
Displaying items 481 to 500 of 2,629
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Report issued by the Ligue des Societes de la Croix-Rouge (League of Red Cross Societies) regarding the International Conference held in Hanover regarding the refugees, 1951

    1. P.7- Archive of Marc Jarblum, Zionist Leader and one of the leaders of the Jewish underground in France, 1941-1967

    Report issued by the Ligue des Societes de la Croix-Rouge (League of Red Cross Societies) regarding the International Conference held in Hanover regarding the refugees, 1951 Also in the file: - Official documentation with declarations made by the United States government regarding the establishment of the War Refugee Board (WRB); - A call for revenge on Nazi criminals, granting of a haven for refugee children from France in Switzerland, official Red Cross documentation regarding refugees and prisoners of war, and more; - Declaration made by the International Red Cross regarding the protecti...

  2. Letters of Joel Brand from Germany regarding the compensation claim he submitted and the publication of his book, "Advocate for the Dead", in Israel and other countries, 1957

    1. P.32 - Collection of Hansi and Joel Brand, activists in the Relief and Rescue Committee in Budapest during World War II

    Letters of Joel Brand from Germany regarding a compensation claim he submitted and the publication of his book, "Advocate for the Dead", in Israel and other countries, 1957 Letters from Joel Brand regarding the publication of his book including letters he sent to Moshe Sharett regarding Sharett's comments published in the book's Hebrew edition; Included in the file: - Documentation regarding the preparations for the trials of the Nazi war criminals, Krumey and Hunsche; - Testimony of Joel Brand against Krumey; - Letter sent by Israel Kasztner to Joel Brand regarding Brand's testimony agains...

  3. Joint testimony (by questionnaire) of Szymon Amiel and others regarding the Zielona camp and mass graves in Grabowka, Bacieczki, Nowosiolki and Augustow

    1. M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground

    Joint testimony (by questionnaire) of Szymon Amiel and others regarding the Zielona camp and mass graves in Grabowka, Bacieczki, Nowosiolki and Augustow Details regarding the implementation of "Aktions" including the names of those who committed the murders, the number of Jews murdered, personal information about those murdered, the burial places of the victims, a description of the graves and the names of Nazi criminals; protocols from a deliberation in a Bialystok court regarding the murder of Jews in Zielona, Grabowka, Bacieczki, Nowosiolki and Augustow, October 1945.

  4. Testimony of Dina (Tepper) Wajnsztejn, born in Suchowola, Poland, 1905, regarding her experiences in the Bialystok Ghetto

    1. M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground

    Testimony of Dina (Tepper) Wajnsztejn, born in Suchowola, Poland, 1905, regarding her experiences in the Bialystok Ghetto In hiding with her daughter during the liquidation of the Bialystok Ghetto, 16-23 August 1943; discovery of hiding places of Jews; murder of the Jews who were caught; participation of Fritz Friedel and Ukrainians in carrying out murders; names of those murdered; final liquidation of the Bialystok Ghetto, 23 August 1943. Note: The testimony was taken down by M. Turek, 16 August 1946.

  5. Testimony (by questionnaire) handed in to the Jewish Historical Committee in Bialystok regarding the Bialystok Ghetto

    1. M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground

    Testimony (by questionnaire) handed in to the Jewish Historical Committee in Bialystok regarding the Bialystok Ghetto Establishment of the Bialystok Ghetto; forced labor; "Aktions" in the ghetto; names of those who committed the murders; number of those murdered; liquidation of the ghetto; burial sites of those murdered; deportation of Jews to Treblinka; deportation of Jews to Auschwitz; deportation of Jews to Majdanek; names of Nazi criminals.

  6. Testimony of Jankel Rubin, born in Briansk, the Soviet Union, 1909, regarding the murder of Jews in Briansk by the local population

    1. M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground

    Testimony of Jankel Rubin, born in Briansk, the Soviet Union, 1909, regarding the murder of Jews in Briansk by the local population Acts of the Polish collaborators Kamnski and the Rycz brothers from the village of Chojewo including hunting down Jews and Soviets in hiding, revealing their hiding places and turning them over to the Germans, early 1943; murder of Jews who were turned over; names of those murdered including two women; names of Jews who were drowned [?]; names of witnesses willing to testify against the criminals; criminal acts of Janek Stefanowicz from Kiersnow including captu...

  7. Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Correspondence with the International Refugee Organization (IRO) regarding help to the survivors

    1. M.20 - Archive of Dr. Abraham Silberschein, Geneva: Documentation regarding relief to persecuted Jews, 1939-1951

    Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Correspondence with the International Refugee Organization (IRO) regarding help to the survivors Correspondence with the International Refugee Organization (IRO) regarding help to the survivors Also in the file: - Report from the International Committee for the Insurance of Employment for Academic Refugees regarding January-October 1944; - Report regarding Ukrainian refugees, 08 November 1944; - List of Latvian war criminals who found shelter in refugee camps in Germany; - Booklet regarding UNRRA and its goals, 1944; - Report submitted by Engineer Dr, Israe...

  8. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Various articles by B. Sagalowitz, 1936-1969

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Various articles by B. Sagalowitz, 1936-1969 In the file: - Various articles which appeared in Swiss newspapers regarding: Zionist conferences and congresses in Europe (1947, 1964); Israel; the WJC (World Jewish Congress); theatrical reviews; the attitude of the Jews towards the trials of Nazi criminals; and other items; - Clipping from the "Das Juedische Heim" (The Jewish Home) newspaper with an article by Sagalowitz regarding the David Frankfurter trial, 24 December 1936; - Clippings from the Nazi newspaper, "Voelkischer Beobachter", and photographs from the t...

  9. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Articles and documents on the Holocaust, specifically regarding estimates of the number of Holocaust victims, 1943-1963

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Articles and documents on the Holocaust, specifically regarding estimates of the number of Holocaust victims, 1943-1963 In the file: - Article by B. Sagalowitz regarding the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, published in the newspaper, "Der Offentliche Dienst", in Zurich, 26 April 1963; - Documentation regarding an article claiming that "only" 1.5 million Jews had been exterminated by the Nazis, published in the "Basler Nachrichten" newspaper, 13 June 1946; - Additional documents related to the controversy regarding the number of Holocaust victims, including copies of sta...

  10. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Trial versus Erich Kassner and Fritz Manthei, who were tried in Germany and found guilty of the 1942-1943 murders of the Jews of Kowel

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Trial versus Erich Kassner and Fritz Manthei, who were tried in Germany and found guilty of the 1942-1943 murders of the Jews of Kowel In the file: - Prosecution summation versus Erich Kassner and Fritz Manthei for the murder of the Jews of Kowel, Oldenburg District Court, 30 November 1964 (Ks 1/64 2); Also in the file: - List of Jewish witnesses in the trial versus Kassner and Manthei, 16 September 1965.

  11. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Documentation regarding the trial of Wolfgang Diewerge, 1965-1966

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Documentation regarding the trial of Wolfgang Diewerge, 1965-1966 In the file: - Photocopies and photographs of documents from the Nuremberg trial (NG179) regarding preparations for the trial against Herschel Grynszpan, used by the Nazi government as antisemitic propaganda material. The documents relate to Wolfgang Diewerge, a senior official in the Propaganda Ministry and former spokesman of the Reich, who was charged with perjury; - Articles by B. Sagalowitz regarding Grynszpan in the framework of the trial against W. Diewerge in Essen. The articles appeared i...

  12. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Documentation regarding the "Sonderkommando 1005" Trial in Stuttgart, 1969

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Documentation regarding the "Sonderkommando 1005" Trial in Stuttgart, 1969 In the file: - Handwritten drafts of an article by Benjamin Sagalowitz and a notebook with handwritten notes by Benjamin Sagalowitz regarding the end of the "Sonderkommando 1005" Trial in Stuttgart; the defendants were responsible for the burning of the corpses of the murder victims in Eastern Europe. Also in the file: - Copy of a sworn affidavit and interrogation of Paul Blobel, former commander of "Sonderkommando 1005", executed in Nuremberg, 1951; Copies of RSHA documents regarding SS ...

  13. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Documentation regarding the "Einsatzkommando 6" Trial, 1969

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Documentation regarding the "Einsatzkommando 6" Trial, 1969 The "Einsatzkommando 6" Trial was held in Tuebingen-Bebenhausen; the defendants were Erhard Kroeger and Andreas Von Koskull, members of Einsatzkommando 6, which was part of Einsatzgruppe C; they were accused of mass murder of Jews in the Soviet Union, and especially in Lwow and Dobromil. In the file: - Articles and drafts of articles written by B. Sagalowitz regarding the trial, published in the Neue Zuercher Zeitung" and "Israelitisches Wochenblatt" newspapers, 04 June 1969 and 08 August 1969; - Two no...

  14. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Newspaper clippings regarding the trial of Wolfgang Diewerge, advisor on Jewish affairs in Goebbels' Propaganda Ministry, held in Essen, 1965-1966

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Newspaper clippings regarding the trial of Wolfgang Diewerge, advisor on Jewish affairs in Goebbels' Propaganda Ministry, held in Essen, 1965-1966 In the file: Newspaper clippings and articles regarding events following the murder of the German diplomat, Ernst von Rath, by Herschel Grynszpan, a young Jew, and the part that Diewerge played in the Kristallnacht events, which followed in the wake of the murder, and the incitement of antisemitism among the German population; - Survey by Lucien Steinberg, "German Documents Regarding the Grynszpan Affair", which appea...

  15. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Copies of documents from the Nuremberg Trials; trial against senior officials of the German Foreign Ministry

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Copies of documents from the Nuremberg Trials; trial against senior officials of the German Foreign Ministry Copies of protocols, with comments noted by Sagalowitz, including the following: - Testimony of Eberhard von Thaden in the trial against senior officials of the German Foreign Ministry, 11 December 1947; - Interrogations and testimonies from a trial against senior officials of the German Foreign Ministry, including Richard von Weizsaecker and Ernst Bohle, former head of the AO (Nazi party organization outside of Germany), regarding their participation in ...

  16. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Documentation from the trial against Norbert Wollheim, regarding the appeal submitted by I. G. Farben against paying damages for exploitation of Jewish forced labor during World War II

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Documentation from the trial against Norbert Wollheim, regarding the appeal submitted by I. G. Farben against paying damages for exploitation of Jewish forced labor during World War II - Documentation from the trial against Norbert Wollheim regarding the appeal submitted by I. G. Farben against paying damages for exploitation of Jewish forced labor, including summations by attorneys Henry Ormond and Otto Kuester, 01 March 1955

  17. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Trial held in Germany versus Paul Raebel and others accused of the murder of the Jews of Tarnopol,1964-1965

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Trial held in Germany versus Paul Raebel and others accused of the murder of the Jews of Tarnopol,1964-1965 In the file: Indictment from the trial held in the Stuttgart regional court versus Paul Raebel and others regarding the murder of the Jews of Tarnopol, 15 October 1965 Also in the file: Defense speech offered by Defense Counsel Schwarz on behalf of the defendants Willi Herrmann, Julius Aust and Hubert Schwach; - Newspaper clipping regarding the Tarnopol Trial, 06 April 1966.

  18. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Copies of documents from the Nuremberg Trials and the Eichmann Trial regarding the extermination of the Jews of the Netherlands:

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Copies of documents from the Nuremberg Trials and the Eichmann Trial regarding the extermination of the Jews of the Netherlands: - Correspondence between the German Foreign Office and its representative in the Netherlands, Otto Bene, regarding the fate of about 600 Dutch Jews in Mauthausen, winter 1942; regarding Westerbork camp and on the deportation of the Dutch Jews to Auschwitz (Documents: NG-183, 2631, 2632, 2633, 2634, 2710, 2805); - Closing statements from Nuremberg trial No. 11 (Weizsaecker Trial) regarding the extermination of the Jews of the Netherland...

  19. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Opinion of Hans Buchheim, the historian, regarding the organizational structure of the police and SS, presented at the Auschwitz Trial, 19 December 1963

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Opinion of Hans Buchheim, the historian, regarding the organizational structure of the police and SS, presented at the Auschwitz Trial, 19 December 1963 Also in the file: - Letter from Hans Buchheim to the editor of the Swiss newspaper, "Neue Zuericher Zeitung", regarding the Nuremberg Laws, 29 February 1964; - Excerpt from the "Basler Nachrichten" newspaper regarding restriction of economic activity by the German Jews, 17 October 1935.

  20. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Newspaper clippings regarding the Darmstadt Trial against the men of Sonderkommando A-4 who were accused of participating in the mass murder at Babiy Yar and other murders of Jews, 1963-1968

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Newspaper clippings regarding the Darmstadt Trial against the men of Sonderkommando A-4 who were accused of participating in the mass murder at Babiy Yar and other murders of Jews, 1963-1968 The clippings are from the following newspapers: "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung", "Darmstadter Tageblatt", "Neue Zuercher Zeitung", "Volksrecht", "Juedische Rundschau Maccabi" (pp. 2-37) and the "Darmstadter Echo" (pp. 39-220); The principal defendants at the trial were: August Haefner, Adolf Janssen, Kurt Hans, Kuno Callsen and Viktor Woithon, those responsible for the atr...