
Displaying items 2,441 to 2,460 of 2,734
  1. Antisemitic Campaign opens: Boycott, Bookburning

    "Part 2: Acquiring Totalitarian Control of Germany, 1933-1935." Title: "Opening of the Official Anti-Semitic Campaign 1 April 1933" Minister for Public Enlightenment & Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, launches antisemitic campaign in Berlin Lustgarten. Original sound, Goering addresses a cheering crowd. Boycott of Jewish shops, Berlin. Crowds. SA men chant slogans from truck in the streets: "Germans, protect yourselves. Don't buy from the Jews." On doorway the sign with skull: "Achtung Juden". On closed stores the sign "Jude" painted on window. Party members put up signs, hold back crowds, ...

  2. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 102 and 103 -- Cross-examination of the Accused re: Operation Units

    This tape begins near the middle of Session 102, during a discussion about a meeting held in a cinema pertaining to the issuing of orders to the Einsatzkommando/Einsatzgruppen. Eichmann is cross-examined by Attorney General Gideon Hausner about the number of people who attended the meeting and his own role. Eichmann talks of his personal ambitions to be the commander of an Einsatzkommando, which he claims he thought were military units operating at the Eastern Front, and his disappointment when this did not come to pass. 00:09:08 Later in session 102: Hausner questions Eichmann about his in...

  3. War Crimes Commission: Belsen Concentration Camp

    "Belsen Concentration Camp" British Royal Artillery officers in charge of the camp describe conditions after liberation, "So far, we've buried 17,000. When we came here, conditions were food for six days...none of us are likely to forget what German people have done." 06:02:32 A woman doctor (survivor - Hadassah Bimko, later Hadassah Rosensaft), who was a prisoner in charge of the female section, describes conditions before liberation. She speaks in German, partly translated into English by the film's narrator. "There were no covers, straw stacks, or beds of any kind. Per...

  4. Soviet film of atrocities shown at Nuremberg Trials

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    7 reels. This Soviet-made film was screened on February 19, 1946 on the 62nd day of the Nuremberg Trial and submitted as evidence relevant to the indictment for "crimes against humanity." The one-hour film with voiceover commentary shows visual evidence of the extermination camps of Auschwitz and Majdanek and appeals to spectators' emotions by emphasizing individual victims. The central argument of the film is that the Germans were the executioners of peaceful Soviet citizens. At the time, it made a very strong impression on both the accused and press. The film is a re-edited compilation of...

  5. Eichmann Trial -- Session 88 -- Decision about admissability of Sassen document; Cross-examination of the Accused

    The footage begins in the middle of Session 88. Judge Halevi presents the court's decision as to the admissability of the Sassen document. The Sassen document consisted of transcripts from an interview Adolf Eichmann gave to a Nazi Dutch journalist named Willem Sassen over a four-month period in 1957. This is duplicate footage also found on Tape 2119 (at 00:51:30). Although this is only a small section of Judge Halevi's statement, it is more complete on this tape than on Tape 2119. Judge Landau calls for a recess (00:18:35) and all rise as the judges exit. Eichmann leaves the booth. The foo...

  6. Hitler declares war on US, meets French diplomats; Himmler & Bach-Zelewski visit camp near Minsk

    Title: "Invasion of U.S.S.R. 22 June 1941" Early morning street activities in Berlin on morning of invasion of USSR. Preparation of broadcast at radio station. At 5:30 AM Goebbels sits at desk and makes announcement. Shots of people listening. Von Ribbentrop walks into conference. Newspaper headline, then map of Eastern Front. Flare goes up in dark, silhouettes of troops in dark. Artillery fire and burning target presumably in East Prussia. Dismantling of border post. German troops move cautiously forward. Explosion in building interior. Title: "Meeting with Petain, Laval, and Franco in Fra...

  7. Goering's private train (Sonderzug) and staff; Luftwaffe officers at HQ Eastern Front; Romanian air force visitors

    Events seen may be 1941 to 1943, many are 1942. Brief scene of rifle practice at shooting range in Rominten, near Goering's HQ (train) with Luftwaffe men, including Eitel Lange, Goering's still photographer (see also Film ID 2551). Goering in summer uniform under trees with Romanian air force visitors including tall dark officer, & German officers, including Adolf Galland. (May be 4 October 1941 according to Goering photo album #39 at LOC) 01:00:32 - 01:00:36 glimpse of Goering's valet, Robert Kropp, walking unobtrusively behind the group, very close to the train. Goering & others w...

  8. Barbie Trial -- Day 16 -- Three civil parties testify

    15:51 President Cerdini calls a civil party, Mrs. Alice Arnault, née Zohar, to the stand; the civil party presents herself to the court 15:52 Mrs. Arnault describes her arrest in July 1944, by a member of the Gestapo; he explained to her that she had been denominated by someone called 'Le Boiteux,' and that there was a 5,000 franc prize on her head; she was quickly transferred to Montluc, and then sent on the August 11 transport to Drancy and then to Auschwitz; the witness was then transfered to a forced labor camp in Kratszau, where she worked in a factory 15:58 President Cerdini comments ...

  9. Eichmann Trial -- Session 70 -- Witness R. Kagan and E. Goldstein

    Session 70. The tape begins towards the end of questioning. The judge asks Raya Kagan one last question, concerning human relations between inmates. She answers that in Auschwitz, they survived thanks to friendship and some solidarity. 00:02:52 They call a new witness, Esther Goldstein. She is sworn in, and she answers that she was transported from Hungary to Auschwitz along with her family. Goldstein is asked to identify her and those she knew in a series of photographs, most of them from before they were taken to Auschwitz, or shortly after they arrived. 00:08:38 After describing a number...

  10. Invasion of Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Netherlands

    Title: "1940 " Title: "Invasion of Denmark and Norway, 9 April 1940" LSs of battleships, Nazi flag flying, men on deck. MCU, large gun, infantry with machine guns, troops looking through glasses, planes flying above harbor, Nazi troops parading through streets of Denmark, boats landing at Copenhagen. INT, airplane loaded with troops and bicycles. Airview of Norway coast. Planes landing, soldiers marching from field. Radio tower being guarded, view of Oslo with Nazi soldier on guard in FG, bombing of docks and marching through the streets. Title: "Invasion of Belgium and the Netherlands, 10 ...

  11. Gusen; Mauthausen; Nordhausen

    "Mauthausen Concentration Camp" [Footage shows mixed sequences from Mauthausen and Gusen.] High pan of concentration camp Gusen for slave laborers. 01:14:15 Pan of buildings at Mauthausen. Execution site with gallows and shooting wall in Gusen, with 2-3 men standing alongside it, courtyard wall behind. 01:14:23 Soldiers provide "tour" of crematorium and camp Gusen. 01:14:45 American POW Lt. Jack Taylor (U.S. Air Force) talks about his experience at Mathausen, "fortunately my turn hadn't come." He had been captured in Mauthausen for a few weeks from April 1945 to liberation. He talks of two ...

  12. Eichmann Trial -- Session 93 -- Transports to Trawniki, Sobibor; Einsatzgruppen; discussion of the Fuehrerprinzip

    Footage begins in the middle of Session 93 during cross-examination of the accused by Attorney General Gideon Hausner concerning the Trawniki labor camp. Eichmann is questioned about the date of transfer of the camp to the Economic-Administrative Head Office and whether in 1942 the Jews arriving at the camp were immediately sent for extermination. The opening segment is repeated after a break in the footage. Hausner presents a document to Eichmann and asks him if Odilo Globocnik was Oswald Pohl's representative in charge of implementing extermination in Poland. [Globocnik oversaw the camp i...

  13. Barbie Trial -- Day 5 -- Discussion of the UGIF and Izieu raids

    16:23 President Cerdini continues presenting an exhibit relating to the raid at the UGIF [Union générale des Israélites de France] in Lyon on February 9, 1943 16:25 A clerk reads a report signed by Barbie on the 11th of February 1943 16:29 Cerdini presents Barbie's reaction to being shown the report 16:31 Prosecution lawyer Klarsfeld gives further arguments relating to Barbie's report from February 11, 1943 16:34 Cerdini introduces into evidence a telegram sent by Barbie on February 11, 1943 16:35 Clerk reads the telegram 16:37 Jury examines the telegram (French translation), and Barbie's s...

  14. Barbie Trial -- Day 14 -- Witnesses testify; Written depositions are read

    15:00 Prosecutor Libman asks the witness, Mrs. Paulette Roche, to authenticate photos of children from Izieu, which were published in a book written by Prosecutor Klarsfeld 15:01 President Cerdini calls the next witness, Dr. Adolphe Waysenson, to the stand; the witness presents himself to the court and is sworn in 15:02 The witness testifies; he stayed with his two younger siblings in the children's home at Izieu from the end of summer of 1943 through the winter of 1944, while his parents hid; when his parents found secure shelter in the winter of 1944, they returned to Izieu to pick him up...

  15. Krupp ammunition plant; Alliance of Axis countries; Invasion of Yugoslavia and Greece

    Title: "Hitler Pays Tribute to Krupp 13 August 1940" Hitler visits the Krupp ammunition plant. Hitler pays tribute to Gustav Krupp von Bohlen. MS Hitler shakes hands with Krupp as officers look on. Hitler talking to and gesturing to civilian in dark suit as officers look on. Large crowd of factory workers cheer and salute as Hitler walks past them toward camera, then steps up into car and remains standing. Title: "Signing of the Military-Economic Alliance by Germany, Italy and Japan 27 September 1940" Hitler welcomes delegates at the signing of the Germany-Italy-Japan alliance. LS Group of ...

  16. Barbie Trial -- Day 10 -- Two victims testify

    17:03 President Cerdini resumes the hearing 17:05 Cerdini deposits into the record a magazine article written by Vergès in 1987, presented to the court by the prosecution 17:05 Cerdini calls another witness, Srul Kaplon, to testify, and he presents himself to the court; Mr. Kaplon is a civil party in the suit against Barbie 17:06 On March 23, 1943, the witness was taken by two Gestapo agents to the Hotel Terminus, along with his parents, brother, and sister; there, he was beaten and interrogated by Barbie; he told Barbie that he did not speak German, and Barbie replied that 'all Jews speak ...

  17. Eichmann Trial -- Session 95 -- Cross-examination of the Accused about seizure of property, deportations, gassings

    The camera fades in on the courtroom. Adolf Eichmann sits in the booth and cleans his glasses. The camera pulls out to a wide shot of the courtroom. Various shots of Eichmann and Servatius. A shot of the defense and the prosecuting attorneys. Eichmann is shown sitting in the booth. He turns to his right and looks over his shoulder (00:04:33). All stand as the judges enter the courtroom and Judge Landau opens the ninety-fifth session of the trial (00:05:45). Servatius makes a statement about the Dutch witness van Taalingen (00:06:10). Hausner questions Eichmann about the issuing of orders an...

  18. Barbie Trial -- Day 7 -- The prosecution questions expert witnesses

    17:16 Witness Holtfort continues his testimony, explaining that there is written documentation coming from the January 20, 1942 conference about the decision to use Jews for forced labor, forcing them to create roads toward the East. Those who survived the labor needed a 'special treatment' (i.e. extermination). 17:20 Discussion of a document from 1942 in which Dannecker, the Paris head of the BDS-SIPO-SD, communicates to the head of the transport division in France the plan to exterminate French Jews.This information was disseminated from Paris to the regional offices, and the head of the ...

  19. Barbie Trial -- Day 10 -- Two former members of the Resistance testify

    13:37 President Cerdini calls the session to order; asks that the accused present himself; Barbie refuses to appear; Cerdini calls on the bailiff to compel the accused to appear 13:38 The bailiff reads the names of the witnesses scheduled to give testimony in the session; one witness who was scheduled to appear will not be able to appear in Lyon before June 5, 1987 13:40 Cerdini suspends the session while the bailiff goes to Barbie to compel him to appear 14:04 Cerdini calls the session to order; the bailiff reads Barbie's statement that he refuses to appear 14:07 Cerdini calls witness Irèn...

  20. Carter E. Ruby papers

    1. Carter E. Ruby collection

    The collection consists of documents, publications, photographs, and correspondence that document the service of Lieutenant Carter E. Ruby, U.S. Army, at the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, April-May 1946. Included are letters that Ruby sent to his parents from Nuremberg, during the period when he served as a guard at the International Military Tribunal, describing his experiences there and what he had witnessed. Personal identification documents include a card issued by the Department of War in 1945, the identification card issued to him during his service at Nuremberg, and h...