
Displaying items 3,001 to 3,020 of 7,748
  1. The story of my life

    1. Manuskripte
    2. Erinnerungen, Erlebnisberichte, Autobiographien

    Der Verfasser schildert seine Flucht nach England am 11. März 1938, seinen dortigen Aufenthalt; berichtet über die Flucht seines Bruders Otto über Prag, Schweiz, Frankreich, Afrika etc. bis nach Australien von 1938-1939 sowie über die Flucht seiner Eltern nach London; als auch über seine weitere Emigration über Kanada, Japan nach Shanghai (1940); mit Dokumenten und Fotografien; (1938-1940)Mschr., Fotokopie.

  2. Nachlass Wilhelm Sternfeld

    Korrespondenz, auch in seiner Eigenschaft als Sekretär der Thomas-Mann-Gesellschaft, Prag, der Thomas-Mann-Gruppe im Czech Refugee Trust Fund, London, des PEN und Nachfolgeorganisationen, als Vertrauensmann für den Künstlerfonds des Bundespräsidialamtes und des Süddeutschen Rundfunks, Stuttgart, u.a. mit H. G. Adler, Eduard Beneš, Eugen Brehm, Elisabeth Castonier, Kasimir Edschmid, Richard Friedenthal, Manfred George, Raoul Hausmann, John Heartfield, Fritz Heine, Erich Kästner, Theodor Kramer, Else Lasker-Schüler, Otto Lehmann-Russbueldt, Ludwig Marcuse, Jan Masaryk, Ludwig Meidner...

  3. Comite voor Joodsche Vluechtlingen: Correspondence

  4. Adler family papers

    Consists of correspondence received by the Adler family while they were residing as refugees in Switzerland. The letters, primarily addressed to the donor's parents, Camillo Adler (1905-1985) and Martha Kraus (1901-1969), were from other refugees and forced laborers from refugee and labor camps.

  5. Mina R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Mina R., who was born in a Polish village near Minsk (presently Belarus) in 1928. She recalls her family's Zionist involvement; Soviet occupation in 1939; German invasion in 1941; ghettoization; hiding in her uncle's bunker during round-ups; working in a neighboring town; her oldest brother joining the partisans; his arranging for their escape; going with one brother (her parents did not due to her sister's illness); begging in villages at night; liquidation of the ghetto; her mother's escape; living in the woods for about eighteen months; going to Radashkovichy, a ne...

  6. David W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of David W., who was born in 1922 in Krako?w, Poland, one of three children. He recounts attending Jewish and public schools; beatings because he was Jewish; German invasion; fleeing east for several weeks with his brother; anti-Jewish restrictions; forced labor; ghettoization in 1941; his parents' deportation (he never saw them again); incarceration in P?aszo?w; public hangings and shootings; transfer to Auschwitz for less than a day, then to Mauthausen; meaningless slave labor carrying rocks; transfer to St. Valentin; slave labor in a tank factory; a non-Jewish acquain...

  7. Ruth R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ruth R., who was born in Pabianice, Poland in 1927. She describes her older brother and sister; her family's relative affluence; German invasion; ghettoization; round-ups including her father and brother (she never saw them again); deportation with her mother and sister to the ?o?dz? ghetto; forced factory labor; deportation to Auschwitz in summer 1944; separation from her mother and sister (she never saw them again); transfer to Bergen-Belsen, then Hasag-Leipzeig; slave labor in a munitions factory; nurturing from an older woman; receiving extra food from a French PO...

  8. Philip W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Philip W., who was born in 1922 in Wadowice, Poland, one of four children. He recounts his family's orthodoxy; attending school for two years in Skawina; antisemitic harassment; participating in Zionist organizations; German invasion in 1939; fleeing with his family to Skawina, Krako?w, Lubaczo?w, then Rava-Rus?ka; returning home; anti-Jewish restrictions; three days in prison; deportation to Sosnowiec in April 1941; transfer to Gogolin; slave labor building the Reichsautobahn; receiving packages from his parents for six months; transfer to Gross Masselwitz; praying d...

  9. Milton L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Milton L., who was born in Ulanów, Poland, the youngest of seven children. He recalls working in the family bakery business; attending public school and cheder; antisemitic harassment; two brothers emigrating to the United States in 1939; German invasion followed by Soviet occupation; leaving with the Soviet forces; traveling to Młodów; two brothers and his sister returning home; deportation by the Soviets to Siberia in fall 1940; working with his brothers cutting trees; moving with his mother and brothers to Samarqand two years later; separation from his family whe...