
Displaying items 221 to 240 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Day 176 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 176 - Thursday, July 11, 1946. Dr. Seidl, counsel for Hans Frank, and Dr. Marx, counsel for Julius Streicher, speak.

  2. Day 204 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 204 - Thursday, August 15, 1946. British prosecutor Sir Maxwell-Fyfe. Witness Juettner testifies.

  3. Day 205 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 205 - Friday, August 16, 1946. Defense Witness Juettner continues.

  4. Day 206 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 206 - Monday, August 19, 1946. Mr. Dodd speaks. The German counsel for the Gestapo addresses the court. Courtroom discussion.

  5. Day 207 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 207 - Tuesday, August 20, 1946. Counsel for the Gestapo. Courtroom discussion. Defendant Hermann Goering. German counsel for the SA.

  6. Day 208 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 208 - Wednesday, August 21, 1946. Courtroom discussion. German counsel, Dr. Pelckmann.

  7. Day 209 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 209 - Thursday, August 22, 1946. Counsel for the SA. British prosecutor, Col. Griffith-Jones, continues. Counsel for the Leadership Corps.

  8. Day 210 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 210 - Friday, August 23, 1946. German counsel for the SA. Dr. Merkel for the Gestapo.

  9. Day 211 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 211 - Monday, August 26, 1946. Witness Schreiber. Dr. Merkel for the Gestapo. US counsel, Mr. Dodd, speaks. German defense for the SD and the SA and the SS.

  10. Day 212 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 212 - Tuesday, August 27, 1946. Defense for the SA and the SD. Dr. Laternser for the General Staff.

  11. Day 213 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 213 - Wednesday, August 28, 1946. Counsel for the Reich Cabinet. Dr. Laternser for the General Staff. Dr Boehm in defense for the SA. British counsel, Sir Maxwell-Fyfe, speaks.

  12. Day 214 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 214 - Thursday, August 29, 1946. Sir Maxwell-Fyfe and Mr. Dodd present their case.

  13. Day 215 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 215 - Friday, August 30, 1946. Courtroom discussion. Gen. Taylor, the French prosecutor, the Russian prosecutor, and Mr. Dodd continue with their case.

  14. Day 216 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 216 - Saturday, August 31, 1946. Defendants Goering, Hess, von Ribbentrop, Keitel, Kaltenbrunner, Rosenberg, Frank, Frick, Streicher, Funk, Schacht, Doenitz, Raeder, Schirach, Sauckel, Jodl, von Papen, Seyss-Inquart, Speer, Neurath and Fritzsche.

  15. Day 217 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 217 - Monday, September 30, 1946. The members of the Tribunal, Justice Lawrence, Justice Birkett, French Justice Falco, Justice de Vabres, Justice Biddle, Justice Nikitchenko, Justice Volchkov, and Justice Parker, prepare the decision.

  16. Day 193 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 193 - Friday, August 2, 1946. Witnesses Rolf Hoeppner and Hans Hosner testify. Franz Schlegelberger follows for the German defense.

  17. Day 194 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 194 - Saturday, August 3, 1946. Franz Schlegelberger, defense counsel for SS, speaks.

  18. Day 195 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 195 - Monday, August 5, 1946. Counsel for the SS. Witnesses von Eberstein, Brille, and Karl Hauser testify for the German defense.

  19. Day 4 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 4 - Friday, November 23, 1945 - Session opens with Dr. Otto Nelte (Counsel for Defendant Keitel). Major Frank Wallis reads documents of the case known as the Common Plan. Dr. Alfred Seidl (Counsel for Defendant Frank) presents an objection and asks the proceedings be postponed. Col. Storey states that documentation will be provided to the Court and the Defense Counsel. Dr. Robert Servatius (Counsel for Defendant Sauckel) makes a motion to obtain documents. Mr. Thomas J. Dodd (Executive Trial Counsel for the United States) presents the economic preparation for aggressive war. Mr. Alderma...