
Displaying items 4,641 to 4,660 of 7,748
  1. Ministry of Foreign Affairs : The Legation of the Refugees Administration (Group 17M pk 367-404)

    Records related to the protection of Danish nationals in Europe, Danish refugees in Sweden, including members of the resistance and Jews: includes information on their residence, work, education, support, etc.; reports of activities and financial matters of refugee office. Also consists of a name card index of Danish refugees who arrived in Sweden between 1943-1945. The name index is used as the entrance to the files.

  2. Dave Fox art collection

    Artwork by Dave Fox with images from his memories of Vienna from his childhood. Dave Fox was born in Vienna in 1920, where he lived until shortly after the annexation of Austria in 1938. He escaped via the German-Belgian border, seeking refuge in Belgium. He arrived in the U.S. in December 1939 and settled in Los Angeles. During WWII he served in the US Army in the Philippines and Japan. Returning to the US, he studied at art school and was a painter and printmaker for over 60 years. He married Senta Salomons of Dortmund, Germany, who was also a refugee. They had two children, Rabbi Karen F...

  3. 159. Pubblicazioni svizzere

    1. Lelio Vittorio Valobra
    2. Pubblicazioni svizzere
    1. Quaderni e volantini del Movimento Federalista Europeo, 1944-1945; 2. Aperçu sur la situation des juifs hongrois (volume I-IV; VI), Ginevra, 1944; 3. L'extermination des juifs en Pologne. Témoignages oculaires, première série, Ginevra, 1944 4. Documenti del Partito d'Azione: n. 9 Arthur Lewis - I monopoli e la legge (2 copie), 1944; n. 11, Partito d'Azione Alta Italia. Piano di lavoro, 1945; n. 12, Il socialismo e l'Europa, 1945 5. Study group for post-war refugee problems. First series of documents, Ginevra, 1944 6. Comité international pour le placement des intellectuels réfugiés. Rapp...
  4. Ghetto Songs Sung by Survivors

    1. Music study collection

    In 1947, Kaczerginski traveled to displaced persons camps in the American zone of occupied Germany and recorded Holocaust survivors singing ghetto songs. These recordings were given to the Central Jewish Historical Commission in Munich. Upon dissolution of Central Jewish Hisorical Commission, the recordings were transferred to the Yad Vashem Archives in Israel and cataloged as part of the archival collection M-1. Shmaryahu (Shmerke) Kaczerginski (b. Vilna, 1908, d. Argentina, 1954) was a poet, musician, and cultural activist. A participant in the Vilna Ghetto uprising, after the war he foun...