
Displaying items 4,841 to 4,860 of 10,858
  1. Licco Haim and friends on a ski holiday

    AGFA 8 1941. [COLOR] The friends climb a snowy path with skis for an adventure. 01:00:30 Berta Haim (Licco's wife). Pan of mountain landscape. 01:03:01 [B/W] Skiing filmed in slow-motion. 01:03:45 Chalet Sherni Vrah in the Black Peak. 01:08:46 [COLOR] Three friends slowly walk with skis across the snow toward the camera. More skiing. 01:11:43 [B/W] Skiing in slow-motion. LS of skiers with plane overhead. The friends, including Berta, walk back up for another run.

  2. Strafing the German countryside and railroad lines; American Air Force personnel celebrating; V-E Day in London

    Scenes shot from a plane of the strafing of a town and/or a farm in Germany (lots of green space). An airman holds a slate reading: "SFP 186 Johnson [cameraman] Strip Y-73 Group 362 Sqdn 7 Plane [?] Date 19 May [?] Pilot Hunter" Burning fire that seem to spell out "V-E" shot from the air. A group of smiling American servicemen pose for the camera, holding up the V for victory symbol. Two soldiers stand in front of a sign that reads "Hells Angels 303rd bomb group." They read a Stars & Stripes newspaper which displays the headline "GERMANY QUITS." The marching band of the 8th Air Force pl...

  3. German invasion of Yugoslavia

    German troops struggle through the muddy Serbian countryside in vehicles and on foot. A column of troops crossing a bridge. German troops encounter resistance in a town. Sign in Cyrillic on a building. A Slovenian or Croatian soldier (according to the IWM) smiles as he surrenders his weapon to a German. The German dashes it on the ground and breaks it. Destroyed buildings. A soldier posts a sign that reads Kirsch. Germans search civilians, including a man who, the narration says sarcastically, knew nothing about the revolver that he was carrying. Captured Yugoslav soldiers march down the st...

  4. US Army Air Force; Dachau; Munich destruction

    MS, CUs four P-47s in flight. P-47s buzz countryside, pull up at airfield, in flight again. CU mechanic works on P-47 engine. MCU crew chief in cockpit of P-47. Crew chief uses air hose to clean engine. 10:06:25 Very dark shot with light inside an oven in Dachau crematory. CU tattooed prison number of Dachau inmate. CU man's sleeve is pulled up to show number tattooed on arm. CU painting of men hanging from arms as Nazi officials look on. CU painting showing forms of torture in Dachau. CU address and signature of artist. MS of Feldturnhalle in Munich with white lettering on side of building...

  5. German planes

    Cameraman on wing of German plane setting up shot. Stevens sitting on edge of plane. Traffic in BG. Camouflage hanging on planes. These shots are at an abandoned German airfield. Single engine German plane, also small reconnaissance plane, twin-engine plane as well. Still photographer on ground taking pictures. Stevens pointing to symbols on tail of German plane indicating that pilot had shot down eight British planes and one Russian. VS of planes, including detail. Bill Hamilton, Stevens and Moffat standing in front of plane talking, lighting cigarettes, inspecting damage of riddled German...

  6. March of Time -- outtakes -- American soldiers fighting in St. Malo, France

    Fighting in an around St. Malo, France. A horse-drawn cart with several women in it rides past a street sign that has arrows pointing in the directions of Rennes and St. Malo. The scene switches to show a plane in the air over the countryside. Smoke rises from the ground. Back on the ground, an American soldier surveys the scene through binoculars. Two soldiers aim a 75mm gun at the town of St. Malo. Landscape of destroyed buildings with a plane flying overhead. More shots of the soldiers loading and firing big guns. A French civilian consults with two GIs. Views of shooting across a body o...

  7. Jasenovac Camp

    Opening scene: color footage of visitors to the Jasenovac Memorial Area. Image switches to black and white footage of CU pan of a sculpture of a human form lying on the ground on top of smooth white stones. Ceremony: Military giving out badges and medals. An unidentified high ranking officer pins a male soldier as the soldier salutes him; MCU of women who have been awarded medals, standing in a row. MS of train tracks that are overgrown with weeds. 01:01:32 Countryside, pan of grounds. Slate reads: "Jasenovac Est./ Dan. 54A/1" The camera continues to pan overgrown train tracks and the surro...

  8. Pogrom in Zloczow, July 1941

    Brief panning shot of water and the shore. The next scenes show the Zloczow pogrom, which took place from July 1 - 4, 1941. Before the Soviets retreated from Zloczow, the NKVD murdered several hundred civilians at Zamek prison. Many of those killed were Ukrainian nationalists, but some Jews and Poles were also murdered. The bodies were buried in four mass graves. After the Germans occupied Zloczow, the Jews were blamed for the murders and a pogrom ensued. Corpses litter a muddy, grassy area. These are most likely the bodies of those murdered by the NKVD. 00:47:30 A crowd of bystanders, incl...

  9. Celebrating the opening of the new Reichstag; parades in Potsdam

    Celebrating the opening of the new Reichstag in Potsdam's Garrison Church on March 21, 1933 (film begins on Film ID 2775). Shows overpowering National Socialist propaganda. Goebbels staged this day as a device to win support from conservatives and to reassure Germans that the new Reich's Chancellor Hitler could be trusted. German intertitles (in quotation marks). "Der Tag von Potsdam 1933 II. Teil" "Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler und Vizekauzler von Papen" "Gott mitt uns" banner hanging across the street. Officials marching, including Hitler and von Papen. Hitler salutes at 01:00:35. More offic...

  10. Leon Gildesgame papers

    Consists of a cover letter addressed to Meir Grossman of the American Jewish Conference by Leon Gildesgame and two original enclosures. The original enclosures include a typewritten account of SS-Unterscharführer Franz Xaver Sommerhoff articulating his participation in the killing of Jewish civilians and others, and a typewritten copy of First Army Special Report titled "It Happened in the Twentieth Century," detailing the interrogation of Dr. Gustav Wilhelm Schübbe. Schübbe, a medical doctor, admitted to the killings of thousands of Jews, Romani people, and others by morphine injection in ...

  11. War Crimes Trials: film used as evidence in Ministries' Case (#11)

    Case XI, Ministries-Keppler, "German Entry into Austria." Reel begins with ceremonies to honor war dead. Goering goes to monument. Large wreaths laid, one is shown in CU to be from Hitler. CU, iron cross on banner. Goering delivers address. St. Stephen's cathedral in Vienna, as well as cheering and saluting crowds. Animated map shows Austria joined to Germany: "Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuehrer." German soldiers cross border to the welcome of crowds. They march through the old town, and over a bridge. An ancient castle on the hill is photographed. Nazi soldiers remove the border gate amid ch...

  12. March of Time -- outtakes -- Scenes from liberated Florence; escapees from a German prison camp welcomed by partisans

    Low aerial shots of the Arno river with destroyed bridges and houses. People walk along the river and cross the Ponte Vecchio, which was the only remaining bridge over the Arno. Civilians walk along a street. A sign reading "Curfew for all troops 21:00 hours" appears on a brick wall. Italian police check the papers of several people as they walk from "no man's land" into Florence (from the dope sheet). There are destroyed buildings in the background. More shots of people on the Ponte Vecchio. An old man with a young boy look across the river at ruined buildings. Shot of a sign reading "Pont...

  13. Persecution of Jewish children

    This is a short FICTION film. Soundtrack is music and 'wild sound'- no narration, no dialogue. The film begins with one of Hitler’s anti-Jewish speeches and is followed by a German military march. An ambulance with a Red Cross sign enters a gate leading to what looks like a school-yard surrounded by barbed wire. As a group of children play in the yard, an SS man fills the gas tank and connects an exhaust pipe to the “ambulance.” In the next scene the children climb into the truck along with their guardian, while a point-of-view shot from inside the ambulance focuses on a group of birds outs...

  14. Wounded Soviet troops; partisans working; German POWs

    Titles: "Soviet Newsreel / 20 / Moscow / March 9, 1942 / Directed by M. Fidelevoy"/ "To work with strengthened determination" Long pan across factory workers feeding large furnaces. Workers are silhouettes, backlit by furnaces. Pan stops, lingers on one group of workers. Coverage from different angles. Close view of furnace. Cuts between CUs of various workers shoveling and CU of furnace. 01:30:23 LS of airfield, gathering of soldiers and pilots. MS soldiers/officers shaking hands with pilots. LS airplane being started and taking off. Close views of propellers. Title: 01:31:17 "The homeland...

  15. Infantry; roadblocks; First Army at Nordhausen

    LIB 5342 Tanks and Infantry Firing Near Tarnbach, Germany (?) April 9, 1945 LSs, smoke rises from shell hits in distant mountainous area. Short scene, trucks full of soldiers and a US tank passes through town. MCU, soldier fires rifle from behind tank. CU, officer of 87th Infantry Division speaks over field phone directing operations in wooded area while looking at a map. MSs, CUs, infantrymen of 345th Regiment, 87th Division and M-4 tanks of 743th Tank Battalion fire on German positions in wooded area. US infantrymen firing and taking new positions in wooded area. LIB 5452 Roadblocks Oster...

  16. Sentencing Ribbentrop, Keitel, Kaltenbrunner at Nuremberg Trial

    Sentencing of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. MS, Hermann Goering, Baldur von Schirach, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Wilhelm Keitel, Alfred Jodl, Rudolf Hess, sitting in prisoners' dock listening to testimony. Hess taken ill leaves prisoners' dock. Shots of English and US prosecution tables. Scenes of Justice Kravechenko (Russian), reading statement from bench. Pan of prisoners' dock and courtroom as voice of Justice Sir Geoffrey Lawrence (British) is heard speaking about the SS, slave labor, experiments on human beings, consolidating power, and creating the first co...

  17. Mountaineering in Bulgaria

    HAS of roads, housing, and mountaineers. Different views of the men climbing, full trees, a river and the environs. Quick view of filmmaker, Licco Max Haim at 01:09:45 - bald, with glasses, smoking a cigarette.

  18. Crossing Rur River; liberation; atrocities

    Allies Overrun German Positions in Big Push. American infantry troops advance into Germany. Troops march past badly damaged buildings and footage shows some artillery fire. Long shot of Jeeps of the US 9th Army crossing the Rur river (small river in western Germany, not to be confused with the Ruhr). Troops pass through Linnich. Dead German soldiers in Juelich. German POWs march down the road. The narrator says that the enemy's casualty lists have surpassed one million on the Western front. Shot of German civilians and devastated buildings. Generals Eisenhower and Simpson inspect the area n...

  19. War Front; FDR speaks about Fifth Column

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 12, No. 879, Part 2. Release date, 05/27/1940. According to UN Official Motion Picture Release: 12:35:09 Part 2A: "On the War Front" Milan, Italy. As war fever soars in Italy, Count Ciano, Il Duce's son-in-law and foreign secretary, appears before a huge throng of 100,000. Alexandria, Egypt. Ready to move the minute Italy enters the war, French and British warships stand guard, to protect the vital Empire life-line to India. 12:36:02 Part 2B: "On the War Front" Norway. Graphic scenes of a British naval attack at Narvik, with Nazi bombers trying to silence the warshi...

  20. Czechoslovakia; refugees; protests in London

    Paramount Newsreel, Issue 16, Released September 1938. Title: "Filtering through rigorous censorships, these first pictures bring realization of Europe's extreme peril." Elevated view the city of Liberec, Czechoslovakia. “LIBEREC. REICHENBERG” sign. Streetcar and townspeople travel about the city’s Main Street. Czech Policemen, mounted on horses, patrol the streets. Six Czech troops stand guard at the border. CU of a Czech soldier wearing his kevlar. A Czech military official points to something afar while speaking to his subordinates. 00:24 PAN of the city of Eger. CU sign for the city of ...