
Displaying items 4,281 to 4,300 of 7,748
  1. Rebecca P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rebecca P., who was born in Poland in 1920, one of five children. She recalls attending a village school; living with an aunt in order to attend school in Zamość; German invasion then withdrawal a week later, followed by Soviet invasion, their withdrawal, then German occupation; one brother leaving with the Soviets; another hiding with his wife and child as non-Jews; escaping with her mother from a round-up; hiding in the woods; neighbors bringing them food; round-up to Izbica; ghettoization; marriage; her husband's killing two months later; her mother's deportation...

  2. Adam M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Adam M., who was born in Krako?w, Poland in 1927. He describes his family fleeing to Belgium; their peaceful life; German invasion; fleeing to Montpellier; his father's arrest and release due to a French medal received in World War I Polish Army service; life in Le Bousquet-d'Orb from 1940 to 1943; participation in a children's transport, organized by Quakers, to the United States in 1942; its cancellation when the U.S. entered the war; and German occupation. Mr. M. recalls his parents' and brother's internment; their release due to his father's World War I service; h...

  3. Jack K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jack K., who was born in Novogrudok, Poland (presently Belarus) in 1929. He recalls a close relationship with his extended family; increasing antisemitism beginning in 1935; attending a Tarbut school; belonging to Hashomer Hatzair; Soviet occupation; German invasion in June 1941; being sent to his grandparents in Korelichi; returning home; finding their house and possessions destroyed; anti-Jewish restrictions; a mass killing of about fifty men; forced labor; ghettoization including those from surrounding towns; a mass shooting of all Jews except skilled workers; livi...

  4. Alfred S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Alfred S., who was born in Vienna, Austria, in approximately 1913. He recounts his father's death in 1925; working with his mother; pervasive antisemitism; deportation to Dachau; forced labor; observing Jewish holidays; transfer to Buchenwald six months later; release due to his future wife obtaining a ticket for Shanghai; selling his ticket because he would not leave his future wife; marriage; emigration to Milan; leaving for Palestine from Sicily; arrival in Bangha?zi?; incarceration under Italian occupation; being returned to Italy; imprisonment in Naples; transfer...

  5. Anna S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Anna S., who was born in Podkamen?, Poland (presently Ukraine) in 1923, one of eight children. She recalls attending school; Soviet occupation; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; joining her boyfriend to work on a village mayor's farm; hiding in the woods with her father, brothers, boyfriend, and other relatives; digging a bunker for the winter; their discovery; building another bunker in a different location; working for farmers in the spring; building another bunker; becoming ill; her brother leaving to obtain medication; announcing when he returned that the...

  6. Allen R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Allen R., who was born in Koniecpol, Poland, in 1916 and raised in Sosnowiec. Mr. R. describes prewar antisemitism; capture during the German invasion while in the Polish army; escape and return home; seizure of the family salvage business; moving to the Srodula ghetto; sorting shoes of Auschwitz deportees; and volunteering for forced labor at a small camp in Silesia, to save his wife and family (most of whom he never saw again). He relates transport to Auschwitz with other Sosnowiec Jews; transfer to Warsaw; clearing rubble in the destroyed ghetto; finding hidden val...

  7. Bella M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Bella M., who was born in Boryslav, Poland in 1932. She recalls her family's affluence; brief German invasion, then Soviet occupation in 1939; German invasion in 1941; anti-Jewish restrictions; hiding with non-Jewish neighbors, in a bunker they built, then with various non-Jews during round-ups; denunciation by the person hiding them when they ran out of money; imprisonment; transfer to a labor camp; escaping; hiding in a forest; capture; return to the labor camp; public execution of escapees; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; gender separation (she never saw her bro...

  8. Sidonia N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sidonia N., who was born in Vác, Hungary in 1916, one of twelve children. She recounts stories of her ancestors, who were well-known rabbis, her family's orthodoxy; her father's prominence as a teacher; attending a public school; German occupation; forced relocation to a brick factory; deportation with her family to Auschwitz; remaining with one sister (she never saw the others again); assistance from another prisoner in keeping her prayer book; praying during roll calls; transfer to Salzwedel; slave labor in a munitions factory; organizing clandestine group observa...

  9. Molly A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Molly A., who was born in approximately 1924, the oldest of seven children. She recounts living in Bodzanow?; a large, extended family; their orthodoxy; participating in Bene ?Ak?iva; German invasion in 1939; her family briefly living with non-Jews in a nearby village; anti-Jewish restrictions; her father's deportation to Be?z?ec; securing his release; deportation with her family to Dzia?dowo, then Cze?stochowa; ghettoization; escaping with four siblings (the two youngest remained with her parents and they all were killed); traveling to Warsaw; walking to a village wh...

  10. Yosef S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Yosef S., who was born in Łódź, Poland in 1921, one of four children. He recounts attending public school; participating in Hashomer Hatzair and a sports group; German invasion; one brother's escape to Lʹviv; a non-Jew smuggling him and his father to Warsaw to meet this brother and escape to the Soviet Union; his father's return to Łódź; attemptinig to enter the Soviet zone with his brother via Siedlce; capture by the Soviets; being sent back to Warsaw; returning to the Łódź ghetto; working as a carpenter, sabotaging furniture he built for the Germans; building ...

  11. Laura M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Laura M., who was a social worker for the National Refugee Service, then the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. She recalls arriving in Havana, Cuba in February 1939; dealing with many German Jewish refugees; knowing in advance the St. Louis was arriving and its passengers would not be allowed to disembark; the staff not sleeping for the eight days the ship was in harbor in their efforts to assist; her colleague visiting the ship daily; arranging disembarkation in European countries other than Austria and Germany; transfer to Shanghai in April 1941; working...

  12. David K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of David K., who was born in Krako?w, Poland in 1924. He describes the rich and cultured Jewish prewar life in Krako?w; his happy childhood; German occupation in 1939; his uncle's unsuccessful attempts to help his family emigrate through Brussels to Uruguay; fleeing to Cie?z?kowice; his deportation to a labor camp in Pustko?w; his shock at the brutal shooting of a prisoner; forced labor building sewers; observing Jewish holidays; his sickness and hospitalization; returning to Cie?z?kowice; imprisonment with his father in Tarno?w; returning to Cie?z?kowice; and his deport...

  13. Martin M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Martin M., who was born in Tîrgu-Mure̦s, Romania in 1925, an only child. He recounts participating in Deror-ha-Bonim; Hungarian occupation; anti-Jewish restrictions, including his expulsion from school; attending a private school in Budapest; obtaining false papers; returning home to be with his parents when he heard his town had been ghettoized; deportation to Birkenau two months later; separation from his mother; volunteering for kitchen work; a German guard, and former friend, beating him, then ordering the cook to give him extra soup; transfer to Lille with his f...

  14. Moshe B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Moshe B., who was born in Dzia?oszyce, Poland in 1921, one of five children. Mr. B. recounts participating in a Zionist youth group; moving to Krako?w; German invasion; fleeing east with his brother and friends; hiding in Lez?ajsk; returning to Krako?w; visiting his family in Dzia?oszyce; creating false papers for Jewish women to use as Polish forced laborers in Germany; working in Krako?w; sending packages to his family; attending clandestine Zionist meetings; returning to Dzia?oszyce; establishment of a Judenrat; deportation to Miecho?w; remaining with two brothers ...

  15. Solomon R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Solomon R., who was born in Komarov, Poland (presently Ukraine) in 1920. He recalls moving to ?o?dz? when he was seven; working from age twelve onward; German invasion; attempting to reach Warsaw; capture by Germans; train transport to Germany, then back to Poland two weeks later; forced labor in Krako?w; being released; returning to ?o?dz?; ghettoization; frequent shootings; difficulty obtaining food; volunteering for forced labor in Germany so his family would receive compensation; working in Frankfurt an-der-Oder from December 1940 onward; transfer to a factory nea...

  16. Irene R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Irene R., who was born in Vynohradiv, Ukraine in 1922 to a Hasidic family of twelve children. She recalls visits to grandparents in rural areas; one brother's emigration to the United States; Hungarian occupation; anti-Jewish regulations resulting in their impoverishment; German invasion; ghettoization; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; separation from the males, her mother, younger siblings, and relatives; remaining with two sisters, an aunt, and cousins; her sister giving birth to a son (he was taken away by the Jewish midwife); assisting and assistance from her re...

  17. Louis E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Louis E., who was born in Kielce, Poland in 1923 to a religious family of four children. He describes childhood in an antisemitic atmosphere; German invasion; anti-Jewish measures; ghettoization; Jewish police rounding up forced laborers; deportations; learning about gas chambers from an escapee; the shooting of his parents and grandmother on the way to a selection; the ghetto's liquidation in 1943; transfer with his brother to Bliz?yn; escaping to Kielce with assistance from a Jewish policeman and a Pole; forced labor in Henrykowo; transfer to Auschwitz/Birkenau, the...

  18. Peter H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Peter H., who was born in Spišská Nová Ves, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1935, an only child. He recalls his secular household; having to wear the yellow star; former friends harassing him; his father's deportation to Majdanek in 1942 (he never saw him again); deportation with his mother to Nováky in July 1943; release in the fall; living in Nitra; imprisonment with his mother and grandparents in Prešov in fall 1944; deportation to Ravensbrück; separation from his family; finding his grandfather in another block; sharing his bread with him; assistance ...

  19. Efraim F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Efraim F., who was born in Dubrovitsa, Poland (presently Ukraine) in 1922, the oldest of five children. He recounts attending a Tarbut school, then gymnasium in Rivne; participating in Hashomer Hatzair, Betar, and Mizrachi; Soviet occupation; interrogation by the NKVD due to his Zionist activities; German invasion; fleeing to Koret︠s︡ʹ; forced labor for the German army; returning to Rivne; forced labor clearing bombing rubble; a non-Jewish friend hiring him to tutor her children and giving him her husband's birth certificate; hiding in her attic during a mass killing ...

  20. Sara S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sara S., who was born in Bielsko-Bia?a, Poland in 1922, one of ten children. She recalls her father was a Ger Hasid; attending public and a Beth Jacob school; some of her brothers' military service; German invasion; fleeing with her mother and two siblings to Sandomierz; staying in Da?browa Go?rnicza; reunion with her father and two siblings in Krako?w; moving to Stopnica, her mother's hometown; her youngest brother going to Krako?w (she never saw him again); taking in a friend and her family; her father secretly acting as a shochet; deportation with a brother and sis...