
Displaying items 5,001 to 5,020 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Anti-fascist and anti-racist educational film made by US Army Signal Corps

    An American film dramatizing the destructive effects of racial and religious prejudice. The film was made to make the case for the desegregation of the US Armed Forces. Reel 1: shows a fake wrestling match and crooked gambling games with narration: "There's a good old-fashioned word for people like this. We call them suckers." An agitator addresses a street crowd; he almost convinces an American man in the audience until he begins to talk to a Hungarian refugee from Germany. A Nazi speaker harangues a crowd in Germany denouncing Jews, Catholics, and Freemasons. Reel 2: A German unemployed w...

  2. Hagana Troops

    Men walking through streets of Jerusalem. Suitcases sign on wall of old city. CUs, woman and her children. Crowd gathered in square. Hagana troops on jeep. CUs, moving villagers on truck, boat. Dead bodies. Aerial shot of buildings. Soldiers on truck with thumbs up. Boys walking towards camera with guns. Weapons moved onto cart. Sandbags block streets. Civilians searched. Hagana officer guards captured Palestinians. Villagers interrogated. Walking with belongings in streets. HAS, city. Civilians walking on streets. Holding portraits. Women with belongings carried on top of their heads. Sold...

  3. Doctor testifies about Frick at Nuremberg Trial

    War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 11, 1946. Dr. Franz Blaha testifying on stand and being cross examined by several defense attorneys. One defense attorney questions Blaha as to Funk's visit to Dachau: when exactly he had visited. Attorney of Frick says that his defendant claims not to have ever been to Dachau. He asks Blaha from which distance he thinks to have seen Frick there. Blaha responds Frick passed by him with several people. Attorney asks if Blaha recognized Frick himself or was told by other prisoners that this was Frick. Blaha responds he had seen Frick before in se...

  4. Vichy recruits for German Army

    Good HA establishing shot of Place des Invalides in Paris as (Secretary of State of Vichy government) Joseph Darnand administers oath of allegiance to French recruits of the German Army. Quick shot of Darnand. Recruits in uniforms and berets kneel on pavement. VS onlookers in courtyard and pairs of women looking down from above. CU tricolor banner that says "Francaise" and has an unidentified symbol at center. CU men kneeling; they salute. LS men at attention in courtyard. Shot of banner again. LS March out through iron-grill gate to Arc de Triomphe. Several shots of tomb of France's unknow...

  5. Verdicts on Ribbentrop, Keitel, Kaltenbrunner, Rosenberg, Frank, Frick, Streicher, Funk at Nuremberg Trial

    Verdicts delivered on Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg IMT, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. MLS of prisoners dock as Justice reads conclusions on the cases of Joachim von Ribbentrop, Wilhelm Keitel, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Hans Frank, Alfred Rosenberg, Wilhelm Frick, Julius Streicher, and Walter Funk: Unidentified defendant (in Russian): ? Ribbentrop: Guilty on all 4 counts (the main foreign policy advisor to Hitler & Ambassador to Britain) Keitel (in French): Guilty on all 4 counts (no attenuating circumstances accorded) [screen goes black] Kaltenbrunner: Guilty under counts 3 and 4 Rosenberg ...

  6. Marokus family collection

    Documents and correspondence illustrating the efforts of Leon Marokus, who immigrated to the United States in 1938 from Poland and worked to bring over his wife Lajcia and daughters Henryka and Pola, who were in Lwow, Poland and unable to leave. Includes pre-war correspondence between Leon and various organizations including the US Department of State as well as post-war correspondence concerning his youngest daughter Pola, who was hidden in Lwow and potentially survived. The correspondence documents Leon's exhaustive but unsuccessful efforts to find Pola or her rescuer Anna Chodek over mor...

  7. VE Day in Germany

    US Army soldiers receiving the news that the war is over (staged). Liberators listening to field radio and learning about the end of the war (staged). Men jumping for joy and drinking liquor. Men removing tarp from supply and covering cannon, writing in white chalk: "7 May 1945 So Long Berlin, Hello Tokyo." In small German town, mayor telling group of women and children that the war is over. People/child walking and bicycling. Refugees and displaced persons carrying belongings and lumber. German farmers working in field. Victory bonfire, pilot in FG drinking liquor. Pilot approaching airpla...

  8. Girls from Spreewald with swastika necklaces

    Women in traditional costume stand on either side of a man in civilian dress, who is introduced by the narrator as the new "Oberpraesident" of the province of Brandenburg, Hube. SA men stand behind them. The camera pans across the young women as Hube introduces them as representatives of Spreewald. A couple of the women wear necklaces with Swastika charms. One of the women speaks briefly, and the camera pans across the smiling girls again.

  9. Goering testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 48) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 13, 1946. Hermann Goering testifies about the organization of the State Police. Goering talks about the creation of the "Geheime Staatspolizei," as opposed to the civil police that was under the jurisdiction of the various German Laender. Shots of defendants, counselors, and judges listening. HAS, courtroom. Dr. Otto Stahmer, Goering's attorney, addresses the Tribunal. MS, Keitel, Rosenberg, and Kaltenbrunner listen to Goering's testimony. HAS, Tribunal. Justices Francis Biddle (US), John J. Parker (US), Henri Donnedieu de Vabre (Fran...

  10. Repression of Jews, beating, slave labor; Riga synagogue burning

    Man beaten, pushed around through crowd. German soldier, man pushed into unidentified building. VS, CUs of men's faces. Brief shot of road sign: "Achtung Baustelle". Men with picks, shovels, clearing area. 04:02:30 Subtitles: "Leniwi zydzii" [Lazy Jews] "zostah natychmiast zabrani do roboty" [have been taken immediately to work]. Men getting off trucks and carrying shovels/tools. German soldiers giving orders. Men taking off shirts, looking at camera, continue digging, picking up large rocks and moving them. 04:03:03 Subtitle translation: "Polish population delivers the Jewish 'agents'." Ma...

  11. Trial of Marshal Henri Petain

    Trial of Marshal Henri Petain, Fortress Montrouge (outskirts of Paris), July 1945. MSs, crowds entering palace courtyard after credentials are checked by guards. VS, Palace of Justice. MSs, Pierre Mongibaud, President of the High Court, enters palace. Anteroom shots (dark), civilians and military enter; group watches from stairs. MSs, EXT, bedroom window of palace. Room formerly occupied by Petain. MSs, CUs, correspondents working in press room. LS, policemen and firemen on palace roof. INT of courtroom, Petain enters, sits in chair flanked by guards. INT, witnesses appear; Michael Clemence...

  12. Honor Cross of the World War 1914/1918 combatant veteran service medal

    1. Maerker and Behr families papers

    Das Ehrenkreuz des Weltkriegs 1914 1918 [The Honor Cross of World War 1914/1918) awarded for serving in combat in the German Army during the First World War. The award was established by President Paul von Hindenburg, on July 13, 1934. This was the first official WWI service medal of the Third Reich, often referred to by an unofficial name, Hindenburg Cross. Hindenburg, Field Marshal of German forces during WWI, appointed Hitler as Chancellor in January 1933, and soon a Nazi dictatorship ruled the country.

  13. North Staffordshire Regiment cap badge

    1. Alfred and Meta Mayer Levy family collection
  14. Opening Reichsbruecke suspension bridge

    Opening of the Reichsbruecke suspension bridge in Vienna. Cardinal Innitzer, President Wilhelm Miklas, Vice Mayor (and later Nazi Vice Mayor) Fritz Lahr (far right). The construction project was an important propaganda tool for Austria's authoritarian 'Staendestaat.' Parade of workers, floats. CU, officials.

  15. Scrapbooks of German news clippings

    Contains four volumes of scrapbooks compiled by Siegfried Wenzel, as a child or adolescent while living in Germany, between 1939 and 1943, consisting of clippings from German newspapers of the era, reporting on wartime events. Consisting of four separate numbered volumes, titled "Kriegstagesbuch," with handwritten annotations added by Wenzel from that time, the volumes report on German military advances from the invasion of Poland in September 1939 through the battle of Stalingrad in early 1943.

  16. Final pleas of Raeder & von Schirach at Nuremberg Trial and good candid shots

    22:36:05 (Munich 305) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, July 16, 1946 (German). MS, Capt. Otto Kranzbuehler, lawyer for Doenitz, reading his client's plea. LS, visitors in the press section. MLS, spectators, including Edwin W. Pauley. Walter Siemers speaking for his client Raeder. HAS, Goering in dock. HAS, Raeder sitting between Doenitz and von Schirach. 22:43:47 (Munich 310) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, July 17, 1946 (silent). H, MS, Fritz Sauter, lawyer for von Schirach, reading plea for his client. MS, von Schirach and Sauckel in dock as Sauter reads plea. MS, Goering, He...

  17. Siemens radio with Nazi eagle and swastika

    1. Martin Stuler collection

    Nazi radio manufactured by Siemens, decorated with Nazi eagle and swastika. Brought home from WWII by German Jewish refugee Martin Stuler (donors' father) after his service with the US Army during WWII. Martin Stuler (nee Stüler) was born in Ansbach, Germany on October 13, 1921. He immigrated to the United States with his parents in September 1936, sailing on board the SS Berengaria. He completed his schooling at Brooklyn Technical High School, and entered the US Army on October 13, 1943. During his service in Europe, one of his assignments was to help to wire the Palace of Justice for the ...

  18. Deportation of Bessarabian Jews to Transnistria

    Low aerial shots from a plane show the destroyed city of Balti. Pan across dead bodies, with the narration that the KPU and their "Jewish helpers" had perpetrated the murders. The next shot shows the forced march of Bessarabian Jews in the area of Balti, Romania, part of the deportations to Transnistria, late fall, 1941. The narration describes how these "eastern Jewish types" overran Europe after the World War I and attempted to destroy the culture of the non-Jews. Long line of impoverished people moving along a country road and over a low wooden bridge. Some are barefoot. Most carry bundl...