
Displaying items 3,781 to 3,800 of 7,748
  1. Esther G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Esther G., who was born in Mutvitsa, Poland (presently Ukraine) in 1934. She recalls the warmth of Sabbath observance; Soviet occupation; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions resulting in a sense of isolation; her mother arranging for a farmer to hide Mrs. G. and her brothers; betrayal by the farmer; a German guard letting her go (she never saw her brothers again); being hidden again by the same farmer who had betrayed her; retrieval by her mother, who escaped the ghetto's liquidation (her father was killed); posing as a Christian; hiding in several places while ...

  2. Frederick S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Frederick S., who was born in a small village in Hungary (later Slovakia) in 1894 and moved to Vienna with his family at age fifteen. He recalls serving in the Austro-Hungarian army in World War I; returning to Vienna on October 26, 1918; marriage in 1930; divorce and remarriage in 1932; his daughter's birth in 1937; the rise of antisemitism; German annexation of Austria in March 1938; his arrest and deportation to Dachau in April; transfer to Buchenwald in October; forced labor, humiliation, and beatings; Kristallnacht; receiving food and cigarettes from a non-Jewish...

  3. Nathan P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Nathan P., who was born in Germany in 1917 and raised in Izbica Lubelska, Poland, one of eight children. He recalls one brother's emigration to Argentina; increasing antisemitism in the 1930s; a brother's deportation to Sobibor; escaping from Izbica with a brother, sister, her husband, and their two children; joining an Armia Krajowa (AK) partisan group in the forests; assignments killing German sympathizers and mining railroad tracks; hearing the AK intended to kill the Jews and Russians in their group; leaving with assistance from a Polish professor after the Russia...

  4. David M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of David M., who was born in Wolbrom, Poland in 1925, one of seven children. He recalls attending cheder; German invasion in 1939; forced labor in Płaszów and Wieliczka; his family fleeing to Będzin during a round-up in 1942; returning to Wolbrom, then going back to Będzin; living with cousins; transport with four brothers and his sister to Sosnowiec, then Brande; his cousin helping him get a privileged job in the kitchen; transfer to Graeditz; slave labor in a munitions factory; becoming ill; his cousin's death; receiving extra food from German bakers; transfer to Gr...

  5. Reva S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Reva S., who was born in S?iauliai, Lithuania in 1927. She recalls ghettoization in 1941; mining peat and digging ditches as a forced laborer; extreme hunger; moving to the Trakai ghetto; deportation of her grandparents and youngest sister; her father's escape from the ghetto (she never saw him again); and deportation to Stutthof with her mother and sister. Mrs. S. describes futile efforts to help her sister avoid selection; transfer with her mother to Elbing, then five months later to Neumarkt; assistance from Italian prisoners of war; transfer to jail; a death march...

  6. Ruth N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ruth N., who was born in Ansbach, Germany in 1931. She recounts her father's position as a rabbi; antisemitic harassment; cordial relations with a neighbor who belonged to the SS; her father's job offer from Paris; their emigration in 1937; birth of a sibling; her father's enlistment in the Foreign Legion in 1939; German invasion in May 1940; traveling with her mother and siblings to Albi, where her father was stationed; living in Milhars and Toulouse; her father's discharge; moving to Nice in 1941; benign conditions under Italian occupation; the birth of twin sibling...

  7. Ada A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ada A., who grew up in Krako?w, Poland. She recounts cordial relations with non-Jews; membership in a Zionist youth group; German invasion; her father fleeing east; learning he was killed; anti-Jewish restrictions; ghettoization with her mother and grandmother in March 1941; her grandmother's death; slave labor in a munitions factory; transfer with her mother to P?aszo?w in March 1943; separation from her mother (she never saw her again); transfer to Auschwitz/Birkenau; assisting a friend; transfer to Lichtewerden; slave labor in a textile factory; liberation by Sovie...

  8. Fiszel S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Fiszel S., who was born in Kras?nik, Poland in 1923 to a Hasidic family. He recalls attending yeshiva in Jano?w; a brother and three uncles emigrating to Bolivia; German invasion in 1939; forced labor with his family for a year; transfer to Budzyn?, where his father and brother were shot; a privileged factory position; transfer to Mielec; obtaining extra rations from the Swiss; transfer to Wieliczka in 1944, then to Flossenbu?rg, Litome?r?ice, Mauthausen, and Gusen; assistance from the Red Cross shortly before liberation; liberation by United States troops; living in ...

  9. Esther S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Esther S., who was born in 1913 in Chernikhov, which later became a Czech city and is now in Ukraine. She recalls growing up in an affluent and modern orthodox family of nine children; one brother who was in the Czech army; a younger brother who escaped to Yugoslavia after German occupation of the Sudeten; her family's ghettoization in Uz?h?horod; crowded conditions and lack of food; transport to Auschwitz in May 1944; traumatic separation from her mother; meeting two nieces and remaining with them; the pervasive smell of burning flesh; transfer with her nieces to Tor...

  10. Fela F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Fela F., who was born in Poland in 1923 and moved with her family to Brussels in 1926. She recounts her father's orthodoxy; a brief flight to France before German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; marriage in 1941; her parents and two siblings reporting for deportation in 1942 (she never saw them again); she and her husband hiding with non-Jews in Uccle, using false papers; receiving information from the people hiding them about smuggling herself to Switzerland; interment in a refugee camp in Switzerland; her husband being turned back when he followed her (she never...

  11. Ruth F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ruth F., who was born in Brzeziny, Poland. She recalls her affluent family; German invasion and bombardment; her older brother's draft into the Polish army; anti-Jewish measures; public hanging of Jewish men at the end of 1939; ghettoization; forced labor at a munitions factory; the ghetto's liquidation; transfer with her family to ?o?dz?; her father's deportation (she never saw him again); separation from her mother upon arrival at Auschwitz/Birkenau in August 1944 (she never saw her again); prisoner observance of Rosh ha-Shanah; becoming ill; transfer to the hospita...

  12. Israel W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Israel W., who was born in Zawiercie, Poland in 1922 to a family of five children. He recalls their orthodoxy; his father working as a kosher butcher; antisemitic harassment; his parents' deaths in the 1930s; working as a furrier in Sosnowiec, ?o?dz?, then Zawiercie; German invasion in 1939; reporting for forced labor in 1940; slave labor in Auenrode, Marksta?dt, Janislawice (Johannisdorf), Gross Masselwitz (he was separated from his brother there and never saw him again), Breslau-Neukirch, and Fu?nfteichen/Marksta?dt; a death march to Gross-Rosen; train transfer to B...

  13. Gerard K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Gerard K., who was born in Paris, France in 1935, the oldest of three brothers. He recounts that his mother was born in England; his family's move to Montargis in 1937; attending school; German occupation; his father's deportation in June 1943; receiving a letter from him, which he reads; his mother obtaining funds from Jewish and Quaker organizations in Paris; the local priest warning them to hide prior to round-ups; traveling from Cha?lette to Clefmont; hiding with a non-Jewish woman from May to August 1944, using false papers; after liberation, being sent to a refu...

  14. Jewish Refugees Committee, Leeds: Correspondence and papers

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.This microfilm archive of correspondence and papers was created by the Leeds office of the Jewish Refugee Committee. Most of the correspondence is either addressed to David Makovski or written by him. The overwhelming majority of letters in this collection relate to the fate of individual refugees.

  15. Testimony of Fischl Davidovic, born in Czechoslovakia, regarding his experiences in detention in Poland, 1938, as a Czechoslovakian Army soldier in France and England and being wounded, 1944

    1. O.59- Erich Kulka Collection: Documentation and testimonies regarding the struggle of the Jews of Czechoslovakia against the Nazis

    Testimony of Fischl Davidovic, born in Czechoslovakia, regarding his experiences in detention in Poland, 1938, as a Czechoslovakian Army soldier in France and England and being wounded, 1944 Born in Czechoslovakia. Service in a Czechoslovakian military intelligence unit during the mobilization, 1938; capture and arrest in Poland; release after intervention by members of the Jewish community in Stary Sambor, 1939; establishment of a joint refugee center in Krakow; establishment of a refugee group headed by Prof. Goldstuecker; arrival in England via Sweden, May 1939; transfer to the Czechoslo...

  16. Testimony of Mina Mei, from Krakow, Poland, regarding her experiences in Stryj, Munkac and Budapest

    1. O.12 - Perlman Collection: Testimonies of refugees from Poland who arrived in Eretz Israel, 1942-1943

    Testimony of Mina Mei, from Krakow, Poland, regarding her experiences in Stryj, Munkac and Budapest Life in Stryj; arrests of Ukrainian national movement members by the Soviets; arrest of Jews by Soviets; murder of prisoners by the Soviets before the Red Army retreat; German occupation; riots against the Jews; establishment of the Judenrat with Dr. Huttener as the head; registration and deportation of Jews to forced labor by the Judenrat; persecution of Jews in Lwow; order by the authorities to evacuate Jews from the border areas; unsuccessful attempts to illegally cross the border into Hun...

  17. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Documentation regarding the establishment of ORT (World Union for the Vocational Training of Jews) in Switzerland and its activities on behalf of the Jewish refugees, 1943-1945

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Documentation regarding the establishment of ORT (World Union for the Vocational Training of Jews) in Switzerland and its activities on behalf of the Jewish refugees, 1943-1945 In the file: - Draft of the announcement regarding the founding meeting of ORT-Switzerland in Zurich, 21 November 1943; - List of members of the ORT-Switzerland Central Comite (Central Committee), late 1943; - ORT work plans, 1943-1944, and activity plans in Switzerland, 3 September 1943; - Agenda for the founding meeting of the Ort-Switzerland Central Comite, 21 November 1943; - Report o...

  18. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Documentation regarding the refugees in Switzerland; personal documents belonging to the Weissenberg family from Berlin, 1927-1949

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Documentation regarding the refugees in Switzerland; personal documents belonging to the Weissenberg family from Berlin, 1927-1949 In the file: - Various documents collected by Armand Brunschvig, head of the Geneva Jewish community, regarding the return of Jewish refugees from Switzerland including names and testimonies, and regarding treatment of the refugees in the absorption camps in Geneva, as well as in other cantons; the documents mention many instances of antisemitism on the part of those responsible for the absorption of the refugees; - Various documents...

  19. Sketchbook created by young Jewish girl in Nazi-Occupied France

    1. Elizabeth Kaufmann Koenig collection
  20. Sketchbook created by young Jewish girl in Nazi-Occupied France

    1. Elizabeth Kaufmann Koenig collection