
Displaying items 5,021 to 5,040 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. March of Time -- outtakes -- Atrocity at Nuremberg; burials

    Atrocity at Nuremberg (via Fox). VSs, bodies of massacred Jews lying in woods. VSs, American soldiers arriving and inspecting the bodies. MCU, German civilians carrying coffins along road. CU, man weeping at sight of the bodies. VSs, German men and women carrying coffins thru the woods and along road. CU, weeping German woman. LS, Germans lining route over which coffins are being carried. Travelling shot, Germans standing beside open coffins. VSs, Germans carrying coffins along road and people weeping as they pass. Germans placing coffins down in cemetery. VSs, German men and women looking ...

  2. History of Kaltenbrunner presented at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 474) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 2, 1946. LS, Chief Justice Sir Geoffrey Lawrence states that it would be better to hold Ernst Kaltenbrunner's case because of his absence. MLS, rear view, US prosecutor Robert G. Storey asking the Tribunal to proceed with the evidence as the case against the Gestapo and Kaltenbrunner are linked. Rear view, defense counsel for Kaltenbrunner speaking to the Tribunal on behalf of his client. Defense counsel says that he has been appointed for the defense of "criminal organizations" summarily, and as such has no immediate client to be r...

  3. Judgment at Nuremberg Trial

    Sentencing of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. Justice Sir Geoffrey Lawrence tells of Robert Ley committing suicide and Alfred Krupp unable to attend trial for his physical and mental condition (similar to Story 2611 but from a different perspective). Jackson gives summary of what prosecution claims and demands. French Justices Henri de Vabres and Robert Falco reading statements from bench. [The sound is partly gone, sketchy, four totally different scenes, partly in French before Biddle explains the Charter.] MS of Justice Francis Biddle speaking of the Nuremberg...

  4. World War I medal awarded to a Jewish veteran for bravery

    1. Erwin Marx and Ernst Rothschild collection

    World War I medal awarded to Ernst Rothschild for bravery during World War I. Ernst, who was Jewish, later emigrated to the United States.

  5. World War I Iron Cross medal awarded to a Jewish veteran for bravery

    1. Erwin Marx and Ernst Rothschild collection

    World War I Iron Cross medal awarded to Ernst Rothschild for bravery during World War I. Ernst, who was Jewish, later emigrated to the United States.

  6. World War I medal awarded to a Jewish veteran for bravery

    1. Erwin Marx and Ernst Rothschild collection

    World War I medal awarded to Ernst Rothschild for bravery during World War I. Ernst, who was Jewish, later emigrated to the United States.

  7. World War I Iron Cross medal awarded to a Jewish veteran for bravery

    1. Erwin Marx and Ernst Rothschild collection

    World War I Iron Cross medal awarded to Ernst Rothschild for bravery during World War I. Ernst, who was Jewish, later emigrated to the United States.

  8. World War I medal awarded to a Jewish veteran for bravery

    1. Erwin Marx and Ernst Rothschild collection

    World War I medal awarded to Ernst Rothschild for bravery during World War I. Ernst, who was Jewish, later emigrated to the United States.

  9. World War I ribbon awarded to a Jewish veteran for bravery

    1. Erwin Marx and Ernst Rothschild collection

    World War I ribbon awarded to Ernst Rothschild for bravery during World War I. Ernst, who was Jewish, later emigrated to the United States.

  10. World War I medal awarded to a Jewish veteran for bravery

    1. Erwin Marx and Ernst Rothschild collection

    World War I medal awarded to Ernst Rothschild for bravery during World War I. Ernst, who was Jewish, later emigrated to the United States.

  11. Ferencz lecture: Unitarian Forum

    Final lecture in the 1986 series, Unitarian Forum, San Francisco. Practical Programs for Peace. Benjamin Ferencz speaks about the evolution of the concept of world law, the role of the US constitution at Nuremberg, using law as the instrument for protection of peace, and what people can do today to effect peace. Ferencz emphasizes the need for social justice. He indicates law, courts, and enforcement as critical to the peace process. Responding to a question near the end of the session, Ferencz says, "It's my conviction that if humankind has the intelligence to develop the means of destroyi...

  12. Questioning Ribbentrop; Orbelli testifies

    08:00:40 (Munich 80) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 1, 1946. Dr. Martin Horne speaks to Joachim von Ribbentrop before the session. LSs, Justices enter the courtroom and take their seats. Rear views as Dr. Horne questions von Ribbentrop. Thomas J. Dodd of the US prosecution objects to the witness answering the question, stating that von Ribbentrop's views on why the war began were stated in yesterday's session and there is no reason to repeat them. 08:04:43 (Munich 04) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 21-22, 1946. LSs, MLSs, Joseph Orbelli, professor of architect...

  13. Ferencz interviewed by Lynn Samuels

    Radio interview with Benjamin Ferencz. Host: Lynn Samuels. WBAI. Interview focuses on Ferencz's involvement at Nuremberg and in negotiations with the West German government for restitution of property. The Reparations Treaty provided a) a lump sum (3 billion DM) to Israel paid in German goods over 10-12 years; b) $100 million to Jewish charitable organizations over a ten year period for relief work outside of Israel in reestabishing Nazi survivors and Jewish communities; and c) special new laws in Germany for compensation to survivors if they prove injury from Nazi persecution [injury inclu...

  14. Goering interrogated at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 54) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 18, 1946. HASs, MSs, front view of Chief Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson (US) interrogating Hermann Goering. (Goering is not visible in these shots.) Subject of the cross examination is the plan to overthrow the Weimar Republic and break the opposition. Goering says that, yes, they had been in opposition long enough and were eager to get to power. MS, pan, Wilhelm Frick, Julius Streicher, and Walther Funk seated in the prisoners' dock. MS, Justices Francis Biddle and John J. Parker. A point is made to the Tribunal that defendants answer ...

  15. Julian Feingold papers

    1. Julian Feingold collection

    The Julian Feingold papers include photographs of Feingold’s artwork documenting the Zeilsheim displaced persons camp and of a theatre production at Zeilsheim; clippings about Feingold, his wife, and the Holocaust; and a reproduction of a drawing by Feingold of a military photographer with Holocaust survivors in the background.

  16. Antisemitic propaganda of Jews in the Warsaw ghetto

    Warsaw ghetto [many scenes same as Library of Congress footage on Film ID 2257]. German Jews arriving in Warsaw Ghetto. "Aufnahme Lager" [Intake point] Exteriors and interiors. Close views of individuals. Tracking shot inside. Jewish Council building, visitors. Inside the Chairman Adam Czerniakov's office. Meeting with Czerniakov at his desk, with candelabra. Street scenes, peddlars, children, shopfronts. Women, with armbands, shopping from carts. Cobblestone streets. Scenes of Jewish police menacing people with truncheons, moving them through the street. Scenes "directed" for Nazi propagan...

  17. IMT Verdicts: Schacht, Doenitz, Raeder, Sauckel, Jodl, von Papen, Speer, von Neurath, Fritzsche at Nuremberg Trial

    Sentencing of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. Shot of dock as Justice Francis Biddle gives the Tribunal's conclusion on Hjalmar Schacht: not guilty under the indictment because his influence was not established beyond doubt. More footage of defendants, defendants' lawyers, as Justice reads conclusions of the tribunal on the prisoners: Schacht: Not guilty Doenitz (in French): Guilty under counts 3 and 4 Raeder (in Russia): Guilty under count 4 Sauckel: Guilty under counts 3 and 4 Jodl (in French): ?? (verdict not audible) Von Papen: Not guilty Unidentified defend...

  18. Touring Switzerland

    Mountains and villages from a train as some members of the 51st Field Hospital travel around Europe at leisure. Beatrice and another nurse descend a staircase holding cameras. They pose beside Lake Lucerne and travel on Rigi-Bahn on Mt. Rigi in Switzerland. More views of the Alps and villages and corps members posing.

  19. Former Reichsbank director on stand at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 163) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, May 14-15, 1946. Emil Johann Rudolf Puhl walks to witness box and is sworn in by the Chief Justice. Mr. Puhl is the former assistant director of the Reichsbank. LS, Dr. Fritz Sauter questions Puhl. Rear views, LS, US prosecutor Thomas J. Dodd approaches the stand and interposes a clear point concerning the witness. LS, Puhl testifies and admits that gold teeth collected from victims of concentration camps were left on deposit at the Reichsbank by members of the Nazi party. MS, witnesses in dock listen to testimony. LS, rear view, Dodd inte...

  20. VE Day in Paris; postwar Germany - destruction; Moosburg

    US GIs swimming in fountain in Paris on VE day, civilians watching in FG. Crowds in cars, on streets of Paris. Place de la Concorde - traffic, crowds. Arc de Triomphe, flying British, French, Russian, and US flags. 01:13:09 From airplane: flying over countryside, wrecked German towns, bombed bridges, river barges. Flying over Moosburg prison camp in Germany, showing barracks, other camp buildings.