
Displaying items 5,041 to 5,060 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Dachau Concentration Camp

    (LIB 6519) Dachau Concentration Camp, Germany, May 1-4, 1945. CUs, dead bodies in railroad cars. MS, huge pile of discarded prison uniforms. CUs, prisoners unloading bodies from wagons in front of cemetery. Large group of prisoners is sprayed with DDT powder. MS, prisoners in courtyard waving from behind barbed wire fence. In FG can be seen dead German guards. VS, prisoners parading in camp, carrying flags of various nations and pictures of Stalin and Tito. CUs, prisoners quarreling and fighting for food container (seems staged). MS, CUs large pile of bodies in front of building. CUs, sick,...

  2. Woman's uniform jacket

    1. Giza and Leon Falik and Mildred Stern collection

    United States Army woman's uniform jacket. The collection relates to the experiences of Mordche Lieb (Leon Falik), his wife Giza Sternchuss (later Falik), and Giza's sister Mildred Stern [Malka Sternchuss] in Poland before and during the Holocaust, when Leon fled Poland for the Soviet Union and Giza fled Tarnopol and became a partisan. Mildred left for the United States before the war where she joined the US Women's Army Corps.

  3. Woman's uniform jacket

    1. Giza and Leon Falik and Mildred Stern collection

    United States Army woman's uniform jacket. The collection relates to the experiences of Mordche Lieb (Leon Falik), his wife Giza Sternchuss (later Falik), and Giza's sister Mildred Stern [Malka Sternchuss] in Poland before and during the Holocaust, when Leon fled Poland for the Soviet Union and Giza fled Tarnopol and became a partisan. Mildred left for the United States before the war where she joined the US Women's Army Corps.

  4. Der SS-Arzt und die Kinder vom Bullenhauser Damm [Book]

    1. Ilya Kamenkovich collection
  5. Einsatzgruppen shooting of Jews, Latvia

    An Einsatzgruppe execution between late July and mid-August 1941. Jewish men being shot by Germans, in dugout pit. 01:00:38 Two brief shots of German Kriegsmarine standing along the bank near the bushes (screen left) washing himself. Footage includes executions of three groups of men. Soldiers and others, including Kriegsmarine personnel and civilians, stand around. Also visible are many people watching from an embankment above. Jews jump out of open truck and are herded, running, towards open pit. They wear "yellow badges" on their chests and backs. SS men, local Latvian militia, and Germa...

  6. May Day; church service

    May Day: Workers and peasants gather in large crowds to hear speeches given by the German occupation. The Kiev-Pechersk Monastery at sunset (the campanile is clearly visible), and the cupolas of what appears to be the Cathedral of Dormition (within the monastery). Night-time exterior shot of Saint Andrew's Church (not at the monastery), followed by interior shots of an Orthodox mass. The choir is singing, and the worshippers stand listening, crowded beneath the iconostasis. Translation of Russian narration: May Day - the German national holiday was also celebrated by all liberated populatio...

  7. Singing on Horst Wessel Platz

    A huge crowd gathered on Horst Wessel Platz in Berlin sings folk songs. The narrator says that the event, and others like it, was organized by a Berlin radio station. The camera focuses on a choir of Hitler Youth and League of German Girls members singing. The crowd then whistles the tune.

  8. VE Day, Germany

    VE Day in Heidelberg, Germany. 6th Army Group and 1st Tactical Air Force at mass on VE Day. INT, cathedral, priest making the sign of the cross, celebrating mass. Germans gathered outside of cathedral watching soldiers and officers leaving service. Gen. Robert Morris Webster and Gen. Ned Sohramm leaving cathedral, walking to their cars. Webster and Sohramm entering cathedral, followed by officers and enlisted men of the 6th Army Group and 1st Tactical Air Force. Servicemen presenting arms, marching, and parade rest. Germans watching parade. INT of cathedral with group standing as prayer is ...

  9. Parade of Naval soldiers

    Probably April 20 (Hitler's birthday). Naval soldiers with drums parading on Michaelerplatz, Augustinerstrasse, in front of Palais Palffy, Albertina ramp, Phillipshof, and Kaertnerstrasse.

  10. Doenitz on stand at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 155) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, May 8-10, 1946. HAS, Tribunal as Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence administers oath to Adm. Karl Doenitz (latter not visible). HAS, Capt. Otto Kranzbuehler questioning his client Doenitz at the stand. (Doenitz not visible. Interpreter's voice is heard giving questions and answers in English.) MSs, Kranzbuehler at speaker's stand. HAS, left side of prisoners' dock showing defendants talking with attorneys before session. HAS, British prosecutor Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe as he continues questioning Doenitz. Doenitz is heard replying. Maxwell-Fyfe...

  11. March of Time -- outtakes -- Clearing ruins/rubble of Warsaw

    LS ruins of Warsaw. In FG, Polish cart. German prisoners of war clearing the ruins of the Ghetto. German prisoners of war working on future tram line which will cross the ex-Ghetto as a prolongation of the main street of Warsaw. A detachment of the garrison of Warsaw marching among ruined houses with shovels on their shoulders. In FG, civilians working among rubbish. Soldiers marching and singing. Soldiers loading lorries with rubble. LS at sunset, ruins of highest concrete building in Warsaw. Men and women clearing the ruins of Warsaw.

  12. Program on the Bush administration, peace, and nuclear arms

    Host: Marvin Kalb. First aired during Election 1988 as part of the national security debate. Program discusses how the Bush administration could reduce the risk of nuclear war while maintaining national security. It assumes our greatest challenge is making sure that nuclear weapons are never used again. Program offers four policy options: 1) military superiority; 2) arms control; 3) building missile defenses; and 4) eliminating all nuclear weapons. The segment provokes discussion about the nuclear future.

  13. Rosa Grosz and Deszo Goldstein collection

    Contains two identification documents issued by the Allied Military Government to Rosa Grosz and Deszo Goldstein in the Landsberg am Lech Displaced Persons camp, photograph of bearers attached, states that they were liberated from the Dachau concentration camp; issued July 12, 1945. Invitation to the wedding of Rosa Grosz and Dezso Goldstein on November 24, 1945 at Landsberg am Lech; in German.

  14. Nuremberg Trial; War Crimes Trials in Tokyo

    14:15:00 (Munich 366) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, August 20, 1946. (English and German) MS, Justices Francis Biddle and John J. Parker at bench, Biddle is dozing. MS, Hermann Goering and Joachim von Ribbentrop. MS, Erich Raeder, Fritz Sauckel in dock. HAS of Fritz Sauter questioning witness. HAS, US prosecutor Thomas J. Dodd cross-examining Walther Funk (not in scene). 14:20:18 War Crimes Trials, Tokyo, Japan, August 12, 1946. (English) . Mr. John Goetee, a US newspaperman who spent twenty years in China, continues describing his education, background, and work involving politica...

  15. Ruins

    Destroyed homes and buildings filmed from a moving vehicle, probably in France in summer 1944. Small children stand by the road, while adults rummage through the rubble for their possessions. More pans of the devastation and ruins of buildings.

  16. American Gathering of Holocaust Survivors Photographs

    The American Gathering of Holocaust Survivors photographs consists of 21 photographs, primarily post-liberation images of Jews in Poland, exhuming burial sites, conducting memorials, and related subjects. The photographs were brought from Europe to the United States in 1945 by Jacob Patt who made an official trip to Poland as a representative for an American Jewish organization.

  17. Buchenwald

    Intertitle: "Buchenwald" Human remains in crematoria at Buchenwald. Pile of bones. Survivors and GIs gathered around corpses in courtyard at Buchenwald camp. More shots of the dead, and CUs of the barely living. Doctors inspecting wounds. Intertitle: "Arrogant German citizens are forced to make a tour." German civilians, mostly women, filing into the camp. Intertitle: "Lampshades and pictures made of human skin." MSs, table in the courtyard displaying lampshades, tattoos, shrunken heads. Various shots of the German civilians gathered around the display. Intertitle: "A German officer is forc...

  18. Jewish Infantry Brigade celebrates Passover

    Jewish Infantry Brigade of the British 8th Army, Faenza Area, Italy, March 27-29, 1945. LS, hillside farm. LS, column of brigade marching along mountain road, past evenly spaced trees. MLS, men walking in single file towards the camera, farm in BG. Men with British military gear carrying weapons, camoflauge on helmets. CUs, faces. MLS, long line of soldiers moving along road, squad leader puts arm up and line halts, points to side of road and soldiers rest against embankment. MCU, two men smoking, Star of David patch on uniform. Soldier checking equipment. CU, individual faces. LS, column o...

  19. Dr. Hans Stück collection

    Consists of post-war letters by Dr. Hans Stück, testimonies by Allied military personnel and Holocaust survivors about Dr. Stück's pre-war and wartime activities, and photographs of the Stück family. The letters and testimonies describe how Dr. Stück, though nominally a member of the Nazi Party, defended Jews and Jehovah's Witnesses in court, arranged for the removal of Jews from Buchenwald to places which were relatively safer, and facilitated correspondence between concentration camp prisoners and the outside world. The letters and testimonies were written while Stück was interned as a pr...

  20. Julius Sussman papers

    1. Julius Sussman collection

    Collection of documents, correspondence and photographs related to Julius Sussman (donor's late brother in law) who was born in Eiself, Germany on September 20, 1910. The family resided in Frankfurt am Main. In 1933 Julius immigrated to Palestine; he was able to bring his parents to Palestine in 1936. On July 8, 1940, Julius enlisted in the British Army, Royal Military Pioneer Corps, 605th Palestinian regiment, Pvt #11621. He fought in the African campaign from November 1940 - March 1941. From March 1941, a small British force helped the Greek Army to defend it from the German invasion on A...