
Displaying items 2,161 to 2,180 of 2,629
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Nazi crimes: early gassing, corpses, camp atrocities, forced labor

    Reel 5: Courtroom scene, Russian prosecutor Gen. Rudenko at podium speaking about Canaris and Hans Frank describing Nazi policies and methods for exterminating Poles and others. Goering, Hitler, and other Nazi officials in a meeting. Pan, hut with thatched roof. 05:38:38 CU pipes from a German police car bearing a license plate POL-28545 and a German police truck with license POL-51628 (as well as military unit markings: 7 circle-with-flag IX). Apparently metal piping is directed into the brick work of a small brick building, in an area that appears to be a bricked up window or door. Projec...

  2. O.62 - Borwicz Collection: Testimonies recorded by the Jewish Historical Commission in Poland

    O.62 - Borwicz Collection: Testimonies recorded by the Jewish Historical Commission in Poland, 1944-1947 Michal Borwicz (Maksymilian Boruchowicz) was born in Krakow in 1911, and died in Paris in 1987. A graduate of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, he was a Jewish Polish author and historian, who studied the history of Polish Jewry during the Holocaust. Borwicz was an inmate in the Janowska camp in Lwow from 1942-1943. He was sentenced to death by hanging, however when the sentence was being carried out, the rope broke. He escaped from the camp and joined the partisans and commanded an...

  3. Day after liberation of Belsen by British 8 Corps; SS overseers

    British MP Daniel O'Shaughnessy and surrendered Hungarian guard on duty at main entrance of Belsen Concentration Camp. Notice on sentry box reads: "Allied Military Commander. Entrance Belsen Camp." Supply truck backs up and German POWs unload flour sacks from truck into warehouse. British RASC men also help unload truck. Blurry shot of a tattooed arm. Two smiling young female inmates, healthy, with soldiers. Sign in Russian on barbed wire reading "Halt! Anyone crossing the wire will be shot!". Series of shots of women behind barbed wire, waving to camera and talking with British soldier in ...

  4. Barbie Trial -- Day 10 -- A victim testifies

    15:47 Mrs. Ennat Vitte, a civil party, continues to testify regarding her experience in Ravensbrück 15:48 President Cerdini asks the witness to describe the circumstances under which she lost her eyesight in Ravensbrück, and whether her inability to walk is a consequence of her time there; the witness has difficulty answering the questions posed 15:52 Prosecutor Vuillard asks the witness to confirm a particular threat leveled at her by Barbie 15:54 President Cerdini calls forward the next witness, Mrs. Simone Lagrange née Kadosche, a civil party in the suit against Barbie 15:55 Mrs. Langran...

  5. Highlights from the Film and Video Archive in the year 2006

    Orphans 5 Presentation, SC Julien Bryan Collection Orthodox Jews in the Jewish quarter of Krakow, 1936. Old market square and synagogue. Close-ups of Jewish boys. 3:05 minutes, Silent Stanley Baker Collection This collection consists of amateur film shot by members of an American family who were living in Vienna when the Germans entered Austria in 1938. One clip shows jubilant crowds celebrating the Anschluss. Another sequence documents the damage done to Jewish shops immediately after the German takeover and shows Helen Baker as she is prevented from entering a Jewish shop by an Austrian m...

  6. M.41.GAMn - Documentation from the Minsk Region State Archive

    M.41.GAMn - Documentation from the Minsk Region State Archive History of the Archive The Minsk Region State Archive (GAMn Archive) was established in 1938. The Archive was not active during the period of the German occupation, 1941-1944. All the documents describing the period before the October Revolution (the Bolshevik Revolution) were transferred to the Belorussian Central State Historical Archive in 1963. 600,000 files from the Minsk Region Communist Party Archive were given to GAMO in 1996. Material from the period of the October Revolution in 1917 until the present time has been prese...

  7. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 44 and 45 -- Red Cross report

    Witness Ernst Recht is sworn in and questioned by Bar-Or. Recht describes the concentration of the Jews into central locations in Prague and the confiscation of their house keys by authorities prior to their deportation. He describes the documentation and confiscation of the property from their homes to be sent to Germany. Recht refers to this as the "Kramer Operation." Recht describes his appointment to the Council of Elders and the Trusteeship Office in Prague and his contact with Guenther (00:07:26). He says that representatives from Berlin came to inspect confiscated carpets in 1943. Ba...

  8. German Generals confer at Eastern Front; Hitler and Mussolini arrive by plane; other OKH commanders

    Reel 2: 00:38:30 Local civilians: women, children, men, bearded old men. CUs of local men reading a paper, children laughing and an older man gesturing (obviously wants something) to someone off screen. Friendly exchange between a German with a pail and locals. He hands out candy to a crowd of gathered local children, CUs of children smiling and eating candy. Reel 4: 00:40:03 Group of military officers conferring, numerous military vehicles waiting and traveling along a road. Sign: "General". Soldiers play for officers and others: violin, two accordions, percussion. General Zorn and others....

  9. Eichmann Trial -- Session 114 -- Closing statement of the Defense

    Session 114. Servatius addresses each of the accounts upon which Eichmann is indicted and explains why, in his view, Eichmann is not guilty. This tape begins with Count 8. Servatius states that it must be rejected because it would be retroactive prosecution. 00:03:23 Dr. Servatius addresses Count 7, saying that the theft of property is not a crime against humanity in any of the definitions given by other courts. He then says that Eichmann did not enrich himself with any of this property, and thus would be innocent of the international agreement concerning theft of property established after...

  10. 1933 events: Nazi Party Rally, Autobahn opening, oath

    Title: "Swastika becomes National Symbol 9 July 1933" Hitler speaks at a large rally. Title: "Fifth Party Congress September 1933" Hitler speaks. Title: "Inauguration at Frankfurt am Main of New Section of the Super-Highway Network 23 September 1933" Ground breaking ceremonies of a super highway. Title: "1934" Title: "Over Radio Network Hess Administers Oath of Allegiance to more than One Million Leaders of the NSDAP and all Affiliated Organizations 25 February 1934" Rudolf Hess administers an oath to Party leaders, SA. 01:36:48 Title: "Hess Reaffirms Hitler's Faith in S.A. After Roehm Purg...

  11. Majdanek: objects of former inmates

    Pan, "graveyard" outside death chambers, bones on the ground. The cremation ovens are shown, also the family photographs of a victim. CUs, women weeping. Pan down, from one woman to a pile of bones. The tall chimney of the camp and burial ground are shown, also the vegetable garden. CUs, clothing and piles of belongings salvaged by the Nazis. These include: shoes, gloves, toys, glasses, etc. The commission continues questioning. CUs, passports,indicating prisoners from Poland, Holland, France and other countries. CUs, prisoners who survived. Ceremony for the dead. A monument is dedicated; a...

  12. Concentration camp inmate uniform pants

    1. Concentration camp uniform jacket and pants collection

    Blue and gray striped uniform pants of the type worn by concentration camp prisoners during the Holocaust. By 1937, blue and gray prisoner uniforms had become standard issue in the Nazi concentration camp system. Generally, new prisoners were separated into two groups: men, and then women and children. The prisoners then had their hair shorn, were deloused and issued a uniform. Some prisoners received old uniforms worn by previously killed inmates. Men received a cap, pants, and a jacket, while women received a dress or skirt with a jacket and kerchief for their head. Prisoners received an ...

  13. Concentration camp inmate uniform jacket with number patch and red triangle

    1. Concentration camp uniform jacket and pants collection

    Blue and gray striped uniform jacket with a prisoner number and red triangle of the type worn by concentration camp prisoners during the Holocaust. By 1937, blue and gray prisoner uniforms had become standard issue in the Nazi concentration camp system. Generally, new prisoners were separated into two groups: men, and then women and children. The prisoners then had their hair shorn, were deloused and issued a uniform. Some prisoners received old uniforms worn by previously killed inmates. Men received a cap, pants, and a jacket, while women received a dress or skirt with a jacket and kerchi...

  14. American film about Nazi atrocities at concentration camps shown at Nuremberg Trials

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    "Nazi Concentration Camps" was compiled as evidence and shown at the Nuremberg Trials on November 29, 1945 as Prosecution Exhibit #230. It contains film evidence of Nazi atrocities at the concentration camps of Leipzig, Penig, Ohrdruf, Hadamar, Breendonck, Hanover, Arnstadt, Nordhausen, Mauthausen, Buchenwald, Dachau, and Belsen. The film was produced for the U.S. Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality in 1945. It was directed by Navy Cmdrs. James B. Donovan and E. Ray Kellogg. George C. Stevens was responsible for directing the photography and filming of the concentration camps as lib...

  15. Eichmann Trial -- Session 55 -- Testimony of Dr. G. Gilbert re. Nuremberg witnesses

    Session 55. Court has not commenced. 00:05:33 Witness of general information - Professor Gustave M. Gilbert, Professor of Psychology at Long Island University, USA. Military psychologist (first Lieutenant), then intelligence officer during War. Then assigned to the Military Tribunal in Nuremberg. Questioned about role at Nuremberg. 00:13:38 Discusses the Nazi's knowledge and reaction to Gilbert being Jewish. Gilbert discusses the defendants' sanity (Rudolf Hess is talked about), psychological tests and personalities. 00:21:57 Gilbert explains about notes he took on the Nazis and a diary he ...

  16. Eichmann Trial -- Excerpts from session 94 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    Footage begins late in Session 94 with cross-examination of Eichmann by Attorney General Gideon Hausner. This section of Session 94 concerns Eichmann's authority to make decisions about deportations. Not shown in the footage, Hausner has presented meeting minutes taken byTheodor Dannecker, in which Dannecker wrote that Eichmann had decided to deport French children (Jews) to Auschwitz as soon as it became possible. Hausner attempts to get Eichmann to admit that this was his decision alone and Judge Landau repeats Hausner's question when the accused fails to give a concrete answer (00:02:49)...

  17. When Jews laugh Antisemitic Der Stürmer advertising flier showing several Jewish people smiling

    1. German poster collection

    Antisemitic, advertising flier for the Der Stürmer newspaper showing photographic images of the “devilish grins” of Jews. The text claims that Jews are born criminals, who are incapable of laughter, and can only smile nefariously, which implies their untrustworthy nature. Two versions of the flier were published: this one with red lettering and an advertisment on the bottom, and one with black-and-white text without a bottom advertisement. The antisemitic newspaper was founded by Julius Streicher and published from 1923 to 1945. Striecher used the paper as a platform to foment public hatred...

  18. Barbie Trial -- Day 10 -- Victims testify

    Lise Lesevre: Resistance member. She was arrested by the Gestapo on March 13, 1943 while she carried a letter addressed to Didier, the false name of a Resistance leader. She was then interrogated and tortured by Barbie: hung by hand cuffs with spikes, forced under freezing water in a bathtub, and beaten with a spiked ball against her back which broke a vertebrae. She was condemned to death by a German military tribunal for "terrorism" but was placed in the wrong cell and deported to Ravensbruck instead. Her husband died at Dachau and her son was killed in a detention center in Neuengamme at...

  19. Barbie Trial -- Day 15 -- Two civil parties testify

    17:22 President Cerdini calls the next civil party, Mr. Isidore Friedler, to the stand; Mr. Friedler presents himself to the court 17:23 The civil party testifies; Mr. Friedler was living in Belgium with his extended family when the Nazis invaded in 1940; they fled for the French free zone, but he was arrested and sent to the Agde work camp before volunteering to go to Germany as a laborer; he worked in Poland as a translator before being allowed to return to France; upon his return to France, he sought to gain entry into the Resistance, and was arrested by the French police and sent to Com...

  20. The Demjanjuk Trial (Series 31.0/23) The hearings in the District Court of Jerusalem

    Correspondence, minutes of meetings and court hearings, judicial inquiries, evidences based primarily on survivor identifications, from the File 373/86 State of Israel, against John (Ivan) Demjanjuk. The trial opened in Jerusalem on February 16, 1987, before a special tribunal comprising Israeli Supreme Court Judge Dov Levin and Jerusalem District Court Judges Zvi Tal and Dalia Dorner. The Israeli court convicted Demjanjuk on April 25, 1988, and sentenced him to death. John (Iwan) Demjanjuk was the defendant in four different court proceedings relating to crimes that he committed while serv...