
Displaying items 2,221 to 2,240 of 2,629
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Eichmann Trial -- Session 82 -- Eichmann's testimony re: Bohemia and Moravia and France

    The footage begins near the opening of Session 82 with Servatius questioning Eichmann on the stand. Servatius presents communications between Himmler and Kaltenbrunner about the deporation of 5,000 elderly Jews from Theresienstadt to Auschwitz. There is some confusion regarding the date of the document. Servatius presents another document, which describes a change in the Jewish leadership of Theresienstadt from one person, a Dr. Edelstein, to a triumvirate consisting of Eppstein, Löwenherz and Edelstein. Servatius asks Eichmann if this was a demotion for Edelstein. Some of the proceedings a...

  2. Archiv Horst von Wächter

    1. Horst von Wächter collection

    Correspondence, letters, postcards, photographs, private documents, diaries and other archival material created by the donor's parents, Otto von Wächter and Charlotte von Wächter (b. Bleckmann), and family members. Otto von Wächter (born July 8, 1901 in Vienna, Austria‐ died July 14, 1949 in Rome, Italy) was an early supporter of the Nazi party and an SS officer who rose to the ranks of the District Governor of Kraków, Poland and later District Governor of Galicia.

  3. Eichmann Trial -- Session 113 -- Prosecution continues summing up

    Session 113. Near-empty courtroom. Eichmann and Dr. Servatius attempt to talk over the private microphone line. Eichmann motions that it's not necessary. 00:05:43 Judges enter. They open Session 113. The Attorney General Hausner submits translated copies of his summing up. 00:08:54 Hausner says that he will say a few words regarding the proof as presented in the testimonies of the witnesses as well as various documents already discussed. Questions of the honesty of the witnesses, as well as the possibility of corroboration, are raised by the Judges. Hausner answers these in turn. 00:19:44 H...

  4. Re-release poster for the film, “The Stranger” (1946)

    1. Cinema Judaica collection

    Poster for the film, “The Stranger,” released by RKO Radio Pictures in the summer of 1946, and re-released in the United States by Independent Releasing Corporation in 1953. “The Stranger” tells the story of Mr. Wilson, an American member of the War Crimes Commission, who is searching for Franz Kindler, a dangerous and elusive Nazi. Wilson releases an old associate of Kindler, hoping he will inadvertently lead him to his quarry. He follows him through Latin America to New England, and discovers that Kindler is living under a false identity and has married the daughter of a Supreme Court Jus...

  5. Triumph of the Will: Nazi Party Rally 1934, Hitler, Labor Corps, SA

    {No Titles} Excerpt from "Triumph of the Will" Hitler speaks at several day and night rallies. RAD - Labor Corps day at Nuremberg. Hitler: "Heil, Reichs Arbeitsmaenner!" RAD man: "Kamerad, woher stammst du?" Replies: Aus Friesenland. Aus Schlesien.... 01:49:50 Hitler begins speech to RAD assembled on vast field. SA section, nighttime rally and speech. 01:53:00 Hitler Youth Day: Drums, music, von Schirach speaks to field of HJ. Followed by Hitler speech to HJ. To 01:58:15, followed by long cheers, heils, and Hitler in open car around stadium saluting ranks of Hitler Youth.

  6. Hitler comes to power

    Title: "Herbst 1932". Reports on activities and policies of the Nazis in Germany 1921-1933 (poor sound quality, fades in and out). Title: "Hitler's First Speech as Chancellor 30 January 1933". Title: "Goering, Named Prussian Minister of Interior by Hitler, Outlines His Program February 1933." Goering seated, speaks to camera, outlines program. Title: "Election Day in Bavaria, 5 March 1933." MCUs of citizens coming in and out of the election booth. Title: "Gewerkschaftshaus." VS of German soldiers and workers milling about the entrance way to a building. Title: "Election Day in Berlin, 5 Mar...

  7. Eichmann Trial -- Session 76 -- Eichmann's testimony

    Session 76 (approximately midway): Defense attorney Dr. Robert Servatius questions Eichmann about whether it was possible for him to act against the instructions of higher SS leaders in Hungary, to which Eichmann responds that it would not have been possible. Servatius questions Eichmann about a statment made by Huppenkothen at Nuremberg. Eichmann denies that he had a special position, as Huppenkothen had asserted. He says that documents he has seen since the beginning of the trial convince him that there were special duties assigned directly to Günther (Eichmann's deputy) by Müller (Eichma...

  8. Justice Daniel T. O'Connell photograph

    1. Daniel T. O'Connell collection

    Photograph of Justice O'Connell in the courtroom, date and location unknown.

  9. Records of the Institut für Deutsche Ostarbeit, Sektion für Rasse-und Volkstumforschung (IDO)

    Administrative and research materials of the Institut for German Work in the East, Section for Race- and Nationalities Research (IDO-SRV), primarily “field data” from occupied Poland and associated analyses.

  10. Aussenstelle Dahlwitz-Hoppegarten records : Records ZC

    Files collected by the former East German Ministry of State Security Service (Stasi), including Nazi prosecutions for "Rassenschande" (racial defilement), "Hochverrat" (high treason), "Verstoß gegen das Heimtückegesetz"(violation of the "treachery law) and other political infractions. Files ZC 10859-ZC 12137 contains the missing part to the record group of the Reichs Ministry of Justice at the Federal Archive Berlin. The overall number of pages of this sub-collection ZC of the "Nazi"-collections of the former Head Division [HA] IX/11 of the Ministry of State Security (Stasi) of the GDR is a...

  11. Selected records from the Ghetto Fighters' House (Beit Lohamei Haghetaot)

    This collection contains records relating to Jewish underground organizations in ghettos in occupied Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, Slovakia, France, and many other countries, Jewish participation in partisan movements against the Nazis and their allies, as well as Jewish life generally before, during, and after the Holocaust. Includes testimonies, correspondence, documents of ghetto councils, German and Judenrat edicts, memoirs, biographies, documents of the rescue and aid organizations, underground proclamations, meeting minutes, personal papers, commendations and decorations, research papers,...

  12. Religious service at Dachau concentration camp

    (LIB 6571) Atrocities at Dachau, Germany, May 3,5,6,9, 1945. INTs, Catholic mass for imprisoned priests. EXTs, chaplain holds services for camp inmates. CUs, individuals at services. CU, rosary beads. Rear views, priests with "X" and "KL" on backs of their coats. MS, altar. LS, crowd at Jewish service carrying flags (May 6, 1945). CU, Rabbi David Max Eichhorn with Torah, speaking to crowd. MSs, crowd, woman singing, speaking, crying. Woman giving flowers to the rabbi. Dr. Dortheimer stands to the left of the Rabbi; according to the testimony in RG-60.3006, Dortheimer was introduced at the s...

  13. Articles relating to the war crimes trial of Bergen-Belsen guards

    Consists of photocopies of newspaper articles relating to the September 1945 war crimes trial of several Bergen-Belsen guards. Included is information about the testimony of Dr. Ada Bimko (a.k.a.Hadassah Rosensaft), selections for the gas chambers at Auschwitz, results of medical experiments on female prisoners, and atrocities committed by the SS guards at Bergen-Belsen.

  14. Trial in the case of the atrocities committed by Germans and a Ukrainian accomplice in and around Kharkov in 1943

    7 reels, titles and voice-over in Spanish. Coverage of the actual trial of Captain Wilhelm Langheld; Reinhard Retzlaff, an official of the German field police; Lieutenant Hans Ritz, an SS company commander, and Bulanov, a Russian traitor. Spectators include people whose families had been murdered. Every statement in the trial was translated into German, and each defendant was represented by counsel. Many witnesses were called, and the defendants themselves testified. Captain Langheld stated that he had personally beaten women to death but pointed out that he was not the only one. "The entir...

  15. When Jews Laugh Antisemitic Der Stürmer advertising flier showing several Jewish people smiling

    Antisemitic flier for the Der Stürmer newspaper showing photographic images of the “devilish grins” of Jews. The text claims that Jews are born criminals, who are incapable of laughter, and can only smile nefariously, which implies their untrustworthy nature. Two versions of the flier were published: this one with red lettering and an advertisement on the bottom, and one with black-and-white text without a bottom advertisement. The antisemitic newspaper was founded by Julius Streicher and published from 1923 to 1945. Striecher used the paper as a platform to foment public hatred of the Jewi...

  16. Kiev; Babi Yar; POWs

    Kiev in flames. The silhouette of Bohdan Khmelnytsky's statue stands in front of a bombed out building. Cut to a statue of Taras Schevchenko, the Ukrainian poet and writer. Tanks roll through the city streets. A peasant woman is on her knees, wailing in the street. Civilians, all women, speak with soldiers. Cut to outside of city. People look upon bodies in a ravine at Babi Yar. VS, action, fighting, planes, anti-aircraft artillery, guns, military advance, tanks, wounded, nurses, bodies on road, wounded men, pan of vast area, destroyed wagons, wreckage, debris. VS, faces of captured POWs. G...

  17. Eichmann Trial -- Session 112 -- Prosecution continues summing up

    Session 112. Hausner gives examples of instances showing that Eichmann was in control of the fates of the Jews at Auschwitz (Duplicate footage from Tape 2220). This includes his visits to Auschwitz, discussing how they would be unnecessary if he was only in charge of getting trains there. He says that the requests to Auschwitz for skeletons for medicinal and educational use went to Eichmann. Everything points to Eichmann as the leader, not a follower, and that his office was in fact directly related to Auschwitz. 00:14:09 Tape cuts out. Judges enter the courtroom. They read the schedule for...

  18. Hitler with Nazi officials; Hitler's 55th birthday; Aftermath of July 20, 1944 bomb plot; People's Court & Judge Freisler

    Title: "1944" Hitler confers with leaders. 04:17:16 Title: "55th Birthday of Hitler 20 April 1944." Berlin scenes; Hitler and high Nazi officials, military officers, including Keitel, Doenitz, Zeitzler, Goering, others. 04:19:04 close view of (L to R) Himmler, Warlimont, Hitler, Fegelein. 04:19:09 Title: "Conferences after Hitler's Escape from Bombing Plot 20 July 1944." Mussolini arrives by train at FHQ, Hitler's greets him with left-handed shake, Goering present. At Hitler's HQ in the Eas, Nazi leaders greet the Fuehrer to congratulate him on surviving the attack: Ribbentrop, Bormann, Him...

  19. Eichmann Trial -- Session 83 -- Servatius examines Eichmann re: Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Serbia, Croatia, Greece

    The video begins in the middle of Session 83. Eichmann, having previously stated that he had nothing to do with postal matters, discusses a document in which mail censorship is mentioned. Eichmann explains that censorship of the mail was very important in Holland, given the country's proximity to England. Servatius presents a set of documents about diamond dealers and other tradesmen and the plan to deport these people to Auschwitz. Eichmann testifies to the role of SS Gruppenführer Gluecks and why he himself was sent to Holland for the meeting about the fate of these individuals (00:07:34)...

  20. Speech; Anschluss; review military parade

    Title: "1938" Title: "Hitler Addresses Reichstag on Rearmament 20 February 1938" Hitler speaks at Reichstag. Title: "Anschluss March 1938" Title: "Return from Austria March 1938" Hitler reviews a military parade. Title: "Hitler Addresses Reichstag on the Anschluss 18 March 1938" Title: "Hitler's 49th Birthday 20 April 1938"