection

    One issue of the antisemitic newspaper Der Stürmer, #51, from December 1938, with the headline: Kinder des Teufels

  5. The Striker, Number 21, May 1939, 17th year 1939 Der Stürmer (Nuremberg, Germany) [Newspaper]

    1. Virginius Dabney collection

    One issue of the antisemitic newspaper Der Stürmer, from May 1939 with the headline: Juden Wandern Aus.

  6. Berlin 1900

    Berlin from the turn of the century. EXT of the Reichstag, Bismarck Memorial. Automobiles pass, men walk along the street. Statue/fountain. Horse and buggy, pedestrians, and cyclists pass. A group of men stand around a cannon and look toward the camera. Two boys pose while a crowd forms in the BG. Berliner Dom. A busy street. Crowd looks at cannon outside. Richard Wagner statue in the Grosser Tiergarten. Busy street, trams, pedestrians, carriages. Victory Column. EXT of the Reichstag. Albrecht von Roon statue. Busy street, "Friseur" [hair salon]. Crowded train station. Train pulls into the ...

  7. Ministry of Foreign Affairs : Denmark during the German occupation (Group 84.G.11-67)

    Selected records consist of the case files concerning police and court of law, crimes against the German occupying power, Danes deported because of religion, ethnicity, political conviction, and activity in the resistance movement, assassination in various cities in Jutland and cities at Fyn, 1944, as well as records relating to entry and exit permits for Danish citizens with Jewish descent and internment of American citizens.

  8. Goering testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 53) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany. LS Hermann Goering under questioning by Chief Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson. Jackson is annoyed that Goering does not answer questions and delays the trial. Jackson speaks of Goering's involvement in concentration camps and describes the ways and means of arresting people. Goering responds in German. Jackson speaks about Nazi organizations responsible for propaganda and carrying out orders. Goering testifies that the SS and SA never received any orders to kill. At least "not in his time," he had no influence on the SS. LS, courtroom rises fo...

  9. Sketching defendants documents, map at Nuremberg Trial

    22:25:18 (Paris 386) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 27, 1945. CU, cartoonist sketches Walther Funk and Wilhelm Frick. MLS of prisoners' dock, visible are: Albert Speer, Constantin Neurath, Hans Fritzsche, Franz von Papen, Hermann Goering, Rudolf Hess, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Wilhelm Keitel, Alfred Rosenberg. MLS, MS, Erich Raeder's counsel makes plea to Tribunal, complaining about receiving documents presented by the prosecution too late. The list of documents the defense uses, which had been handed out the previous day, were partly incomplete, and therefore made the defens...

  10. Itzkovitz and Moldovan families collection

    Collection of family photographs of Ester Irén Ickovics (donor’s mother), b. January 13, 1922, and her family in Berehovo, Czechoslovakia (later Beregszasz, Hungary), who was deported together with her whole family to the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp in May 1944 and a few weeks later, together with her sister Sari Charlotte, b. Sept. 26, 1919, deported to Gelskirchen, a sub-camp of Buchenwald. In September 1944 they were deported to Sommerda slave labor camp, where they worked in ammunition factory; Ester married Emerich Israel Moldovan, b. September 20, 1914, who was mobilized into a forc...

  11. Warsaw ghetto and Stutthof liberated

    Warsaw ghetto, women walk and stand about on a street, some with armbands. Children play a game. LS of Stutthof concentration camp liberated by the Soviets. VS of camp: barracks, piles of hair, pan, clothing, a man and woman standing upon a mountain of shoes, Zyklon B (poison gas) canisters, ovens. More scenes of the camp, road, barbed wire, etc., ends on CU of stone tablet/memorial plaque, engraved on wall, that reads: "Bojownikom O Wolnosc Pomordowanym W Sztutowie W latach 1939-1945 [To all who fought for freedom and were tortured at Stutthof in 1939-1945.] Translation of voiceover narrat...

  12. Austrian newsreel excerpts, March 25, 1938

    Excerpts from reel 1 of Ostmark-Wochenschau Nr. 13/1938 (25. März 1938), from frames 02107 to 05331. German narration. Title card: “Eintreffen motorisierter deutscher Truppen-Abteilungen in Wien und Graz” Night motorcade with motorcycles, cars, and tanks through city streets. Nazi officials wave and smile from platform before the Heinrichhof Cafe in Vienna. CUs. Crowds watch and cheer from balcony. Salute. (01:26) Daytime motorcade in Graz. Crowds line cobbled streets, swastika flags. Sign for: "Grand Hotel Steirerhof". Cars and tanks pass. Excerpts from reel 2 of Ostmark-Wochenschau Nr. 13...

  13. Ernst Deutsch papers

    1. Ernst Deutsch collection

    Contains material related to Ernst Deutsch and his efforts to emigrate from Vienna, Austria. Includes a certificate of residence issued in July 1937; a German passport with a red in stamp of the letter "J"; and a document from the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien (Jewish Community of Vienna) certifying that the bearer is a "full Jew" for military recruitment authorities in post-Anschluss Vienna.

  14. Film crew in action at Theresienstadt - cabaret, soccer

    Shooting film at Theresienstadt in 1942, prior to the famous 1944 footage. Interior cafe scene. Three uniformed German cameramen and cameras seen in action. Sign: Theresienstadt Terezin Kreis: ------ 3 cameramen with camera and tripod set up; all into automobile with SS license plate, drive away. One armed guard (local police?) patrolling, near sign: "Juedisches Siedlungsgebiet, Stehenbleiben verboten!" / Jewish settlement area, No loitering! Cabaret performed on stage, assorted costumes; accordionist. Painted scenery. Woman in flowered dress performs alone on stage, dance movements. Two me...