
Displaying items 3,761 to 3,780 of 7,748
  1. Doris U. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Doris U., who was born in Tomaszo?w Lubelski, Poland in 1920. She recalls the warmth of family observances of Sabbath and holidays; her mother's death in 1933; her father's remarriage; cordial relations with non-Jews; German invasion; her father's humiliation when forced to cut his beard; hiding; discovery; the Germans fleeing; Soviet occupation; fleeing to Rava-Ru?ska; deportation to a forced labor camp in Siberia; her grandfather's death due to hunger; attempts at maintaining religious observance; moving to Bii?sk; marriage; her son's birth; assistance from Russian ...

  2. Isaac N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Isaac N., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1915. He recounts participation in Po?alei Zion including organizing summer camps and meeting his future wife; German invasion; a futile attempt to escape to Warsaw; ghettoization; pervasive hunger; contact with H?ayim Rumkowski while establishing a soup kitchen; his belief that Rumkowski prolonged the ghetto's existence; liquidation of the ghetto; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; his mother's selection for death; transfer with his father and brother to Dachau, then Kaufering; his father's death; transfer to Utting, then b...

  3. Leon H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leon H., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland, in 1919. Mr. H. tells of prewar antisemitism; becoming a carpenter like his father and brothers; his family's move to the ?o?dz? ghetto in 1940; starvation; a German soldier who refused to believe that Jews could be tradesmen; witnessing atrocities while doing carpentry at the local Gestapo headquarters; his mother's death after a beating; and surrendering to join his father and siblings when they were rounded-up. He details conditions on the deportation train; separation from his father and sister at Auschwitz; selection and t...

  4. Mady D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Mady D., who was born in Berehovo, Czechoslovakia in 1930. She recalls her close family; Hungarian occupation; German occupation in March 1944; ghettoization in April; deportation to Auschwitz two weeks later; separation from her father and brother; her mother's efforts to always stay with her; their transfer to Peterswaldau one week later; forced labor in an ammunition factory for almost a year; digging fox holes for German soldiers; her mother sharing her bread; disappearance of guards on May 8, 1945; arrival of Soviet troops; their return home; learning her father ...

  5. Jean F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jean F. who was born in Sosnowiec, Poland in 1924. She recalls a happy childhood despite prevalent antisemitism; warnings from German refugees; German invasion in 1939; immediate arrests and shootings of Jews; ghettoization; her selection for transport to Gleiwitz in March 1942; slave labor in an ammunition factory; a death march to a train in January 1945; and escape from the train in Czechoslovakia. Mrs. F. describes a village woman's efforts to hide them; arrest and imprisonment in Prague; transfer to Theresienstadt; and liberation by the Red Cross. She recounts he...

  6. Max K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Max K., who was born in Frankfurt am Main, Germany in 1923. He recounts his parents' emigration from Poland; attending school; being snubbed by non-Jewish friends after Hitler's ascent to power; his father realizing the danger and moving them to Strasbourg in 1933, then to Milan a year later; his and his twin brother's b'nai mitzvah; anti-Jewish restrictions; his father arranging for his older sister, her husband, and child to join them; his parents' benign "incarceration" in Italian camps; visiting them; living in Casalpusterlengo to avoid Allied bombings; German inv...

  7. Mendel S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Mendel S., who was born in Petrova in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in 1906. He recounts his father's death when he was three; Petrova becoming part of Romania after World War I; attending Romanian school, yeshiva, and technical college; marriage in 1930; establishing a textile production company; the births of four children; Hungarian occupation; traveling to Budapest for raw materials in 1942; draft into a Hungarian slave labor battalion; posting to Russia; returning home in 1944; deportation to Austria; slave labor in a flour mill; learning from his landlord that h...

  8. Abraham P. and Morris P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of brothers Abraham P., born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1913 and Morris P., born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1914. They recall their family of six children; their father's death in 1923; attending school a half day and working long hours as tailors; antisemitic incidents; German invasion; anti-Jewish measures; and ghettoization in 1940. They describe extreme hunger, forced labor and round-ups; transport to Auschwitz with their family; transfer ten days later to Dachau together with their older brother; conditions of hard labor, beatings, selections, cold and hunger; transfer to Kaufe...

  9. Tibor F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Tibor F., who was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1933. He recalls his parents' divorce; living with his father and visiting his mother and sister; German invasion; hiding with his father's friends in a Swedish protected house; being sent to his mother due to lack of food; being accosted on the street when returning to his mother in the ghetto; assistance from non-Jews; hiding with his mother in a basement during round-ups; liberation by Soviet troops; his mother arranging for him to go to Germany with assistance from a Zionist organization; participating in Zionist grou...

  10. Rachel P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rachel P., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1930. She recalls attending Jewish school; withdrawal after Kristallnacht; her father's illegal emigration to Brussels in 1939; she and her brother legally joining him with assistance from the Red Cross; her mother's arrival following many unsuccessful illegal attempts; living in a refugee camp; German invasion; fleeing to Montesson, France; detention in a refugee camp; transfer to Limoges; placement in an OSE children's home with her brother; her parents' visits; her mother being warned of their imminent arrests; escaping...

  11. Margaret W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Margaret W., who was born in Izki, Czechoslovakia (presently Ukraine) in 1927, the third of four children in an Orthodox family. She recalls attending a Czech school; Hungarian occupation; her father sending her and her sister to Uz?h?horod; returning home in spring 1944; ghettoization; deportation to Auschwitz in May; separation from her family; transfer to Kaufering with some friends from Izki; slave labor; some Wehrmacht guards giving them extra bread; transfer to Dachau; heavy construction work; transfer to Bergen-Belsen; corpses strewn everywhere; starvation; lib...

  12. Sally F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sally F., who was born in a small, Polish town in 1921. She recalls that her family moved to ?o?dz? when she was nine months old; German invasion; ghettoization; her father's death of dysentery and starvation in 1942; deportation with her mother to Auschwitz in 1944; her mother's later selection; transfer six weeks later to a camp in Czechoslovakia; abusive treatment by SS women; pervasive hunger; one SS supervisor assisting the prisoners in avoiding return to Auschwitz; a French prisoner sharing food with her; and liberation by Soviet troops in May 1945. Mrs. F. desc...

  13. Sarah F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sarah F., who was born in Koshelevo, Ukraine in 1915 to a family of eight children. She recalls her father's death in 1933; Hungarian occupation; her brother obtaining Hungarian citizenship papers; hiding with assistance from non-Jewish neighbors when Jews were expelled in 1941; German occupation in 1944; anti-Jewish measures; ghettoization with her family in April 1944; their deportation from Khust in May 1944; separation from her mother and grandmother upon arrival at Auschwitz (she never saw them again); forced labor with her sister in Fallersleben from July; trans...

  14. Rachel F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rachel F., who was born in Zawalo?w, Poland in 1916. She recalls her childhood in an orthodox family of five children; attending public and Jewish schools; participating in a Zionist organization; marriage in 1938; her daughter's birth in 1940; German occupation in 1941; ghettoization with her parents and daughter in Podhajce; hiding with her sister and brother-in-law during "aktions"; her parents' and daughter's killings; escaping with her sister and brother-in-law; hiding with her brothers, sister, and other Jews in bunkers in the woods; assistance from Jehovah's Wi...

  15. Salek H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Salek H., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1919. He recalls his tightly-knit, observant, Jewish neighborhood; working in a factory; German invasion; fleeing to ?o?dz? with his family; joining the Polish army; serving in an anti-aircraft battery; bringing an injured soldier to Warsaw; the siege of Warsaw; incarceration in a German POW camp; escape; joining his family in ?o?dz?; ghettoization; working as a streetcar driver; smuggling rotting food by mixing it with coal; driving Polish civilians to work in the ghetto; frequent deportations and arrivals of Jews from othe...

  16. Morris G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Morris G., who was born in Praszka, Poland in 1914, three months after his father's death. In addition to information in a previously recorded testimony (HVT-19), Mr. G. recounts his mother's remarriage; moving to Cze?stochowa, Be?dzin, then Warsaw; working in a bakery; moving to ?o?dz?; living with a cousin; ghettoization; working in the kitchen of the Grunow-Spiegelberge labor camp; transfer back to the ghetto, then Kreising; public executions; burying prisoners in mass graves; liberation by French troops; living briefly in Ostrach; assistance from United States tro...

  17. Henny G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Henny G., who was born in Vilna, Poland. She recalls the musical focus and talents of her parents, brother and sister; attending the music conservatory; antagonism from non-Jews when she sang Christian songs; family celebrations of Jewish holidays; Polish youth beating Jewish children; Soviet occupation; German invasion in 1941; ghettoization; maintaining cultural life in the ghetto; performing in a musical production composed by her brother; overcrowding; obtaining work permits to avoid deportation; her father's arrest and death; performing with orchestras in Stuttho...

  18. Rena B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rena B., who was born in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia in 1935. She recalls the family's move to Zagreb; Sephardic Jewish life, particularly Passover; German invasion; anti-Jewish laws; her father hiding to avoid arrest; fleeing with her mother to Italian-occupied Split, with the assistance of a non-Jewish friend; her father's arrival after several months; living in a displaced persons camp in Trieste; living in Asti for eighteen months; friendship with a local girl; briefly attending school in Turin; a fascist round-up and internment in Ferramonti; Zionist activities in the c...

  19. Abraham L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Abraham L., who was born in Sinyavka, Russia (presently Belarus) in 1918, the youngest of three children. He recalls attending cheder and a Polish school; learning carpentry at age fourteen; antisemitic harassment and boycotts; Soviet occupation in 1939; draft into the Soviet military; German invasion in 1941; Soviet retreat; hiding in a forest; transfer to a munitions factory where he worked as a carpenter; moving to Tashkent; traveling to Baranovichy after the war; learning of the extermination of Jews, including his own family; living in Szczecin; not returning to ...

  20. Helen N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Helen N., who was born in Ozorko?w, Poland in 1924, one of four children. She recalls her father was a jeweler; attending public school; German invasion; anti-Jewish regulations; ghettoization; deportation to the ?o?dz? ghetto; forced labor; being saved from deportation by a cousin who was a policeman; hiding her brother due to his frailty; their deportation to Auschwitz in 1944; transfer with her sister to Hamburg three days later (she never saw the rest of her family again); forced labor clearing bombing rubble; transfer to Bergen-Belsen; liberation by British troop...