
Displaying items 321 to 340 of 2,734
  1. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Articles regarding the Auschwitz Trial held in Frankfurt, 1963-1964

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Articles regarding the Auschwitz Trial held in Frankfurt, 1963-1964 Among the accused: Wilhelm Boger, Victor Capesius, Oswald Kaduk, Robert Mulka; The file also contains: - Articles by Sagalowitz which appeared in the Swiss newspapers "Israelitisches Wochenblatt" and "Neue Zuercher Zeitung" regarding the trial, 1963-1964; - Opinion by Sagalowitz, which appeared in the journal "Das Neue Israel" (New Israel) regarding refusal to follow orders to murder, August 1964; attached to the article is an excerpt regarding Kasztner's activities for the rescue of Hungarian J...

  2. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Documentation regarding the Krumey-Hunsche Retrial,1962-1969

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Documentation regarding the Krumey-Hunsche Retrial,1962-1969 In the file: - Copy of the verdict from the Otto Hunsche Trial canceling the earlier verdict from 13 July 1962, 02 May 1963; - Copy of the decision to retry Krumey and Hunsche, 20 June 1963; - Copy of final reaction by the attorney for the plaintiffs [Henry Ormond?] to Krumey's words in his defense during the trial against him,1965; - Demand for the retrial of Krumey and Hunsche submitted to the Frankfurt court by Attorney H. Ormond and Attorney C. Raab, 14 October 1965; - Copy of the verdict ordering ...

  3. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Documentation regarding SS-General Karl Wolff, commander of Himmler's personal headquarters, and the trial against him, 1931-1964

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Documentation regarding SS-General Karl Wolff, commander of Himmler's personal headquarters, and the trial against him, 1931-1964 In the file contains: - Article by B. Sagalowitz regarding the legal proceedings against Karl Wolff; - Articles regarding the Wolff Trial, published in the "Neue Zuercher Zeitung" newspaper; - Additional newspaper clippings from various Swiss and German newspapers; - Letters to B. Sagalowitz from the public prosecutor in Munich Court II regarding investigation proceedings against Wolff, 11-30 October 1962; - Personal documents of Wolf...

  4. Okresný ľudový súd v Dunajskej Strede

    • District People´s Court in Dunajská Streda

    The fonds contains various case files pertaining to the persecution of Jews in Dunajská Streda which belonged to the Hungary in 1938-1945. Several files pertain to the denunciation of Jews. Several files pertain to the activities the Arrow Cross Party members and contains the information on the persecution of Jews including of deportations of Jews.

  5. Edmund F. Franz papers

    The Edmund F. Franz papers consist of records Franz collected while serving as the chief administrator of the U.S. Army's War Crimes Branch in Wiesbaden, Germany. The records include reports and English translations of statements and interrogation interviews with German war criminals, prisoners of war, and other witnesses recorded by U.S. Army investigators in 1945 in preparation for the Nuremberg trials. Some of the English materials are accompanied by German versions. The papers also include official U.S. Army photographs depicting scenes of atrocities at Buchenwald and Nordhausen concent...

  6. Fred Reitler papers

    Consists of the press pass card used by Fred Reitler during the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, the "Last words of the ten Nazi main war criminals, executed on 16 October 1946" recorded by Fred Reitler, and the personal notebook (some segments in shorthand) kept by Fred Reitler during the IMT and subsequent US-administered war crimes trials. The notebook contains the "Last word..." of the ten main war criminals written in German shorthand.

  7. Isaac Stone collection

    Contains two copies of the International Military Tribunal indictment, 1945, of the major war criminals with attached list of errata; "International military tribunal Nurnberg Germany 1945-1946" which summarizes the indictment and brief biographies of the major war criminals; "Guide to captured German documents, prepared by Gehard L. Weinberg, 1952"; and "Conference on Jewish material claims against Germany : Annual Report 1965."

  8. Latvian State Archives KGB (State Security Committee) records from Fond 1986 relating to war crime investigations and trials in Latvia

    Contains photocopies of selected interrogation transcripts, decrees, biographical data sheets, witness statements, photographs, and miscellaneous court and trial documents from the Latvian State Archives Fond 1986 relating to the arrest, investigation, prosecution, sentencing, and in some cases, execution of war criminals accused of atrocities committed against Jews and Soviet citizens in Latvia during World War II.

  9. Collection of materials regarding Nazi crimes in Poland Zbiór materiałów dotyczących zbrodni hitlerowskich w Polsce (Sygn. 1348)

    Selected records of Polish courts and commissions researching Nazi crimes. Consists of protocols and reports examining the area of the former Chełmno concentration camp (Kulmhof am Nehr); investigative files of crimes in Siedlce and the surrounding area; witness testimonies; materials about Nazi perpetrators from the Krosno county; the case file against K. Heinemeyer; sentences for persons cooperating with the German authorities; testimonies of Nazi criminals regarding the Warsaw Uprising of 1944; prosecution files of Nazi criminals at Żyrardów area, and correspondence.

  10. La Vista Report

    /1 La Vista report, 11 pages,15.5.1947/2 Short bibliography of articles re Vatican and escaped Nazis/3 Copy letter from Bob Fink to Tom Bower re La Vista Report, 29.6.1983

  11. Historians and War Crimes Tribunals panel

    1. 1981 International Liberators Conference collection

    End of Historians panel. Hilberg describes capturing Germans and interviewing an officer, who wanted to have a philosophical conversation: "don't you agree that Hitler is a great man?" 01:02:09 Announcements about getting the liberated to meet their liberators. 01:07:20 to 01:08:59 Gap. War Crimes Tribunal panel begins with chairman Bernard Fischman. 01:10:24 Dr. Pilichowski (Poland), director of the Main Commission of the Investigation of Nazi Crimes in Poland. Talks about the legality of prosecuting Nazi criminals; the desire for revenge. Speaks in Polish, with English translation over. (...

  12. Historians and War Crimes Tribunals panels

    1. 1981 International Liberators Conference collection

    End of Historians panel with Yehuda Bauer's speech. 16:19:38 Hilberg tells of his position in the 45th division during the war. He was not at the liberation of Dachau. Describes capturing Germans and interviewing an officer, who wanted to have a philosophical conversation: "don't you agree that Hitler is a great man?" 16:23:00 Announcements about getting the liberated to meet their liberators. War Crimes tribunal begins with chairman Bernard Fischman. 16:31:17 Dr. Pilichowski, (Poland), director of the Main Commission of the Investigation of Nazi Crimes in Poland. Talks about the legality o...

  13. Zentrale Stelle der Landesjustizverwaltungen zur Aufklärung von NS-Verbrechen Ludwigsburg

    • Zentrale Stelle der Landesjustizverwaltungen Ludwigsburg

    Concerned about the government’s ability to bring charges against suspected war criminal, the Bundesrepublik Deutschland created the Zentrale Stelle der Landesjustizverwaltungen zur Aufklärung von NS-Verbrechen Ludwigsburg. The Zentrale Stelle’s staff of lawyers and judges would investigate Nazi-era crimes and then turn its material over to individual German states for prosecution. The only crimes it could investigate were those that committed outside the Bundesrepublik Deutschland, and only those that could be prosecuted under German law. It could not deal with war crimes per se, though in...

  14. UJA appeal for refugees overseas needs

    The Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC) endorses United Jewish Appeal (UJA) and American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) executives' appeal to bring DPs from Europe to Palestine or to the USA. Footage of liberation of camps. An appeal to raise money for displaced persons. Shows footage of a number of organizers and fundraisers, and speaks of an assembly in Atlantic City, NJ to raise one million dollars. Features founders of the UJA, JDC, United Jewish Fund, etc. Footage of Nazi war criminals at Nuremberg is interspersed with speeches given post war to US audiences.

  15. OCCWC Nuremberg, Germany Preliminary briefs of Economics Division Vol. 1

    1. Drexel A. Sprecher collection

    Consists of copies of ten legal briefs compiled by the Office of the U.S. Chief of Counsel for War Crimes from circa 1946 to 1947. The briefs contain a time line of important dates in modern German history, a glossary of German economic terms, a report on the "Führerprinzip," and a brief concerning the "Aryanization" of Jewish property.

  16. United States Department of Justice, Office of Special Investigations (USDOJ-OSI), Denaturalization Cases Transcripts and Decisions

    Consists of paper copies of transcripts of more than 40 denaturalization and removal cases that OSI and/or, in some instances, other components of the Department of Justice, litigated to trial, as well as the transcripts of hearings in the two contested extradition matters in which OSI participated. These transcripts are uncorrected stenographic transcripts. The OSI decisions consist of copies of published and unpublished decisions relating to the final dispositions of OSI’s denaturalization, removal and extradition matters, as well as interim decisions and orders on a variety of important ...

  17. Ukrainian crimes against humanity

    Ukrainian Newsreel and Documentary Film Footage about the crimes committed by Ukrainian fascists--bourgeois nationalists-who murdered Ukrainians, Russians, Poles, and Jews in September 1942 near Lake Pisotska in the Vollin area. Shots of criminals and the commandant of Ukrainian police. It is forty years since their crimes, but since there is no statute of limitations for crimes against humanity, the Soviets bring the Ukrainian fascists to trial. Trial footage, including testimonies, witnesses, and shots of civilian audience. Narration argues that Zionists and the Jewish Defense League trai...

  18. Polish newsreel footage of the trial of Hans Biebow

    Polish newsreel footage from 1946 to 1947 of the trial of Hans Biebow. Accused war criminals getting off plane, CUs. 01:01:14 Biebow. 01:01:20 Hoess. Men climbing on back of truck. Truck enters courtyard of building where the trial takes place.

  19. Solomon Littman collection

    Photocopied documents from the National Archives UK, consisting of the records from the record group TS 26/903, titled "Treasury Solicitor and HM Procurator General: War Crimes Papers. World War II, 1939-194. U.N.W.C.C. Lists of War Criminals. Concentration Camps. Miscellaneous Papers." Most of the material consists of transcripts of depositions filed in cases prosecuted by the British against alleged war criminals, along with supporting documentation, such as lists of personnel at various concentration camps, compiled May - November 1945. Also includes one report from the U.N. War Crimes C...

  20. Nazi hangs for murder

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 18, No. 419. Release date, 07/26/1945. For murdering a Yank flyer who had parachuted to earth at Preist, Germany, a Nazi war criminal is hung on the gallows until dead. According to UN Official Motion Picture Release: "Nazi Executed, Germany." The execution of one of three German civilians, Peter Kohn, Matthias Gierens, and Peter Bock, who were tried as war criminals after being judged guilty of murdering an American flier who safely parachuted to earth near Preist, Germany, is pictured here. Lt. Col. LV Roddy, Deputy Provost Marshal of the 15th Army officiates at t...