
Displaying items 3,161 to 3,180 of 7,748
  1. Eva F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eva F., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1936. She recounts her father was a physician and her mother a nurse; living in the Berlin Jewish Hospital from 1938; seeing many people leave and never return; her parents not speaking in front of her, but seeing them upset and distraught; playing with other children; Allied bombings; liberation by Soviet troops in 1945; assistance from Jewish officers; attending school; living in a refugee camp; and emigration to the United States in 1949. Ms. F. recalls wearing the yellow star; receiving German reparation payments; and her...

  2. Herbert F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Herbert F., an American who was drafted into the military and served on General Dwight Eisenhower's staff in England beginning in early 1944. He recounts assignment to the Pentagon; learning about the liberation of concentration camps from military documents; becoming the Pentagon liaison to American Jewish organizations wanting to improve conditions in the displaced persons camps; visiting the Rothschild Hospital displaced persons camp in July 1946 (he reads from the notes he wrote immediately after his visit); and contacts with members of the Jewish underground. Mr....

  3. Leonard S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leonard S., who served in the United States Army in World War II. He recounts fighting in Germany; liberating Nordhausen; transfer to Patton's 3rd Army; entering Dachau; seeing the crematoria and piles of human bones; liberating Eger; seeing severely emaciated prisoners and corpses stacked on flatbed trucks; and administering Bamberg displaced persons camp where they distributed Red Cross supplies meant for U.S. prisoners of war. He shows documents and objects from the war.

  4. Jenny Z. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jenny Z., who was born in Dzia?oszyce, Poland. She recalls living in Da?browa Go?rnicza; hostility toward Jewish businesses; German invasion; hiding in Czeladz?; arrest; incarceration in Sosnowiec; transfer to Oberaltstadt where she met her two sisters; slave labor in a textile factory; frequent selections; enduring prolonged appels; her younger sister's transfer (she did not survive); a Red Cross visit; severe punishment when her diary was discovered; liberation by Soviet troops; returning home; a hostile response from the local Poles; meeting her future husband who ...

  5. David W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of David W., who was born in Poland in 1918, one of six children. He recalls his family's extreme poverty; Soviet occupation in 1939; draft into the Soviet military; fighting against the Germans; discharge; deportation to Siberia for forced labor; escape after two years; military service; being wounded near Warsaw in 1945; briefly returning home, seeking relatives (no one survived); traveling to ?o?dz? where there were other Jews, then to Germany; living in Ainring and Lechfeld displaced persons camps; marriage in 1948; and emigration to join relatives in the United Stat...

  6. Rubin J. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rubin J., who was born in Sosnowiec in 1928. He recalls antisemitic violence as a child; reporting for forced labor in his brother's place in 1940; building the autobahn in Geppersdorf; incarceration in Parzymiechy, Gross-Rosen, and Dachau; receiving Red Cross packages in Dachau; a severe whipping in one camp; being moved frequently in trains; a death march; seeing his brother briefly in 1944 in Gross-Rosen; liberation in May 1945; living in Garmisch and Landsberg displaced persons camp; marriage; and emigration to the United States. Mr. J. discusses the loss of his e...

  7. International Bureau for the Right of Asylum Aid to Political Refugees

    The reports and other papers in this collection concern a proposed international convention on the problem of refugees from Nazi Germany, in France.

  8. Reunion of the Kindertransport: 50th anniversary papers

    This collection of material relates to the 50th anniversary of the Kindertransporte, which saved some 10,000 German, Austrian and Czech Jews from the Nazis in 1938/9. The bulk of this collection consists of press cuttings some of which (1347/9-13) are personal accounts including testimony from former Kinder, members of welfare organisations in GB, and helpers who accompanied the children.Note that 1347/21 contains correspondence and papers of Cyril Hughes, former volunteer for the Manchester Children's Refugee Committee. The papers include some committee minutes, correspondence and referenc...

  9. Walter Rauch: correspondence

    This collection consists of correspondence relating to Walter Rauch who was interned as a Jewish refugee at Douglas, Isle of Man, and in Australia.

    Correspondence and papers including are his application for release from internment and pamphlet calling for boycott of Jewish shoe shops (1723/6).English German

  10. Harry Edward Anderson Collection

    This collection contains some personal papers and photographs of Harry Edward Anderson (formerly Hans Israel Abraham) who emigrated to England as a Jewish refugee upon release from Buchenwald concentration camp in Germany.

  11. Report issued by the Ligue des Societes de la Croix-Rouge (League of Red Cross Societies) regarding the International Conference held in Hanover regarding the refugees, 1951

    1. P.7- Archive of Marc Jarblum, Zionist Leader and one of the leaders of the Jewish underground in France, 1941-1967

    Report issued by the Ligue des Societes de la Croix-Rouge (League of Red Cross Societies) regarding the International Conference held in Hanover regarding the refugees, 1951 Also in the file: - Official documentation with declarations made by the United States government regarding the establishment of the War Refugee Board (WRB); - A call for revenge on Nazi criminals, granting of a haven for refugee children from France in Switzerland, official Red Cross documentation regarding refugees and prisoners of war, and more; - Declaration made by the International Red Cross regarding the protecti...

  12. Testimony of A.S., born in Lwow, Poland, regarding his experiences in Poland and Romania

    1. O.12 - Perlman Collection: Testimonies of refugees from Poland who arrived in Eretz Israel, 1942-1943

    Testimony of A.S., born in Lwow, Poland, regarding his experiences in Poland and Romania Crosses the Romanian border from Poland, 17 September 1939; life in Romania as a refugee; attitude of the local population and Romanian government to refugees; financial assistance to the refugees; attitude of the Polish refugees to the Jews; life in the refugee camps including displays of antisemitism; end of the war. Aliya to Eretz Israel, July 1944. The testimony was recorded in 1944.

  13. Circular issued by the Committee for Polish Jewry in Jerusalem containing testimonies of Jewish refugees who escaped from Poland to Eretz Israel regarding their experiences under German rule, January 1941

    1. M.4 - Bulletins of the Vaad Hahatzalah (Rescue Council) of the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel, 1937-1959

    Circular issued by the Committee for Polish Jewry in Jerusalem containing testimonies of Jewish refugees who escaped from Poland to Eretz Israel regarding their experiences under German rule, January 1941 The early days of the German occupation of Warsaw and the Soviet occupation in the vicinity of Vilna as reported by a refugee who escaped from Warsaw and Vilna to Eretz Israel; testimony of a refugee regarding the German occupation of Lodz; excerpt from a letter written by an inmate in a Siberian labor camp; collection of anti-Jewish laws.

  14. Correspondence of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) regarding relief activities for Polish Jewish refugees in Lithuania and Hungary

    1. M.17 - Documentation of the Polish Jewish Refugee Fund in Geneva, 1933-1940

    Correspondence of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) regarding relief activities for Polish Jewish refugees in Lithuania and Hungary Correspondence of the representatives of the Polish Jewish Refugee Fund in Geneva regarding the transfer of two Jewish children from Bialystok to the United States for adoption; request for emigration certificates for Leopold Sitzmann from Vienna; sending a parcel with basic supplies to M. J. Barlas in Brest Litowsk; Included in the file: - Postcards sent by the representatives of the Polish Jewish Refugee Fund in Geneva to Jews in Germany in the name of their re...